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237736 Murder and a Meal


The Case: A murder has occurred right here in UI! As top-notch biology students taking Zoo 114 at the University
of Ibadan, you have been asked to assist in the investigation of this most unfortunate incident.

The victim is believed to be 17 year-old Maia Lagbaja. Her room mate said that she left a note in which she had
written that she was going out with a friend, and would be back by 11pm.

Central to identifying the individual who committed this crime is establishing where the victim was the day of the
crime so that detectives can question the individuals with whom the victim came into contact.

An autopsy performed on the victim has revealed that the victim ate just prior to the time of death. Upon questioning
the victim’s friends and family, detectives working the case have learned that the victim enjoyed eating at the following

Pyro Pizza
The victim would never eat wood fired pizza from anywhere else! The victim would typically
order a suya pizza with sausage, pepperoni, and beef.

What macromolecules would you expect to find in the stomach contents of the victim if the victim’s final meal
was eaten here. If the victim ate her final meal here, I would expect to find
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids macromolecules.

Fire on the Mountain

The victim would hang out here to watch sporting events while feasting on suya chicken wings and

What macromolecules would you expect to find in the stomach contents of the victim if the victim,s final meal was
eaten here? If her final meal was eaten here, I would expect to find proteins and lipids
macromolecules. Her stomach would also contain vitamins and a little bit of carbohydrates.

Puree Juice Corner

The victim loved to go here for an afternoon of smoothies complete with a Kunu boost blast. She
would also often grab a chicken sandwich at Inno Bros.

What macromolecules would you expect to find in the stomach contents of the victim if the victims final meal was
eaten here? I would expect to find carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
Background: Some of the biological macromolecules (“biomolecules”) the human body needs for energy, operation,
and building materials are carbohydrates, proteins, fats & lipids, nucleic acids vitamins and salts. These biomolecules
are present in the plants and animals humans use as food. These biomolecules are constructed primarily of carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, & phosphorous. All being very different in their shape however, they each have unique
chemical properties. As a result, these biomolecules react with certain chemical compounds (called indicator reagents)
and produce different colors. These colors allow us to know what biomolecule is present when mixed with a specific
indicator reagent. For example, when you add “Lugol’s iodine” to a solution containing starch the solution will turn
a dark purple.

The forensic pathologist has removed the contents of the victim’s stomach for you to analyze in order to determine
where the victim had her last meal. The powder has been dried for you to test.

Three suspects have also been apprehended in connection with the murder: Sanda Shadytree, friend and former lab
partner to Maia; Johnny Didit, Maia’s latest boyfriend; and Jewel Darkside, hall exco, and best friend of Maia. To
help identify who the potential murderer is, and corroborate alibies, the Oyo State Crime Squad obtained stomach
and blood samples from each suspect early Sunday morning.

Your goal is to analyze stomach samples from Maia and the three suspects that have been linked to the crime. The
murderer is believed to have shared Maia’s final meal.

Prelab/Background Research:
Before analyzing the stomach contents of the deceased Maia, you must determine the procedure to be used to test
for each organic molecule. Since there was no receipt from the restaurant found on the body, and the food was too
digested to identify, you will need to characterize it by identifying the macromolecules.

1. How will you figure out which macromolecules were in Maia’s last meal?
For each macromolecule you must:
a. describe the procedure in enough detail that others could repeat your work,
b. describe how a positive result for the macromolecule will look and record in Table 1, and
c. describe how a negative result for the presence of the macromolecule will look and record this information in
Table 1.

Lipid Test:

For a lipid test, take 0.5 ml ether or chloroform in a test tube and add 0.5 ml sample—drop by drop till the
sample of the stomach content is fully dissolved. Add one drop of Sudan III reagent.

Protein Test:

For a protein test, Add 2ml of sodium hydroxide and 5 to 6 drops of copper sulfate solution to the
stomach content. Shake the sample thoroughly to mix the ingredients thoroughly and allow the
mixture to stand for 4 – 5 minutes.
Carbohydrate-Glucose Test:

For a glucose test, add a few drops of Benedict's reagent to the stomach content. Then, heat the solution in a water
bath for about five minutes.

Carbohydrate-Starch Test:

For a starch test, add a few drops of iodine reagent to the stomach contents.

2. Why is a control very important in tests such as these?

Control is necessary in experiments like these because it allows the experimenter to minimise effects of factors other
than the one being tested.

Table 1. Positive and Negative Results for the Presence of Organic Macromolecules

Macromolecule Chemical Test Positive Test Result Negative Test Result


Formation of a purple No formation of violet

Proteins Biuret Test
or violet colour colour
Formation of a
Carbohydrates (Glucose)
Benedict Test brick-red No colour change
Formation of a blue-
Carbohydrates (Starch) Iodine Test No colour change
black coloration
Dichlorophenolindophenol Formation of a
Vitamin C No visible change
Test colourless endpoint.
The Investigation: Below create a data table where you will collect information during your investigation. Do not
forget to include a title!


2.Observations And Results For The Presence Of Macromolecules


Test for Lipids Test for Proteins Test for Glucose Test for Starch

Observations: Observations: Observations: Observations:

A red-stained layer
which floats on water Upon performing the
is formed. Upon heating, a Upon adding iodine,
Biuret Test, a violent
brick-red precipitate a blue-black
colouration is
is formed coloration is formed.

Present? __Yes,
starch is
Present? __Yes, Present? _____Yes,
Present? Yes, lipid is present_____
protein is present. glucose is present.__
Not Present? If not
Not Present? If not Not Present? If not
Not Present?__No present, there will be
present, no colour present, there will be
change.____ no colour change.
change. no colour change.

Post-lab discussion/write up
Report your findings in discussion format. Open the discussion with a statement regarding which restaurant the
victim visited for his last meal (1 point). Provide a logical explanation, using data from the tests on the stomach
contents, that explains how you reached that conclusion (4 points). The discussion should explain the results of
the investigation in regard to the scientific concepts that are being applied in the investigation. In this case, the
scientific concept being applied are macromolecules and the specific chemical tests used to determine their
presence (5 points). I believe that the victim had their last meal at the Fire on the Mountain restaurant.
This is because it is the only restaurant that served all the food substances that have macromolecules which
gave positive results for the food tests.

1. Describe why you chose the testing protocol you performed in order to determine what substances were in
the unknown sample you received.
I chose this testing protocol to determine the unknown substances because it is fast and gives accurate results
if carried out properly.

2. Through these testing protocols, make a conclusion as to what substances where present in the unknown
sample given to your team and where the victim could have had their last meal. Through the testing protocol,
it was concluded that carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamin was present. Therefore, the victim could have
had their last meal at Fire On The Mountain.

3. How might the original colors of the test materials affect the results?
The original colour of the food substance has no effect on the result of the tests.

4. Explain the reasoning behind the negative control.

a. Why was it done? It was done because a negative control will show what will happen if the exprimental
intervention does nothing.

b. How does doing the negative control help eliminate false positives while testing the evidence? It helps
eliminate false positives because it indicates the colour of the indicator when the macromolecules is
not present (no color change).
5. Explain the reasoning behind the positive control.
a. Why was it done? It was done because a positive control tells us what to expect if the experiment goes

b. How does doing the positive control help eliminate false negatives while testing the evidence? It helps
to eliminate false negatives because it will indicate the colour of the indicator if the macromolecules
is pr3sent.

6. Discuss how one could come to a conclusion which results in a false positive.
One could get a false positive test if there is an accidental mixing of the food samples. For instance, if a
dropper picks up a starchy food from a sample, it can transfer to the next sample and indicate a positive
result even if there is none.

7. Discuss how one could come to a conclusion which results in a false negative.
One could a get a false negative result due to sampling or interpretive errors For example, if a Biuret test is
performed on a starch sample instead of a protein sample, one would get a false negative.

Part II

The results of the previous tests do not satisfy you. You advise the Oyo State Squad that forensic DNA tests should
be done. The Commander asks you to recommend one.

You thought of DNA fingerprinting, and he asks you to explain how that will help. Your answer:
Since no two persons have the same DNA fingerprint, it will be easy and accurate to identify the murderer.

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