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Paola FLores TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1301 Visual Analysis Invention

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What draws your attention The face of young The eyes are first drawn The green figure sitting
first in the text? Why would Daniel Radcliffe playing to the three people on on the red sofa is the
the author make this choice?
Harry Potter catches the poster. The author first thing people notice.
viewers' attention almost most likely chose this The author chose this
immediately. The author because it leaves people approach because the
would choose this wondering why the Grinch and his
because the movie Saga female, Bella, is with the companion, Max, are
is named after him, the guy on the left, Edward, the central part of the
main character. versus the guy on the movie, and the red sofa
right, Jacob. symbolizes Christmas.
Does the author use Yes, the author uses No, the author doesn't Yes, the author uses
contrasting colors? If so, contrasting colors. The use contrasting colors. contrasting colors. The
what effect does this have?
contrast of the bright All the colors blend in bright green against the
blue, red, and yellow with each other and red represents
against the black makes complement the theme Christmas, and the
it eye-catching and gives of the romantic film. contrasting colors'
it a whimsical look. simplicity shows a
childlike aspect.
Does the author use writing Yes, the author uses Yes, the author employs Yes, the author uses
in this visual text? If so, what writing in the visual. visual writing. The writing in the visual.
effect does the writing have?
The print on the poster poster displays the The print on the poster
says the name of the movie's title, release says the movie's name
movie along with the date, and the and who made/owns the
release date and who creator/owner's movie.
made/owns the movie. company in printed text.
What elements are most The most important Understanding the The pivotal aspects for
important in understanding elements in purpose of a film hinges grasping a film's
the purpose? Why are these
the most important?
understanding the on the crucial elements purpose lie in its colors
purpose are the colors of colors and placement, and placement. These
and the placement of as they vividly showcase elements are paramount
Paola FLores TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1301 Visual Analysis Invention

things. These are the the maturity and depth as they demonstrate the
most important because of the characters and maturity of the film
the colors and placement scenes within the movie. through the arrangement
of characters/things can of characters and
demonstrate and the objects.
maturity of the film.
How does the visual text The visual text makes The visual text piques The printed text saying
make you feel? What about the viewer want to know viewers' curiosity about Dr Seuss’ The Grinch
the text makes you think this
way? Is that the text’s
more about what he The Twilight Saga, lets people know that
intention or purpose? Why is/who he is. The prompting them to delve this is a kid's film and
or why not? placement of the text deeper into the story. there is a fanciful aspect
and the font gives off The deep red color and to it. That is the precise
that exact feeling of blood-like font give intention of using that
wanting more. That is people an understanding font and having the
the purpose of the text of the movie but still words in different
because it wants to catch leave them curious. That sizes/placements.
people's attention. is the intention.
What does the visual text The visual text suggests The text also suggests The visual text suggests
suggest for you to think? for the viewer to think that the movie is that it is a children's
What does it make you think
about? Is that the text’s
that the movie has multiple parts, the movie because of the
intention or purpose? Why multiple parts and that viewer can infer this inspiration coming from
or why not? the main character's because of the word Dr Seuss, a famous
name is Harry Potter. Saga. The title can also children's book author.
The title makes people leave viewers thinking it Many who are familiar
think about who is Harry is a romantic movie with the original The
Potter and what is the because of the text Grinch will be attracted
Sorcerer's Stone. That is “Forever is only the to this, the new
the text's intention beginning.” That is the animated version of the
because they want intention of the text original. That is the
people to know who because they want to intention of the text
Harry Potter is and want target the target because they want a new
them to be curious about audience, which is and improved Grinch
what the Sorcerer's hopeless romantics or that is suitable for all
Stone is. simply fanatics of ages.
romance Productions.
Paola FLores TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1301 Visual Analysis Invention

Why and So, what? What can you reveal to your classmates about it?

The author chose a bright green and red contrast to represent the Christmas aspect of the poster with the text The Grinch. The main
focus is the Grinch character in the middle, sitting on a red sofa with his dog, Max. I can reveal to my classmates that the animation
and colors show a festive and childish look to the movie.

Now, how do you know? What five pieces of evidence do you have from the visual text to support your idea?

1. Not only do the colors show that it is a Christmas-themed movie, but the Santa hat on top of the Grinch also shows this.

2. It can be inferred that the Grinch is the main character, and the grumpy look on his face shows that he doesn't enjoy Christmas.

3. The Happy Dog on his lap, Max, Appears to be his partner in crime and is very loyal to the Grinch.

4. The red single-chair sofa That the Grinch is sitting on Is supporting his arms, giving him a look that he is up to no good.

5. the printed title with the text Dr Seuss The Grinch also lets the reader know that it is a kid's movie because of the background Dr
Seuss has which is being a children's book author.

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