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Fatima Bint Muhammad al-Fihriyya

Have you heard of any in uential women? There are many remarkable women who’ve contributed a
lot to our world. Fatima al- Fihriyya is an Arab woman who strived to make the world a better place.

Fatima’s life includes her family, birthplace , and accomplishments. First, Fatima al- Fihriyya was born
around 800 AD in the town of Kairouan, in present-day Tunisia .Although her family didn’t start out
wealthy, her father Mohammed al-Fihriyya later became a famous merchant. When he died, this wealth
was inherited to Fatima, and her sister Maryam. Secondly, Fatima and her sister used their father’s
wealth to build mosques for their community. Fatima founded Al-Qarawiyyin. Finally ,The al-Qarawiyyin
mosque-religious college, became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers in the world.
Fatima’s legacy continues to live on to this day.

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