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Chapter 10

The Mauryan Empire

Name the following
a) Name the three great rulers of the Mauryan Empire –
Ans: Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusara, and Ashoka
b) By which ruler. The king Dhanananda was defeated?
Ans: Chandragupta Maurya
c) The young Brahmin Chanakya was also known as –
Ans: Kautilya or Vishnugupta
d) Name the book which is a fascinating record of the reign of Chandragupta –
Ans: Indika
e) Name some foreign powers with whom Chandragupta established good trade and diplomatic
relations –
Ans: Egypt, Syria, Rome, Greece and China
f) Who was the governor of Taxila and Ujjain during Bindusara’s reign?
Ans: The Great Ashoka
g) Who had constructed Buddhist monasteries?
Ans: Ashoka
h) Where did Ashoka send his Buddhist emissaries to spreading Buddhism in foreign lands?
Ans: Burma, Afghanistan, Mesopotamia, Syria, China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia and Macedonia
i) Name the four provinces in which the capital of the Mauryan Empire was divided –
Ans: Tosali in the east, Ujjain in the west, Suvarnagiri in the south, and Taxila in the north
j) Name the main units of the Mauryan army –
Ans: Infantry, Cavalry, Elephants, Chariots and Navy
k) Name the seven classes of the Mauryan Society –
Ans: Brahmins, Kshtriyas, Vaishyas, Councillors, Peasants, Artisans and Shepherds
l) The main occupation in the Mauryan Empire was –
Ans: Agriculture
m) What is the national symbol of India?
Ans: The Lion Capital
n) The administration of the Mauryan Empire was supervised by –
Ans: the Central Government and the Provincial Government

State True or False

a) The image of Ashoka Chakra was taken from the Lion Capital of the Ashokan pillar at Sarnath.
b) The Mauryan art ‘Stupa at Sanchi’ is now become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. True
c) Ashoka was the last ruler of the Mauryan Empire. False
d) The Mauryan Empire was established by Chandragupta Maurya. True
e) The Mauryan Empire had a strong maritime trade. False
f) The mauryan Empire declined after the death of Ashoka. True
g) Ashoka embraced Buddhism and propagated its principles all throughout the empire. True

Fill in the blanks

a) ___________ was the Greek Ambassador in the court of Chandragupta. (Megasthanes)
b) Megasthanes lived in Chandragupta’s Empire for _____ years. (22)
c) Chandragupta maintained a standing _________ and an efficient _______ system. (Army, Spy)
d) ___________ were the head of the government in provinces. (Kumaras)
e) The king’s court at __________ was the highest court of justice. (Patliputra)
f) _________, _____________ and ___________ were important trading centers. (Taxila,
Patliputra, Ujjain)
g) The _________ caves were constructed during the reign of emperor Ashoka for the Ajivikaa.

Define the following

a) Devanampriya: The beloved of the Gods.
b) Dhamma: Pali word for Dharma.
c) Dhammamahamatras: They were special officers appointed to propagate the principles of
dhamma among the masses.
d) Cavalry: Soldiers mounted on horseback.
e) Mauryan Economy: The Mauryan Empire had a welfare economy based on agriculture, trade
and craftsmanship. There are significant role in economic activities including the collection of
taxes and regulation of trade routes.
Choose the correct answer
a) The tall Ashokan pillar was erected at Sarnath in ____________.
i. Madhya Pradesh ii. Uttar Pradesh iii. Maharashtra iv. Gujrat
Ans: ii. Uttar Pradesh

b) Who was the last Mauryan ruler?

i. Pushyamitra Sunga ii. King Ashoka iii. King Kalinga iv. King Brihadratha
Ans: iv. King Brihadratha

c) Which ruler of the Mauryan Empire is known for embracing Buddhism?

i. Ashoka ii. Chandragupta Maurya iii. Bindusara iv. Brihadratha
Ans: i. Ashoka

Match the following

a) Kalinga i. Devanampriya
b) Ashoka ii. Didarganj near Patna
c) Dharmachakra iii. Bihar
d) Barabar Caves iv. Wheel of Doctrine
e) The Yakshi Statue v. modern day Odisha
a) Modern day Odisha
b) Devanampriya
c) Wheel of Doctrine
d) Bihar
e) Didarganj near Patna

Give short answers

a) Who became the first king of the Mauryan dynasty?
Ans: Chandragupta Maurya became the first king of the Mauryan dynasty.

b) Give the main sources of information about the Mauryan Empire.

Ans: i. Arthashastra by Chanakya, provides a picture of the administration, society and economy of
ii. Indika by Megasthenes, tells us about the social, economic and political conditions of the
Mauryan Empire.
iii. The rock and pillar edicts of Ashoka.

c) After Bindusara’s death, who became the next Mauryan King?

Ans: After Bindusara’s death, Ashoka won the bitter struggle of succession to the throne and
became the next Mauryan king.

d) Give the main principles of Ashoka’s dhamma.

Ans: The main principles of Ashoka’s dhamma were –
i. Live in peace and hormony.
ii. Show love and compassion to all.
iii. Follow n0n-violence towards all living creature.
iv. Show tolerance and respect to all religion.
v. Treat elders with respect and love. Care to all children.
vi. Be kind to servant and slaves.

e) Give the key factors of decline of the Mauryan Empire.

Ans: The key factors of decline of the Mauryan Empire were –
i. Weak Successors who were not efficient enough to take care of the large empire.
ii. Inefficient kings and weak army
iii. Religious factors
iv. Decentralization

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