Essay Format

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Washington 1

George Washington

Mrs. Briones

ENGL 1301-162

September 28, 2023

The Most Amazing Essay

Make sure the first line of all paragraphs are indented half an inch. Likewise, your page

margins should all be set to 1 inch all around. All your sources should be cited in MLA format;

for a guide, you can use chapter 35 from your textbook, or you can also use the OWL Purdue


Your 2nd draft is due on Sunday, September 24, 2023 by 11:59pm via turn it in on

Blackboard’s week 4 folder. This Tuesday we will be having a presentation by Ruben Guerra

and Justin Madrigal, and I will be further explaining the chapter as well as the final project

website details.

The final draft and your reflection are both due on Thursday, September 28, 2023 via turn

it in AND as a hard copy. Both are due during class. The reflection prompt can be found in the

Essay 1 folder. The reflection essay should be in essay format and not include the numbers to the

questions. You can answer each question as a separate paragraph.

Washington 2

Work Cited

Briones, Trishia. “Best Lecture Ever.” Texas A&M International University Lecture. 21

September 2023.

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