Paper 1 - Christmas Term Test 2022 Form 5

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a ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE CHRISTMAS TERM TEST 202.2 FORM FIVE SPANISH PAPER 1 TIME: #5 MINUTES READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 60 items. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. ornot be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there ace items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening 10 or reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the sps having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample hem Venezuela es... (A) unpais ‘Sample Answer (B) una colonia (©) una ciudad @®DOO (©) __uncontinente ‘The best answer to this item is “un pais”, so (A) has been shaded. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you shade in your new choice ‘The supervisor will tell you when to start and stop working on the different parts of this te: Follow the instructions which you will hear. 7 ITEMS 1-30 PARTA LISTENING COMPREHENSION 48 minutes _. SECTION I Insution For each question in this section you wil ear a single sentence Choose from the four aida in your test booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, fe the corresponding space on the answer sheet. For example, you hear: E] muchacho va a corres. You see: =. oO D Will be read twice and will be followed by one question of incomplete statement suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet, For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will SECTION I — Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a number of sentences, Each sentence iMami, tengo muchisima sed! (Iwice) {Qué quiere esta persona? mining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. | (A) Unmédico Sample Answer | (B) Una bebida (C) Una galleta ®2@O©® (D) Una manzana | After ex | | The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet 9 (A) Rica 13, (A) Enlacalle (B) —Desolada (B) Enel campo (C) — Contenta (C) — Enuna casa (D) — Frustrada (D) — Enuna tienda 10. (A) —_ joyeria 14. (A) Feliz Navidad! oe fruteria (B) {Buen provecho! (C) — zapateria (C) iQue lo pasen bien! (D) carniceria (D) {Que les vaya bien! i ‘icias MM. (A) Con frio 15. (A) Malas not (B) Con calor (B) Buenas noticias (C) Con suefio (C) — Cuentos interesantes (D) Con hambre (D) _ Informaciones nuevas 12. (A) Cansadi 16. (A) ___iral baiio 8 tote . (B) salir del restaurante (C) Contenta (C) _ sentarse para comer (D) — Trabajadora (D) pedir informacién sobre un piste ene vie ttt pmonanmmmnents or satect ‘he vend tmtee Fae enc 4 cae be ecormmepeoneding ypewce OF YOUF Fie Selection Second Selection 12 (A) Onn vem 20 (A) Emlasoniias det mar o Ung torments cud Ee bas onitian del rho « Une epitome (CY Ente prscine om Ln accidente wm Enel bance: » tA) May tempran: mM (A) Ei nadador (8) Ammedianoxie (B) El pescador (C) Por tatarde (C) Et policia - wm Al mvedvodin «py El salvavidas: 19 (A) Mal tiempo 22 (A) Hablar con et jefe (B) Vaanevar (B) No pewcar en ¢l mar (C) Buen tempo (C) — Bafiarse cerca de ta playa (D) Tiempo esplendido (D) — Nohacer caso a los anuncios NOW GET READY FOR SECTION IV LN WHICH A PASSAGE IS GOING TO BE READ TO YOU. Instructions: A passage in Spanish has just been read to you. You may now study the questions and make notes. ‘You must select the BEST answer and shade the e sponding letter on the answer sheet provided. “The Birthday Paty PARTA PART B 23. Which birthday was Manuel celebrating? 27. What did Manuel do in the morning? (A) His 8th (A), He visited his grandfather. (8) His 9th (B) He went to buy presents, (©) His 10th (C) He climbed a mountain. (D) His 16th (D) He got dressed. 24. What was special about this occasion? 28. What special gift did Manuel receive? (A) He could invite all his friends. (A) Aprinter (B) His favourite teacher would be (B) AniPod there. (C) Asmart phone (C)__Allhis family members would be (D) Acomputer 7 there. (D) It was the first time he would celebrate with a party. 29. How did Manuel feel when he returned home? 28. Who had planned the celebration? (A) Tired (B) Anxious (A) His parents (C) Surprised (B) His classmates (D) Overwhelmed (C)__ His Spanish teacher (D) His relatives 30. Why did the guests enjoy themselves? 26. Why did the planners take pleasure in (A) The music was great. organizing this party for Manuel? (B) Everyone got parting gifts. (C) The house was well decorated. (A) They enjoyed planning parties. (D) There was much to eat and drink. (B) Manuel would normally plantheir parties, (C) He was kind and hardworking, (D) — Hehadfinallyreceived good grades. STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IFYOU CANNOT ANSWERAN ITEM, GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU CAN RETURN TO THAT ITEM LATER. “8 PART DB TEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 40 minutes _ Instructions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space, Below each sentence are four | choices. Select the one which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the corresponding space | om the answer sheet Example: No me levanto temprano porque la oficina esté . hoy. A) rota ‘Sample Answer (B) fuera (D)cenada ®@o@- The correct answer is (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. 31. Rosita sacé una buena nota en el ensayo. 33, _—_Elestudiante habia llegado Por eso se siente . a causa del embotellamiento. (A) aténita (A) tarde @) (B) —atiempo (C) _, satisfecha (C)_— despacio (D) “ descontenta (D) _ temprano 32. Antes de acostarte, por favor, note olvides 34. Cuando sond ... de ......... fa luz, contestarlo. (A) encender (A) lacampana (B) — despertar (B) el teléfono (©) apagar (©) laalarma (D) sacar (D) el dispar 9 No tengo una bluta raja pare ponerme 39 mafana Por te tanto, necesito tr WA) «B) «) ) a Inoficina ata sapates fa Lavanderia ala tienda de ropa Conocemos bien esta aldea porque venimos 38. agai muy (A) atiempo (B) _ amenudo (C) de repente «@) poco a poco V4 camarere me aiid na buna wna on tanta cortesia que te th (A) atta (0) cuenta (C)—_propins (D)—geacins Sefior, Vd. maneja demasiado rapido, por favor, {puede CONDUCIE Hero. 7 (A) despacio (B) en lacarretera (C)__ més ripidamente (D) fuera de la carretera -10- SECTION II | saltcaih For each Instructions: The following example contains blank spaces iadieating a io _ boos blank space there are four suggested answers. Read carefully, then select the choi . the context for each blank space. Then, shade the corresponding space on the answer sheet Example: La casa fue... el afio pasado, y ahora... muy bonita. | > Sample Answer * @® foe * @ ost : ©@6® © tue © fe 2 @@OO ‘The correct answers are (B) and (A) respectively, so you would shade the spaces (B) and (A) for the respective choices. Mis vacaciones La 5 Semana seré la primera semana de mis vacaciones. Ahora mismo no .. > preocupado at 40 sali bien en mis examenes. Al gy 185 vecaciones, pienso iral extranjero con mis padres que siempre +, Mucho dinero en sus compras. jQué 4d tener tales padres! 39. (A) diltima 42, (A) empezar (B) — pasada (B) — empiecen (C) pronto (C) — empiezan (D) préxima (D) — empezarin 40. (A) he 43, (A) han (B) soy (B) — pasan {C) tengo (C) — gastan (D) estoy (D) — esperan 41. (A) cuando 44. (A) calor (B) porque (B) — suefio (C) mientras (C) suerte (D) sin embargo (D) lastima oie | blank ions: The following example contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each anece there are four suggested answers. Read carefully, then select the choice that is BEST in ‘he context for each blank space. Then, shade the corresponding space on the anver cheat Example: SECTION IIT +++ Que ir mafana. | | | | | | (A) Debo ‘Sample Answer (B) Tengo | (©) Insisto ®e@e0Oo® | () — Pregunto | The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. Los planes para e! futuro Anoche, en una . . . en casa de los Hernandez, unos jévenes”amigos de 45 Mariana Heméndez, ... sus planes para el futuro. Mariana les dijo que ... ira... para continuar sus 46 47 48 estudios con especialidad en los negocios. Manuel, . .. a un grupo de chicas, comenté que no... otra 49 50 altemnativa que... médico, puesto que era una tradicién ... su familia, SI 52 45. (A) reunién 48. (A) launiversidad Sl (A) ser (8) _poblacién (8) tabiblioteca (B) volver (©) generacién (©) laiglesia (C) estudiar (©) informacién (D) — Iadiscoteca (D) — entrenarse 46. (A) discutieron 49. (A) poniéndose 82. (A) a (8) hablaron (B) —cepillindose (B) en (©) tomaron (C) acercandose (© por (D) — dieron (Dd) levantindose (D) sin 47. (A) 50. (A) hard @®) (B) tenia © (C) — hacerse (D) (D) — conseguirse SECTION IV Jon. 7 tion is followed | Instructions: Read the following selection carefully for comprehension. sd silo Heaiattes by a number of incomplete statements or questions, Select the complet on delete beech according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding sp sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (a) ems $3.56 refer to the following selection. Bienvenidos a la Hacienda Campo Clarito Esta hacienda es un destino turistico queesti situado entre montafias yFiachuelos. {Piensa casarse pronto y necesita un lugar para pasar su luna de miel? Entonces vaya a Campo Clarito que le ofrece un ambiente tranquilo en medio de la nauraleza, s guiadas, + Montar a caballo, + Visitas. las cuevas cercanas y al Salto Trepa + La serenata de los pajaritos que habitan el lugar. i 7 dias con desayuno incluido por solo mil délarest iHaga su reserva ahora! Comuniquese con nuestro agente el Sr. Miguel Torres al tel: (414) 830 2148 © visite nuestro sitio web: 53, 54, -13- gDéndeestiubicadalahaciendadeCampo 55. Clarito? (A) En lacapital (B) Enel desierto (C) — Enun lugar ruidoso (D) Entre rios y montafias 56. ZA quignes les interesa este anuncio ‘especialmente? (A) (B) © (@) Auna pareja A todo el mundo A los recién casados Al agente Miguel Torres En Campo Clarito se disfruta de A) i) © (@) competencias de baile un ambiente sereno montar en bicicleta una discoteca 4Cémo se puede hacer una reserva? (a) (B) © (D) Participando en una caminata Visitando el Salto Trepa Caminando a las cuevas Por medio de internet side (b) Items $7-60 refer to the following selection Dra. Elsa Ramos & Asociados Servicios Dentales con las técnicas més modernas. ‘Atendemos a pacientes nuevos y las emergencias se atienden el mismo dia. Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios: ~ Odontologia para nifios y adultos - Odontologia cosmética - Anilisis de su sonrisa - Extraceiones = Limpieza dental a un precio especial ~ ~ Blanqueamiento de dientes - 150 Bs 50 Bs Citas disponibles todos los dias hasta las cinco de la tarde. Para consultas gratis Hamar al tel. 416-820-3354 jGarantizamos trabajos dentales de ta més alta calidad! “i 57. Para quignes este servicio? 59. {Qué servicio se puede recibir sin pagar? (A) _ Nifios solamente (A) Una consulta (B), Todas las personas (B) Una limpieza \(C)_Pacientes nuevos (C) — Unaextraccién (D) —_Losasociados (D) Un blanqueamiento 58, A quignes se atiende el mismo dia? 60. {Qué garantia se ofrece al paciente? (A) Ales nifios (A) Unanilisis de su extraccién (B) Los clientes sin cita \B) _ Bxcelentes trabajos dentales (C) — Alos pacientes nuevos (C) Un descuento de 50 Bs (D) Los casos de emergencia (D) Una consulta gratis END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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