GRQ 17 Cardiac3

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Guided reading questions #17: Cardiac Muscles 3

Skim 17.4 as necessary to refresh your memory

Read Ch17.5

Q1. What is the difference between heart rate and stroke volume? How are they related?
Heart rate is the number of cycles through the cardiac cycle and stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped out
of the left ventricle during each systolic cardiac contraction. They are related because the determine the CO, or
cardiac output which is the amount of blood pumped by the heart every minute
Q2a. True or False: After each contraction, the chambers of the heart are empty.
False. There is always residual blood left in each chamber. In the ventricles I think it is called Venus return

Q2b. What is end diastolic volume and how much is it (in mL)?
EDV is amount of blood within a fully relaxed ventricle 120mL
Q2c. What is end systolic volume and how much is it (in mL)?
ESV is the amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction 50mL
Q2d. When in the cardiac cycle does each occur?

Q3a. What is preload and what is afterload and what is the difference between them?
Preload is the amount of tension of the ventricular muscle prior to its contraction
Afterload is the pressure that the ventricles have to overcome to force open the semilunar valves
Exam the image below and create a short caption to accompany it.
Q4. What is the Frank-Sterling Law?
The force or tension developed in a muscle fiber depends on the extent to which the fiber is stretched
Q5. What is the difference between an intrinsic and an extrinsic regulation mechanism for stroke volume?
Intrinsic- by the heart itself
Extrinsic-influence of nerve innervation and hormones. NE and E from Chromaffin cells in adrenal medulla
Q6. Consider Figure 17.21. How does norepinephrine affect heart rate & stroke volume? Which of these factors are
intrinsic? Which are extrinsic?
NE increase heart rate and increases stroke volume. Heart rate is extrinsic (adrenal medulla) and stroke volume is
intrinsic within the heat itself.
Q7. Why can’t the cardiac contraction be regulated by recruiting additional motor units?
The cardiac contraction can’t be regulated by recruiting additional motor units because all of the motor units are
already working, there are no more to recruit*************

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