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Netwosk Secuity Avci talne

Ciphe ciphes Plan
text text text text

Seudu Recea
(EnLuptieo) (Decyptio)
Tu ciphei, Theplantkxt is comyetad cuto ciphu
text wit5 the help of key and tha cipuat u
tauemited thuoudh a k to the reerer side
The seaivedmesage &ao acpheutt theu t
Lol be decodd stt, the hely cf the key aud tiud
the metsage (plantxt)
The ky Wsed fo Seuuand ecelven sleust
be same
Stausards Orgauisator
>National lusttu Cteudads & Techuor(NIST
->luteet Society (soc)
>tutewatioval Telecomnwication union Telecom
wndeaion Ctaudardization sedor(ITU-T)
>luteuaional Orgzation tor stautdization
’RSA abs (de facto)
Conpulz ecut:
The protecion atbovded to an aubmald
uomaion System fn odu to attah the
applicatle obýecHves of preieuing the kuegrn
aNalabilly aud coidntiaiy f afomation
Sysle ve kouaceA (encludes hasae, sohtoe
onmwne omtonydata awd teleeamusiation,
key Sacuity Coxepa Contilataliy
Secuity Tiadi

Tategily Suiccs
Aviltay Avilability
Exanyeles of Suity Requinenadi
Confdutialty stdut qrales
lategity paktieut infomadion
Availabit athoulicatioo Sewkes
Authenicy- admission tHcke
hon-epudiation Stock sel Ode
OSI Seeuty Aiteclue
aclitectue coutals 3arpecla
(O Secui Atack
SecutyMechavism (contisl)
Scait Seice

Secuty Atacdks OlaseHalto kleutify

easy to YecOven
Compiicl the
Secsily AHack
-Active- Eayto idutity
had to ecowe
fascive Alacka (a)

Read conenta f neage

bom A to B.


Tratie aualyic:

‘ obeene taic pattes


Active Atacks. (4)


elock dalieuy of msage

Caplue tnsdaqe hon Ato B
lata eplay mwkoge to B


Modificakon attack

|Modify meege


Denial of Seice!
Secaity Sevices:

Acesconiol -peicions/Rules

( Ttegil No modifiotion sane in Seuds ecahvA

9 Non- Repudation side (As e'
Nelok Oryiplion vesponlity
Seeuity Mechanisms
a liypes
OSpecihic Secuity Mechanisn-encorpote coith lasespsda
OPavasive Seculy Mechanism-Gusaliu t nahocsk

Spcite Secuity
(2py) Mechawisrs a of 8grek
1. Erciphement-o
comisic has willthásbe data y/only Tso peukons wetonk &
2.Digital sqnatuu the-conhidutialy-enption
erbededuth the NUsase Sothat
3 Access Conteol Conblsuiality tat sedey seicl that ecee
4. Datafteqiy No'odihicain m tee lata
S. Auttenication cchange peiadally tey chaus sore cote
commucation ep ßtt be flleel.
8 Notasiakon- cotjicate
7.Routing Conol-By spei blig the nuute
Poovasive Seuity Mechaisms
1 Fruslid buncionaly receved
2, Sesy Label-Uatfag bouy te label
3. Event detection-befove ay aon eweut mt be mcvaCd
Secs Audit tial-scay tean -Agtckeon tu data 't prorte
s Secusi ecovy

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