Gabriele Et Al. 2014 - Blood Serotonin Levels in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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European Neuropsychopharmacology (2014) 24, 919–929

Blood serotonin levels in autism spectrum

disorder: A systematic review and
Stefano Gabrielea,b, Roberto Saccoa,b, Antonio M. Persicoa,b,c,n

Unit of Child and Adolescent NeuroPsychiatry, Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry and Neurogenetics,
University “Campus Bio-Medico”, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, I-00128 Rome, Italy
Department of Experimental Neurosciences, I.R.C.C.S. “Fondazione Santa Lucia”, Rome, Italy
Mafalda Luce Center for Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Milan, Italy

Received 29 July 2013; received in revised form 9 January 2014; accepted 12 February 2014

5-HT; Elevated blood serotonin (5-HT) levels were the first biomarker identified in autism research.
Autism; Many studies have contrasted blood 5-HT levels in autistic patients and controls, but different
Biomarker; measurement protocols, technologies, and biomaterials have been used through the years. We
Endophenotype; performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to provide an overall estimate of effect size and
between-study heterogeneity, while verifying whether and to what extent different methodolo-
gical approaches influence the strength of this association. Our literature search strategy
identified 551 papers, from which 22 studies providing patient and control blood 5-HT values
were selected for meta-analysis. Significantly higher 5-HT levels in autistic patients compared to
controls were recorded both in whole blood (WB) [O.R.=4.6; (3.1–5.2); P=1.0  10 12], and in
platelet-rich plasma (PRP) [O.R.=2.6 (1.8–3.9); P=2.7  10 7]. Predictably, studies measuring
5-HT levels in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) yielded no significant group difference [O.R.=0.54 (0.2–
2–0); P=0.36]. Altogether, elevated 5-HT blood levels were recorded in 28.3% in WB and 22.5%
in PRP samples of autistic individuals, as reported in 15 and 4 studies, respectively. Studies
employing HPLC vs fluorometric assays yield similar cumulative effect sizes, but the former
display much lower variability. In summary, despite some limitations mainly due to small study
sample sizes, our results significantly reinforce the reliability of elevated 5-HT blood levels as a
biomarker in ASD, providing practical indications potentially useful for its inclusion in multi-
marker diagnostic panels for clinical use.
& 2014 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author at: Unit of Child and Adolescent NeuroPsychiatry, Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry and Neurogenetics, University
“Campus Bio-Medico”, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, I-00128 Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 06 2254 19155; fax: +39 06 5017 03333.
E-mail address: (A.M. Persico).
0924-977X & 2014 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.
920 S. Gabriele et al.

1. Introduction later replicated by Marazziti et al. (2000). Hence SERT

trafficking may be skewed in favor of SERT externalization in
The term “autism spectrum disorder” (ASD) defines a com- individuals showing elevated 5-HT blood levels, although
plex and heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental con- the existence of additional factors cannot be excluded. The
ditions, characterized by impaired social and communication molecular mechanisms favouring SERT externalization
skills, as well as stereotyped behaviors and restricted involve different genes in males and females (Mei et al.,
patterns of interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2007; Weiss et al., 2005), including for example common
2013). Despite many advances in our understanding of the variants at ITGB3 (Napolioni et al., 2011; Weiss et al., 2004,
neurobiological and developmental processes underlying ASD 2005, 2006a, 2006b) and rare variants at SLC6A4 (Prasad
(Chugani, 2012; Freitas et al., 2012; State and Levitt, 2011), et al., 2005; Veenstra-VanderWeele et al., 2012). It is also
our knowledge remains limited and its translational impact apparently modulated by sex hormones, since 5-HT blood
into the clinics is still insufficient. Most importantly, beha- levels are especially elevated in some autistic children,
vioral abnormalities are typically not evident until approxi- whereas after puberty this excess becomes less pronounced
mately 12–18 months of age (Mitchell et al., 2011; Wan et al., (McBride et al., 1998).
2013). Furthermore, ASD individuals vary enormously in Abnormal neurodevelopment underlies autistic behaviors
clinical presentation, severity, developmental trajectory, (DiCicco-Bloom et al., 2006). Interestingly, 5-HT plays a key
role not only as a neurotransmitter in the adult brain, by
and treatment response. This complexity is spurring an
regulating a variety of behavioral, autonomic and cognitive
intensive search to identify biological markers able to aid
functions (Murphy and Lesch, 2008), but also as a trophic
clinicians in achieving earlier diagnoses and in predicting
factor during prenatal neurodevelopment (Di Pino et al.,
clinical prognosis as well as treatment response (Walsh et al.,
2004; Persico, 2009). According to recent animal models,
2011). A biomarker can be defined as a biological variable
during pregnancy embryonic 5-HT is initially produced by
associated with the disease of interest across and within
the placenta using maternal tryptophan, whereas subse-
individuals, measurable directly in a given patient or in his/
quently 5-HT synthesis is undertaken by serotonergic neu-
her biomaterials using sensitive and reliable quantitative rons located in raphe nuclei and extending their projections
procedures. Elevated blood serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine to the cortex, basal ganglia, amygdala, hippocampus and
or 5-HT) was the first biomarker identified in autism research hypothalamus (Bonnin et al., 2011). Abnormalities in brain
(Hanley et al., 1977; Schain and Freedman, 1961), and is still 5-HT systems were also reported in ASD, including an
one of the quantitative traits most consistently associated altered developmental trajectory of 5-HT turnover
with the disease in a sizable subgroup of ASD patients, as (Chugani et al., 1999) and reduced binding of 5-HT recep-
reviewed elsewhere (Anderson et al., 1987; Cook and tors and SERT (Murphy et al., 2006; Nakamura et al., 2010).
Leventhal, 1996; Veenstra-VanderWeele and Blakely, 2012). Remarkably, proteins regulating 5-HT homeostasis periph-
In particular, most studies have described significantly higher erally and in the central nervous system (CNS) are largely
mean 5-HT blood levels in approximately 30% autistic indivi- conserved: the SLC6A4 and HTR2A genes encode the same
duals on average, as compared to typically developing SERT and 5-HT2A receptor, respectively, both in platelets
controls. Elevated 5-HT blood levels are seemingly autism- and brain (Cook et al., 1994; Lesch et al., 1993). Several
specific, as they are not present in cognitively impaired genes involved in SERT trafficking, especially SLC6A4 and
individuals, and are equally distributed in different Pervasive ITGB3, were mapped to autism linkage regions, found to
Developmental Disorder subtypes (i.e., Autistic Disorder vs host rare variants causing ASD, or were associated with
Pervasive developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) autism through common variants (Cantor et al., 2005;
(Mulder et al., 2004). Coutinho et al., 2004; Napolioni et al., 2011; Stone et al.,
Several studies have addressed the mechanisms under- 2004; Weiss et al., 2004. 2006a). Therefore, the molecular
lying 5-HT blood elevation in ASD. Physiologically, periph- mechanisms involved in blood 5-HT elevation may not only
eral 5-HT is produced by enterochromaffin cells in the tag a pathogenetically homogeneous subgroup of autistic
gut (Gershon, 2004). Approximately 99% of blood 5-HT is patients, but also underlie at least in part the neurodeve-
sequestered inside platelets by the antidepressant-sensitive lopmental abnormalities present in the CNS of these
5-HT transporter (SERT) and then inside vesicles by the patients.
vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) (Zalsman et al., The consistency of the association between elevated
2011), while only 1% of total 5-HT remains free in the 5-HT blood levels and autism, as well as the relevance of
plasma and thus exposed to the action of catabolic enzymes 5-HT roles in neurodevelopment, collectively make 5-HT
(Anderson et al., 1987). The regulation of SERT activity and blood levels a primary candidate for comprehensive ASD
trafficking at the plasma membrane of platelet represents biomarker panels currently under scrutiny. However, studies
an important and well investigated mechanism in the evaluating peripheral 5-HT in autistic patients and controls
regulation of 5-HT blood levels. The protein complex differ in sampling demographics (i.e., age range, sex,
involved in the SERT regulatory network includes αIIbβ3 ethnicity), patient characteristics, selection of controls,
integrin, protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), protein phosphatase 5-HT measurement protocol, technologies and biomaterials.
2A (PP2A), the 5-HT2A receptor and undergoes PKC-, PKG-, We thus undertook a systematic review of all studies
p38 MAPK-mediated regulation (Veenstra-VanderWeele and assessing 5-HT blood levels in ASD patients and controls,
Blakely, 2012). An initial study by Katsui et al. (1986) found followed by a series of meta-analyses in order to provide an
increased 5-HT blood levels associated with increased SERT overall estimate of the effect size and between-study
density on the platelet membrane (Vmax), while the affinity heterogeneity for the association between elevated 5-HT
(Kd) of SERT for 5-HT was unchanged. This initial study was blood levels and autism, while verifying whether and to
Blood serotonin levels in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis 921

what extent differences in biomaterials, experimental pro-

tocols and technologies influence results.

2. Experimental procedures

2.1. Literature search strategy

Studies eligible for this systematic review and meta-analysis

were identified through a strategy employing an initial a
priori search protocol, followed by reiterative modifications
aimed at progressively maximizing search efficiency by
yielding increased numbers of pertinent publications. Our
final search terms were as follows:
(Autism OR autistic OR ASD OR pervasive developmental
disorder OR Asperger) AND (serotonin OR 5-HT OR 5-hydro-
xytryptamine) AND (serotonergic OR levels OR peripheral OR
serum OR plasma OR urine OR saliva OR blood OR platelets
OR cerebrospinal fluid OR red blood cells).
This computer-aided search involved the PUBMED, Sco-
pus, Google Scholar, CINAHL, EmBase, and ERIC databases
and is updated to July 8th, 2013. Once original publications
were collected, bibliographies were manually searched for
additional eligible references.

2.2. Study selection criteria

A total of 526 studies were initially identified through the

procedure outlined above. The following exclusion criteria were
subsequently applied (Figure 1): (1) case reports, commentaries
and reviews; (2) studies not in English, German, French, Italian, Figure 1 Study flow chart. Abbreviations: ASD = Autism Spec-
or Spanish; (3) studies on animal and/or cellular models; trum Disorder; 5-HT =5-hydroxytryptamine
(4) reports on syndromic autism, Rett syndrome or specific
diagnoses other than idiopathic ASD; (5) publications lacking
using the χ2 goodness-of-fit test and the I2 statistic. Data
measures of 5-HT blood levels, including pharmacological,
were then analyzed using either a fixed effects model or a
genetic, brain imaging, and post-mortem studies; (6) studies
more conservative random effects model, depending on the
reporting the effects of pharmacological treatments or trypto-
absence or presence of significant between-study heteroge-
phan depletion on 5-HT blood levels; (7) studies providing direct
neity, respectively. The fixed effects model is based on the
5-HT measures of patients and first-degree relatives, while
assumption that a single true effect is shared by all studies
referring to previous literature for control levels; (8) studies
and that observed estimates vary only as a function of
showing 5-HT blood levels in dot plot and histogram format, but
chance. On the contrary, the random effects model assumes
not providing numerical results. In this case, studies were
that each study estimates different true effects and that the
excluded if corresponding authors were either unable to
various effects are normally distributed around a mean
provide the numerical data or did not respond; and (9) reporting
value. When heterogeneity is small, both models yield
of identical previously-published data sets.
essentially identical results. In either case, effect sizes were
At the end of this process, 22 studies were selected, each
calculated using mean and standard deviation of the case and
assessing patients with idiopathic autism (i.e., DSM-IV
control distributions, and combined using the inverse var-
diagnoses of either Autistic Disorder, Asperger Disorder or
iance method to generate a pooled effect size and 95%
Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified,
confidence intervals (CI). This strategy also accounts for
PDD-NOS), measuring 5-HT blood levels on autistic patients
variability in small sample sizes, such as those investigated
and typically developing controls, while providing results as
in several studies. Effect measures are reported as Odds
mean and either standard deviation or standard error of the
Ratios (O.R.). Meta-analytical procedures were performed
mean with known sample size. Data extracted from the
using the Comprehensive Meta Analysis Program (Biostat,
original publications are summarized in Table 1.
Version 2.0, 2005).
Publication bias was estimated by the method of Egger
2.3. Statistical analyses et al. (1997), which uses a linear regression approach to
measure funnel plot asymmetry on the natural logarithm
Meta-analyses were performed for each biomaterial and scale of odds ratios (O.R.). Statistical significance for the
analytical procedure, whenever at least three published intercept was determined applying the T test.
studies with usable data were available. For each meta- The percentage of autistic subjects with elevated 5-HT
analysis, between-study heterogeneity was first assessed blood levels was calculated for each separate study, as
Table 1 Summary of 22 studies systematically reviewed and selected for meta-analysis of 5-HT blood levels in autistic patients vs controls.

Reference Ethnicity Sample size Mean age 7 SD Sex (M/F) Analytical Biomaterial Mean 5-HT 7 SD Unit of % ASD
(range) procedure measure hyper
Autistics Autistics controls Autistics Autistics Controls 5HT
controls controls

Anderson et al. (2012)

(a) American 18 10.175.5 (4–20) 18/0 HPLC WB 219777 180750 ng/ml 28.8
(b) (mixed) 24 14.278.5 (5-30) 20/4 PPP 0.1570.94 0.1570.94 ng/ml 2.3
Hranilovic et al. Croatian 9 26.176.6 (16–45) nr FL PRP 5347217 1997125 ng/10^9 PLT 26.8
(2007) 45 39.979.2 (20–55) 44/1
Mulder et al. Dutch 81 12.573.5 70/11 HPLC PRP 8257274 6307190 ng/10^9 PLT 25.1
(2004) 60 11.573.9 29/31
Coutinho et al. Portuguese 105 7.14 (2–14) nr HPLC PRP 3047207 2607137 ng/10^9 PLT 13.4
(2004) 52 7.27 (4 m–17 y) nr
Spivak et al. Israeli 10 24.374.5 6/4 HPLC PPP 3.271.9 7.573.7 ng/ml 0
(2004) 12 30.073.6 6/6
Croonenberghs et al. (2000)
(a) Belgian 13 (12–18) 13/0 HPLC WB 223739 206768 ng/ml o1
(b) 13 13/0 PRP 95746 76744 ng/ml 6.7
Leboyer et al. French 60 9.274.2 (3–23) 19/19 FL PPPn 1797135 1707123 ng/mlnn 4
(1999) 209 (2–16 y, N=91; 416, (2–16 y, sm; (whole) (o16 y)
N=118) 416, nr)
McBride et al. (1998)
(a) African- 18 7.072.8 17/1 HPLC WB 323793 2977105 ng/ml 2.4
American 10 8.272.6 6/4
(b) 7 16.772.5 nr HPLC WB 198739 184731 ng/ml 10.9
11 24.075.7 nr
(c) Hispanic- 13 6.272.7 11/2 HPLC WB 3257121 262789 ng/ml 17.1
American 7 7.772.9 5/2
(d) Caucasian- 27 6.773.1 25/2 HPLC WB 245778 187750 ng/ml 29.8
American 21 8.072.9 14/7
(e) 12 23.776.3 nr HPLC WB 187784 152750 ng/ml 22.1
16 24.374.7 nr
Tordjman et al. Caucasian- 30 5.5572.49 30/0 HPLC WB 2647105 196772 ng/ml 23.6
(1995) American 10 7.7072.45 10/0
Yuwiler et al. Caucasian- 16 10 (3–19) nr FL WB 219727 24279 ng/ml 6.6
(1992) American 4 33 (5–52) nr

S. Gabriele et al.
Piven et al. Caucasian- 28 21.5 (6–53) 24/4 HPLC PRP 2377128.4 97.7758.1 ng/ml 56.8
(1991) American 10 25.1 (4–47) 5/5
Minderaa et al. (1989)
(a) Caucasian- 17 19.474.9 14/3 HPLC WB 163781.7 116735.0 ng/ml 39
(b) American 20 22.077.5 15/5 6207303 4657162 ng/10^9 PLT 29.1
Minderaa et al. (1987)
Blood serotonin levels in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(a) Caucasian- 14 20.674.6 nr HPLC WB 163786.3 113724.6 ng/ml 53.6
(b) American 17 20.376.9 nr 6307333 4437112 ng/10^9 PLT 45.6
Abramson et al. American 57 13.975 43/14 FL WB 3997210 184797 ng/ml 54
(1989 (mixed) 17 Age-matched 13/4
Geller et al. (1988)
(a) Caucasian- 19 (1.6–11.6) nr FL WB 243718 245712 ng/ml 7.5
(b) American 26 age-matched nr 11807130 1010770 ng/10^9 PLT 59.1
Anderson et al. (1987)
(a) Caucasian- 21 16.876.04 15/6 HPLC WB 20574.3 136750 ng/ml 33
(b) American 87 14.677.47 45/42 7767337 5227211 ng/10^9 PLT 31.2
Badcock et al. Australian 30 10.2 (4–19) nr HPLC WB 229785 190788 ng/mlnn 5.4
(1987) 106 9.7 (1–19) nr
de Villard et al. French 39 8.6 (2–18) 26/13 HPLC PRP 8637280 7367160 ng/10^9 PLT 24.8
(1986) 33 9.0 (20 m–18 y) 26/7
Hoshino et al. Japanese 37 4.7 (3–11) 34/3 FL WB 173762 124744 ng/ml 26.8
(1984) 12 10.5 6/6
Hanley et al. Caucasian- 27 (7–22) nr FL WB 134.5756.9 56.6748.8 ng/ml 36.7
(1977) American 6 age-matched nr
Yuwiler et al. Caucasian- 7 (33–107) 7/0 FL WB 272753 183728 ng/ml 73.2
(1971) American 4 (31–120) 3/1
Ritvo et al. Caucasian- 24 (3–8) nr FL WB 263763 216761 ng/ml 12
(1970) American 36 age-matched nr

Abbreviations: WB =Whole Blood; PRP =Platelet-Rich Plasma; PPP=Platelet-Poor Plasma; PLT=platelet; HPLC=high-pressure liquid chromatography; FL =fluorometric; sm=sex-matched;
nr=no reported.
Reported as PPP in Materials and Methods, and as WB in Results. Blood sample procedures appear most compatible with PPP.
Original values expressed in molarity.

924 S. Gabriele et al.

follows: (1) 5-HT blood levels in each control sample were

assumed to follow a normal distribution, as previously shown
in empirical data sets (Mulder et al., 2004; Hranilovic et al.,
2007); (2) the upper limit of the normal distribution was
defined in each control sample as +2 S.D. from mean control
values; (3) the mean value of 5-HT blood levels in autistic
subjects was then transformed into a z-score based on the
control sample distribution; (4) the proportion of autistic
subjects with 5-HT blood levels above the upper limit of the
control distribution was estimated, and (5) is expressed as
percentage of the total number of autistic patients in each

3. Results
Figure 2 Percentages of autistic patients with elevated 5-HT
3.1. Study characteristics blood levels from studies using different biomaterials and
expressing 5-HT content with or without normalization by
The Literature search yielded 551 records, including 469 platelet count. Abbreviations: WB = whole blood; PRP =plate-
records from PubMed, 76 records from Scopus, and 6 additional let-rich plasma; PPP=platelet-poor plasma; PLT =platelet.
records from Eric. Applying our exclusion criteria (Figure 1), 22
studies were selected for review and meta-analysis (Table 1), reported as such (ng/ml), still display substantial
whereas 529 were excluded (listed as Suppl. Refs.). These 22 between-study heterogeneity (Po0.05; I2 = 73%) following
papers were published between 1970 and 2012; thirteen exclusion of four studies where WB 5-HT concentrations are
studies were conducted in United States, 6 were from Europe, normalized by platelet count (Figure 2) (Anderson et al.,
2 from Asia and 1 from Australia. Sample sizes varied widely, 1987; Geller et al., 1988; Minderaa et al., 1987, 1989).
ranging from 7 to 105 autistic individuals (Coutinho et al., Nonetheless, normalization by platelet count may enhance
2004; Yuwiler et al., 1971), and from 4 to 106 controls effect size over plain 5-HT concentration in WB: mean7SEM
(Badcock et al., 1987; Yuwiler et al., 1971). Similarly, mean percentage of ASD individuals with elevated 5-HT blood
age of autistic and control individuals varied broadly, ranging levels was 41.278.1% using the former approach, as
from pre-puberal to post-puberal. The systematic review compared to 25.674.6% in the latter, with meta-analysis
identified three different biomaterials used for 5-HT assays: yielding O.R. of 6.7 (3.7–12.2; P =2.8  10 7) and 3.6 (2.3–
whole blood (WB), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and platelet- 5.4; P= 1.8  10 8), respectively (Suppl. Figures 1 and 2).
poor plasma (PPP). Blood 5-HT values were expressed as No publication bias was found for these meta-analyses
ng/mL, or as ng/109 platelets (PLT) in some studies using [intercept 0.46; 95%CI ( 2.12 to + 3.05); P = 0.70; Intercept
WB or PRP. Moreover, 13 studies performed 5-HT assessment 0.18; 95%CI ( 410.7 to +411.1); P= 0.99, respectively]
using HPLC as analytical procedure, whereas 9 adopted fluoro- (Suppl. Figure S3).
metric assays (Table 1). Four publications reported 5-HT levels measured in PRP
and normalized by platelet count (ng/109 PLT) (Coutinho
et al., 2004; de Villard et al., 1986; Hranilovic et al., 2007;
3.2. Studies performing 5-HT assays on different Mulder et al., 2004). Significantly higher 5-HT levels were
biomaterials found in ASD subjects compared to controls (O.R. = 2.6;
P = 2.7  10 7) (Figure 3B), and specifically in 22.573.6% of
Fifteen publications describe 5-HT levels assessed in WB from autistic patients collectively assessed in this group of
19 independent samples, reported either as 5-HT concentra- studies (Figure 2). Between-studies heterogeneity was much
tion (ng/ml) or normalized by platelet number (ng/109PLT). lower compared to studies using WB (P =0.11; I2 =49%), and
One publication reports results from five independent sam- no publication bias was found [intercept 1.54; 95%CI ( 11.3
ples (McBride et al., 1998), two use different biomaterials to + 14.4); P= 0.65] (Suppl. Figure S4). Only two studies
(Anderson et al., 2012; Croonenberghs et al., 2000), while reported 5-HT concentrations (ng/ml) measured in PRP
four others report WB data with and without normalization without normalizing for platelet counts (Croonenberghs
by platelet number (Table 1) (Anderson et al., 1987; Geller et al., 2000; Piven et al., 1991). These studies are listed
et al., 1988; Minderaa et al., 1987, 1989). Collectively the in Table 1, but no meta-analysis was performed, as their
mean7SEM percentage of ASD individuals with elevated number is below the minimum threshold of N =3 set in our
5-HT blood levels from studies using WB was 28.374.06% criteria. Collectively, 25.675.2% of ASD subjects showed
(Figure 2). Meta-analyses performed on this pool of publica- elevated 5-HT blood levels in the six studies employing PRP.
tions (N=15) showed higher levels of 5-HT in ASD subjects Only three studies measured 5-HT levels in PPP of ASD
compared to controls [O.R.=4.6; (3.1–5.2); P=1.0  10 12], patients and controls (Anderson et al., 2012; Leboyer et al.,
as well as significant between-study heterogeneity (P=0.002; 1999; Spivak et al., 2004). In this set, no significant case-
I2 =53%). This heterogeneity is seemingly real and does not stem control difference was observed [O.R. = 0.54 (0.2–2.0);
from systematic differences in measurement methodology. P = 0.36, n.s.], whereas significant between-studies hetero-
In particular, studies where WB 5-HT concentrations are geneity was detected (P= 0.01; I2 = 77%) (Figure 3C). Only
Blood serotonin levels in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis 925

Figure 3 Odds Ratios (O.R.) from: (A) random effects meta-analysis of studies reporting whole blood (WB) 5-HT levels; (B) fixed
effects meta-analysis of studies reporting 5-HT levels measured in platelet-rich plasma (PRP); and (C) random effects meta-analysis
of studies measuring 5-HT levels in platelet-poor plasma (PPP). O.R. are displayed as a forest plot, represented by a point and
bounded by its confidence intervals.

271.4% of autistic patients showed PPP 5-HT levels two S.D.

above control values (Figure 2). Also in this set of studies,
no publication bias was found [intercept 3.58; 95%CI
( 32.6 to + 25.4); P= 0.36] (Suppl. Figure S5).
Several other studies contrasting ASD patients with first-
degree relatives, but not including unrelated controls, were
not be incorporated into our case-control meta-analytical
design (Cook et al., 1988a, 1990; Kuperman et al., 1985;
Leventhal et al., 1990; Perry et al., 1991; Cuccaro et al.,
1993; Persico et al., 2002).

3.3. Studies performing 5-HT assays using

different analytical procedures

Measurements of 5-HT blood levels were initially per-

formed using fluorometric methods, accomplished by fluo-
rometer or spectrophotometer. Later, HPLC became the
more widespread approach. The effect size of differences
in WB 5-HT levels measured in autistic individuals and
controls applying these two different analytical procedures Figure 4 Odds Ratios (O.R.) from: (A) fixed effects meta-
is similar for HPLC [O.R. = 3.8 (2.7–5.3); P = 2,6  10 14] analysis of studies reporting 5-HT levels measured in WB using
(Figure 4A) (Anderson et al., 1987, 2012; Croonenberghs HPLC, and (B) random effects meta-analysis of studies reporting
et al., 2000; McBride et al., 1998; Minderaa et al., 1987, 5-HT levels measured in WB using fluorometric methods.
1989), and for fluorometric assays [O.R. = 3.3 (1.9–5.5);
P = 0.03] (Figure 4B) (Abramson et al., 1989; Geller et al.,
1988; Hanley et al., 1977; Hoshino et al., 1984; Ritvo to + 2.99); P = 0.71; intercept 0.54; 95%CI ( 6.04 to
et al., 1970; Yuwiler et al., 1971, 1992). However, sig- + 7.14), P-value = 0.83] (Suppl. Figure S6).
nificant between-study heterogeneity was found in the
latter set (P = 0.001; I2 = 73%) and not in HPLC studies,
which were much more homogenous (P = 0.17; I2 = 27%) 4. Discussion
(compare Figures 4A and 4B). This lower between-study
variance produced much greater statistical significance We conducted a systematic review and selection of studies
with HPLC studies, despite superimposable mean odds measuring 5-HT blood levels in autistic and control samples
ratios. Regression tests indicated no publication bias also using different biomaterials and methodologies. Data from
for these two meta-analyses [intercept 0.40; 95%CI ( 2.17 selected studies were then meta-analyzed, yielding results
926 S. Gabriele et al.

expressed as overall percentage of ASD patients displaying thresholds of technologies applied for 5-HT measurements,
elevated 5-HT blood levels, and as global mean odds ratios. making the estimation of mean 5-HT values in PPP less
The procedure employed here to systematically detect reliable compared to WB and PRP (Brand and Anderson,
published papers on 5-HT blood levels in autism was 2011). Moreover, PPP collecting procedure do not exclude
broad-based and thorough. Our strict selection criteria completely contributions from platelet 5-HT. Probably due
requiring that both case and control data be reported in to these methodological limitations, discrepant results were
the same paper, no drug treatment applied, and population reported in different studies (Anderson et al., 2012;
controls be recruited rather than first-degree relatives, Leboyer et al., 1999; Spivak et al., 2004) [excluded from
reduced to a large extent the number of studies eligible our selection Vered et al. (2003); Connors et al. (2006)].
for meta-analysis, as is always the case when this approach Nonetheless, collectively these results are in line with 5-HT
is employed to Literature surveys (Figure 1). Our results uptake and storage mechanisms in platelets as being
reliably confirm the consistent association of elevated 5-HT boosted in autistic patients with elevated 5-HT blood levels,
blood levels with autism, regardless of which technique and while neither peripheral 5-HT synthesis nor catabolism
biomaterial is used, with the predicted exception of PPP. appear significantly affected.
This conclusively demonstrates that peripheral 5-HT We also evaluated the weight that different analytical
deserves utmost attention in the definition of future procedures may have on peripheral 5-HT assessments in ASD.
biomarker panels applicable to ASD. Fluorometric methods were more often used in initial studies,
Meta-analyses of studies employing WB and PRP reveal whereas HPLC later became the most frequently adopted
higher 5-HT levels in ASD compared to control individuals in method (Table 1). Meta-analyses on HPLC and fluorometric
all study sets, possibly with a larger effect size when 5-HT assays involved papers employing WB, since only this biomater-
amounts are measured in WB and normalized by platelet ial was assessed in a minimum of three studies using either
count (Figures 2 and S2). Studies measuring 5-HT levels in technique. Mean odds ratios obtained for HPLC and fluorometric
WB without normalizing by platelet count show a significant assays were quite similar (3.8 vs 3.3, respectively; see Figures
degree of between-study heterogeneity, which negatively 4A and 4B). Despite this substantial equivalence, significant
impacts odds ratios. Heterogeneity may have been particu- between-study heterogeneity was found for fluorometric
larly affected by two studies, Geller et al. (1988), and assays. These discrepancies do not appear immediately due to
Yuwiler et al. (1992), the former including only autistic differences in experimental protocols, which were homoge-
patients with WB 5-HT values similar to controls, as neous and specific for discrimination between 5-HT and other 5-
reported by the authors, the latter for not matching ASD hydroxyndoles (Bogdanski et al., 1956; Yuwiler et al., 1970).
cases and controls by age. This variable may be an Therefore heterogeneity in earlier studies should be primarily
especially important confound, as 5-HT blood levels are due to non-technical factors, such as demographic variables,
blunted by sex hormones and 5-HT elevations are more more than to differences in assay specificity and sensitivity.
prevalent in prepuberal than in postpuberal autistic indivi- This systematic review and meta-analysis displays some
duals (McBride et al., 1998). Typically, most studies have not limitations, which should be duly acknowledged. While the
applied strict age limitations, clumping together children number of studies using WB, HPLC and fluorometric assays is
with adolescents, or adolescents with adults (Table 1). sufficient to provide reliable estimations of effect size and
Interestingly, many studies focussing on small children do between-study heterogeneity (Figures 3A, 4A, and 4B),
display greater 5-HT levels and broader differences studies normalizing 5-HT amounts by platelet number and
between ASD patients and controls. The set of studies using employing PRP were relatively few and their meta-analyses
WB without normalizing by platelet count may have suf- should be viewed with some caution (Figure 3B and S2).
fered to a greater extent from spurious differences intro- Secondly, the influence of age and race/ethnicity on 5-HT
duced by age and race/ethnicity, given the larger number of blood levels has been recognized only since the study by
studies in this data set. Instead, the difference between McBride et al. (1998). Prior to this study, and also subse-
platelet-normalized 5-HT amounts recorded in WB and PRP quently, the vast majority of published papers combines
(see Table 1 and Figure 2) does not reflect obvious differ- prepuberal to postpuberal individuals into single patient
ences in age range and methodology. Apparently platelet- and control samples. We acknowledge the importance of
normalized PRP studies (Coutinho et al., 2004; de Villard these variables by listing in Table 1 mean age and S.D.
et al., 1986; Hranilovic et al., 2007; Mulder et al., 2004) (range) for all ASD and control samples, as well as ethnic
display lower 5-HT amounts especially among ASD cases and groups as pertaining to each original study. Unfortunately it
larger between-study variability, as compared to platelet- was not possible to control for race and especially for age in
normalized WB studies (Anderson et al., 1987; Geller et al., our meta-analyses. Moreover, large difference in sample
1988; Minderaa et al., 1987, 1989). Hence methods size may have affected between-study heterogeneity.
employed to obtain PRP may not all be equivalent in Random-effects model used for meta-analyses showing
preserving platelet 5-HT content for later measurement greater heterogeneity, accounted for this factor yielding
and care should be placed into setting these preliminary more reliable results (Walker et al., 2008). Finally, the
procedural steps, regardless of whether 5-HT amounts in number of studies included in our systematic review was
PRP will later be normalized by platelet count or simply much smaller than the number initially selected using the
measured quantitatively. Literature search strategy described above. However, this
As predictable, PPP represents an exception to the excess procedure largely increases the reliability of our analyses
of 5-HT present in WB and PRP of autistic individuals and enhances confidence in our conclusions: (a) studies on
compared to controls (Figure 3C). Serotonin levels in PPP syndromic autism and other disorders (n = 41) were
are so low that they often overlap with the sensitivity excluded, because genetic/genomic abnormalities typically
Blood serotonin levels in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis 927

resulting in syndromic autism, can themselves impact 5-HT statistical analyses. AMP designed the study. SG and AMP wrote
blood levels differently from idiopathic autism; (b) studies the manuscript. All authors approved the final version of the
with pharmacologically treated samples (n =78) were manuscript.
excluded because psychoactive drugs, especially selective
serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), block 5-HT uptake into
platelets, spuriously reducing 5-HT blood levels to a very Conflict of interest
large extent (Persico et al., 2002); (c) the strict inclusion of
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
studies assessing in parallel both patients and controls using
the same technology, while removing studies not assessing
population controls (n= 11), increases the reliability of our Acknowledgments
meta-analyses. Importantly, several among these eleven
studies contrasted ASD patients with their first-degree We wish to thank all the investigators who kindly provided addi-
relatives (Cook et al., 1990; Cook et al., 1988; Kuperman tional information regarding their papers for appropriate data
et al., 1985; Leventhal et al., 1990; Perry et al., 1991; management.
Cuccaro et al., 1993; Persico et al., 2002). These studies
provide strong evidence of familiality, supporting a genetic
basis for blood 5-HT elevation and demonstrating its value Appendix A. Supporting information
not only as a biomarker, but also as a familial endopheno-
type (Ruggeri et al., 2013; Sacco et al., 2010). However, the Supplementary data associated with this article can be
present review and meta-analysis is focused on potential found in the online version at
uses of 5-HT blood levels as a biomarker and thus requires j.euroneuro.2014.02.004.
that patient values be contrasted exclusively with popula-
tion control values.
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biomarker for ASD. Indeed elevated 5-HT blood levels are
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