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Cloma, Lhea Rose S.


1. The "BIG FIVE" personality traits, also known as the Five-Factor Model (FFM), are a set of five
broad dimensions that are used to describe and understand human personality. These traits

1. Openness to experience. This trait refers to a person's level of creativity, curiosity, and
willingness to try new things.
2. Conscientiousness. This trait reflects a person's level of organization, responsibility, and
3. Extraversion. This trait relates to a person's level of sociability, assertiveness, and
preference for social interactions.
4. Agreeableness. This trait refers to a person's level of kindness, empathy, and
5. Neuroticism. This trait reflects a person's level of emotional stability, anxiety, and
tendency to experience negative emotions.

2. In my understanding, self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their own ability to

successfully perform certain tasks and achieve desired goals. It's important to note that the
relationship between the Big Five traits and self-efficacy can vary among individuals, as
personality is complex and influenced by various factors.

When it comes to the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and self-efficacy, here
are my ideas:

1. Openness to experience. People high in openness to experience may have higher self-
efficacy due to their willingness to try new things and their belief in their ability to adapt
and learn from new experiences.
2. Conscientiousness. Individuals high in conscientiousness tend to be organized,
responsible, and goal-oriented. This trait may contribute to higher levels of self-efficacy
as they believe in their ability to plan and execute tasks effectively.
3. Extraversion. Those high in extraversion may have higher self-efficacy due to their
natural inclination for social interactions and their confidence in dealing with people and
social situations.
4. Agreeableness. People high in agreeableness, with their kindness and cooperativeness,
may have higher self-efficacy as they believe in their ability to build and maintain
positive relationships, which can contribute to overall confidence.
5. Neuroticism. This trait is characterized by emotional instability and a tendency to
experience negative emotions. Individuals low in neuroticism may have higher self-
efficacy since they are less likely to doubt themselves or be hindered by anxiety or self-

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