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Remote Deposit Capture

Client Site Inspection Self Certification

COMPANY NAME: Banyan Bay Trading, LLC

Pursuant to the WATERFALL BANK Remote Deposit Capture agreement entered into with WATERFALL BANK on Click
or tap here to enter text. I certify the following:

WATERFALL BANK Remote Deposit Capture Cumulative Limits: Please Check each box to indicate your agreement
☒ Maximum Daily Limit $ 100,000.00
☒ Daily # Item Limit $75,000.00
Remote Deposit Capture Security:

☒ All WATERFALL BANK Remote Deposit Capture scanning equipment is located in a secure area and used only for
WATERFALL BANK remote depositing services.

☒ Computer equipment used to operate WATERFALL BANK Remote Deposit Capture software is regularly updated and
patched for security (including use of and updating of firewall, virus protection, malware protection, anti-spam

☒ Appropriate steps are taken to ensure that all User ID's, Passwords, Authentication Methods and any other applicable
security procedure issued to your employees are protected and kept confidential.

☒ All checks scanned are original items, payable to the business named above and are properly endorsed prior to scanning.

☒ Images of each deposit made with WATERFALL BANK Remote Deposit Capture are reviewed internally prior to
transmission to ensure the highest quality images.

☒ Original checks are properly secured after being scanned and are physically destroyed after being held for at least 90 days.

☒ All staff understands the need for proper user security, password controls and separation of duties.

☒ RDC client/business has a backup plan (contingency plan) if unable to capture items and transmit to

Authorized Signature (Must be an authorized signer on WATERFALL BANK account(s).

Print Name: Julius Daukas

Signature: ________________________________________ Date: 5/23/2023

Waterfall Bank | 500 McLennan St, Clearwater FL 33756 |

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