GE015 Teaching Arts Activity 2 LATONERO

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GE015 Activity 2

Name:_Alexandra Nicole Latonero _ Date:_August 24, 2023

A. In what ways are you/are not “artistically curious”? In what ways can
art be more integrated with your own daily experiences and contexts?

Sometimes, I am artistically curious about my daily style of

dressing up. Because I feel like this is not comfortable with me. It's hard to wear
if you're not comfortable with it. Dressing up in a way that doesn't align with
your personal style or preferences can make you feel self-conscious and
uneasy throughout the day.

B. Do you remember when you came to understand art as being a form

of self-expression? How did you come to realize this?

I realized that art is a form of self-expression because art

provides a deeply personal way for individuals to express themselves
and engage with the world around them. Especially to connect with
others, art has the power to connect people on a deep emotional
level. Through art, people can convey their emotions, experiences,
and perspectives that might be difficult to put into words. One thing I
realized is that using colors, shapes, lines, and other artistic elements
to show the world a glimpse of what’s going on inside our minds and

C. When and how did you come to appreciate the value of your own
original work? Discuss some strategies you might have for teaching
young students to the same.

These are some strategies that I offer for teaching my young students
to appreciate the value of their own original work.
 I emphasize that each of my students has a unique
perspective and style. I will help them to understand that their
originality is what sets them apart and makes their work
 I allow my students to choose the best topics so that my
students can express their thoughts, feelings, and interests
through their work. They can develop a sense of ownership
and pride.
 I will give my students a quiet room to make decisions about
their creative projects. This can boost their confidence and
also help them feel more invested in their work.

D. Consider a student who likes to draw but dislikes watercolor painting.

Discuss the strategies you might employ to get the student to at least
give watercolor painting a chance.

These are some strategies that I might use to encourage my

students to give watercolor painting a chance requires a thoughtful

 I must begin with simple and achievable projects that can build
the student’s confidence. Choose subject that align with the
student's interest. So that the student’s can enjoy drawing, but
you must to explain how watercolors can add depth and
emotion to the artwork.

 Offer step-by-step guidance to your students during the initial

attempts at watercolor painting. You must explain the
techniques such as wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, layering, and

 This can boost your student’s confidence and make them more
willing to continue exploring watercolor painting.

 It’s important to respect their decision if they still don’t enjoy

watercolor painting after trying it out. You don’t need to force
them too much might lead to a negative experience.

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