Gender Inequality

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Gender Inequality

Names: Kalidien Nikhil

Bhawan Tish
Bhagirathi Himesh
Baldew Anish
Khodabaks Firdaus

Teacher: Miss Li A Young

Class: V504
Gender inequality (Nikhil)

What is Gender inequality?

Gender inequality is a social phenomenon where individuals are treated unequally based on
their gender, typically disadvantaging women. It encompasses various dimensions, including
economic, social, and political aspects. This disparity often results in women facing limited
opportunities, lower wages, and reduced access to education and healthcare compared to their
male counterparts.

Discriminatory norms and stereotypes contribute to reinforcing these inequalities, perpetuating

a cycle of systemic gender-based disadvantages. Addressing gender inequality involves
dismantling such biases, advocating for equal rights, and promoting policies that ensure fair
treatment and opportunities for all genders. Achieving gender equality is crucial for fostering a
just and inclusive society, promoting the full potential and contribution of individuals regardless
of their gender.

We chose gender inequality to address gender inequality stems from its pervasive impact on
society, affecting individuals, communities, and economies worldwide. By examining and
confronting gender inequality, we aim to understand and dismantle ingrained biases and
discriminatory practices that hinder social progress. Gender inequality not only violates
fundamental human rights but also impedes overall development by limiting opportunities for a
significant portion of the population.

By shedding light on this issue, we strive to foster awareness, inspire advocacy, and prompt
systemic change. Additionally, tackling gender inequality aligns with broader societal goals of
promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equal representation. Through dialogue and examination of
this topic, we contribute to the collective effort to build a more equitable and just world,
recognizing that gender equality is not just a women's issue but a crucial facet of human rights
and social justice.
Gender Pay Gap (Trish)

What is gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap is an example of gender inequality which refers to the difference in pay
between men and women. Imagine a male and female accountant being paid differently while
they do the same amount of work. It’s unfair for the woman to be paid less than the man just
because she’s a woman which is why losing the wage gap remained an important goal to
ensure fair compensation for all, regardless of gender. The authorities have been discussing a
way to solve this imbalance.

A few ways on how to solve the pay gap:

1. Equal Pay Policies: Enforce and strengthen laws promoting equal pay for equal work. If
there are laws in place supporting equal pay for all then there should be no reason for
people to be paid unfairly while doing the same amount of work

2. Flexible Work Arrangements: Provide flexible work options, such as flexible hours,
reduce the impact of caregiving responsibilities.

3. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Foster inclusive workplace cultures that encourage
diversity in leadership roles.

4. Affordable Childcare: Improve access to affordable and high-quality childcare, as women

often face career setbacks due to caregiving responsibilities when they end up having a
child. The company should also give both maternal and paternal leave so that the
parents are able to alternate when taking care of the child

5. Negotiation Support: Provide resources and training to help people negotiate salaries
effectively. This can empower them to secure fair compensation so they won’t be taken
advantage of.

6. Government Initiatives: Governments can play an important role by implementing regular

pay audits for companies. Pay audits is a way for the government or employers to see
how the employees are being paid and see if there are any problems regarding wages.

By combining these efforts, societies can work towards closing the wage gap.
Discrimination (Himesh)

Discrimination on gender inequality

Gender-based discrimination encompasses various forms, affecting individuals in numerous
aspects of life:

Workplace Discrimination: Women may face pay disparities, limited promotion opportunities, or
biased treatment due to their gender. Men might also face discrimination, especially in fields
traditionally associated with women, such as caregiving or nursing.

Educational Bias: Discrimination in education can manifest through stereotypes about what
subjects or careers are suitable for specific genders, leading to limited opportunities or
discouragement in pursuing certain fields.

Social Norms and Expectations: Societal expectations and stereotypes can lead to
discrimination based on gender, influencing behavior, clothing, roles, and opportunities. These
norms often perpetuate unequal treatment and limit individual freedoms.

Healthcare Disparities: In some cases, gender can influence access to healthcare, with certain
conditions or treatments being stigmatized or receiving unequal attention based on the gender
of the individual.

Legal and Policy Influences: Discriminatory laws or policies may restrict rights or opportunities
based on gender, impacting individuals' lives and their ability to access resources or

Addressing discrimination related to gender inequality involves implementing policies, creating

awareness, challenging stereotypes, and advocating for equal rights and opportunities for all
genders. Efforts are required at societal, legal, and cultural levels to bring about lasting change
and create a more equitable environment for everyone
Harassment (Anish)

Harassment between boys and girls is a pressing societal issue that demands attention and
concerted efforts to address. This behavior encompasses a range of unwelcome actions, from
verbal abuse and intimidation to more severe forms of physical or online harassment. It is
crucial to recognize that harassment can occur in various settings, such as schools, workplaces,
or online platforms, and its impact can be profound.

One prominent form of harassment is verbal abuse, where derogatory comments or

inappropriate jokes are directed at individuals based on their gender. Such behavior creates a
hostile environment, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and reinforcing power imbalances
between boys and girls. The psychological toll on victims can be severe, leading to decreased
self-esteem, anxiety, and, in some cases, even depression.

Physical harassment, including unwarranted touching or assault, represents a more overt and
alarming manifestation of gender-based mistreatment. This not only violates personal
boundaries but also instills fear and a sense of vulnerability in the victim. Schools and
workplaces must adopt stringent measures to prevent and address physical harassment,
promoting a culture of respect and safety for everyone.

The rise of technology has brought about a new dimension to harassment, with online platforms
becoming breeding grounds for cyberbullying. Boys and girls may face harassment through
hurtful messages, inappropriate sharing of personal information, or the circulation of explicit
content without consent. It is imperative to implement robust digital literacy programs and online
safety measures to mitigate the impact of cyber harassment.

To combat harassment effectively, society needs to foster a culture of awareness, empathy, and
accountability. Educational institutions play a pivotal role in shaping attitudes from an early age,
teaching students about consent, respect, and the consequences of harassment. Additionally,
stringent legal frameworks and consequences for perpetrators are essential to deter such
behavior and protect the rights and well-being of individuals.

In conclusion, addressing harassment between boys and girls requires a comprehensive

approach involving education, awareness, and legal measures. By fostering a culture of respect
and holding individuals accountable for their actions, society can strive towards creating safer
and more equitable environments for everyone.
Conclusion (Firdaus)

To conclude and summarize what we’ve talked about; gender inequality is a big problem faced
by many around the world. Not just by women like my teammates talked about but by men as

Even though we’re far from it we are getting closer to solving this phenomenon.
As a group we’ve learned a lot from setting up this presentation. We've learned that there’s a lot
if inequality between the genders and that there are ideas and methods available at our disposal
to try and fix the problem.

After doing research I myself have learned a lot about topics like those presented by us.
As I’m coming to the end of my part and also the end of our presentation, I’d like to say that
every day when we wake up and get out of our bed we should try to remain conscious of the
gender bias and help the stride to a better tomorrow.

Thank you for listening

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