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Residential Course in Acting and Devising 2023-24

Please read the following instructions carefully when setting up for online auditions

This Is How The Audition Will Look Like:

● Your audition will run for 45-60 min

● The sequence of your audition will be - Round 1 followed by Round 2 and Round
● Please log in half an hour before your allotted time slot and make sure you do
your technical checks and set up your space as per the instructions mentioned
in this document.
● Please make sure you have all the props and set items ready with you in the
space before the audition starts.
● On the day of the audition, you'll click on the Zoom link received via email.
This will take you to the main zoom room where all the applicants need to stay
before their turn comes. Once the previous student has finished their audition,
you'll be admitted to the breakout room

Your Set-up For Online Audition:

● Computer/Laptop with a Camera and Microphone (inbuilt/external)
It’s recommended you use your laptop for the auditions to maximize the
effectiveness of the medium for you. As a back-up, you can keep another
laptop/mobile ready so you can log in from the 2nd device in case your call
drops. Phone should be used only as a backup in case your computer / laptop fails.

● Be near an outlet. ZOOM can eat up batteries.

● If there is ambient noise try to connect audio through wireless headphones/

● A good internet connection that meets Zoom system requirements:
- broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE). Minimum bandwidth is
600kbps (up/down) and recommended is 1.5 Mbps (up/down). You can
check your speed at
● A Zoom account
● The Zoom software or app downloaded onto your device

● A surface, stand to keep your laptop/computer at eye level (see below for
information on how the camera should be positioned)
● A separate device or speaker to play music/recording (if you are using one)
● Name yourself properly in the participant section in your Zoom window
● E.g. - <serial no.> <full name>

You Must:

● Test your computer’s camera for proper functioning

● Test your microphone for good audibility and reception.
● Keep all background programs/windows/browsers and notifications on your
laptop CLOSED to ease the pressure on your RAM and avoid any distractions.
● Keep your mobile on silent mode to avoid any disturbances during the audition

Your Audition Space And Background Should Be:

● A quiet room with minimal background noise and distractions.

● Cleared up of any objects that might get in your way while auditioning.
● The wall behind you should not be distracting or messy.
● If possible, please take your computer to a place where the background is
● If using a blank wall/drape, step four feet in front not to have a shadow behind
The Lighting Of Your Audition Room:

● Light is really the make or break of being in front of a camera.

● Your audition room should be properly lit so we can see you clearly.
● Have soft, direct light that is positioned in front of you (not behind you)
● Light should not be harsh or fluorescent
● Make sure not to rely on overhead lights during the audition because it casts
unbecoming shadows on the face, creating the appearance of dark circles
under the eyes and your nose and chin will also cast dramatic shadows.
● Please don’t put shining objects in the space that could cause glare in the eyes
and on the computer screen - Avoid reflective blinds, wall and table surfaces.
Avoid glass tables and glass walls to reduce glare.
● Dark table finishes and warmer wood grains are preferable.

Your Camera Set-up:

● Make sure that you frame yourself well - We want to see a long shot of you
(Full frame - head to toe). Hence, the laptop/computer should be placed at a
distance from where we can see you properly.
● Position the camera at eye level or slightly higher.
● If you wear glasses, you might need to play around with the camera angles to
prevent the glare of the monitor from showing in the glasses—or else consider
wearing anti-glare lenses.
● Please set up your device so there is a clear and centered view of at least your
upper body, hands, and face as you perform. Make sure you don't move out of
the frame!
● Look up and into the screen. The minute you look down we lose your eyes, and
eyes are everything on camera.

Your Dress Code:

● Please wear simple and plain clothes for your audition.

● Avoid whites, busy patterns or crazy logos or messages on your clothing.
● However, you are free to choose costumes and props of your choice if they
are part of your performance

● Put your phone on silent, as you would in any regular audition.

● Check your equipment is up and running before you Audition
● Test the camera quality and audio on your computer – get to know Zoom

Your Test Run:

Consider doing a Test Run with a friend/family to become aware of any problems when
● Practice - Record yourself and look back at what you see.
● Pay close attention to the sound quality and determine if you need to
articulate your words more clearly, speak more loudly, or even if you need to
purchase a mic.
● Check for shadows on your face and adjust the light source as needed.
● Look for distractions in the background and remove any unnecessary clutter.
Notice if you’re slouching or sitting with an upright posture.
● Make sure your laptop/computer is charged and you have a USB stick (mobile
data connected) in case of a power failure.
● Also, keep a water bottle and a hand towel with you.
● Connect with the DSM team if you need help with your test run

When You Enter the Zoom Room:

● Write your serial number and Name on an A4 sheet/Any white Paper (with a
black marker/pen) and keep it ready. We will take a picture of you when you
● Your name format in the Zoom window will be - <serial number> - <your
full name>
Enable these setting in your Zoom Desktop App:

(We will also guide you on these settings when you enter the room)
● Hide Non-Video Participants
● Hide Self-view
● Use only Speaker view


On the day of the audition, you’ll be glad you tended to all the details ahead of time so you
can focus on the audition. We may or may not face troubles. It’s a virtual-auditioning world,
so expect the unexpected.

Be prepared with the material, be ready to improvise and play around. Practice well.

Know These Things for Yourself:

● Don’t panic.
● The panel is really cool. They will not eat you up.
● Don’t try to do too much. Do less, but do it really well.
● Whatever choices you are making for your performance, know why you have
made them. Articulate the answers/reasons to yourself for better clarity.
● Be honest and confident during your interview and while you perform.
● It’s a digital audition so things may go wrong. It’s completely alright if it
happens. But don’t lose your calm if this happens. Be prepared. We are also
prepared and we know we will work out a solution if anything goes wrong.
● The Panel is looking to see your willingness to learn and how much you will gain
from your experience in the school.
● Come in with the intention to surrender to the process and be open to learning.
● We want you to show us the real you at your best, not the person you think
we want to see.
● Just let your charismatic spark shine through the screen.
Most important, smile and relax!
Have Fun! Have lots and lots of fun and Enjoy Your Performance.

All The Best!

See The Image Below for Setting Up Your Audition Space

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