U3 OnlineWork 1 2023

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Talking about what you did last night

Unit 3: Getting to know you and your past

1. What’s the main characteristic of regular verbs?

Write the past form of the following regular verbs:

Play Call Talk
Chat Listen Walk
Want Cook Practice
Watch Study Invite

When you write a negative sentence you must use the auxiliary didn’t (did not) and the verb that
follows (the action) stays in present tense (they lose their _ed ending).

2. Record yourself using the speakpipe recorder saying 6 of the regular verbs from the
box above (not sentences). Then say what you did last weekend (3 different
activities) using some of them (this time full sentences). Record yourself using
speakpipe.com and add the link here:

You must give the following information:

- Greet (say hello)

- Name and last name

- And three different activities you did this last weekend

- Say goodbye

El link a la pagina speakpipe es el siguiente:


Click en el boton “start recording”

Cuando terminen presionen stop y luego escuchar. Si están conformes con su trabajo deben apretar el
botón “Get a link” y me envían ese link (lo copian y pegan en este documento y lo suben al ambiente
de aprendizaje. Por favor pónganle nombre a su grabación. No deben descargar nada, solo utilizar la
herramienta online.

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