G10 Eng Paper 2 2023-T2 !CT

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Grade 10 Information And Communication Technology II Time: 2 hour

 Answer five (05) questions only, Including first question and four others.
 First question carries 20 marks and each of other questions carries 10 marks.

I. Match the E Government Services with examples using numbers from 1 to 4 and labels from A to

E Government
No Label example
1 G2G A Gazettes and circulars
2 G2B B Embassy and Visa Facilities
3 G2E C Passports Facilities
4 G2C D Stock market information

II. A circuit has two switches A and B and a bulb Q. When either switch A or switch B or both
switches are on the bulb is lit.
a) Write the Boolean expression to light the bulb.
b) What will be the state (lit/off) of the bulb (Q) when switch A off and switch B on?
III. Consider the following logic circuit diagram.


a) write the Boolean expression to the output X
b) Construct the truth table for the above logic circuit.

IV. Draw the Star Topology Network with five computers and write one advantage and one
disadvantage of this Topology

V. Match ports in column A with the devices in column B.

01 PS/2 port A Printer
02 Parallel Port B Computer Monitor
03 RJ 45 port C Key Board
04 HDMI port D Ethernet cable

VI. Put a () mark if the following tasks can be done using word processing software and a () mark if

A. Presenting of data using a tables.

B. Adding color to a page in a document.
C. Analyzing a sample of data using a line chart.
D. Creating personalized letters for a large number of recipients.

VII. Match short cut keys in column A with their functions in column B according to the word
processing software.
01 CTRL + C A Undo
02 CTRL + K B Copy
03 CTRL + V C Hyper link
04 CTRL + Z D Paste
VIII. Convert the binary number 10101010 into decimal number system.
IX. Convert the C516 number into Octal number system.

X. Indicate true / false in the following statements regarding electronic spreadsheet software.
Statement True/False
1 Ctrl + End key combination makes the last cell of the worksheet as the active cell
2 Writing the formula D2=A2*B2 in the D2 cell will calculate the relevant
3 The alignment of the numeric data entered into a cell is right aligned.
4 Fill method (using Fill handle) is not a suitable method to copying formula

I. a) Draw the logic circuit corresponding to the Boolean expression 𝑄 = 𝐴𝐶̅ + (𝐴 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
+ 𝐵).
b) Construct the corresponding truth table.
II. An alarm system was required to be installed in the school for security reasons. Relevant sensors should
be installed at office entrance (O), computer lab entrance (C) and storage room entrance (S). If someone
tries to open these doors, the system should be alerted. Draw the logic circuit for school alarm system
according to this scenario. (Note that doors open status = 1 and alarm status = 1)
I. Identify the following details are data or information
a) Pavithra , 89,75 ……………………
b) National Identify card Number ……………………
c) Tallest Boy Piyal ……………………
d) 13 of October 2023 ……………………
e) Picture ……………………

II. Fill the following blanks using the list of words given below

List: Blaise Pascal/ Adding Machine/Joseph Jacquard/ Analytical Engine / Ada Augusta Lovelace

a) Punch card is introduced by…………………..………………………….

b) …………………………………is a device designed by Charles Babbage
c) Adding Machine is invented by …………………………………………….
d) ……………………… is considered as the first programmerග
e) ………………………… is considered as first mechanical computer
III. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)..

a) A CAT machine is used to obtain three-dimensional (3D) images of the body [ ]

b) An EEG machine is used to monitor the heartbeat. [ ]
c) MRI machine is used to record brain activity [ ]
d) Meteorological machines use analog signals [ ]
e) MICR machine is used to correct MCQs in exam papers [ ]
I. If character ‘p’ is represented in the ASCII table as 11210, write down the binary representation of the
word ‘no’ using 7 bits for each character.
II. Name two coding systems used to represent characters (e.g.: @, 5, B, …) in computers.
III. Find the number of bits in a 16 GB flash memory.
IV. Convert 37110 number into octal number..
I. Write 2 example each for volatile memory and non-volatile memory

II. Write the 3 classification methods of computer according to technology


B Main/Primary Memory C

Memory Registers

Control Unit

Data/Instructions Control/Command

I. Name the parts defined by letters A, B, C, D and E in the following diagram

II. Write 2 examples each for A, B and C
III. Write the two types of communication media and write 2 examples each
IV. Write an advantage and a disadvantage for computer networking.

6. The following spreadsheet is used to calculate the selling prices and the profit made from the
sale of some food items available for sale in the Canteen of Isuru Maha Vidyalaya Mahava.
1 Selling Cost Selling
Food Item Cost Quantity Price Amount Amount Profit
2 T-Bun Rs. 50.00 50 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 2,500.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 500.00
3 Fish Bun Rs. 60.00 25 Rs. 75.00 Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 1,875.00 Rs. 375.00
4 Egg Bun Rs. 70.00 50 Rs. 100.00 Rs. 3,500.00 Rs. 5,000.00 Rs. 1,500.00
5 Sausage Bun Rs. 80.00 20 Rs. 120.00 Rs. 1,600.00 Rs. 2,400.00 Rs. 800.00
6 Chicken Bun Rs. 80.00 25 Rs. 120.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00
7 Fish Pastry Rs. 60.00 25 Rs. 80.00 Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 500.00
8 Vegi Pastry Rs. 60.00 25 Rs. 80.00 Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 500.00
9 Chicken
Pastry Rs. 80.00 20 Rs. 100.00 Rs. 1,600.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 400.00
10 Dough Nut Rs. 100.00 10 Rs. 120.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,200.00 Rs. 200.00
11 Rs.
Total 16,700.00 Rs. 22,475.00 Rs. 5,775.00
12 Rs.

I. Give the formula for calculating the total of Cost Amount in cell E11
II. Give the formula for calculating the Total selling Amount in cell F11
a) Give the formula for calculating Profit From T-Bun in cell G2
Profit = Amount – Cost Amount
b) After calculating the profit in cell G2, what spreadsheet method can be used to immediately
copy it to cell G10?

IV. What is the formula used to calculate the cost amount in cell E2?
Cost Amount = Cost x Quantity
V. Write the formula used to calculate the total profit in cell G11.

I. Identify the following icons (A to D) used in a word processing software. Use the terms
given in the list below.
(Font Colour, Bullets, Center Align, Highlighter)


Dear Students,

B We are excited to announce the upcoming Sports Meet at our

school! It is time to showcase your athletic talents and team
Event Details:

 Date: 20.10.2023
D  Time: 9.00 am
 Venue: School Ground

Activities I
Events Time
1. Track and Field Events 9.00 – 12.00
2. Team Sports 1.00 – 4.00
3. Fun Relay Races
4.00 – 5.00
4. Prize Distribution
For any further information or queries, please contact the
school office or www.school.com
Picture 1
This document has been created using a word processing software, and it closely resembles the layout
shown in Picture 1. The sections where formatting adjustments have been made are marked with lettered
labels A to J. In Picture 2, you will find a set of tools numbered from 1 to 16. Your task is to correctly
identify the numbers corresponding to the tools used for formatting this document.

Picture 2

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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