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Ada’s daring rescue of Luis is cut short by the black rope.

They are forced to part ways, but not before Luis tells
Ada to meet him at the church. He better have the Amber before she does…

So he wants me to retrieve the Amber. An object of ill omen. What terrible actions will be done in its name? and
who will pay its dark cost? Because in this world someone always pays. Best not to ask who or why? I
understood that. Made my peace with it until that one night in Raccoon City… changed everything.

- I’m heading to meet Luis at the rendezvous point now.

- I’m seeing increased movement from Los Illuminados. Don’t get careless.
- Copy, Ada out. Almost at the church.

Activity 1) Vocabulary list

Daring recue Rescate audaz

Cut short by Interrumpido por
Part ways separarse
Better have Sera mejor que tenga
Of ill omen De mal aguero
Best not to ask Mejor no preguntar
Made my peace with Hice las pases con
I’m heading to Estoy camino a
Rendezvous point Punto de encuentro
Increased movement of Mayor movimiento de
Get careless Bajar la guardia

Ada’s daring rescue of Luis is cut short by the black rope. They are forced to part ways, but not before Luis
tells Ada to meet him at the church. He better have the Amber before she does…

So he wants me to retrieve the Amber – an object of ill omen. What terrible actions will be done in its name?
and who will pay its dark cost? Because in this world someone always pays. Best not to ask who or why. I
understood that. Made my peace with it until that one night in Raccoon city changed everything.

-I’m heading to meet Luis at the rendezvous point now.

-I’m seeing increased movement of Los Illuminados. Don’t get careless.

 That’s no way to finish a dance. Your favourite, I believe.
 Excellent timing, Ada. You know how I feel about being tied up. And yes, many thanks. You see, those
annoying monks took everything from me.
 Including the Amber.
 No, cleverly hidden, just before they grabbed me.
 Well then, lead the way.
 My pleasure…
 We’ve got company. They’re looking for us. But we’re taking the high road. Got it?
 Understood
 Up you go Luis. Fetch the Amber, we’ll meet up later
 No, sorry. What kind of man leaves a lady.
 Then, we meet at the church. Let’s not make it a funeral.
 Not bad. But not nearly good enough.

Escape the dungeons Escapa de los calabozos

You know the terms Conoces el acuerdo
We’re good Esta todo bien
Head for Dirigete hacia
Find a clue on Encuentra un pista sobre
Hope there’s a lead on Espero haya una pista sobre
Flee from Huye de
Looks like.. Parece que
I gave them the slip Escape de ellos.
Not a soul in sight Ni un alma a la vista
I might be a while Podria tardar un rato
To what do I owe A que debo
See that you remain an asset, and not a liability Ve que sigas siendo un recurso,
y no una carga
Just get it done Solo hazlo
To Back me up Para ayudarme

Clementes’s appeal


If you pay it some thought, it is unusual that Isidro let me go.

Ever since that beast in the black robe struck me with something,

I have been feeling strange. I have started seeing thing, having visions.

The sky itself looks like that of another world. And then, that thing comes.

Only now there are many hundreds. Master, I beg you! Please!

Is there a way to escape this horror?

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