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aad x % ; eS Qutb Nation, Nationalities & peoples’ Siltie zone Lanfuro Woreda Finance & Economic Development Office Sobjet Letter OF RECOMMENDATION Mr.Nuredin Ermena Awel requested me to write a letter of recommendation .It-is with great pleasure that recommend him to any professional institute that Values, intelligence, inquisitiveness, honest & hard work. | have known mr. Nuredin Ermena as team & leader procuring payment & asset management officer and bid committee iri siltie zone lanfuro wereda finance and economic development office from&€Ftee.2013 toBWL1-2015. | also had the opportunity to work him on several occasions since he was employed in our organization and | found him responsible, honest, competitive and hardworker. Nurredin gifted with likeable personality and conduct. He is good mannered, obedient and reliable. His knowledge, skill and experience are needed at this particular time when public procurement is national agenda and | believe that if he is given the opportunity to secure funds and responsibliiies from your organization for this project (program) areas in the full utilization of long lasting of the world's worst humanitarian crises rehabilitation and rebuild program in the world in general and in our region in Particular knowing his intelligence, hard working and potential for research. write this recommendation letter without any reservations and | would appreciate any assistance given to him to this effect | wish him good luck and success in his future endeavor. Sincerely Musa © scanned with OKEN Scanner my IO™ oi Wi og gene HIN ieee “Nuredin Armena "was the student in our wereda from 2004-2010 at Tora secondary and Preparatory school.Nuredin demonstrates talent and promise in academic performance.He has unusual ability applying the academic concepis (0 problem solving.Nuredin do well in the academic performance. All his technique reflects competence, thoroughness, and attention to detail. He picks up new skills quickly and requires very little instruction or help.OF all he has the patience it takes to work carefully and repeat trials until the desired result is achieved Nuredin was one of the few students who were able to attain correct results owing (o his patience and skill ‘Nuredin seeks understanding and mastery of the subject matter. Words ! would use to describe Nuredin “intelligent “mature”, “patient “sel-Motivated”. He possesses unusual self-dircetion and can be relied upon to do things well, requiring very little quiet and studious. When learning in the school explanation or supervision. Nuredin is he cooperates with others.1 would urge him ( become even active in our wereda, school and campus clubs. Nuredin attends all (he extracurricular activities as students represemtatative.difierent school clubs leader, feeding homeless people tutored students both in school and wereda level as the’role model and coordinator. Nuredin took a very active role in then volunteer activities which he has done for the S years. | see him at all the functions, He is always there with great questions and a smile, eager to aased program in which school and wereda students take the lead lear, This voluntai to build bridges 10 the community and this would enable him to improve his langueee, external environment knowledge and gain confidence, He was deeply inspired by the gratitude of those persons. Nuredin isa gifted stent with maturity, scientific intellect, nees. Ile has intelligenee, patience, enthusiasm, and that can be found at a top university: Nuredin +s in his life, Fle has already his well-rounded youn and a keen interest in the social sci motivation. He needs the sort of chatleny places harel work, ethies and dependability us top demonstrated tremendous potential to sueceed in | nan has a great future ahead of him and | recommend him for an MBA program jthout reservation, | feel confident that he will be a strong addition to your admission wi ersity .Please do not hesitate to contact me if'you have any further questions ~ \ ey ner anohun led Lepeso ebul.anfure Wereds Edueation office Chief Head. Tay \ a MUA A Se Oo oe es s : ay wet Lala e321 9018 me o7/sa/ aolwhem Tt/71oy Cone ern Wis with gevat pleasure that | aan writing thls nige of recommendation for ‘Nuredin i Arena, tn the past 7 (2004-2010) years, 1 have led Nuredin ia number af viswal arts, at Lamfiry Wereda NUR ANTE AIDS LITERATURE wed CULTURE CLUB" when he sjetvily participated a a leader und member of the the elub on ¢ society h,weumen ehillren aid veces and tl habits prevention He alee ph with his sweety poems, sin all of which Ie has exeelled, Bused on my experience swith Nuvodin, can say without the shadowy of dob that he is one of the most naturally talented and hantwvorking art students with whom have a whole on peer edutention af INV AIDS etuciat role in silte culture Jangnage ard histor istic ereativi ent of drastic acting activi sl the opportunity to work. He ‘well prepared to moye onto the MBA anisersity level al iis clear to me that he five fn the ereatie ats. Narain is Very matte oe exceptionally avery bright cede approseliey iy at wih a astute sense oF ebjectivig.Lle processes constructive criticism sel ays willing 10 £0 the extnr mile in orster to take his work to the highest level of formal anal e micgptal referent auredin has a very methodical ative process: he develops his concepts thoughtlully, creates interesting exploratory sketches, and builds meticulous seale models before he commits himsell, with confidence, to the Fibrieation process. Ore Nuredin begins fabrication, he works with precision and purpose.His skills of ereativ atvention to detail, tn adi det function as a whole. AI in all, uredin is an incredibly sell rounded art sti are highly developed and be has an incredibly astute aH have been inpressed by Nuredin’s ability to couple his attention te Faves hinn to consider how effectively his compositions il with a broader stylistic foetis tat a at www frag fennel a nay (o balgnee all ofthe aspecis ofthe creative psneess with apparent ease Nuredin never settles for second bestand he utlliz.: ¢-ogramed time in a produ tive and determined manner, He suvives toa pkice of appointment eariy and works late when the need arises. Due to this approach, Nuredin qu sauths, Youths observed eid. Pe his iead, he thrives off oF the entire creative proces ing to help his club embers and weredats nd conceptualsuppor: 10 fe peers ckly became a rake mast for his club members and in all of weretla’s juredin’s conmmitment te the eres ive proves and they strived tv excel us bali jit) the sueeesses and the challenges. Most Nuredin és very tatented, he iss haste yetung mn who never lets npariantly. Nuredin is alscay te offers both technical ape contin that he is ready to 12 youths as they ereate, Kine! and caring inanner that ‘oF collaborative leaming. Lam eaying curriculum of the university MEA so Nuredin’s patience and his under Ale the will not take the path of ea worthe porta eos and eb level, Nun resistance, rth he witl pust hiew to conti Sincerely. S Culture Tourism and Government

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