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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
District of Mataasnakahoy
Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

First Periodical Test in English 7

SY 2022-2023

Complete each analogy by writing the letter of the correct answer from the choices.
1. Shout: Whisper:: Run : ___________
A. stand B. stay C. walk
2. NUMBER: UNBMER::GHOST:_____________
3. Thumb is to hand as toe is to _____________
A. foot B. head C. shoulder
4. Walk is to legs as chew is to ______________
A. lips B. mouth C. nose
5. Underground River is to Palawan as Chocolate Hills is to__________
A. Batanes B. Bohol C. Siargao
6. Waitress: Restaurant::_______:__________
A. Doctor: Nurse B. Driver: Truck C. Teacher: School
Identify the genre of the material viewed in each of the following situations. Write the letter of your answer in
your answer sheet.
7. Jen was asked to watch the segment of Nathaniel "Mang Tani" Cruz, “I.M. Ready: GMA Weather”
in 24 Oras to answer the given question regarding typhoon Neneng..
A. news flash C. internet-based program
B. documentary D. weather report
8. Julia, G7-student, was assigned to make a reaction paper regarding a short clip from the film,
A. movie trailer C. internet-based program
B. weather report D. documentary
9. Joana wanted to list down the important points from the research-based reporting on bullying of I-
Witness in GMA 7.
A. news flash C. internet-based program
B. documentary D. weather report
10. The “Flash Report” in ABS-CBN interrupts the favorite show of Sab.
A. news flash C. internet-based program
B. weather report D. documentary
11. John used Google to answer the activity in English.
A. news flash C. internet-based program
B. documentary D. weather report
12. Maria enjoys watching a research-based reporting that deals with a specific topic and format.
What does she watch?
A. news flash C. internet-based program
B. movie trailer D. documentary


13. Choose the correct sentence in active voice.
A. Thomas feeds his dog. C. Thomas feed his dog.
B. The dog is fed by Thomas.. D. The dog is feed by Thomas.
14. Choose the correct sentence in passive voice.
A. The letter was written by Marshall. C. The letter wrote Marshall.
B. Marshall wrote the letter. D. Marshall has written the letter.
15. The game had been won by the blue team. In this sentence, the doer of the action is___________.
A. the blue team C. the game
B. had been D. won
16. The dog was hit by the car. What is the correct transformation of this sentence to active voice?
A. The car hits the dog. C. The car hit the dog.
B. The car is hitting the dog. D. The car was hitting the dog.
17. “He hates bad people.” What is the correct transformation of this sentence to
passive voice?
A. Bad people were hated by him. C. Bad people is hated by him.
B. Bad people have hated by him. D. Bad people are hated by him.
18. “The doctor had examined him.” What is the correct transformation of this sentence
to active voice?
A. He was examined by the doctor. C. He had been examined by the doctor.
B. He has been examined by the doctor. D. None of these


Choose the correct past perfect tense of the verb in each sentence. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
19. The witness _____________ before the court adjourned.
A. had testify C. had testifying
B. had testified D. have testified
20. I went to school after I ____________ from my sickness.
A. had recovered C. have recovered
B. has recovered D. had recovering
21. He (has read, had read, had reading) the novel before he saw the movie.
A. has read C. had reading
B. had read D. have read
22. By the time I arrived home, he _______________ to bed.
A. had went C. had go
B. had gone D. have gone
23. I asked him to pay my watch since he ______________ it.
A. had lost C. had lose
B. had loosing D. have lost
24. Before you arrived, the participants ________ the library.
A. had left C. have left
B. had leaved D. had leaving


Choose the letter of the correct answer.
25. In direct speech, the exact message of the speaker is enclosed by _____________.
A. period C. comma
B. question mark D. quotation marks
26. _____________ is also known as indirect speech. It is a report on what someone else said or wrote
without using that person's exact words.
A. direct speech C. reported speech
B. quoted speech D. reported approach
27. Change the following sentence to reported speech.
She said, “The cat is sleeping.”
A. She said that the cat was sleeping. C. She said that the cat is sleeping.
B. She said that the cat sleeps. D. She said that the cat slept.
28. Change the following sentence to reported speech.
They said, “We have prepared snacks.”
A. They said that they have prepared snacks.
B. They said that they had prepared snacks.
C. They said that they prepared snacks.
D. They said that they were preparing snacks.
29. Change the following sentence to direct speech.
Bryan said that he would try to finish his report.
A. Bryan said, “I will try to finish my report.”
B. Bryan said, “I am trying to finish my report.”
C. Bryan says, “I will try to finish my report.”
D. Bryan says, “I am trying to finish my report.”
30. Change the following sentence to direct speech.
Joseph asked Jana if she would attend the flag ceremony.
A. Joseph said to Jana, “Will you attend the flag ceremony?”
B. Joseph said to Jana, “Would you attend the flag ceremony?”
C. Joseph asked Jana, “Are you attending the flag ceremony?”
D. Joseph asked Jana, “Will you attend the meeting?”


Choose the letter of the correct answer.
31. It is a group of words that does not consist of a subject and a verb.
A. clause B. phrase C. sentence D. predicate
32. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, a question mark or an exclamation point.
A. clause B. phrase C. sentence D. subject
33. Which among the following is an example of a phrase?
A. almost over you C. When you lied
B. I care for you. D. You are my sunshine.
34. Which among the following is an example of a clause?
A. Joan loves to sing and dance. C. because I value you so much
B. Inside the big room of my brother D. I will always be your friend
35. In the sentence, “ Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.” what is the independent clause?
A. because He lives, I can C. because He lives
B. I can face. D. I can face tomorrow.
36. What word group contains a subject and predicate and expresses a complete thought?
A. sentence B. clause C. noun D. phrase
37. A type of clause that needs to be joined to another clause to form a complete sentence is
A. Phrase C. independent clause
B. dependent clause D. sentence
38. The group of words “across the street” is an example of ________.
A. phrase B. clause C. sentence D. verb

The Parable of the Farmers’ Fantasies
Juan Flavier
The five farmers were resting under a mango tree where they had just finished eating their
packed lunch (bugong). It was too hot to resume work in the rice paddies. The searing effect of the direct
noonday sun was too much for the men and beasts. Their carabaos wallowed in the mud puddle to cool off.
“Did you hear of the Filipino who won $12 million in the New York lottery?” asked one of the
farmers as he fanned himself with his straw that.
“Yes,” the others chorused, “it was the top news in the early radio broadcast this morning.”
“I wonder what I would do if I had that kind of money,” said another farmer to no one in particular.
There was a momentary silence except for the rustle of leaves nearby. The youngest farmer broke the
silence by saying, “If I had that much money, I will take on seven wives.”
The group all laughed at the same time. “You are too ambitious. Six is enough so you can have one
day of rest,” said another farmer. There was even louder giggling.
“In my case, I will buy a luxury ship and travel to all countries I have only read about,” proclaimed
the second farmer. “I would buy a plane but I’m afraid of heights.”
“Me. I will buy all the land. Maybe several barrios. That way I can feel like an haciendero
(landowner) with his wealth and property,” exclaimed the third farmer.
The fourth farmer added his view, “With the money I will buy a high government position. That way,
I can have tremendous power over a big number of people.”
During it all, the oldest and the fifth farmer remained silent. The farmers’ fantasies were so wild that
he smiled but said nothing. “You must have secret thoughts with that great wealth available to you,” the
group told the old farmer. “Tell us your fantasies.”
In a measured tone, the wise farmer replied, “I want peace of mind, the acceptance by my neighbors,
friendship with those I meet and respect from my kinfolks.”
It took a little time for his reply to sink in. “But Lakay (old) Masong what you dream of does not need
money to attain.”
“Yes,” agreed the old man, “that is why among the five of us, only I can attain my fantasy.”
Choose the letter of the best answer.
39. What does bugong mean?
A. rice puddies C. packed lunch
B. rice cakes D. packed snack
40. Where does the lottery winner live?
A. New York C. New Mexico
B. New Jersey D. United States
41. How much did he win from the lottery?
A. $12 000 B. $12 000 000
C. $120 000 D. $12 000 000 000
42. In the story, to what does beast referred?
A. cow C. carabao
B. wild animals D. aswang
43. What is the problem of the farmer who wants to buy a plane?
A. He doesn’t know how to drive the plane.
B. He doesn’t have money to buy the plane.
C. His family wants a luxury car instead.
D. He is afraid of heights.
44. What does haciendero mean?
A. landowner C. politician
B. wealthy man D. farmer
45. Based on the story, to what word can fantasy be associated?
A. ambition C. wealth
B. farm D. dream
46. What is one of Lakay Masong’s fantasies?
A. seven wives
B. friendship
C. luxury ship
D. happiness
47. What does the term lakay mean?
A. Old C. wise
B. Young D. farmer
48. Why is it only Lakay Masong’s fantasies can come true?
A. because his fantasies are cheaper
B. because he has more money compared to other farmers
C. because other farmers fantasies are expensive
D. because his fantasies are not material things
49-50. Write any two of four different reading styles that one may use.

Prepared by: Checked by:


English Teacher, Grade 7 Head Teacher I


English Teacher, Grade 7

Noted by:

Principal IV

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