Drama Homework

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Drama homework- 12 marker

I would be sat kitting at a table centre stage facing downstage right with Mrs Johnstone
stood dusting, facing away from me centre stage right, I would look deep in thought as I
delivered the line “give one to me” barely moving my lips and staring at my knitting. Mrs
Johnstone would turn sharply round to stare confused and stunned at my words, as she
would be extremely shocked that her mistress has just given such a strange order. Mrs
Johnstone after a pause would then say “what?” moving hesitatingly toward me. I would the
look her in the eye with a fixed eye contact and say confidently, with excitement “give one
of them to me.” Mrs Johnstone would then sit down heavily, on an empty chair at my table
facing centre stage left and look shocked delivering the line “give one to you? in an
inquisitive tone, as she would want to check if she had even heard right. Then I would grab
hold of her hands, wanting to manipulate Mrs Johnstone into thinking that this is for her
good, and look eagerly into her eyes saying “Yes…yes”. Mrs Johnstone would pull her hands
away to show her uncertainty as she says half laughing “but y’ can’t just…” I would but in to
show my seriousness with the line “when are you due?”. Mrs Johnstone would look puzzled
and furrow her brow as she says quietly, “Erm, well, about… Oh but Mrs…” I would then
look impatient and frustrated and try to grab at her arm again pleadingly as I say “Quickly,
quickly, tell me… when are you due.” Mrs Johnstone would pull backwards in her chair
looking almost scared as she says, “July he said, the beginning of…”. I would stand up
triumphantly and pace backwards and forwards as I say “July… and my husband doesn’t get
back until the middle of July. He need never guess…” my face getting more and more
animated as I go through the plan.

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