Annotated Metamorphasisseminar1

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2. In "The Metamorphosis," Gregor's parents initially conform to traditional gender roles.

His father assumes the role of an authoritarian figure, while his mother takes on the
nurturing and emotional caregiver role. This significance relates to the family unit and
Gregor's life goals in several ways. Firstly, Gregor's family heavily depends on his
financial contributions, aligning with the traditional male role of being the primary
breadwinner. This reliance on Gregor's income adds to the pressure he feels, contributing
to his sense of isolation and being trapped. Moreover, these stereotypical gender roles
highlight the lack of emotional connection and understanding within the family.
3. In "The Metamorphosis," the crucial point is that Gregor can't communicate with his
family, but he can understand them. This highlights his profound sense of isolation and
disconnection from them. Apart from being physically isolated, how is now mentally
isolated as well. Their ability to understand each other seems to be breaking down, which
is a common issue in families. It also raises questions about the essence of humanity.
This situation suggests that Gregor's relationship with his family is likely to deteriorate
further as the story progresses, leading to increased loneliness and unfortunate events.

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