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Lord of the Flies – 1.

1 ASSIGNMENT Name: Andrew Xue

Date: 2022/10/13

*** Be sure to read the questions prior to reading the two chapters listed. ***



1. List five new words you learnt while reading this chapter. Write the full sentence from the novel, in
which you found the word, as well as the page number. Write out the definition of the word as it is used
in the sentence.


Word: Dog

Sentence: The wild dog was a frightening sight to see. Page 17

Definition: A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell,
nonretractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.


Word: Creepers

Sentence: He was clambering heavily among the creepers and broken trunks when a bird, a vision of red
and yellow, flashed upwards with a witch-like cry; and this cry was echoed by another. Page 6

Definition: Any plant that grows along the ground, around another plant, or up a wall by means of
extending stems or branches.

Word: Hiatus

Sentence: There came a pause, a hiatus, the pig continued to scream and the creepers to jerk, and the
blade continued to flash at the end of a bony arm. Page 41
Definition: an interruption in the intensity or amount of something.

Word: Efflorescence

Sentence: It was clear to the bottom and bright with the efflorescence of tropical weed and coral. Page
Definition: the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms.

Word: Bastion

Sentence: There, where the island petered out in water, was another island; a rock, almost detached,
standing like a fort, facing them across the green with one bold, pink bastion. Page 38
Definition: a stronghold or fortification; similar to a stronghold.

Word: Pliant

Sentence: Here the roots and stems of creepers were in such tangles that the boys had to thread
through them like pliant needles. Page 35
Definition: flexible


Answer each question in a single, clearly constructed, concise paragraph.

1. In what manner does Ralph react when he hears Piggy’s name? Why do you think he reacted this

Ralph teased Piggy and made fun of his name. Ralph reacted this way because he never heard
of this name and it sounds dumb.

2. Describe both Ralph’s appearance and character.

Ralph looked attractive and had fair hair. He might not be very nice because he is rude to Piggy

3. Why do you suppose Ralph was elected ‘Chief’?

Ralph looked like he had leadership qualities and he was the one who called everyone with the

4. How would you describe the leader of the ‘Choir’, both appearance and character?

He was tall, bony, savage and evil.

5. How does Jack react after failing to kill the piglet when he had a chance? Why do you think he
reacted this way?

Jack’s face was white and his knife was still held aloft. He is not used to killing.



1. List five new words you learnt while reading this chapter. Write the full sentence from the novel, in
which you found the word, as well as the page number. Write out the definition of the word as it is used
in the sentence.


Word: Sill

Sentence: The sun in the west was a drop of burning gold that slid nearer and nearer the sill of the
world. Page 59
Definition: a strong horizontal member at the base of any structure, e.g., in the frame of a motor or
rail vehicle.

Word: officious

Sentence: There was pushing and pulling and officious cries. Page 56

Definition: intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.

Word: recrimination

Sentence: His voice lifted into the whine of virtuous recrimination. Page 60

Definition: the act of accusing in return; opposing another charge.

Word: tumult

Sentence: He paused in the tumult, standing, looking beyond them and down the unfriendly side of the
mountain to the great patch where they had found dead wood. Page 60
Definition: a state of commotion and noise and confusion.

Word: outcrop

Sentence: The flames, as though they were a kind of wild life, crept as a jaguar creeps on its belly
toward a line of birch-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink rock. Page 61
Definition: a rock formation that is visible on the surface.


Answer each question in a single, clearly constructed, concise paragraph.

1. In what manner is it decided to maintain order at the meetings when someone is speaking?
When someone is speaking, he holds the conch and nobody can interrupt except for Ralph (the

2. What issue does the six-year-old boy with mulberry-coloured birthmark bring to the meeting?

The six-year-old boy said he saw a snake-thing beast. He brought terror to the group.

3.. What plan does Ralph come up with to help get them rescued off the island?

Ralph suggested that they could build a fire to make smoke and get a ship’s attention.

4. Once part of the island catches on fire, what is Piggy’s main concern regarding it?

He is concerned that they won’t have any food left to eat. He is also worried that a boy is lost and
burned up by the fire.

5. What ideas do the boys come up with on how to start the fire, and then what do they finally use to
start it?

They thought about rubbing two sticks together and using matches but at last, they came up with
using Piggy’s glasses.

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