G10 - Eng - MCQ - 2023-T2-ICT

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Grade 10 Information and Communication Technology I Time 1 hour

Important :
(1) Answer all questions.
(2) In each of the question 1 – 40 pick one of the alternatives (1), (2), (3), (4) which you
consider as correct or most appropriate.
01. A teacher needs to find the average of 1st term marks students. What is the correct order of input,
process and output
(1) Enter the marks, Calculate the marks, Average
(2) Marks, Calculate the average, Average
(3) Input all marks, Add total, Calculate average
(4) Total, Calculated the total, Calculate average

02. What is the disadvantage of using robots in industry

(1) 24-hour services (2) Efficiency
(3) Accuracy (4) High initial cost

03. Consider the following statements and select the most suitable answer.
A- The distance to Kandy from Colombo is 150km
B- The average pass rate for O/L is 85% in K/Dutugamunu Vidyalaya
(1) A is an example for a data while B is an example for an information
(2) Both A and B are examples for data
(3) Both A and B are examples for information
(4) A is an example for an information while B is an example for a data

04. The device which has the fastest data access speed among the following is?
(1) Magnetic disk (2) Memory card
(3) Register memory (4) Compact Disc

05. Which of the following occurred during the evolution of computer technology from the first
generation to the fourth generation?
A. Processing Power is increased
B. Storage capacity is increased
C. Electricity consume power is increased
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only (3) B and C only (4) All A,B and C

06. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) First generation computers were based on vacuum tubes.
(2) Joseph Jacquard introduced the punch card system.
(3) The third generation computers were based on Large Scale Integrated Circuits.
(4) UNIVAC belongs to second generation of computers.


07. E- Government - services website in Sri Lanka is,
(1) www.google.com (2) www.chatgpt.com
(3) www.ikman.lk (4) www.gov.lk

08. Who designed the Analytical Engine?

(1) Charles Babbage (2) Howard Aiken
(3) Joseph Jacquard (4) Blaise Pascal

09. Which Generation computer introduced graphical user interface

(1) Second Generation (2) Third Generation
(3) Fourth Generation (4) Fifth Generation

10. What is the technology used to store data in the Hard Disk?
(1) Optical technology (2) Magnetic technology
(3) Semi-Conductors (4) Electricity

11. What is the classification type used to classify a tablet computer?

(1) Micro Computers (2) Super Computers
(3) Mainframe Computers (4) Mini Computers

12. Cache memory

A. Is in the secondary memory
B. Is small in capacity but very fast
C. Is a volatile Memory
What is the correct statement/s from above,
(1) A only (2) A and B only
(4) B and C only (4) All A, B and C

13. What is the incorrect statement from the given statements?

(1) Gottfried Leibnitz modified the Adding machine
(2) Vacuum tubes are used to create microprocessors
(3) Integrated circuits used less electricity than Transistors
(4) Analytical Engine was created using punch card system

14. The capacity of a RAM is 4GB. It is equal to,

(1) 4096 Bytes (2) 4096 KB
(3) 4096 MB (4) 4096 TB

15. What is the Network Topology used in the given image?

(1) Bus Topology
(2) Ring Topology
(3) Mesh Topology
(4) Tree Topology

16. What is/are the correct statement/statements from the following,

A- Both Bar Code Reader and MRI Scanner use scanning technology
B- CRT monitors uses more electricity than LCD monitors
C- A printout taken from an impact printer is more costly than a printout taken from a non-
impact printer
02. A only (2) A and B only
03. B and C only (4) All A, B and C


17. Which is the smallest unit for measuring data storage?
(1) Kilobyte (2) Bit (3) Byte (4) Nibble

18. Which of the following number system does ‘480’ belong to?
(1) Octal only (2) Decimal only
(3) Decimal and Hexadecimal only (4) Decimal and Octal only

19. The equivalent of the number 2410 is,

(1) 268 (2) 628 (3) 101012 (4) 110002

20. What is the value of the symbol ‘A’ in the hexadecimal number system equals to?
(1) 10112 (2) 11012 (3) 138 (4) 128

21. Which of the following BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) value represents the smallest value?
(1) 0111 1001 (2) 1000 0000
(4) 1001 0101 (4) 1001 1001

22. Which of the following represents the units of measurements of data in computer systems in the
‘descending’ order of their size?
(1) Byte, Bit, Kilobyte, Terabyte (2) Megabyte, Byte, Kilobyte, Terabyte
(3) Terabyte, Kilobyte, Byte, Bit (4) Terabyte, Gigabyte, Kilobyte, Megabyte

23. Which of the following is approximately equivalent to one Megabyte (MB)?

(1) 1 x 103 KB (2) 1 x 103 bytes (3) 1 x 109 bytes (4) 1 x 103 GB

24. If ‘1001000’ represents “H” in ASCII, what character does ASCII ‘1001001’ represent?
(1) A (2) C (3) E (4) I

25. In the following diagram Logic gates A, B, C are indicated respectively by


26. How many output opportunities exist in a truth table design for a circuit with 3 inputs?
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 8

27. In the logic circuit shown in figure, if the output F is 1, then the inputs A and B should be,
(1) A=1 only
(2) A=1 and B=1
(3) A=0 and B=1
(4) A=0 and B=0

28. The output (X) of an AND gate with three inputs as A, B and C can be,
(1) X = A.B.C (2) X = A.B.C (3) X = A+ B + C (4) X= A+B+C


29. What is the correct truth table for the given logic circuit?


(1) (2) (3) (4)

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

30. While choosing subjects for a course, a candidate is required to choose Mathematics (M) and Sinhala
(S) compulsorily and they can choose either Computer Science (C) or Business Accounting (A).
Candidate’s choice of subjects is indicated by which of the following?

(1) M OR C AND ( C OR A) (2) (M AND S) OR (C AND A)

(3) M AND S OR C OR A (4) (M AND S) AND (C OR A)

31. In Microsoft Word, how can you insert special characters or symbols?
(1) Go to "Insert → Symbols" and select the symbol
(2) Right-click on the document and choose "Insert Symbol"
(3) Press the "Ctrl + S" keys simultaneously
(4) Type the symbol's code using the keyboard

32. Which feature allows you to add page numbers and header/footer to a document?
(1) Table of Content (2) Footnotes
(3) Styles (4) Header and Footer

33. What is the purpose of using columns in word processing software?

(1) To adjust the margins of the document
(2) To divide the document into sections with multiple columns
(3) To insert images or shapes
(4) To apply different fonts to different sections

34. How can you correct spelling and grammar errors in a document?
A. Press the "Ctrl + C" keys to auto-correct errors
B. Right-click on the incorrect word and select "Correct Spelling"
C. Use the "Review → Spelling and Grammar" option
(1) A only (2) B and C only
(3) A and B only (4) All A, B and C

35. What is the purpose of the "Find and Replace" feature in word processing?
(1) To change the font style of the entire document
(2) To find the document's title
(3) To search for specific words and replace them with others
(4) To print the document with a different layout


 Answer the questions 36 to 40 using the spreadsheet given below

36. What is the spreadsheet function that should be written to get the answer in column D1?
(1) A1+B1 (2) =A1:B1 (3) =sum(A1:B1) (4) =6+15

37. What is an easy spreadsheet method to get the answer shown in D2 ?

(1) Selecting D1 and dragging down using the fill handle.
(2) Copy and paste the function
(3) Calculate and Type the Answer
(4) Click Insert Function button and select the appropriate function

38. What is the formula that can be used to count the numbers of cells with a value in column A and
column B?
(1) sum(A1:B3) (2) =avg(A1:B3) (3) =count(A1+B3) (4) =count(A1:B3)

39. If you want to subtract the value in column A from the value in column B, what is the correct formula
that can be used?
(1) =B1-A1 (2) =Subtract(B1:A1) (3) (B1-A1) (4) =(A1-B1)

40. If you want to find the smallest number in the cell range A1:D3, what is the function that can be used
(1) =max(A1:D3) (2) =min(A1:D3) (3) min(A1:B3) (4) =(A1:D3)


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