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Bougara Omer Secondary School 2023/2024 2ndYear FL

Name : Time:2hours

First Term English Exam

Peace is one the most essential things we need to make us succeed. Without it there will be conflicts
and wars, and we all will be too busy trying to protect our lives and the lives of those we care the most.
During wars, we will have bad conditions of life. The constant fear of being captured or even death will
eat our brain, so it will be impossible to create wonderfulness in the midst of war.
The consequences of the absence of peace in our world are so terrifying. Imaginge how conflicts can
break apart families, friends, communities, and nations. Our friends can be our enemies. The lovethat we
once share can disappear just like that due to non existence of peace. Without peace, the possibility to lose
everything that we have is also at the biggest. Wars have been long known as the biggest life taker ever.
Lots of people die during wars. If there is no peace in this world, we and our beloved can die. Imaging the
pain of losing someone that you love. Not only losing them, but you can also lose every thing you have or
earn. Bombing during wars can destroy your houses and your belongings. You have nothing left but this
emptiness that you feel due to your loss.
With peace, you can live side by side with everyone. You will not spend your mind, your
energy,and your money on wars. Instead, you can spend them on trying to innovate something that can
bring welfare to the entire world. That is why peace is very important in our lives, and in our world.

Part one :
A/- Reading/Interpreting :(7pts)
1-Say whetherthe following statements are true or false.(2pts)
a.People won’t be able to protect themselves and their families during wars.
b.During wars people always facethe risk of dying.
c.Conflict and wars are affecting our life positively.
d.Peace provides psychological comfort for everybody.
2- Answer the questions from the text : (3pts )
a-What are the effects of conflicts and wars on people’s lives? Give three examples
b-Why is peacevery important in ourlives ?
c-Does peace contribute to the well –being of people?
3- What or Who do the underlined words refer to in the text ?(1.5)pt)
It(1§)=........... That(2§)=............ Them(3§)=.............
4- Give a title to the text (0.5pt)
B/- Text exploration (7pts)
1-Find in he text words that are closest in meaning to the following words :(1.5pt)
Disputes(1§)= .................Results(2§)=...................Necessary(3§)=..............
2-Complete the following table :(1pt)

Verb Noun Adjective

To devastate ……….. ……………..
///////////////////// Poverty ……………
To free ……….. Free
3- Give the correct form of the idiom verbs between brackets.(1.50 pts)

a- In the past, the league of Nations(can)………..solve some problems.

b- The United Nation (not be able to)……………solve the Palastenian case.
c- The general secretary of the UNO promissed he (be able to) …………putt an end to the
wars in next decades.
4-Re-Write sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. (1pts)
a.The UN security council is obliged to solvesome conflicts between countries.
b.The UN securitycouncil…………………………………………………….
a.We are prohibited to forget the French colonialism.b.We are
5- Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final /S/. (1pt)

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

6-Fill in the gaps with the following words. One word is odd(1pts)

Individuals - conflicts - peaceful- racism- destruction

People often try to make peace because ……………………….. and war always lead to
badconsequences such as casualties, suffering and ……………………... . Peace is very importantbetween
countries and …………………………. . Therefore, some people do their best to stop the conflicts and
settle disputes in a ........................ way.

C/- Written Expression (6pts): Choose ONE topic of the following: Topic One:
You are the Algerian embassador, and you are very concerned about the Palestinian cause, white a
paragraph in which you call upon the UNO and the international community to interverne and try to find
solutions to the cause.

The following notes may help you:

1-Palestinians have the right for equality and justice.

2-Palestinians are suffering from brutal actions.

3-It’s the UNO duty to help them.

Topic Two: Our way of clothing have completely changed. Nowadays, people no longer wear traditional
clothes as our grandparents used to do. Write a paragraph in which you compare between Algerian
clothes in the past and in the present, and try to predict how it will be in the future.

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