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Today Michoacán remains collapsed in terms of security.

Criminal organizations dispute the territory

with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), which over the years consolidated itself as the criminal
force with the greatest expansion in the entity.

With the outgoing government of Silvano Aureoles Conejo, the state has seen three administrations in
constant conflict with the federal government, overwhelmed by organized crime and with allegations of
alleged agreements and links with criminal organizations.

The cost of blood that the state has paid in two decades increased exponentially during the Silvanist
government: from the 765 intentional homicides registered by the State Attorney General's Office (FGE)
in 2015 – the year it started –, by 2023 it rose to 1,976.

The outlook does not improve in 2023. In June, the research folders already amounted to 1,064.

According to the Security Report presented during the presidential morning conference last Wednesday
by the commander of the National Guard, Luis Rodríguez Bucio, intentional homicides in Michoacán
total 1,280 in 2022, which places the entity among the five with the highest number of cases in the

Crime at its peak

Michoacán is geographically strategic for the arrival and distribution of narcotics: the port of Lázaro
Cárdenas is a key point for the arrival of drugs from South America, China and India.

By May, the Secretary of the Navy already registered 211.5 kilos of cocaine hydrochloride seized in the
port. In 2023, the agency reported 307.86 insured kilos of shipments from Colombia and Ecuador.

The border of Lázaro Cárdenas with the Tierra Caliente region, and its advantages in routes for the
distribution and production of drugs, has made the area the epicenter of crime that affects all regions of

The 17 municipalities that make up the area have accumulated 2,711 intentional homicides in this
century. In 11 of them, the years with the highest number of cases correspond to the current state six-
year term and mainly to the municipalities of Buenavista, Múgica, Huetamo, Aguililla and Apatzingán.

Aguililla is a clear example of the cost that society pays for the dispute over territories between criminal
gangs. The clashes between members of the CJNG and United Cartels (CU) – which brings together
forces from Los Viagras, the Tepalcatepec Cartel, the Knights Templar, Blancos de Troya and La Nueva
Familia Michoacana – have shown the absence of authority before the population subjected or

Fragment of the report published in edition 2334 of the weekly Proceso

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Lázaro Cárdenas, sexto municipio con más
delitos en Michoacán: SEDENA

Lazaro Cárdenas, Michoacán. - According to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public
Security System (SESNSP), Lázaro Cárdenas is one of the municipalities with the highest crime incidence
so far in the current federal administration.

The above was revealed by the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA), Luis Crescencio Sandoval
González, during his visit to the state of Michoacán.

Before President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, General Sandoval indicated that, from September 2018
to August 2023, a period that covers the first triennium and two months of the second of Itzé Camacho,
674 crimes have been committed, making it the sixth municipality with the most incidence in the entity
and fourth by number of inhabitants.

In intentional homicide alone, there are 122 cases recorded, in addition to 351 vehicle thefts and 201
cases of drug dealing. At the front, with a total of 5,531 and 4,810 crimes each, are Morelia and

The crime incidence originates despite the police force, since in the case of Lazaro Cárdenas there are
280 officers, thus being the fifth place at the state level in number of police officers and the fourth for
every 100 thousand inhabitants.

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Encuesta Nacional de Victimización y Percepción sobre Seguridad Pública (ENVIPE) (

Encuesta Nacional de Victimización y Percepción sobre Seguridad Pública (ENVIPE) (


Regarding elements of the Secretariat of National Defense, the secretary specified, the Lázaro Cárdenas
region, which covers Aquila, Coahuayana and Chinicuila, has 995 troops, while the National Guard
contributes 472.

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