1 - Guided Learning Questions Lecture 1 - Chapter 1.2-1.3

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Information for assigned reading, Guided Learning Questions (GLQs) and Connect homework

1. The information in your reading assignments should be considered testable material.
2. For ALL assigned reading:
a. You should know and understand ALL terms the book has that are in BOLD type.
b. The terms in bold should be considered your vocabulary terms that we will be using
as we learn the language of microbiology.
c. The Guided Learning Questions should be done as you are READING the assignment.
d. Anki cards for this week are designed to help you understand this material.
3. Since we will just be starting Anki, Poll Everywhere and AI this week, we will be using this first
week for practice. We will be discussing all of this in class.
a. You will not be graded on Poll Everywhere questions for the week of Aug. 22/24
b. We will be turning in the heat map just for practice on Sunday, Aug. 27
c. You will not be graded on the AI information you find and discuss.
Reading assignment, and Guided Learning Questions (GLQs): Ch.1.2-1.3 (Page 5-17)
1. Read Chapter 1.2: General introduction to the Microbiome: Most of Chapter 1.2 is NOT going
to be on an exam, it is primarily to give you an introduction to the wide variety of ways that
microbes impact our lives, OTHER than disease. (“The Focus on a Case”on page 9 will be
discussed in another class).

 What is the definition for a microbiome?

i. (1) the total genetic content of a microbial community and
ii. (2) the microbial community itself.

2. Chapter 1.3:
 Name the major difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote cell:

o Prokaryotes do not have a membrane bound nucleus and their genetic material is

located in the nucleoid. Eukaryotes have membrane bound nucleus where the genetic

material is found(often have multiple membrane-bound organelles)

o Pro-lacking true nucleus

 What is a major structural difference between bacteria and archaea?

o Archaeal cell wall does not contain a peptidoglycan(only in bacteria) and a bacterial

wall does. Archaeal cells use appendages for motility vs bacterial flagella. Archaea also

have characteristic nucleotide sequences in their ribosomal RNA that differs greatly

from bacteria

o peptidoglycan

 Proteins and carbs

 What are the three domains for living things?

1. Bacteria---prokaryotes (unicellular)

2. Archaea--prokaryotes

3. eukarya

 Which component of a scientific name is always capitalized?

o Genus first part of name(capitalized first letter), specific epithet or species is not

capitalized…both usually italicizes or underlined

 Which component is different between the scientific names of Escherichia coli and Escherichia
o The site where the organism lives (coli-colon)(vulneris-of wound)

 Draw a diplococcus Draw a streptobacillus

 What is the difference between a vibrio and a spirilium?

o Vibrio are a short curved rod and spirilium are a curved rod long enough to form


 What is the name for a multicellular fungi?

o Mold?????????

 Describe morphology of a protozoan:

o Oval or spherical, others elongated

 What are the two primary components of a virus?

o Nucleic acid packaged within a protein coat

Start filling out an organism card for the following for

Table 21.14 Covid-19 p.569-572
Answer the following questions regarding this organism:
What kind of microbe is this?
Thinking question:
What does the genome for this organism look like? How are viruses transmitted?
contains four structural proteins, that include spikes, envelope, membrane, and
nucleocapsid proteins. Viruses are transmitted by respiratory droplets

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