Lesson Plan

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Subject: Running

Grade Level: Grade 8


A. Analyze and compare the energy systems involved in running.

B. Demonstrate improved running technique by incorporating proper posture, arm

swing, and foot strike patterns.

C. Develop a positive attitude toward running as a form of exercise.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Students will learn about the different energy systems used in running
and how they function.

2) Physical Education - Students will the proper posture, arm swing, and foot strike
patterns in running.

3) Health - Students will understand the benefits of running as a form of exercise and
its impact on overall health.


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Anecdote 1 - Share a personal story about a famous Filipino runner and their

Anecdote 2 - Discuss the importance of running in Filipino culture, such as fun runs
and marathons.

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Instructional Materials: Stopwatch, cones, posters illustrating proper running


1) Idea - Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific aspect
of running technique (posture, arm swing, foot strike). Have them create a poster
showcasing the correct form and discuss why it is important.

2) Idea - Organize a mini relay race where students can practice their running
technique while competing against each other.


Activity 1: Energy Systems in Running

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Textbooks, articles, internet access

Significance: Students will analyze and compare the different energy systems
(aerobic, anaerobic) involved in running.


1) Provide students with resources to research and gather information about the
energy systems used in running.

2) In small groups, have students create a Venn diagram or chart to compare and
contrast the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.

3) Each group will present their findings to the class.


- Accurate comparison and contrast of the energy systems: 15 pts

- Presentation skills: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the main differences between the aerobic and anaerobic energy
systems in running?

2) How does the body utilize these energy systems during different types of running

3) Why is it important for runners to understand the energy systems involved in


Activity 2: Proper Running Technique

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Video camera, running track or open field

Significance: Students will demonstrate and improve their running technique by

incorporating proper posture, arm swing, and foot strike patterns.


1) In small groups, students will record a video demonstrating proper running

technique, focusing on posture, arm swing, and foot strike patterns.

2) Each group will watch and analyze their videos, identifying areas for improvement.

3) Students will practice and make adjustments to their running technique based on
the feedback.


- Demonstration of proper running technique: 20 pts

- Improvement shown in adjusted technique: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key elements of proper running technique?

2) How did you identify areas for improvement in your running technique?

3) Describe the changes you made to improve your running technique.

Activity 3: Developing a Positive Attitude toward Running

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Inspirational quotes about running, reflective journals

Significance: Students will develop a positive attitude toward running as a form of



1) Provide students with inspirational quotes about running and discuss their

2) In their reflective journals, have students write about their personal experiences
with running and how it has positively impacted their physical and mental well-being.

3) In class discussion, encourage students to share their reflections and discuss the
benefits of running as a form of exercise.


- Thoughtful reflection on personal experiences with running: 15 pts

- Active participation in the class discussion: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How has running positively influenced your physical health?

2) Describe a time when running helped improve your mental well-being.

3) Why is it important to have a positive attitude toward running as a form of


- The teacher will explain the concepts of the different energy systems involved in
running and how they relate to performance.

- The teacher will demonstrate and explain the proper running technique,
emphasizing the importance of posture, arm swing, and foot strike patterns.


Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Task 1 - In small groups, students will design a training plan incorporating different
running exercises to improve their overall running performance.

Task 2 - Students will create a poster or infographic showcasing the benefits of

running for physical and mental health.


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, reflective journals

Question 1 - How do the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems contribute to

running performance?

Question 2 - How did incorporating proper posture, arm swing, and foot strike
patterns improve your running technique?

Question 3 - How has developing a positive attitude toward running impacted your
overall well-being?


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case studies related to running and sports performance

Students will analyze and apply the concepts learned in running to different sports
and physical activities to understand how energy systems and proper technique play
a role in performance enhancement.


1) Assignment Overview: Students will interview a local runner and write a report
highlighting their training routine, running technique, and their overall attitude toward
running as a form of exercise.

2) Assignment Question: How does the interviewee's training routine, running

technique, and attitude toward running reflect the concepts learned in class? Provide
specific examples to support your answer.

Remember to adjust the formatting and add specific details as needed.

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