Ingls 3ano 3B Comcdigo

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Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.

Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40
Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40
Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

Leia o poema abaixo para responder as próximas questões:

Guessing game
Whose smile is this?
It’s mine, said the little girl.
It’s not, said the little boy.
Whose kiss is this?
It’s hers, said the mom.
It’s not, said the little boy.
Whose hug is this?
It’s his, said the grandma.
It’s not, said the little boy.
Why? Asked the girl, the mom and the grandma.
And the little boy replied,
The smile, the kiss and the hug are ours,
We can all use them to show love.

1) A palavra que pode resumir a mensagem que o texto traz é:

a) Nature.
b) Love.
c) Human Body.
d) Sadness.

2) Observe a frase abaixo e complete de acordo com o texto:

The ___________ said the smile belongs to ____________.
The words below that complete the sentence correctly are

a) little boy / him

b) mom / her
c) grandma / her
d) little girl / her

Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG305 – EM13LGG604 – EM13LGG201

3) Complete:
The little boy ____________ the hug is his.

a) is
b) thinks
c) doesn’t think
d) has

Leia o texto abaixo para responder as questões 4 - 6:

My name is Aaron and I love adventure. I always spend my vacation at Gaia

Rocks; it’s my favorite summer camp. We usually get up at about 5:30. Then we
make our beds. I don’t like it! After that we have a big breakfast. After breakfast,
we play different sports all day long. I love it! In the evening, we sit round the
fire and sing songs. It’s great fun! We go to bed at 9 p.m.

4) The gender of the text is:

a) personal report.
b) biography.
c) news.
d) chronic.

5) Após arrumar sua cama, Aaron :

a) passeia no bosque.
b) escova os dentes.
c) toma o café da manhã.
d) faz caminhada.

6) Gaia Rocks is a:

a) summer camp.
b) school.
c) mountain.
d) party

Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG305 – EM13LGG604 – EM13LGG201

7) Observe a imagem e complete a resposta:

He is __________________.

a) boring.
b) great.
c) awful.
d) terrible.

8) Leia o texto para resolver a questão:

I’m Rick, a fan of TV series. They are cool! My favorite one is “Icarly.” I think it’s
awesome! I love it! All chacarters are fantastic, but my favorite is Carly Shay, of
course. She’s so cute!
Acoording to Rick, Icarly is:

a) awesome.
b) cool.
c) cute.
d) fantastic.

9) Read the following cartoon in order to answer QUESTION.

The cartoon infers the idea that:

a) kids are expected to be quiet and obnoxious.

b) children should disrespect elders and not disturb them.
c) girls are not supposed to show good manners toward adults.
d) children’s right to be heard has a significant impact on their future.

Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG305 – EM13LGG604 – EM13LGG201

10) The cartoonist is making fun of the fact that

a) patients usually want to hear a second opinion on a diagnosis and/or

treatment recommendations.
b) people have been increasingly making attemps at self-diagnosis using
the Internet before seeing a doctor.
c) patients who engage in health information seeking via the Internet may
be easily misled.
d) independent online inquiries can complement and be used in synergy
with doctor-patient interactions in the clinic.

11) Read the text and answer question.

The lion and the four bulls

Clarke, M.
A lion used to walk about a field in which four bulls lived. Many times he tried to
attack them, but whenever he came near, they turned their tails toward one
another so that whichever way the lion tried to attack, he would have to face the
horns of one of them.
At last, however, the bulls started arguing with each other, and each went off to
a different part of the field by himself. Then the lion attacked them one by one
and soon had killed all four.
Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996.p.138
The messsage of the text can be summarized as:

a) Necessity is the mother of invention.

b) You must take the bull by the horns.
c) United we stand, divided we fall.
d) Only the strong survive.

Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG305 – EM13LGG604 – EM13LGG201

12) In the sentence “You can start a conversation just by saying...”, the opposite
of start is:
a) Purpose.
b) Initiate.
c) Finish.
d) Over.

13) The group of words “rock hard”, “soft boiled”, “melting point” are examples
a) Compounds.
b) Antonyms.
c) Idioms.
d) Contrastive stress.
e) Lexical sets.

14) Consider the following words from the text:


We can state that possible opposites for them are:

a) disregard – discontinued – specific

b) negligence – mantained – total
c) attention – stopped – global
d) neglicence – proceeded – unique
e) attention – achieved – specific

15) The correct opposites for the words “hot” and “waste” are respectively:

a) freeze - leisure
b) cold - useful
c) warm - solve
d) ice - steep

Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG305 – EM13LGG604 – EM13LGG201
Conteúdo licenciado para Reinaldo da Silva - 012.272.727-40

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