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Social workers often choose to increase their competency in a particular field of specialization.
The areas of specialization in social work include child and family social work, school social
work, gerontological social work, clinical social work, community social work, and gender
development social work.

Child and Family Social Work. This area focuses on the welfare and security of families,
children, and adolescents. Child and family social workers are often in government agencies that
attend to the needs of children and their families. They make home visits and investigate
allegations of child or domestic abuse. In addition, child and family social workers perform
background checks of families applying for child adoption. They also work with out-of- school
youth, children caught in armed conflict, children of overseas Filipino workers, and women in
difficult circumstances.

School Social Work. This area focuses on schools where social workers serve as counsellors.
They coordinate with parents and teachers of delinquent students. They study the backgrounds of
students who are always absent in their classes. They also act on bullying committed by students
or teachers. Finally, they facilitate career orientation events for high school and college students.

Gerontological Social Work. This is carried out in social welfare institutions that take care of
the elderly, especially those separated from their families. Social workers make sure that the
elderly is given adequate care and live comfortable lives. In the Philippines, the Home for the
Aged provides gerontological social work services.

Clinical Social Work. Those who perform clinical social work are usually found in public and
private hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation centers. They attend to physical and mental health
issues of patients and look for possible donors for their medical needs. Social workers coordinate
with family members or relatives of patients to make sure that their health is monitored while in
the hospital and that they are taken care of once they are discharged.

Community Social Work. Social workers based in local communities create a demographic
profile of the community and assess the needs of its residents. They contact donor agencies and
apply for grants to help implement projects and facilitate access to resources. They also involve
the members of the community in implementing projects, and monitor the implementation of
community programs. In addition, they facilitate psychological debriefing sessions in
communities devastated by disasters such as typhoons, volcanic eruptions, or earthquakes.

Gender Development Social Work. This area aims to promote equal rights and opportunities
for men and women in both public and private agencies. Social workers in this area are
employed as advocates of change by both government and private agencies. They may also
manage intervention programs and help draft policy proposals to promote gender equality.


Social workers take on a broad range of careers. Those who work in the academe serve as
instructors teaching social work in colleges or universities. They may also be employed as
researchers in universities and private and civil society agencies.

As government workers, social workers may be involved in providing services to children,

delinquent youth, families, the community, and the elderly. In the Philippines, social workers are
also involved in the creation of government policies in agencies such as the Department of Social
Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the Philippine Red Cross.

Health social workers provide health care services to individuals and their families and promote
health awareness in communities. A social health worker does not only possess knowledge about
health conditions, but is also aware of their social impact on different people. Health social
workers help the elderly, mothers, severely ill individuals, and victims of accidents.

Social workers also work in prisons as corrections staff members. They help a released
offender address the possible roots of the committed crime, support his/her family, and update
courts about his/her progress after release from prison.

Youth workers often provide assistance to youth dealing with substance and alcohol abuse, as
well as homelessness and other family problems. Youth workers coordinate with schools or work
in counselling centers.

In nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), social workers perform research work,

conceptualize policies, and give direct services to potential clients. These clients include those
experiencing mental health issues linked to various social problems, including unemployment
and poverty. Social workers also help people going through dysfunctional relationships and those
who have physical disabilities.

Social workers also apply their knowledge in private managerial positions and organizational
consulting. Some social workers work in international volunteer organizations. Social workers
also may pursue specialized occupations as community organizers, community development
workers, program managers, project officers, human resource development managers and
specialists, cultural development officers, recreation officers, residential care workers, grant
writers, organization and rehabilitation development specialists, consultants.

Meanwhile, certain areas of specialization in social work may require a specific educational
attainment. For example, child and family social workers only need a Bachelor's degree in
social work, while school and clinical social workers should have graduate degrees.


Republic Act No. 4373 regulates the practice of social work and the operation of social work
agencies in the Philippines. This law sets the standards for the quality of service provided by
social workers. The Philippine Association of Social Workers Inc. (PASWI) also helps in
monitoring the practice of social work in the country. The association aims to uphold fairness
and compassion and puts a premium on the rights and responsibilities of the clientele of social



Social workers are expected to balance the needs of their clients and their families, and those of
other people involved in the profession. In order for social workers to perform this responsibility
well, social work agencies need to create policies which consider both the needs of the clients
and the concerns of social workers such as those relating to management as well as economic,
political, and other social factors.

An equally important concern is the right of social workers to effective and ethical working
environments. To uphold such right, the International Federation of Social Workers (ISFW)
approved a guidance policy on working environments in 2012. An effective and ethical working
environment enables social workers to provide the best service at all times.

Effective and ethical working environments value moral practices, adherence to standards, good
quality services, and professionalism. These environments also practice consistency between the

principles valued by both social workers and their managers. Dual accountability is also
considered important; policies and arrangements must reflect the roles and responsibilities of
social workers and their employers. Most of all, ethical and effective working environments
place prime importance on respecting and supporting clients.

A framework is necessary in elaborating the specific policies for effective and ethical social work
environments. This framework encompasses training and supervision, workload management,
and professional improvement. It also requires both social workers and their employers to
collaborate in upholding ethical practices. The specific elements of this framework are as

 Agencies must ensure the protection of clients, social workers, and their employers.
Social workers must also avoid situations where they may fail to uphold ethical
standards. Thus, agencies must create policies promoting equal opportunities for social
workers, protecting confidential matters, and managing possible risks.
 Social workers must always consider previous research and experience in their practice.
 Social workers and their agencies need to uphold transparency. They must inform their
clients and the general public about the ethical standards, policies, and procedures in the
profession. Social workers must also encourage their clients and the general public to
raise their concerns about these standards and procedures.
 Agencies must create policies that prevent threats, violence, and other forms of abuse
toward clients, social workers, and staff members. Policies must also be created against
exploitation, discrimination, and other issues.
 Social work agencies must protect those who raise their concerns about unethical and
unsafe practices. These agencies need to make sure that the complainants are not harassed
or attacked for their opinions.
 Social workers must uphold human rights and social justice at all times.
 Social workers must not only be academically qualified for their profession; they also
need to be fully aware of their professional and ethical roles and responsibilities.
 Agencies also need to create policies ensuring the health and occupational safety of social
workers. This is to address violence, trauma, work-related stress, and burnout that social
workers may experience.

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