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Cybercrime is a social phenomenon that integrates social, economic, political, technological, and

cyber security factors (Chen, S., Hao, M., Ding, F.,, 2023). As days pass by, cybercrime is continuing
to increase, and because of this, many countries have decided to implement mandatory sim card
registration, but some countries have not yet adopted mandatory sim card registration policies.
Mandatory SIM card registration can be described as the process of recording mobile phones with their
personal details for active prepaid SIM cards (Jentzsch, 2020). Jentzsch also added that governments and
regional organizations like the EACO are ostensibly motivated by the belief that forcing customers to
register SIM cards will reduce the opportunities for malevolent actors to use mobile devices
anonymously to undertake unlawful or socially harmful activities. He explains that through sim card
registration, crimes like online scams, identity theft, etc. will reduce the possibilities for criminals to
commit crimes. Other countries didn’t realize that mandatory sim card registration will help their
country to reduce cybercrime especially since it has grown exponentially over the last few decades.
Cybercrime opened a door to criminals. They make this an opportunity to fool people. Phishing remains
the most common form of crime committed online. (Griffiths, 2023) but people should also be aware of
the rapid growth in online scams.

Today in the ever-expanding digitalized world, ordering food home through online services is
extremely popular (Nguyen, 2019). The food delivery industry is growing strong all over the world.
Online food delivery service is a process where the customer can search for the available restaurants
and their orders will be delivered based on their locations by the system in the online food delivery
application. (Chong, K., Nifa, F., Cheah, T. 201). Unfortunately, criminals saw a hole to make this an
opportunity to commit illegal activities. As an example of cybercrime, through food delivery services,
people make fake delivery bookings. Therefore, law enforcement can investigate this issue through sim
card registration and use it as a proactive measure in combatting cybercrime. Even if anonymous SIMs
are difficult to obtain, as Izougu (2010) notes, criminals are likely to adopt one of three tactics: illicit
cloning of third–party SIMs, using foreign SIMs in roaming mode, or adopting Internet and satellite
telephony (Donovan & Martin, 2020). They also explain through SIM card registration somehow helps
them in combatting cybercrimes.

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