English Passages

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• stereotypes
• history /// bananas
• human character

• Providing education
• Strong controlling measures
• Anti-discrimination campaigns

In my opinion, prejudice is one of the key factors of discrimination. It is perfectly clear
that most people do not want to be treated this way. Nevertheless, the world is replete
with pre-judgement. Treatment of other people
is seminal Not only do we need to eradicate prejudice, but we also must provide proper
education in order to create a peaceful co-existence. Only if people behave properly,
without fights we have a chance to survive in this enormous universe. Otherwise, our
beloved race is doomed to extinction.

• Efficiency at work
• Room for newcomers
• Passing on experience
• Cycle of life (some come some go)

• new life
• possibilities
• discovering new culture

• abandoning home
• Chance of not fitting
• Unknown world/people

• Treatment of people with indifference
• people’s mood

I slightly disagree with the statement. Yes, more people mean fewer working places.
Yes, more people mean more government spending. However, it also gives an
opportunity to pay taxes. Government is known to be borrowing money from the
bank in order to pay the bills and debt.
In my opinion sustainability of local population
is impervious. The government is always going to be willing to keep Locals rather than
welcome more migrants. Some are totally unaware of that side of the coin, furthermore,
they are conjuring up argument that sometimes may be irrelevant.

• for some people not possible

• Own land
• All things one owns

• Eliminate discrimination
• Close up the gap in society

• New ideas
• Opens the mind
• broadening perspectives
• opportunities


Nowadays, all IT companies are rushing with development of gadgets in order to make
our lives easier. Even though some people are impervious to changes, others succumb to
the will of improvement. Especially technology influences education. It gives the ability
to see different perspectives, learn less obvious things through experience. For example,
we all can agree that school cannot organise the trip to Pacific Ocean, right? But with the
help of virtual reality headsets, students are free to submerge into the world that seems
too far away. This way technology proves to be a useful tool in education of younger

Achievements trigger a part of our mind that produces various hormones. When we
succeed, the brain sends the signal to our body that we have achieved something. Then,
the same hormone that represents happiness appears and our body feels like everything is
light/easy. Furthermore, people who achieve something throughout the day tend to feel
more relaxed because of the hormone. This leads to better mental health, stable emotional
state and hence feeling of happiness. However, even though this is a salient feature of our
lives, the effect achievement has on the body does not last long.

 In many ways they are similar
 Success – achievement, has a short term effect
 Happiness – long term effect, doesn’t necessarily rely on success

 It is definitely a part of it
 Without money it is hard to live freely and become happy
 Tramps also exist, but few people understand them

 Hedonism
 Eudaimonia
 Some believe yes, some – no

The religion has started many years ago. It lived with people every day and was not
excludable from a regular day/life. People used to make excuses for everything unknown
to them and explaining it with religion. Nowadays, people know vastly about space,
natural processes and human body. There is no longer a need for explanation of different
facts, because the scientists will prove anything. The only thing that is left for religion is
luck. People praise the God in order to be lucky, healthy. Things that are a part of the
system are rarely affected by it. However, people do not lose hope.

 Hinduism
 Judaism
 Christianity
 Islam
 Buddhism

 Buddhism
 My father`s connection
 Karma, endless knot

 Culture
 Society
 Age
 Parents

 Stereotypes
 Beliefs
 Loyalty
 Roots
 Background

English is a combination of many languages. From French and German to Latin. This is
all because of the history. If only William the Conqueror hadn’t brought the words such
as advice, habit, origin… Hence, thanking all the languages English has connections to it
has become the most widely used language in the world. It is also referred to as “lingua
franca”, which in translation means common language. No matter where we go, almost
every human speaks English. From small villages to skyscraper cities. It is unequivocal
that this is the language of communication in the 21st century.

 New discoveries – new words
 Generations bring new
 Some words die out, because of no usage
 We may appreciate the ancient times and language
 Comparison new – old

 Brings new aspects of life
 Cultural differences
 Background of one`s identity

Culture is considered to be an integral part of some nations. For example, in Africa
people tend to widen their ear holes in order to look beautiful by their culture`s standards.
As well as in Africa, in Europe people put on the makeup, new clothes, accessories.
Weight is infamous opponent of beaty there. Why all these standards are different? In my
opinion, they are heavily influenced by the culture of the nation. Seldom can we see the
same criteria for people to be considered beautiful. Pale skin, being thin, clothes,
scarification, tattoos. All of these differ with the traditions of indigenous people to that

 Self-acceptance
 Improvement
 Becoming the better version of oneself

 It is a good thing
 Teens see the flaws an try to correct them
 Life is hard every day, even if one cannot change the appearance
 Preparation for adult life

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