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11 Tweets • 2022-10-10 •  See on 


BOYFRIEND: a thread

If your man is attractive to other women and worth

stealing, this thread is for you.

If he's just a normal guy who can't really pull women,

you will probably never be truly happy in the
relationship, but at least you don't have to be afraid of
losing him to someone else
The first step is to be suspicious of all other women,
especially women who your boyfriend introduces you
to. Proceed with the utmost caution concerning ALL
WOMEN especially those who say "you all are so

however, never make it seem like you are suspicious.

remain calm

You never want to appear demanding or controlling of

his friendships, and you never want to appear
insecure to other women. Ask him to introduce you to
all his friends and coworkers. Be kind, well dressed
and socially gracious so ppl will tell him you're a catch

Be frank about people, have discussions about all

your friendships and relationships. Make him think you
are kind and an excellent judge of character

Without being obvious, and without getting jealous ask

about all his friends and female friends. Keep tabs.
If he says a girl is "like his sister" this is a sign that he
is in love with her. Normal men don't call random
women their sister unless He is harboring freudian
sexual desire for her.

Once you have established that there is possible /

desired romantic tension between a girl and your
boyfriend you have to play the long game

Find out what he likes about her. Is he impressed w

her beach volleyball skills? Make sure she never plays
with him

Talk badly about her to him, but be nice. Don’t say

anything outright mean just mention some stuff he
wouldn’t like. Find out about something slutty she did
and have a laugh about them with your boyfriend

Using whatever means possible, ensure that you

seem more high value than not only her but all the
women around her. If you can’t do it with looks, do it
with personality. You’re not only fun and cool, but
empathetic and caring as well.
If you can, surround yourself with annoying women
generally & Bait the girl trying to steal your bf into
being annoying by putting her in a bad position

Go to a pizza place when she’s gluten free, plan a

haunted house trip even though you know her scream
is unappealing etc

Ask her out for drinks and get her comfortable, maybe
talk about how you think he’d be happy w someone
like her too.. Give her things to interpret as green
lights to say she’d like to date him, let her know you’re
cool and forgiving, but as soon as she oversteps.

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