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Soviet Physics Uspekhi


- MoS2/Si tunnel diodes based on
TUNNEL DIODES comprehensive transfer technique
Yi Zhu, , Hongliang Lv et al.

To cite this article: V I Fistul' and N Z Shvarts 1962 Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 430 - Growth optimization of InAs/GaAs
quantum dots and performance
enhancement of a GaAs tunnel diode by
embedding quantum dots for solar cell
K W Park, S J Kang, Sooraj Ravindran et
View the article online for updates and enhancements. al.

- Negative Gate Transconductance in MIS

Tunnel Diode Induced by Peripheral
Minority Carrier Control Mechanism
Chien-Shun Liao and Jenn-Gwo Hwu

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Usp. Fiz. Nauk 77, 109-160 (May, 1962)

Introduction 430
1. Operating Principle of Tunnel Diode 430
2. Tunnel Effect in Semiconductors 432
3. Quantitative Study of the Tunnel Effect in p-n Junctions 433
4. Physical Principles Underlying the Manufacture of Tunnel Diodes 434
5. Parameters Characterizing the Tunnel Diode 437
6. Tunnel Diode Construction 442
7. Operating Conditions and Stability of Tunnel-diode Circuits 442
8. Measurement of Tunnel-diode Parameters 443
9. Tunnel-diode Generators 446
10. Tunnel-diode Amplifiers 449
11. Other Applications of Tunnel Diodes 455
12. Use of Tunnel Diodes for Physical Research 457
Cited Literature 457

INTRODUCTION and to its high-frequency applications in radio engi-

I . I. Frenkel and A. F. Ioffe, examining the nature of
rectification on the boundary between a metal and 1. OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF THE TUNNEL DIODE
semiconductor, arrived at a hypothesis that the mech-
anism of this phenomenon may be the electron tunnel Until recently the physics and technology of semi-
effect. This idea was advanced by them in 1932 И . it conductor diodes was limited to crystals in which the
could not be verified experimentally at that time, owing impurity concentration did not exceed 10 16 —10 17 cm" 3 .
to the low level of semiconductor technology. Accordingly, the concentration of the free c a r r i e r s in
It took 25 years of vigorous development of physics these crystals was of the same order of magnitude or
and semiconductor technology for this idea of Frenkel even less. The corresponding location of the Fermi
and Ioffe to come to fruition in the tunnel diode, dis- level and of the band boundaries in the semiconductors
covered by the Japanese scientist E s a k i ^ in 1958. had the form shown in Fig. 1. The energy structure of
The tunnel diode has attracted much attention from the p-n junction (under thermodynamic equilibrium
specialists in various fields. Its quantum-mechanical conditions) in such crystals is shown in Fig. 2.
nature allows such diodes to be used for various very A p-n junction which is homogeneous in structure
precise physical researches. The use of tunnel diodes and has a sharply delineated impurity distribution
affords new possibilities for the generation, amplifica- (alloyed junction) is given, as is well known'- -', by
tion, mixing, and detection of electromagnetic oscilla- the expression
tions .
L=l,05- 10 [ e(Uk-U)
The operating speed of the device makes it a very [cm], (1.1)
valuable computer element.
Many experimental and theoretical papers dealing where e —dielectric constant, q —electron charge,
with the physics and technology of tunnel diodes have nd and n a —densities of the ionized donors and ac-
been published by now in various countries. ceptors on both sides of the p-n junction, U^ —con-
The present article is a review of the papers on tact potential difference on the junction, and U —ex-
tunnel diodes published up to July 1961. Papers deal- ternal voltage applied to the junction.
ing with computer applications of tunnel diodes are If the impurity density is 1O 16 -1O 17 cm" 3 , the thick-
not included; their number is large enough to warrant ness of the p-n junction in the germanium is approxi-
a separate review. A rather exhaustive bibliography mately 10" 4 —10" 5 cm. The electric field g in such a
of the papers dealing with this subject can be found junction is likewise small in the absence of bias. For
in №. germanium, for example, it amounts to
In preparing the present review, the authors paid
principal attention to the physics of the tunnel diode g=^-.= ~103-104[v/cm].


rt- type P- type p- type n- type

FIG. 1. Position of
Fermi level in weakly-
doped semiconductor.
FIG. 4. Energy band scheme
(in the absence of bias) in the p-n
junction of a tunnel diode. "
P- type n- type

к I FIG. 2. Energy band

s c h e m e in p-n junction of J
ordinary semiconductor diode.

zero. If a small forward voltage direction is applied

to such a p-n junction, the Fermi levels on both sides
of the junctions will no longer be on the same horizon-
The p-n junction in an ordinary diode is thus char- tal line (Fig. 5a). The number of electrons penetrat-
acterized by rather large thickness and relatively low ing from right to left will be larger than the number
field intensity. In this case electrons can enter the of electrons passing from left to right. A current will
free zone, i.e., overcome a certain energy barrier, flow through the p-n junction, with a characteristic as
only if additional energy is imparted to them. Large shown on the right side of the same figure.
fields can be produced in an ordinary p-n junction If the bias is increased so that the Fermi level
only by large voltages. A strong field (Ш ~ 10 V/cm )
5 EYp is on the same horizontal line as the edge of the
produces additional c a r r i e r s , the number of which in- band E c n , the current increases and reaches a value
creases appreciably with increasing field. Many in- Ip (Fig. 5b). Further increase in the applied voltage
vestigations, the principal among which are reported results in a decrease of the current (Fig. 5c), since
in ^ 3 ' 4 -, have disclosed that the most probable mecha- forbidden levels appear opposite the electrons that
nism for this increase is impact ionization. Along could have passed to the left. Finally, if the edges
with causing impact ionization, a strong field may Eyp and E c n are horizontally aligned, the current
directly extract the c a r r i e r s from the filled band into decreases to zero (Fig. 5d). Further increase in the
the free one. Such an extraction is similar in nature bias causes ordinary diode current to flow through
to cold emission of electrons from a metal. This the p-n junction (Fig. 5e). It is easy to verify that
mechanism was most clearly manifest in the tunnel biasing the p-n junction in the opposite direction will
diodes, which were discovered in 1958 ^ . produce a strong increase in the current. Thus, the
The distinguishing feature of the semiconductors volt-ampere characteristic of the tunnel diode is the
used in tunnel diodes is an impurity content of 10 18 — sum of two currents—the tunnel current and the ordi-
10 20 cm" 3 . The positions of the band boundaries and nary diffusion current. In real devices the tunnel
the Fermi level in such semiconductors are shown in current never decreases to zero. It may reach con-
Fig. 3, while the band structure under equilibrium
conditions in a p-n junction produced in such a semi-
conductor is shown in Fig. 4. The thickness of the
p-n junction decreases in this case, as follows from
(1.1), to 100—200 A. The field intensity in the junction
increases sharply to 105—106 V/cm. Under these con-
ditions the electron in the conduction band of the n-
region of the crystal needs no additional energy to
overcome the energy barrier. It can find its way to FIG. 5. Energy band scheme
and volt-ampere characteristic of
the other side of the p-n junction, in the valence band, a tunnel diode with different
by virtue of the so-called tunneling, due to the tunnel values of positive bias.
effect ^ , whereby it is at the same energy level on
both sides of the b a r r i e r . It can be assumed here that
the currents from right to left and from left to right I/
are equal in magnitude and that the total current is

//-type P- type
FIG. 3. Position
of Fermi level in
highly-doped semi-
432 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
siderable magnitude, for example one-quarter of Ip to understand the main laws governing the phenome-
in silicon tunnel diodes ^ . The nature of this excess non.
current is still not completely clear and is presently In order to obtain an expression for the number of
under debate. This question will be discussed in electrons penetrating through the b a r r i e r per unit
Sec. 5.3. volume and per units time, we must multiply (2.2) by
the number N of valence electrons per unit volume
2. TUNNEL EFFECT IN SEMICONDUCTORS and by the frequency of collisions between the p a r -
ticles and the barrier. We thus have finally И
The tunnel effect is a quantum-mechanical phenom-
enon. It can be understood by examining Fig. 6, which (2.3)
shows the probability density | ф | 2 of finding a p a r -
ticle in space (for simplicity we chose the one-dimen- where a is the period of the crystal lattice.
sional case). The same figure shows the thickness of It follows therefore that a larger effect will be ob-
the b a r r i e r in an ordinary diode ( a c ) and a tunnel . served in semiconductors with small values of Eg and
diode (ab). We see that owing to the narrowness of m*. For the sake of clarity, Fig. 7 shows the results
the latter b a r r i e r the probability of finding the par- of calculations with Eq. (2.3) for several semiconduc-
ticle to the right of this barrier is different from zero.

1 Юа
I — •

1 S
FIG. 6. Probability density of "GaAs/
\ \(l
finding an electron in space. A
\ I
\ VI
О a b 110° /i /
FIG. 7. Probability of electron tun-
и /I /
neling as a function of the field inten-
It is c l e a r t h a t t h e coefficient P c h a r a c t e r i z i n g the sity in a p-n junction. III I
p e n e t r a t i o n of the p a r t i c l e through the b a r r i e r , say, u\j
from left to right will b e given by
10'' In
П _
(2.1) I I
I 4>bc I2
where ^ o a and ^ , c a r e the amplitudes of the particle I I
wave functions on the two sides of the barrier, the II \\
values of which a r e determined from the Schrodinger 0 / 0 ° 2 - J O
4 1 0 °

equation. t , V / c m

The first to consider quantitatively the mechanism

of the tunnel effect for a semiconductor (but not for a
p-n junction) was Z e n e r ^ . The expression for the
T h e q u a n t u m - m e c h a n i c a l t h e o r y o f t h e t u n n e l e f f e c t

penetration coefficient, derived in the most correct

i n s e m i c o n d u c t o r s w a s f u r t h e r d e v e l o p e d b y F r a n z a n d

fashion in M , has the form

1 1 1 2 1 3
T e w o r d t ^ ] a n d p a r t i c u l a r l y b y K e l d y s h ^ ' ^ , w h o

a n a l y z e d t h e t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l p r o b l e m a n d o b t a i n e d

= f o r W t h e e x p r e s s i o n ^

w h e r e m * i s t h e e f f e c t i v e m a s s o f t h e e l e c t r o n a n d

E g i s t h e w i d t h o f t h e f o r b i d d e n b a n d o f t h e g i v e n
w h e r e f ( y ) i s a f a c t o r t h a t a c c o u n t s f o r t h e a n g u l a r

s e m i c o n d u c t o r .
dependence, and шц is some formal quantity defined
T h i s e x p r e s s i o n w a s o b t a i n e d f o r a b a r r i e r o f t r i -
a n g u l a r s h a p e . T h e a c t u a l s h a p e o f t h e b a r r i e r c a n

h a r d l y h a v e a r e a l m e a n i n g , s i n c e t h e d e B r o g l i e w a v e - (2.5)
l e n g t h o f t h e p a s s i n g p a r t i c l e s h o u l d b e m u c h s h o r t e r

t h a n t h e w i d t h o f t h e b a r r i e r , i . e . , t h e e l e c t r i c f i e l d

s h o u l d s t a y c o n s t a n t o v e r a d i s t a n c e e q u a l t o t h e where mf l a r e in turn the principal values of the

de Broglie wavelength. It is easy to show that Л. 1
tensor m j ^ , while у are the angles between the field
amounts to approximately 30 A, and that the thickness direction and the principal axes of this tensor. Expres-
of the p-n junction, as already indicated, is approxi- sion (2.4) differs from (2.3) in that the factor preceding
mately 100 A, i.e., the quasi-classical condition is not the exponential has a different field dependence and the
satisfied. Nonetheless, such an approach enables us exponential itself has an angle dependence.

The m o s t significant difference, however, l i e s in

the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the q u a n t i t i e s E o and m y . T h e s e /«„ = A^v \ WWC (E) [1 - /„ (E)] Qc (E) QV (E) dE. (3.1)
q u a n t i t i e s a s s u m e the r e s p e c t i v e v a l u e s Eg and m *
only if the h i g h e s t s t a t e of the v a l e n c e band and the
l o w e s t s t a t e of the conduction band c o r r e s p o n d to the
Analogously, for tunneling from the valence band on
s a m e value of the q u a s i m o m e n t u m (Fig. 8a). In the
the left into the conduction band on the right
t e r m i n o l o g y of Hall et a l ^ ^ , d i r e c t tunneling i s o b - ,
t a i n e d . If t h e s e s t a t e s do not coincide, then E o , iden- /„-с = Л ~ \ WWr (E) f t - /e (£)] Qc (E) е„ (E) dE. (3.2)
tified with the r e d light a b s o r p t i o n boundary of the
given s e m i c o n d u c t o r , will always be l a r g e r than Eg.
Esaki considers the difference of these currents to
be the total current. He assumes that the bands are
parabolic and that the probabilities W c _ v and W v _ c
are equal
FIG. 8. Tunnel v
effect in various semi- / = В \' W \U {E) - /„ (E)} V{E - Ec) (hv - E) dE. (3.3)
conductors, a) Direct Ё
tunneling; b) indirect This expression, based on general physical consid-
tunneling. erations only, w a s given by Esaki without proof, and
can therefore not be r e g a r d e d as a quantitative e x p r e s -
s i o n f o r t h e v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of t h e t u n n e l
diode. Nonetheless, its simplicity and clarity do cast
l i g h t o n t h e p h y s i c a l n a t u r e of t h e t u n n e l d i o d e .
Consequently the critical fields corresponding to meas- In t h e p a r t i c u l a r c a s e w h e n w e a s s u m e t h a t t h e p
u r a b l e v a l u e s of W should always be larger than those and n r e g i o n s of t h e c r y s t a l s a r e degenerate to an
obtained from (2.3). equal degree, and in such a way that the F e r m i level
K e l d y s h h a s s h o w n f u r t h e r t h a t if s o m e interaction is inside the b a n d s at a d i s t a n c e 2kT from E v and
is p r e s e n t a n d c h a n g e s t h e q u a s i m o m e n t u m of t h e e l e c - Ec, respectively, E q . (3.3) g o e s o v e r i n t o ^15^
tron, then the e l e c t r o n c a n go o v e r into the conduction
b a n d e v e n if t h e m a x i m u m o f t h e v a l e n c e b a n d i s s h i f t e d
r e l a t i v e t o t h e m i n i m u m of t h e conduction b a n d ( F i g . 8b).
This is called indirect tunneling. The interactions that
c h a n g e t h e q u a s i m o m e n t u m of t h e e l e c t r o n m a y b e c o l - where
l i s i o n s of e l e c t r o n s w i t h o n e a n o t h e r , w i t h impurity
atoms, and with phonons. m = exp I — k'l'
In t h e l a s t - m e n t i o n e d i n t e r a c t i o n , t h e v a l u e of W is
given by '- 1 3 -' A m o r e s e r i o u s q u a n t i t a t i v e f o r m u l a t i o n of Esaki's
i d e a s is t h e p a p e r by I v a n c h i k ^ 1 6 ^ w n o calculated by
t h e T h o m a s - F e r m i m e t h o d t h e v a r i a t i o n of t h e p o t e n -
tial in a p-n junction whose both sides are degenerate
^(7')i[l JV (2.6) semiconductors. K n o w i n g t h e v a r i a t i o n of t h e p o t e n -
у T

tial, Ivanchik calculated the tunnel c u r r e n t and o b -

w h e r e ш is the phonon frequency and N ( T ) tained a r a t h e r c u m b e r s o m e expression, which is not
= [ e x p ( h w / k T ) - I ] " 1 . Unlike in (2.4), h e r e mff given h e r e . It i s s u f f i c i e n t t o s t a t e t h a t I v a n c h i k ' s for-
is the r e d u c e d effective m a s s of the e l e c t r o n and h o l e . m u l a w h i c h h e g a v e in t h e f o r m of a n i n t e g r a l , c a n b e
r e p r e s e n t e d by an eighth-degree polynomial; this shows
3. QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF THE TUNNEL EFFECT c l e a r l y h o w difficult it is to c o m p a r e t h i s expression
IN p-n JUNCTIONS with the experimental results. Qualitatively, on the
o t h e r h a n d , it is in s a t i s f a c t o r y a g r e e m e n t with t h e
On the b a s i s of qualitative c o n s i d e r a t i o n s , which
d e p e n d e n c e of t h e t u n n e l c u r r e n t o n t h e b i a s ( F i g . 9 ) .
p e r t a i n to the d e s c r i p t i o n of Fig. 5, Esaki'- 5 -' p r o p o s e d
that the tunnel c u r r e n t I c _ v from the conduction band Ivanchik's solution covers only direct tunneling.
of the n - r e g i o n of the c r y s t a l into the v a l e n c e band of T h e q u a n t u m m e c h a n i c a l p r o b l e m of d e t e r m i n i n g
the p - r e g i o n is p r o p o r t i o n a l to the following: the p r o b - the tunnel c u r r e n t through a p-n junction was con-
ability of the tunnel effect, the probability f c ( E ) of s i d e r e d b y P r i c e a n d R a d c l i f f e £u^. They obtained a
finding the e l e c t r o n in the conduction band on the right solution for d i r e c t tunneling in the f o r m of a n integral
of the junction (Fig. 5) at an e n e r g y l e v e l E, the p r o b - 2nqm* Pg r>
/ _ \ If с (Е) - U (E)\ g ( £ , ) g (Е„) dE, (3.5)
ability [ 1 — f v ( E)] of this l e v e l not being occupied in =
а /г3
the v a l e n c e band on the left of the junction, and the
where m is the reduced effective m a s s , namely
d e n s i t i e s p c ( E ) and p v ( E ) of t h e e n e r g y s t a t e s in r

m* m*
the b a n d s : (3.6)
434 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS

The factor preceding the integral is the coefficient

of electron penetration due to the tunnel effect. In
Kane's theory this factor is considered to be constant.
The form of the volt-ampere characteristic there-
fore depends on the course of the function D(u), which
is Kane's notation for the integral in (3.8).
Analytically the function D(u) is represented by
Kane in the form of a large number of formulas which
describe piece by piece the entire volt-ampere char-
acteristic of the tunnel diode. When Kane's formulas
are plotted, all the pieces join continuously into a
single smooth curve D(u). Figure 9 shows by way of
an example the function D( u) for the case
О Ю 20 30 40 SO SO 7O 80 9O №W72t> Ecn — EFn = — EF
U, mV
in direct tunneling.
FIG. 9. Calculated dependence of the current on the voltage
Kane also analyzed indirect tunneling, and the
in the p-n junction of the tunnel diode. 1 —After Esaki; 2—after 18
Price; 3 - after Ivanchik; 4 — after Kane. analysis can be found in '- -'.
Bonch-Bruevich ^ ^ considers not the entire volt-
The factors g( E ) v a n i s h o u t s i d e t h e r e g i o n w h e r e
ampere characteristic, but only its extremal points.
the bands o v e r l a p , and a r e equal to unity inside this
Thus, the voltage corresponding to the maximum tun-
nel current is given by
F o r t h i s r e g i o n w e c a n i n t e g r a t e (3.5) f r o m z e r o t o
Up = g- {2 (Evp — EFp) — (EFn — Ecn)
E v — qU, w h e r e U is the applied b i a s :
+ V [2 (Ew - EFp) + (EFn - Ecn)f + 4 (Е„р- EFp) (EFn - Ecn)}.
At present this approach seems to be the most suit-
E,,~EF-2QU able from the experimenter's point of view. It yields
+ In f 1 + e - In ( 1 + e simple expressions that are easy to use, and the quan-
tities in these expressions have a clear cut physical
meaning and definite numerical values. It must be
noted that the positions of the Fermi levels may be
difficult to determine because of formation of impurity
If U . I ) a n d ( 2 . 2 ) , w h i c h d e f i n e L and P, a r e sub- bands which merge with the allowed bands in the case
s t i t u t e d in (3.7), t h e f o r m u l a for t h e v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r - of large impurity concentrations.
acteristic b e c o m e s too obscure to an experimenter.
Comparing the calculations m a d e with the formulas 4. PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE
of E s a k i , I v a n c h i k , a n d P r i c e a n d p l o t t e d i n F i g . 9, w e MANUFACTURE OF TUNNEL DIODES
see that all show a qualitative similarity to the e x p e r i -
m e n t a l l y o b s e r v e d v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t h e 4.1. Semiconductors employed. The qualitative de-
tunnel diode. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , t h e l a c k of a c l e a r - c u t scription of the operating principles of the tunnel diode
i d e a of t h e n u m e r i c a l v a l u e s c o n t a i n e d i n t h e f i n a l leads to the conclusion that the semiconductors em-
f o r m u l a s m a k e s t h e q u a n t i t a t i v e c o m p a r i s o n of t h e s e ployed in it must be degenerate. Consequently, the
formulas with experiment difficult. Fermi levels of the semiconductors on both sides of
In o u r o p i n i o n , m o r e f r u i t f u l a p p r o a c h e s a r e t h o s e
the p-n junctions must be not in the forbidden but in
of K a n e ^ 1 8 - ' a n d B o n c h - B r u e v i c h ^ 1 9 ^ . Kane proposed
the conduction band (for the n type) and in the va-
t h a t t h e e l e c t r i c f i e l d i n t h e p - n j u n c t i o n of t h e t u n n e l
lence band (for the p type). We can thus determine
diode is homogeneous, ш this case the expression for the minimum c a r r i e r concentration at which the elec-
the tunnel current density has at absolute zero the tron gas is degenerate. At room temperatures all the
form impurities in such semiconductors are ionized ^ 20 ' 21 -',
and we can therefore find the degree of doping neces-
sary to realize the tunnel effect.
To be specific, let us take an electron-type germa-
nium crystal. The Fermi level is determined from
the curve shown in Fig. 10 ^22-'. Since the start of the
(3.9) degeneracy is taken to be^ 2 3 ^ the condition E p c = E c ,
it follows from Fig. 10 that n,j/N c = 0.8. Recognizing
(3.10) that
High doping methods are considered in C2i,29D j o r
и 26
germanium and silicon and in '- -' for gallium arsenide.
6 s
4 The properties of the crystal determine the density
of the tunnel current not in terms of the value of the
2 / F I G . 10. D e p e n d e n c e of c a r r i e r (impurity) concentration, but also in t e r m s
t h e p o s i t i o n of t h e F e r m i l e v e l of such parameters as the width of the forbidden band
06 — '— ( d e g r e e of d e g e n e r a c y ) on t h e and the effective mass, since these quantities are con-
0.6 / free-electron c o n c e n t r a t i o n .
/ tained in the expression for tunneling probability (2.2).
0.4 It is obvious that materials with low effective masses
0.2 and with low values of Е„ need fewer impurities to

П7 1 attain the same current density (3.3). Comparative

' -« -3 -2 -1 О +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 data on m * and Eg for various m a t e r i a l s.[30]
' are
listed in Table I. *
The fourth column of this table shows the values of
(4.1) neq = n d n a / ( n d + n a ) needed to attain a tunnel-current
4 2 C31]
density of 10 A / c m .
(where E(j is the ionization energy of the donor impur- 4.2. Formation of the p-n junction. The use of a
ity atoms at large concentrations ) we get Щ = Зп^, highly doped semiconductor as the initial crystal for
since E(j = O^ 3. Using the well known expression ^ the production of a tunnel-effect p-n junction is a nec-
for N P , we obtain* essary but not sufficient condition.
As already indicated, the impurity density on the
N« = l (4.2) other side of the p-n junction should also lead to the
degeneracy of the electron gas. High density must be
where T is the temperature in °K. The last column combined with a sharp (stepwise) fall-off in the junc-
of Table I shows the values of the minimum donor den- tion region. Only then will the junction be thin and the
sity necessary to obtain a p-n junction with tunnel ef- strong field necessary for the tunnel effect produced
fect in various semiconductors. in it.
From among the known methods of obtaining p-n
Table I junctions such as diffusion, alloying, drawing, etc, the
best is the alloying method. It consists of alloying a
Semi- 7П"
conductor metal dot, containing an acceptor impurity'- 32 -' into an
" e q . . cm"
cm- 3
electronic crystal, or a dot containing a donor impur-
Ge 0 . 1 5 0 .65 4- 1 0 " 3.5-1018 ity into a crystal with hole conductivity.
Si 0 . 2 7 1 .1 1.4- 8.5-10"
A high impurity concentration is attained in the al-
GaAs 0 . 0 6 1 ,35 7- 10" 9.0-1017
InSb 0 . 0 4 0 .18 6- 101' 4,8-10»
loy region primarily by choosing the proper metal. It
follows from Figs. 11 and 12 that the most suitable for
Actually, as will be shown below, the required de- alloying with electronic germanium are Ga and Al,
gree of doping is one order of magnitude higher.
The production of such highly doped semiconductors
is a far from simple matter. High degree of doping is Ж
possible only with certain impurities with large values 350
ft '/'/[ у ll
of limiting solubility. For germanium and silicon this
problem has been investigated in sufficient detail
(Figs. 11, 12)C 24 > 25 3, and for semiconductors that a r e
ш A|S
и '(
compounds of group III and V elements of the peri- IrT
L \ \s
FIG. 11. Temperature depend-
odic table (GaAs, InSb, GaSb, etc), the solubility lim- ence of the solubility of certain
JL \\
its have not yet been established for the impurities. п
impurities in solid germanium. 11 w
There is merely some informationC26,27,283 W J 1 J C } 1 a j _ J50 \\ \
lows us to state that the most suitable are the n-type 300 1 it- -Н-Ц
250 ii
systems GaAs + Sn and InSb + Те or the p-type sys- 200 V
tems GaAs + Zn, GaAs + Cd, and InSb + Cd. !5O f
At the same time, the tunnel effect was observed
WO \
50 г
also in gallium arsenide doped with sulfur and selen- О
ium E263, although in these cases there is the danger
of these elements combining chemically with GaAs. С cm"

*The value of Nc used in this case is based on the assump- *The considerations advanced are only qualitative, since it is
tion of Boltzmann statistics and is therefore quite approximate. not clear what effective mass is significant in the tunnel effect.
436 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS

r.°c Sn-Ga-6e
г 1
mo I I I J

1 S b I

i l

I I 1

/ E i i

1 /

/ '

1150 •
1 1 1

• I I

f i n h

\ \ Y \ \ \

l \ \ \

800 V t t r U

750 ' \ \ v J

600 Г IT
1 1 1 к 10
A, cm'/g
10*' ю*
С, cm" FIG. 14. Distribution of concentration of gallium in the alloy
region of a germanium p-n junction with SnGa alloy dot.
FIG. 12. Temperature dependence of the solubility of certain
impurities in solid silicon.
w h e r e G i s t h e w e i g h t of t h e m e t a l d o t a n d S — a r e a
for n-type germanium the most suitable is As, and occupied by this dot during alloying.
for silicon— Al, B, and As. The quantity у denotes the percentage content of
In practice not pure metals but alloys such as Ga in the alloys InGa and SnGa.
InGa[3i:i, SnGa[33;!, or in the case of silicon A1B[7], The curves of Figs. 11 and 12 and the plots of Figs.
are used for alloying. 13 and 14 are valid only in the case of slow equilibrium
Naturally, if alloys are used for the alloy junctions, cooling of the molten zone in the crystal. This never
the concentration of the main element that ensures re- occurs in practice. To the contrary, it has been shown
versal of the sign of the conductivity in the region will in many investigations С34,зб] j. n a j. a greater total effect
be lower than the values given by the solidus curves is obtained by abrupt (rapid) cooling. This can be
of Figs. 11 and 12. A rough estimate of the impurity readily explained: in the case of abrupt cooling the
concentration in the alloy region can be obtained in content of the impurities in the recrystallized region
this case by means of the curves of Figs. 13 and 14, is greatly increased. An estimate of the concentration
which were calculated in t34-' and ^35^ assuming ideal is in this case almost impossible, although a knowledge
solutions formed upon alloying of binary alloys in of this concentration is most important, since it is con-
germanium. The value of A, the abscissa in these tained in n e q.
plots, determines the depth of alloying I from the The quality of a p-n junction with tunnel effect is
relation greatly influenced by the fusion time, since long heat
treatment permits the impurities to diffuse over dis-
/ = -4-£. (4.3) tances sufficient to smear out the boundaries of the
p-n junction appreciably L10-J .
[n-Gn-Ge With the junction having a thickness 100—150 A,
diffusion over a distance AL amounting to 10 A is
apparently still tolerable. Then, if the diffusion of
the impurities in the semiconductor obeys the Fick

D (4.4)
where D is the diffusion coefficient, then the maximum
permissible heat-treatment time t m a x at the melting
temperature can be estimated from the relation

10 Figure 15 shows the values of t m a x as functions of

the melting temperature for several semiconductor
FIG. 13. Distribution of the concentration of gallium in the plus alloy impurity systems. If the correct technology
alloy region of a germanium p-n junction with In-Ga alloy dot. of the alloying process is adhered to, a homogeneous

FIG. 15. Permissible

heat-treatment time in alloy-
junction preparation.

FIG. 17. Equivalent circuit and volt-ampere characteristic

of the tunnel diode.

TWA Here С —capacitance of p-n junction, r s —loss (bulk)

350 MO 450 500 550 000 S50 700 .
T°C resistance, L s —diode inductance, - R —negative r e -
sistance determined by the slope of the decreasing
portion of the volt-ampere characteristic of the tunnel
diode (Fig. 17d).
W.W 1 The tunnel diode has an "N"-shaped volt-ampere
! characteristic, a distinguishing feature of which is that
( 1
the current in the diode has a single-valued functional
fp dependence on the applied voltage and that a point with
>P fp
infinite resistance exists on the boundary between the
h f*
s negative and positive branches (unlike diodes with S-
shaped characteristics, where the voltage is a single
^etch ''etch ''etch valued function of the current, and the resistance on
a b С this boundary passes through zero). The currents and
voltages characterizing the diode are designated on
Effigy p-type region Fig. 17d.
Metal dot
The properties of tunnel diodes as circuit elements
I I n-type region — Goundary of alloyed region
are adequately described by the foregoing parameters.
FIG. 16. T y p e s of a l l o y - r e g i o n structures in p-n junctions. [31,38,39] F o r m a n y applications, however, it is neces-
sary to know the exact form of the volt-ampere charac-
region is obtained in the crystal (Fig. 16a). Low- teristic and the voltage dependence of the differential
quality p r o c e s s e s lead to two types of s t r u c t u r a l d e - resistance —R and of the capacitance C.
fects (Figs. 16b and c). In the last two c a s e s the c u r - The mixed series-parallel equivalent circuit of the
rent through the crystal will have a non-tunneling c o m - tunnel diode is frequently unsuitable for calculations.
ponent due to the existence of regions c o m p r i s i n g a All-series and all-parallel circuits are shown in Figs.
m e t a l and a n n-type s e m i c o n d u c t o r in parallel with 17b and c; the transformed equivalent parameters of
the p - n junction. T h e fraction of this c u r r e n t relative these circuits are accordingly: ^40^
to the total c u r r e n t can be changed by etching the a) for the series circuit
R' = (5.1)
Accordingly, one can expect also changes in the -ада
junction quality, which is best c h a r a c t e r i z e d by the
x' = со ( L< — (5.2)
c u r r e n t ratio I p / l y . as shown in Fig. 16. Such -СП*СЩ*

changes have actually b e e n o b s e r v e d in e x p e r i -

b) for the parallel circuit
[ 1 0 6
m e n t s ' « .


DIODE (5.4)

5.1. Equivalent circuit. To d e t e r m i n e the p a r a m - H" = — (5.5)

e t e r s c h a r a c t e r i z i n g the tunnel diodes, we t u r n to the

equivalent circuit p r o p o s e d by S o m m e r s ^313 (Fig. 17a). S o m e t i m e s , however, it is convenient to leave R and

438 V. I. F I S T U L ' and N. Z . SHVARTS

G alone, and to refer to their terminals all the other

diode and circuit p a r a m e t e r s .
5.2. Peak current. The concentration dependence
of the peak current I p is derived from the concentra-
tion dependence of the tunnelling probability.
Indeed, calculation'- -' yields for Ip an equation
similar to (2.2):


where I o —proportionality coefficient (in current- FIG. 19. Curves illustrating the distribution of the tunnel
density units), В —a constant dependent on the choice diodes by values of I p /I v A, ', and x-3.5, 2.5, and 1.8 x 10"
of units, and S —area of the p-n junction. donor atoms/cm , respectively.
Expression (5.6) shows that for a given semicon-
t h e r e a r e no s i m i l a r d i a g r a m s for o t h e r m a t e r i a l s .
ductor the maximum current depends most strongly
It is e a s y to deduce from (3.3) t h a t t h e tunnel c u r -
on the equivalent doping. This conclusion is satisfac-
r e n t should v a r y with t h e p - n junction t e m p e r a t u r e .
torily confirmed by experiment, as can be seen from
42 43 The c u r r e n t v a r i a t i o n i s due to t h e t e m p e r a t u r e
Fig. 18 which we plotted using the data of C > 1. и is
dependence of the F e r m i l e v e l s in both the p and t h e
interesting to note that doping the crystal with various
n r e g i o n s of the c r y s t a l and to the t e m p e r a t u r e d e p e n d -
impurities leads to different values of I p (even if the
43 ence of the forbidden band width. T h e s e two d e p e n d -
concentration is the s a m e ) . Thus, Furukawa^ ^, no-
e n c e s a r e shown s c h e m a t i c a l l y in F i g . 20 for n-type
ticed an increase of the p-n junction tunnel current
g e r m a n i u m . The F e r m i l e v e l c o m e s down when a
in germanium doped with arsenic, as compared with
c e r t a i n r a t h e r low t e m p e r a t u r e T c i s r e a c h e d , and
junctions in antimony-doped germanium. This agrees
the d e g r e e of d e g e n e r a c y is accordingly r e d u c e d . A
also with the values of the electron mobility in these
d e c r e a s e in the forbidden band width, however, i n -
cases E 4 3 ' 4 4 ^. There is still no satisfactory explanation
c r e a s e s t h e d e g r e e of d e g e n e r a c y . The t e m p e r a t u r e
for this fact.
i n t e r v a l connected with t h e d e g e n e r a c y will b e s m a l l e r
in a m a t e r i a l with r e l a t i v e l y low i m p u r i t y content, and
nA2 consequently the t e m p e r a t u r e v a r i a t i o n of E p is the
\ p r e d o m i n a n t factor. In highly doped s p e c i m e n s , how-
6 e v e r , the second m e c h a n i s m of t e m p e r a t u r e action
FIG. 18. Dependence can no l o n g e r be d i s c a r d e d .
3\ of the current density in In the f i r s t e x p e r i m e n t s on tunnel diodes C5»21>46] the
the tunnel diode on the
ft1 equivalent
2 doping. 1-
s e m i c o n d u c t o r s w e r e r e l a t i v e l y weakly doped (n<j < 1
7 7O~' \ V70~Initial crystal Ge + As; x Ю 1 9 c m " 3 ) , and a decrease in the tunnel current with
S в 2-initial crystal Ge + Sb, increasing temperature 42 4
was therefore observed. Later
4/ 6 right-hand current scale; investigations t » '] disclosed also the second type of
- 2 3 — initial crystal Ge + P.temperature dependence.
The temperature dependence of the tunnel current
Nff2,5 3 3,5 4 4J 5 5,5 6 5,5 7*>0 becomes most clearly manifest in investigations of the
-'/г value of Ip. Figure 21 shows the relative temperature
variation of Ip for a germanium tunnel diode, as given
Since (5.6) contains t h e quantity n e q , i t i s n a t u r a l by Cady £45^. The voltage Up is again used as the pa-
to expect Ip, and consequently a l s o I p / i y , t o depend rameter.
s t r o n g l y on the i m p u r i t y c o n c e n t r a t i o n in t h e alloy r e - In those cases when indirect tunneling occurs, the
gion of the c r y s t a l . It i s i m p o s s i b l e , h o w e v e r , to t r a c e tunneling probability should increase with temperature,
t h i s dependence by d i r e c t m e a n s , s i n c e t h e c o n c e n t r a - as follows from (2.6). Therefore, even in the case of
tion cannot b e d e t e r m i n e d . This dependence w a s o b -
s e r v e d i n d i r e c t l y in m a n y i n v e s t i g a t i o n s ' - 2 1 ' 3 4 ' 4 2 ' 4 5 - ' .
In F i g . 19, t a k e n from '-45-', t h e unknown c o n c e n t r a -
tion i s implicitly contained in t h e v a l u e s of t h e Up o r -
d i n a t e s . This d i a g r a m s e r v e s to i l l u s t r a t e the d i s t r i - FIG. 20. Temperature varia-
tions of the Fermi level and of
bution c u r v e s . It shows t h a t diodes with different U p ,
the forbidden band width in a
and l i k e w i s e with different I p / I y , c a n be obtained for degenerate semiconductor.
the s a m e c o n c e n t r a t i o n n<j. This d i a g r a m i s v e r y u s e -
ful for t h e c h o i c e of t h e initial g e r m a n i u m c r y s t a l
needed to obtain a specified I p / I y . Unfortunately,

FIG. 22. Explana-

tion of the occurrence
of excess current in a
tunnel diode.

1. The electron moves from the conduction band on

the right to the level A, from which it then goes into
the valence band.
2. The electron moves from С to the deep level В
-50 -25 О +25 +50 +75 +W +/2S
from which it penetrates into the valence band.
F I G . 2 1 . T e m p e r a t u r e v a r i a t i o n s of t h e c u r r e n t I .
3. The electron enters the valence band along the
path CABV in the presence of an impurity band.
crystals with relatively low impurity content, the cur- 4. A multi-stage transition of the electron from С
rent may increase with t e m p e r a t u r e rather than de- through the local levels, with radiation of energy.
crease. This o c c u r s , for example, in antimony-doped A tunneling mechanism with energy radiated in the
germanium, where an increase of current with in- form of photons or phonons was examined theoretically
creasing temperature is observed even at 5 x Ю c m "
3 by Kane E ^, who showed that such transitions cannot
of antimony^ -'. This is in remarkable agreement with occur in practice. No photons were observed in any
the experimentally observed electron-phonon interac- of the experiments, although the procedures employed
tion during the course of tunneling in similar p-n junc- had a large sensitivity margin (more than one order
of magnitude '- -').
So far there are no reports of a systematic investi- The most probable path is CBV. Tunneling from
gation of the temperature dependence in tunnel diodes В to V is none other than the field ionization theoret-
based on compounds of the A ^ - B ^ type or on silicon. ically considered by Franz C573, w h o showed that the
However, the tunneling in A ^ - B ^ compounds is ex- transition probability will have the same form as for
pected from the band structure'- 4 3 -' of the semiconduc- intraband transitions if Eg is replaced by the impur-
tors to be direct, and the dependence to be thus quali- ity ionization energy. With such a transition, Chyno-
tatively similar to that shown in Fig. 21. In the case weth et al ^54^ derived the following expression for
of silicon diodes, where the tunneling is indirect'- 4 8 -', the excess current
the current increases with increasing temperature at
all concentrations.
+<l (1,. (5.7)
The working-temperature interval of tunnel diodes
is determined essentially by the width of the forbidden
band and therefore varies with the type of semiconduc- where D e x is the density of the states (of the levels
tor (see Table II). B) in the forbidden band; U e x —bias voltage (volts)
where the excess current predominates; TJV and TJC
5.3. Excess current. The simplified treatment of
the band structure in the p-n junction (Fig. 5e) p r e - —positions of the Fermi levels (in volts) in the cor-
dicts a decrease of the tunnel current to zero. In real responding crystal zones, and
diodes, however, this is not observed and the current 8 (m*/h
. = 8 ГL 1 (5.8)
at the voltage Uy may be large. 3 qh J '

In one of the first papers on tunnel diodes '-50-' Esaki where в is a factor close to unity.
advanced the idea that this excess current is due to Expression (5.7) is easily verified by experiment,
"tunneling." He believed that the deep levels in the since D e x. L, Eg, and Uex c a n be varied independ-
forbidden band, with which the excess current is con- ently and their effect on the behavior of I e x investi-
nected, a r e due to dislocations. Later experiments gated.
have established that Iy is independent of the p r e s - A detailed study ^543 has demonstrated quite con-
s u r e [ 5 2 ] a n d o f ^ e t e m p e r a t u r e ^ , and that the donors vincingly the validity of (5.7) for silicon diodes, and
and acceptors have a rather weak concentration de- consequently demonstrated the tunneling nature of the
pendence '-54-'. All these experimental facts favored excess current. Finally, the reliability of the model
tunneling as the cause of excess current. By now, on considered was conclusively confirmed once an addi-
the basis of additional data [ 5 3 > 5 5 : l , a specific model has tional negative-conductivity portion was observed in
been proposed ^ to explain the tunneling through the the excess-current region at nitrogen temperatures ЕЗД
deep levels. This model is shown schematically in Moreover, special doping of the germanium crystal
Fig. 22, which gives several possible tunneling mech- with gold C59H has led to the observation of two maxima
anisms: on the excess-current portion, corresponding to the
440 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
two 0.35 and 0.54 eV levels of gold below the bottom the diffusion component of the current begins to have
of the conduction band. In exactly the same manner, an appreciable effect (the right-hand rising branch
Chynoweth ^ recorded five maxima and related them of the volt-ampere characteristic of the diode). In the
with the phosphorus vacancy levels. latter case, Uy also decreases with increasing tem-
An interesting investigation of the impedance Z of perature.
a GaAs tunnel diode at microwave frequencies was Typical values Up and Uy for tunnel diodes made
undertaken by Esaki^ ^. He observed that Z oscil- of different semiconductors a r e listed in Table II. The
lates as a function of the frequency in the excess- same table shows the current ratio I p / l y and the pa-
current region. The period of these oscillations was rameter Uf, which correlates with the width of the
approximately 10~ sec. The physical interpretation forbidden band.
of this time is unclear, but assuming the equivalent 5.5. Negative resistance. The negative resistance
circuit in this case to be a delay element, Esaki be- is not a resistance in the ordinary sense of the word.
lieved that what he measured was the time that the But since the differential equations that describe the
electron remained at the В level (Fig. 22). behavior of the system with positive and negative
The determination of the impurity levels in the for- damping a r e analogous, the concept "negative resist-
bidden zone from the appearance of additional maxima a n c e " is universally employed.
on the volt-ampere characteristic of a tunnel diode Negative resistance (or negative damping) leads
has come to be known as "tunnel spectroscopy." It to an increase of energy in the system and is made
is quite possible that similar experiments will develop possible by the presence of an energy source (in the
into a usable method for the general study of semi- case of the tunnel diode, this source is the bias battery
conductors. Nor is the possibility of technical utiliza- which fixes the operating point of the diode on the
tion of the additional negative-conductivity regions on negative-slope portion of the volt-ampere character-
the tunnel-diode characteristic excluded. istic). The tunnel-diode resistance seen by this bat-
5.4. Characteristic voltages. The nature of the tun- tery is always positive. But for certain values of the
nel currents Ip and Iy is associated with voltages Up bias corresponding to the negative slope the tunnel
and Uy corresponding to these currents. In first ap- diode is a negative differential resistance. For brev-
proximation, the characteristic voltages a r e independ- ity we call this simply the negative resistance.
ent of the methods used to manufacture the diodes. A The foregoing detailed analysis of the current pa-
more rigorous analysis shows that both U p and Uy rameters of the diode predetermines the nature of
are determined by the value of n e q , i.e., the impurity the variation of the negative resistance — R.
concentrations on both sides of the p-n junction. For a given material, the minimum negative r e -
We do not know the explicit analytic dependence of sistance varies uniformly in inverse proportion to the
Up and Uy on the degree of degeneracy in both parts tunneling probability (2.2). Taking (1.1) into account,
of the crystal. It has been shown experimentally that we can see that the larger the free-carrier (i.e., im-
Up increases somewhat with increasing impurity con- purity) concentration on both sides of the p-n junction,
centration in the initial crystal^ 3 4 ' 4 2 -!. the smaller the minimum negative resistance. In prac-
The change in Up due to the voltage drop on r s tice the lower limit of R is determined by the maxi-
must be taken into account in such investigations. mum solubility of the impurities in the semiconductor
The voltage Uy also increases with increasing im- crystal and by the possibility of obtaining the most dif-
purity concentration in the n and p regions of the ferentiated distribution of the concentration near the
crystal ^ . This agrees with the ideas developed p-n junction. We note that R is inversely proportional
in C193. to the area of the junction.
The character of the temperature variation of Up 5.6. Capacitance of the p-n junction. The capaci-
and Uy is entirely a consequence of the temperature tance of the p-n junction of the tunnel diode is given
dependence of I p and Iy. The value of U p decreases by the well known e x p r e s s i o n ^
very slightly (for germanium—by 5—10 mV) with in-
creasing temperature C5»7»21»42»47!!. u v is practically
С = 1.055 [ eqndna 1/2 (5.9)
independent of the temperature until the increase in . 8n(Uk-U)(n -na) J

Table II
Semi- 'pl'v Up, mV L/y, mV Ujt mV Traax,°C
КС, s e c V .

fie 10—15 40—70 270—350 450 250 0.5-10-» 0.3—1

Si 3—4 80—100 400—500 700 400 0.2-10"
GaAs 40—70 90—120 450—600 1000 600 0.1-10-9 10—15
C.aSb 15—20 30—50 200—250 450 300 0.1-10-°
luSb 7—10 200 25 0.5-10-11
where S is the area of the junction; the remaining
symbols a r e the same as in (1.1).
This dependence was repeatedly checked ^i-бз] o v e r
a wide range of voltages and was shown to be valid up
to bias values at which the ordinary diode current
comes into play £633. The absolute value of the capac-
itance changes by only 20—30 in this voltage range.
It is characteristic that the ratio к = I p /C is a
factor independent of the area, and is essentially a
function of n e q only. FIG. 24. Dependence of the tunnel diode
This has enabled Cady [ 4 5 ^ to plot the curves of time constant on the equivalent doping.
Fig. 23 for germanium tunnel diodes. It follows from
this figure, in particular, that if n-type germanium is
used it is difficult in practice to produce tunnel diodes
with a performance factor I p / C > 1, but this can be
done by using other materials. Thus, if GaAs is used,
the factor к amounts to about 10 mA/pF. t 6 4 ^

eo \Ч is c o n c e n t r a t e d in t h e alloy r e g i o n .
v a l u e of r s
In t h i s c a s e t h e
should be inversely p r o p o r t i o n a l to the
p-n junction a r e a . This indeed w a s o b s e r v e d in the

experiments ^663.
I T h e q u a n t i t y r s / R i s a p e r f o r m a n c e f a c t o r of t h e
tunnel diode, dependent on n e q , as is the t i m e constant
Ip/C, mA/pF
FIG. 23. Curves illustrating the distribution of tunnel diodes T h e r e is still no detailed m a t h e m a t i c a l analysis of
by values of I p / C . Д, •, and x - 3 . 5 x 10", 2.5 x 10", and 1.8 x 10"
rg a s a f u n c t i o n of t h e g e o m e t r y a n d n a t u r e of t h e
donor atoms/cm'.
semiconductors employed.
5.9. L i m i t i n g a n d r e s o n a n t f r e q u e n c i e s . The highest
T y p i c a l v a l u e s of I p / C f o r d i o d e s of different
frequency at which a tunnel diode c a n generate is d e -
t y p e s a r e s h o w n i n T a b l e II.
t e r m i n e d b y e q u a t i n g t o z e r o t h e a c t i v e p a r t of t h e i n -
5 . 7 . T i m e c o n s t a n t . A s e c o n d f a c t o r i n d e p e n d e n t of
p u t i m p e d a n c e ( F i g . 17b)
the junction a r e a and dependent only on the equivalent
doping is the diode t i m e constant RC, which
almost exponentially with the f r e e - c a r r i e r
concentra- z = (5.10)

m a d e of G e a n d
F i g u r e 24 s h o w s t h i s d e p e n d e n c e for d i o d e s
and can be written
T h e v a l u e s of R C n o r m a l l y o b s e r v e d i n d i o d e s m a d e 1 i-d)2C2_K2 (5.11)
of d i f f e r e n t s e m i c o n d u c t o r s a r e l i s t e d i n T a b l e I I .
This yields the well known equation for the limiting
5.8. L o s s r e s i s t a n c e . In v i e w of t h e u s e of l o w -
oscillation frequency^31-'
resistivity s e m i c o n d u c t o r s in tunnel diodes, the l o s s
(bulk) resistance r s is small. T h u s , for germanium
tunnel diodes r m e a s u r e d with d i r e c t c u r r e n t is on (5.12)
t h e o r d e r of s e v e r a l o h m s o r a f r a c t i o n of a n o h m .
T h e v a l u e s of r s in tunnel diodes cannot be e s t i -
The natural resonant frequency of the tunnel diode,
determined by equating to zero the imaginary part of
m a t e d with the f o r m u l a s for o r d i n a r y diodes, b e c a u s e
t h e s e m i c o n d u c t o r s o n b o t h s i d e s of t h e t u n n e l j u n c t i o n
the input impedance is
have approximately equal resistivities. In o r d i n a r y «^^(i.A.). (5.13)
diodes the m a i n semiconductor layer always h a s high
resistivity and d e t e r m i n e s principally the loss resist- Tunnel diode microwave devices operating above the
a n c e . M o r e o v e r , c a l c u l a t i o n s h o w s '-G5-' t h a t if t h e t u n - natural resonance o>0 are difficult to build. It is there-
nel diode is p r e p a r e d by alloying a n a c c e p t o r i m p u r i t y fore desirable to shift the natural resonant frequency
in n-type g e r m a n i u m , a l m o s t all the l o s s resistance of the diode beyond the frequency region in which its
442 V. I . F I S T U L ' a n d N . Z . S H V A R T S
impedance is active, This is expressed by the in-
(5.14) T
FIG. 26. Equivalent circuit of a tunnel diode connected to a
6. TUNNEL DIODE CONSTRUCTION bias source; г = r s + r, + r/, L = L S + L, (the subscripts s, 1,
and I refer to the diode, the resonant circuit, and to the load,
In a d d i t i o n to the ordinary requirements imposed respectively).
on the construction of semiconductor diodes, a tunnel

diode m u s t also have l o w inductance L s . In a c c o r d a n c e v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of t h e d i o d e o n F i g . 2 7 , d e -

with (5.14), t h e inductance L s should b e lower than t e r m i n e s t h e e q u i l i b r i u m s t a t e of t h i s c i r c u i t .
T h e b e h a v i o r of t h e s i m p l i f i e d c i r c u i t ( F i g . 2 6 ) o n
Lmxx — CRrs. (6.1)
t h e n e g a t i v e b r a n c h of t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c i s d e s c r i b e d
For this equation to b e satisfied, the typical p a r a m - by a s e c o n d o r d e r differential equation ^
eters of germanium tunnel diodes ( R C ~ 1 0 ~ 9s e c ,

r ~ 1 o h m ) would call for a n inductance l e s s than

10" H. Ordinary diodes, in which the contact with the

p-n junction i s by m e a n s of thin w i r e s , have induc-

d H I
tances not l e s s than 3 x 10~9H. Thin w i r e s a r e there- • f JL _ !L ~\ dJ± J _ u i JL
~L~ С ) dt ' LC "' LC ' С dU dt LC '
fore not used for the electric leads of tunnel diodes.
The electric contact is produced either with a m e m -

b r a n e E10^ ( F i g .2 5 a ) , b y c l a m p i n g to a bulky electrode

25,b) o r with a strip'-68-' (Fig. 2 5 c ) .

n- type V Щ


FIG. 27. Graphic determination of the equilibrium states of
the circuit in Fig. 26. 1) r > 1/G, equilibrium at point a always
unstable; 2) r < 1/G, stability of the equilibrium at the point a
depends on the fulfillment of the additional condition r > LG/C.
FIG. 25. Types of tunnel-diode constructions.
According to Lyapunov, (7.3) can be linearized to
In the latter construction L s is 4.0 x 10~ 10 H.
d e t e r m i n e the stability of the equilibrium points against
The best low-inductance electric contact is p r o -
small disturbances.
duced by a flat plate directly soldered to the alloyed
The linearized equation is E60^
metal dot (Fig. 25d). In this case the tunnel-diode in-
ductance drops to a value determined by the geometry d°-U , Г г G ^sdU
\dU , 1-rG T, „
-jlft- LC
of the crystal itself with an alloyed metal dot.
or, changing to dimensionless parameters


Tunnel diodes can be used in amplifiers, oscilla-
tors, converters, and switches. The necessary rela- у
tions between the diode parameters and the circuit
parameters in these devices a r e determined by stabil- and t h e dots denote differentiation with r e s p e c t t o
ity analysis. These relations can be determined by t t = wot.
examining the very simple circuit in which a tunnel T h e s t a b i l i t y of t h e e q u i l i b r i u m s t a t e s i s c h e c k e d
diode is connected to the bias source through a r e - b y a n a n a l y s i s of t h e r o o t s of t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c e q u a -
sistor r and an inductance L (the values of L and r t i o n s c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l e q u a t i o n s (7.4)
include the loss (bulk) resistance r s and the diode o r (7.5). T h e e q u i l i b r i u m i s s t a b l e o n l y if t h e r e a l
inductance L s ) (Fig. 26). The steady-state equation is p a r t s of b o t h r o o t s of t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c e q u a t i o n s a r e
negative. ( T h e s a m e stability c o n d i t i o n s follow f r o m
= E, (7.1) the requirement that the impedance have noz e r o e s in
the graphic solution of which plotted together with the
61 70
t h e r i g h t h a l f of t h e c o m p l e x - f r e q u e n c y p l a n e f ' ^ . )
the roots of the equation are real and have opposite FIG. 28. Stability diagram of
tunnel diode.
signs; the equation describes a system with repulsion
force, characterized by an unstable equilibrium of the
saddle type, regardless of the relations between the
remaining parameters of this system.
In this mode, the tunnel diode can be used for p=(v0 c*
switching. When
calculation of the roots of such equations is difficult.

ps< ('•<
The stability conditions can be d e t e r m i n e d in this case

from the coefficients of the characteristic equation by

t h e l o a d l i n e c r o s s e s t h e v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c
m e a n s of the Routh-Hurwitz criterion (see, for ex-
a t o n e p o i n t o n l y a n d t h e d c s t a b i l i t y c o n d i t i o n s a r e
a m p l e , ) .
f u l f i l l e d .
In s o m e cases, for e x a m p l e w h e n the r e s o n a n t fre-
C o m p l e x r o o t s o c c u r f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g i n e q u a l i t y
quencies of t h e individual p a r t s of t h e c i r c u i t differ

s < 2 , ( 7 . 8 ) greatly f r o m each other, it is possible to subdivide the

complicated circuit into s i m p l e r ones. This was done

w h e n t h e i n t e g r a l c u r v e s o n t h e p h a s e p l a n e h a v e t h e
by H i n e s '-73-' t o a n a l y z e a circuit with blocking c a p a c i -
f o r m o f o n e s p i r a l w r a p p e d i n a n o t h e r . T h e a s y m -
tance (see Sec. 9.3).
p t o t i c p o i n t o f a l l t h e c u r v e s i s a f o c u s ; t h e s y s t e m

c a n s u p p o r t p e r i o d i c o s c i l l a t i o n s . T h e s t a b i l i t y o f t h e
f o c u s i s d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e L y a p u n o v m e t h o d . W h e n

P > S ( r :
( 7 . 9 )
8.1. V o l t - a m p e r e characteristic. An investigation

of the v o l t - a m p e r e characteristic is a far from s i m p l e

t h e e q u i l i b r i u m i s s t a b l e . T h e r e g i o n o f t h e s t a b l e
p r o b l e m , in view of the p r e s e n c e of a negative r e s i s t -
f o c u s c o n t a i n e d b e t w e e n t h e a b s c i s s a a x i s a n d t h e l i n e s
ance in the tunnel diode and in view of t h e need for sat-
p = s a n d p + s = 2 i s c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y d a m p e d s i n u -
isfying the stability conditions at all frequencies from
s o i d a l o s c i l l a t i o n s . T h e y c a n e x i s t i f t h e f o l l o w i n g
z e r o to the limiting frequency.
c o n d i t i o n s a r e f u l f i l l e d
The characteristic is d e t e r m i n e d either point by

p > s , p - \ - s < 2 . ( 7 . 1 0 ) point o r with an oscilloscope. To d e t e r m i n e the c u r -

rent, a r e s i s t a n c e rj is connected in s e r i e s with the

The mode corresponding to this region is used in am- diode and the voltage d r o p o n it m e a s u r e d . This c i r -
plifiers: when cuit is shunted by r e s i s t a n c e r;, to which a voltage is

P + s<2 (7.11) applied (dc if t h e characteristic is plotted point by

point, o r pulsating if a n oscilloscope is u s e d ) L61-I. in

the focus is unstable. Periodic oscillations can be this s i m p l e s t circuit the dc and ac r e s i s t a n c e s a r e

generated in the mode corresponding to the region equal.

contained between the ordinate axis and the lines To obtain a n undistorted negative branch, the c h a r -

p = s and p + s = 2. acteristic should be plotted in a m o d e c h a r a c t e r i z e d

In the region between the hyperbola ps = 1 and line by a stable focus or node. F o r this p u r p o s e it is n e c -

p + s = 2, the equilibrium state is a node, and the proc- e s s a r y (but not sufficient) to e n s u r e that the m a x i -

ess is aperiodic. Stability is determined as in the case m u m diode and circuit inductance not exceed the value

when p > s. The possible operating modes of the tunnel C

diode are illustrated in Fig. 28. M Q2
We note that to satisfy the stability conditions, Eq. which follows directly from the condition s < 1 (Fig.
(7.9) must be satisfied at all frequencies at which the 28). T h e n the dependence of the m o d e on the resist-
tunnel diode is active. ance r = r + r + r; is described by the d i a g r a m of
In the case of frequency-dependent L(a>) and r(w),
t s

Fig. 29, which r e p r e s e n t s the intersection of t h e sta-

expression (7.9) has the form bility d i a g r a m by the line s = a (with a < 1) ( a s s u m -
L (eo)fi (7.12)
ing that the r e s i s t a n c e of t h e p o w e r s o u r c e connected
г (и) > •
to r; is large c o m p a r e d with rj). T h e stable region

In t h e g e n e r a l case, the s y s t e m can be m o r e c o m - o c c u r s if conditions (7.7) and (7.9) a r e satisfied:

plicated than that considered in Fig. 26.

The description of such s y s t e m s leads to differen- 1 ^ LG

tial equations of o r d e r higher than the second. A direct U > '' > If
444 V. I . F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS

Oscillation Stable region Switching FIG. 29. Dependence where К = 0.4 for germanium tunnel diodes.
of the operating modes of To avoid large e r r o r s , the negative resistance
the circuit of Fig. 26 on
r-O should be measured with an impedance bridge (Fig. 31)
the active resistance r
(with s < 1). at a frequency low enough to satisfy the conditions ^76^

If the circuit oscillates, r is increased until (7.9) o 2 (L s -C7? 2 ) 2 <(r s -#) 2 , (8.4)
is satisfied and the oscillation stops. If this calls for which follow directly from (5.1) —(5.5). (The lead in-
such large values of r that the dc stability conditions ductance is disregarded here.) To prevent distortion
are not satisfied, the negative branch of the character- of the results by the averaging, the amplitude of the
istic cannot be obtained without distortion. (This dis- tunnel diode voltage must not exceed several milli-
tortion is connected with the detection of the resultant volts .
oscillations and their superposition on the volt-ampere L
In a circuit with blocking capacitor (Fig. 30), the
capacitor Cfc, and the resistor x\ a r e separated in
space, so that temperature measurements can be
made and the inductance of the resistor rj can be
made insignificant. ^74J I J
FIG. 31. Circuit for the measurement of negative resistance
FIG. 30. Diagram for and capacitance of a tunnel diode with the aid of an impedance
plotting the volt-ampere bridge.
A convenient method of determining negative resist-
ance is to measure the current flowing through the
The stable region can be expanded by connecting a diode and the voltage on the diode in response to a
shunting r e s i s t o r d i r e c t l y t o t h e t e r m i n a l s of t h e t u n - small ac signal.
nel diode. B y adjusting the value of this r e s i s t o r , the 8.3. Measurement of the junction capacitance. It is
total r e s i s t a n c e of the s h u n t e d tunnel d i o d e c a n e v e n possible to measure the junction capacitance at any
be m a d e positive. E l e c t r i c neutralization of the frac- point of the volt-ampere characteristic by using an im-
tion of the current flowing through the shunting r e s i s t o r pedance bridge '-61-'. The apparent capacitance at the
r i s by m e a n s of a b r i d g e circuit'-75-'. This bridge, the input of the instrument is
d i a g o n a l of w h i c h i s c o n n e c t e d to the v e r t i c a l p l a t e s of
app — С -j- С par -L.G-. (8.5)
the o s c i l l o s c o p e tube, i s b a l a n c e d with the tunnel diode
disconnected. When the s c o p e is connected, the beam T h i s a p p r o x i m a t e e q u a t i o n h o l d s t r u e if c o n d i t i o n s
deflection r e p r e s e n t s the current flowing through the (8.4) a r e satisfied.
diode. In a r e a l m e a s u r i n g c i r c u i t , i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o t a k e

We note that the v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s can into a c c o u n t the loading of the diode by the bias source

b e r e a d i l y o b s e r v e d w i t h t h e c i r c u i t of F i g . 3 6 . In t h i s conductance g;, the inductance L i e a ( } of t h e l e a d be-

c i r c u i t E733 t h e d c a n d a c s t a b i l i t y c o n d i t i o n s a r e dif- t w e e n the tunnel diode and the b r i d g e input and the

ferent and a r e e a s i e r to obtain (the load r; on the c a p a c i t a n c e of t h e t u n n e l d i o d e c a r t r i d g e C c . Account

high frequency circuit d o e s not affect the dc stability). of t h e s e s u p p l e m e n t a r y f a c t o r s l e a d s t o t h e e x p r e s -

8.2. M e a s u r e m e n t of t h e n e g a t i v e r e s i s t a n c e .
Strictly speaking, the differential negative resistance
C a p p = С 4- C c - L l e a d (8t + Gf-Lfi\ (8.6)
-R cannot be m e a s u r e d directly. The measured quan-
tity, —R + r s , i s s u b j e c t t o c o n s i d e r a b l e e r r o r if r s
In a high frequency diode, the intrinsic inductance
« R. In t h e o p p o s i t e c a s e , r s should be measured is small and Lj e a ( j may be the main source of e r r o r ,
s e p a r a t e l y and accounted for in the determination of particularly in measurements in the negative-resist-
the negative r e s i s t a n c e . This r e s i s t a n c e can be deter- ance region, where a large value of gj must be used
m i n e d by d r a w i n g a tangent to e a c h point of t h e v o l t - to insure dc stability.
ampere characteristic (to avoid e r r o r s , the stability The accuracy of the method increases appreciably
conditions (8.2) m u s t f u r t h e r m o r e be satisfied.^61-' if the measurements a r e confined to the vicinity of the
The a p p r o x i m a t e value of the negative r e s i s t a n c e valley on the positive portion of the characteristic,
at the m a x i m u m - s l o p e points c a n be d e t e r m i n e d by where a small value of gj can be tolerated. ^77^
m e a s u r i n g t h e e x t r e m a l v a l u e s of the c u r r e n t s Ip and The cartridge capacitance C c can be measured
Iy and the c o r r e s p o n d i n g v o l t a g e s Up and Uy, using separately and accounted for in subsequent calcula-
the formula tions .
The capacitance of the tunnel diode, at voltages cor-
'imiii ^ "•— — , (8.3) responding to the peak current or the valley current,
can be simply measured by a method based on the It is customary to measure r s on the negative
divider principle. In this method the signal is applied branch of the volt-ampere characteristic at currents
to a series circuit consisting of the active resistance that are 100—200 times larger than the peak current,
r and the tunnel diode biased to one of the extremal when the shifting of the bands in the p-n junction does
points of the volt-ampere characteristic (Fig. 32). not limit these currents. The measurements can be
made either by determining the slope of the volt-
Signal ampere characteristic or by employing a small ac
To amplifier signal E613. Measurements on the forward rising
FIG. 32. "Divider" circuit for the branch of the characteristic (beyond the current
measurement of tunnel-diode capacitance. valley) are considered to be crude, in view of the
distortion of the results by secondary effects such as
admittance modulation. According to the data of '-76-',
these effects are negligibly small and measurements
If the signal is small and a suitable frequency on the forward branch give results that do not differ
chosen so that the circuit inductance and the loss r e - from measurement results on the negative branch of
sistance can be neglected, the diode admittance at the volt-ampere characteristic.
these points is determined only by the junction capaci- 8.5. Measurements of series inductance of the tun-
tance. Measurement of the capacitance at a voltage nel diode. These measurements are among the most
corresponding to the peak current imposes more difficult, for the smallness of this inductance makes
stringent limitations on the signal magnitude and on bridge methods little effective. '-61-'
the stability than the voltage corresponding to the A possible method of measuring L s is to determine
valley. the circuit parameters in a mode close to free oscilla-
This method can be used to measure the capaci- tion. E78] The gist of the method is to place the diode
tance of the tunnel diode in the vicinity of the negative in a special short circuited measuring line of variable
branch of the characteristic. For this purpose the length which is set to oscillate. The length of the line
negative conductance of the diode is shunted with a is decreased until the oscillation frequency approaches
resistance of a value that makes the resultant con- the limiting diode generation frequency in the particu-
ductance equal to zero. lar circuit. Near the point where the generation stops
The capacitance at the extremal points of the char- the circuit oscillations are sinusoidal with low ampli-
acteristics can be also measured by a resonance tude, and their frequency is measured with the aid of
method, which reduces to a determination of the r e s - a sensitive wave meter.
onant frequency of the tunnel-diode capacitance and a In such a circuit the diode inductance is given by
known inductance L (much larger than the diode in-
ductance L s ) (Fig. 33) at voltages just preceding the (8.7)
onset of oscillation. A suitable frequency for the ( b>omax + £2 )
measurement of the capacitance of a high-frequency
tunnel diode is on the order one megacycle. where w o m a x —maximum diode generation frequency
in the test unit and Lmin —corresponding minimum
Signal value of the loop inductance.
To amplifier FIG. 33. Circuit for the It is possible to measure in the same circuit the
1 loss resistance of the diode, provided all the other
measurement of tunnel-diode
capacitance by the resonant circuit losses can be accounted for.
method. A convenient method of measuring very small in-
ductances ( L s < 10" 9 H) is based on measuring the
frequency of resonance between the inductance and
8.4. Measurement of loss resistance ( r s ) of a the cartridge capacitance. This resonant frequency,
tunnel diode. In dc and low-frequency measurements, which usually lies in the microwave band, is deter-
only an approximate value of r s can be measured, mined from the phase difference between the standing-
since the skin-effect losses do not come into play. The wave minimum of a short circuited line and the line
resistance r s shifts the peak voltage on the volt- containing the tunnel diode. If the effect of the junc-
ampere characteristic towards the higher values '-61-'. tion capacitance on the resonant frequency cannot be
This effect is appreciable in large-current diodes. neglected, this capacitance must be taken into account
For quantitative measurements this method can hardly in the inductance calculation. The same method can
be used, since the peak voltage, being a function of the be used to determine the loss resistance r s at micro-
doping in the absence of r s , is not known accurately. wave frequencies, by measuring the standing wave
The tunnel-current region is not suitable for the m e a s - ratio at the resonant frequency and by suitable r e -
urement of r s , since the conductance is not deter- calculation.
mined by ohmic losses in this region.
446 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
9.1. General relations. The generation of periodic and suitable programming, yielded results that agreed
oscillations corresponds on the diagram of Fig. 28 to qualitatively with experiment £81J.
an unstable focus region. The solution of the nonlinear Steady state occurs at the operating frequency ш
differential equation (7.3) determines the frequency of the circuit of Fig. 26 when conditions (5.12) and
and amplitude of the tunnel-diode generator with equiv- (5.13) are satisfied simultaneously. In these expres-
alent circuit of Fig. 26. sions it is necessary to add to the resistance r s the
This equation, however, cannot be solved in general load resistance r ; and the circuit loss resistance r t ,
form. The corresponding linearized equation (7.4) while L s can be regarded as the limiting value of the
yields the oscillation frequency provided the smallness joint inductance L of the diode and the circuit.
of the steady-state amplitude allows us to neglect the Thus, the generation condition at frequency ш has
effect of the nonlinearity of the volt-ampere charac- the form
teristic on the frequency. In the opposite case it de-
termines the initial frequency. v
Of course, the linearized equation yields no infor- - ^ ^ = 1 / ^ 1-^5 • 0.8)
mation regarding the amplitude, for any deviation in a
For a diode characterized by parameters C, R,
linear system should eventually increase without lim-
and L s , it is necessary to choose the corresponding
its. The initial frequency is determined by the second
value of rj at each frequency.
term of the radicand of the characteristic equation
9.2. Generator circuits. The systems usually em-
1-rG (9.1) ployed to generate microwave oscillations with the aid
of tunnel diodes contain line elements with distributed
The steady state frequency w s differs from the parameters. The literature reports only one type of
initial frequency generator with lumped parameters with the tunnel
diode forming an integral part of the generator'- 33 -'.
1 —rCy/2 (9.2) Historically, the first device for the generation of
LC )
microwave oscillations was the circuit proposed by
because of the nonlinearity of the diode, and can be de- Sommers '-31-'. In this generator the low-inductance
termined in t e r m s of the effective steady-state param- tunnel diode was connected to the terminals of an open
eters Rd e and ^^ strip line without additional connecting leads (Fig. 34).
1/2 This made it possible to shunt the diode by means of
(9.3) a small resistance at the node of the high-frequency
voltage and obtain dc bias without disturbing the high-
= rRdeCd (9.4) frequency operating conditions.
The exact values of Rjje and C^e can be determined To prevent oscillations in the circuit made up of
only by numerical or graphical methods '-80-'. However, the diode, the line segment, and the shunting resistance,
if the oscillation amplitude is small, the changes in R the resonant frequency of this circuit must be shifted
and С are small and their effective values can be r e - above the limiting frequency of the tunnel diode. This
placed by the average values R and С. ^79^ Then circuit is an example showing that in view of the broad-
band nature of the negative resistance, one of the main
R_ (9.5) difficulties encountered in the design of tunnel-diode
LC generators, is the elimination of all the undesirable
rRC. (9.6) frequencies.
It can be shown that the input admittance of the line
The smaller the oscillation amplitude, the less the (Fig. 34) has at the junction with the tunnel diode, dis-
average values differ from the initial parameters at regarding r s and L s , the form
the operating point. Equation (9.2) can therefore be
regarded, in any case, as the solution of the first ap- ^\ for a < 1,
proximation for large-amplitude oscillations. (9.9)*
The total solution of the nonlinear differential equa- where W —characteristic resistance of the line, a —
tion can be obtained with desired accuracy (including damping factor, and /3 —phase-shift constant.
the determination of the frequency, the amplitude, the When A./2 > l> A./4, this admittance is inductive.
harmonic content, and the wave form of the oscilla- The length of the line is determined from the condition
tions ) by either numerical or graphical methods. t lo » 79 3 that the imaginary part of the input admittance must be
The use of computers greatly accelerates the solution. cancelled by the capacitance of the tunnel diode
Thus, a digital computer, together with approximation
of the tunnel-diode volt-ampere characteristic by the
relation *th = tanh, tg = tan:
l a r , it m a k e s it p o s s i b l e to e m p l o y s h o r t - c i r c u i t e d
l o o p s i n p l a c e of o p e n o n e s i n t h e c i r c u i t described
above. T h e a d v a n t a g e s r e s u l t i n g f r o m t h e u s e of a
FIG. 34. Schematic represen-
tation of the first tunnel-diode blocking c a p a c i t o r to stabilize a negative-resistance
generator described by Sommers. c i r c u i t c a n b e u n d e r s t o o d by a n a l y z i n g t h e e q u i v a l e n t
a) Distribution of voltage along c i r c u i t of t h e g e n e r a t o r , s h o w n i n F i g . 3 6 . In t h i s
the line; b) TD - tunnel diode; figure C D i s t h e b l o c k i n g c a p a c i t o r a n d Y\ i s t h e l o a d
Rsh —resistor. r e s i s t a n c e , which is inductively coupled to the circuit.


In a somewhat modified generator circuit I- -* the
b) c)
tunnel diode is connected to an open line shunted on
one of its ends by a stabilizing impedance (Fig. 35). FIG. 36. Circuit with blocking capacitor to apply bias to a
The distance lt is chosen to make the conductance tunnel diode, a) Actual circuit; b) high-frequency equivalent cir-
cuit; c) low-frequency equivalent circuit.
of the line at the junction to the diode equal to the
modulus of its negative admittance. The length of the
T h e s t a b i l i t y c o n d i t i o n f o r t h e e q u i v a l e n t c i r c u i t of
open loop l2 is chosen to cancel out the reactive com-
t h e g e n e r a t o r a t low f r e q u e n c y (Fig. 36c) h a s t h e f o r m
ponent. The total admittance of the line (in the ТЕМ
mode) at the junction with the diode is given by the (9.12)
equation ^
It i s e a s i e r t o s a t i s f y (9.12) b y c o n n e c t i n g a l a r g e
b l o c k i n g c a p a c i t o r Ct>. It i s n e c e s s a r y t o t a k e a c c o u n t ,
h o w e v e r , of t h e f a c t t h a t t h i s c a p a c i t o r i s p a r t of t h e
high frequency c i r c u i t and m u s t have low l o s s e s . If
t h e i m p e d a n c e of t h e b i a s s o u r c e i s n o t l o w e n o u g h t o
(9.11) s a t i s f y t h e dc stability c o n d i t i o n s , it should be r e d u c e d
b y m e a n s of a n a d d i t i o n a l s h u n t i n g r e s i s t a n c e .
It s h o u l d b e n o t e d i n t h i s c o n n e c t i o n t h a t t h e u s e of
where Yo is the characteristic admittance of the line a v o l t a g e d i v i d e r for a b i a s s o u r c e w i t h low output i m -
and Z R is the stabilizing impedance. p e d a n c e h a s low p o w e r efficiency.
Similar relations can be established also in the case T h u s , f o r e x a m p l e , t o o b t a i n a b i a s of 0.2 V a c r o s s
when a ring-type strip resonator is used'-79-'. Plots of a one-ohm r e s i s t o r from a two-volt battery, the power
(9.11) and of the corresponding equation for the ring l o s s r e q u i r e d i s 0 . 4 W, w h i c h i s a p p r o x i m a t e l y two
resonator show that tunnel-diode generators can be o r d e r s of m a g n i t u d e i n e x c e s s of t h e p o w e r necessary
constructed with parameters that differ appreciably.^ 81 ^ t o o p e r a t e a g e r m a n i u m d i o d e w i t h 50 m A p e a k c u r r e n t .
A Rieke diagram can be drawn for a tunnel-diode T h e r m o e l e c t r i c c o n v e r t e r s h a v e low i n t e r n a l i m p e d -
generator to show the variation of the frequency and a n c e a n d a p p a r e n t l y s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m of supplying
power with the load resistance. The feasibility of tunnel diodes.
electrical tuning of a tunnel diode generator follows T h e r m o e l e c t r i c c o n v e r t e r s c a n b e fed w i t h d i r e c t
from Eq. (9.8) and was experimentally confirmed by or alternating current, have negligible output-voltage
many workers. p u l s a t i o n s , high efficiency, and an output voltage that
Thus, in E82^ a frequency tuning range of 12% was can be easily regulated. C o n v e r t e r s can be m a d e with
obtained by varying the position of the operating point i n t e r n a l r e s i s t a n c e n o t e x c e e d i n g 0.02 o h m s . '-83-'
on the volt-ampere characteristic. 9.4. P r o b l e m s involved in i n c r e a s i n g t h e p o w e r r a t -
9.3. Methods of applying bias to the tunnel diode. i n g of t u n n e l - d i o d e g e n e r a t o r s . In f i r s t a p p r o x i m a t i o n
The use of a blocking capacitor С73] to apply the bias it c a n b e a s s u m e d t h a t t h e v o l t - a m p e r e characteristic
improves the low-frequency stability and facilitates of t h e t u n n e l d i o d e i s l i n e a r i n t h e r a n g e f r o m Up to
construction of tunnel-diode generators. In particu- U y and that the power delivered by the diode is (when
= 0)
FIG. 35. Schematic rep-
resentation of generator (9.13)
with stabilizing resistor.
A —Input for bias source;
B —high frequency output; The actual v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c is close to
С — stabilizing impedance; l i n e a r o n l y o n a c e r t a i n p a r t of t h e n e g a t i v e b r a n c h .
TD —tunnel diode. C o n f i n i n g o u r s e l v e s t o t h i s r e g i o n , w h i c h i s of i m p o r -
448 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . S H V A R T S
tance for microwave generators, we obtain an expres- of tunnel diodes having long negative branches of the
sion for the output power at a frequency w, when volt-ampere characteristic. The output power can
R » r s , in the form be increased by operating two or more tunnel-diode
generators in parallel E81^. Parallel operation is made
8L „ , j 1 (9.14) possible by the frequency locking phenomenon.
Figure 37 shows the frequency dependence of the
where V is the voltage range in which the volt-ampere synchronous gain g s (ratio of the output power of
characteristic does not deviate from linearity by a parallel-connected generators to the power necessary
specified amount (say 15%), and K = I p / C . (Accord- for locking) on the frequency difference Af between
ing to E8431 typical values for germanium tunnel diodes the generated oscillations and the synchronizing sig-
are V и 0.1 V and К = 0.3—1 mA/pF.) Expression nal. This curve shows that synchronization can be
(9.14) enables us to analyze the dependence of the produced with a signal that has a power several o r -
power on the diode and circuit parameters. ders of magnitude less than that of the synchronized
The results of such an analysis are presented in generators'^ 81 ^. In such a parallel generator, the tun-
graphical form in"- 84 ^, where it is shown that for nel diodes can be connected to the common circuit by
each given frequency ш = w0 there is an optimum means of hybrid rings or circulators ^86-'.
К = Ko at which the output power of the diode is

— P (9.15) FIG. 37. Dependence of the

i6K L 16co0£
1 synchronous gain on the differ-
max — 0
This value of Ko is given by the equation u)0 = K o /V. ence between the frequencies of 20X
the generated oscillations and
To increase the power is one of the main tasks in the synchronizing signal. tff
the development of tunnel-diode generators. To obtain
oscillation power exceeding several milliwatts is a
-5 О
problem involving serious difficulties.
Thus, to obtain a power on the order of a milliwatt T h e o u t p u t p o w e r of a c i r c u i t w i t h a h y b r i d ring
from a typical germanium diode it is necessary to em- coupled to t h r e e tunnel-diode g e n e r a t o r s reached
ploy a diode with a negative resistance of one ohm or 5.6 m W a t a 8 5 0 M e , o r 9 0 % of t h e s u m of t h e p o w e r s
less. Merely to stabilize the operating points of such of t h e t h r e e g e n e r a t o r s '- 8 1 -'.
a tunnel diode is a very difficult problem. A r a t h e r p r o m i s i n g m e t h o d of i n c r e a s i n g t h e p o w e r
With increasing operating frequency, the problem is to u s e a d i s t r i b u t e d tunnel diode in which the p - n
of increasing the power becomes even more serious. junction is quite wide. C e r t a i n p o s s i b i l i t i e s of u s i n g
It is obvious that the fraction of the power P delivered the distributed tunnel diodes w e r e considered theoret-
to the load r ; decreases relative to the fraction of the ically by H i n e s 1 ^ . The simplest " s m o o t h " distrib-
loss power P s in the diode and in the circuit; u t e d d i o d e of a p p r e c i a b l e w i d t h , i n w h i c h t h e w a v e
д , p r o p a g a t e s in t h e b a r r i e r l a y e r b e t w e e n p - n junctions
P ^ ri 1 + Д'соЧ-'2 ^ ^ (9 16)
t h a t f o r m a s o r t of t r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e , i s n o t v e r y suit-
able for p r a c t i c a l applications. The reasons a r e the
T h e i m p o s s i b i l i t y of u s i n g d i o d e s w i t h l a r g e p e a k low l i m i t i n g frequency, t h e v e r y low i m p e d a n c e , and
c u r r e n t s is due to the d e c r e a s e d r e s o n a n t frequency
t h e l a c k of m e a n s f o r c o n n e c t i n g t h e f i x e d b i a s .
of diodes that have small R and large С G r e a t e r p o s s i b i l i t i e s a r e afforded by a v e r y n a r r o w
On the other hand, diodes characterized by very s t r i p d i o d e ( F i g . 38) w i t h a n e g a t i v e r e s i s t a n c e l o c a t e d
small values of junction capacitance have an intoler- along the central axis of a metallic strip line of con-
ably large value of r s . Therefore the development of siderable width. Such a structure supports а ТЕ mode
diodes with small junction capacitances and loss r e - and the phase velocity is smaller than that of light, in
sistances is of prime significance. This problem can view of the capacitive load of the strip-type tunnel
be solved either by using welded p-n j u n c t i o n s ' ^ or
by producing very thin semiconductor layers £84^.
For such waves, the magnetic and electric fields
The maximum power realized at the present time
is several milliwatts at frequencies up to 1 Gc and
fractions of a milliwatt at frequencies up to 10 Gc.
In many applications this power level is fully adequate; FIG. 38. Connection of
a certain increase in these levels can be expected in "distributed" diode to a strip
the future. Nonetheless, the foregoing difficulties line. TD - "narrow'' strip
make it necessary to seek other solutions if the out- diode; A — absorbing loads.
put power is to be increased appreciably.
We note that the prospects of further appreciable TD
increase in the power would involve the development
in a direction perpendicular to the strip attenuate ex- Cavities and waveguides are used as tank circuits
ponentially and in proportion to the frequency. There- for tunnel-diode oscillators of higher frequencies. '-73'
fore two absorbing loads placed parallel to the strip 87,88]
axis and a certain distance from the axis provide a Frequencies up to 33.4 Gc were obtained^ 87 ^ with
considerable conductance for all low-frequency oscil- a welded GaAs tunnel diode, produced directly in the
lations (including direct current) without influencing center of a conical cavity. The oscillation was excited
noticeably the high-frequency fields. at the higher cavity modes. A germanium tunnel diode
In this simple generator, the narrow strip diode used in the same cavity at 2.7 Gc oscillated only on
wavelength is equal to half the wavelength in the given the lowest cavity mode. The oscillation spectrum con-
structure. Such a resonant tunnel strip is placed per- tained harmonics in addition to the fundamental fre-
pendicular to the cross section of the waveguide and quency. The bias was applied through a parallel plate
excites oscillations in the latter. Another possible blocking capacitor and the energy was drawn through a
method is to excite a cavity by using two distributed coupling loop. A frequency of 40 Gc was obtained by
strips on both sides of an inductive slot in this cavity. using a segment of tapered waveguide as the tank cir-
In the "useful" type of oscillations employed, all the cuit. The reactive component of the diode was neutral-
" e l e m e n t a r y " diodes of the given strip oscillate in ized with the aid of an adjustable short-circuited
phase while the oscillations in the two tunnel strips plunger located in the waveguide past the diode. The
are out of phase. It is also possible to use distributed frequency decreased monotonically with increasing
structures with axial symmetry. bias. However, large-current tunnel diodes are used
9.5. Experimental results. The practical generator to generate oscillations of large amplitude and high
circuits differ from one another in the principal mode harmonic content, the frequency can go through a max-
employed, in the method used to couple the system to imum or a minimum, depending on the bias.
the external load, and in the method used to apply the The use of an analogous welded diode of n-type
bias to the tunnel diode. GaAs has made it possible to raise the oscillation
The resonant circuits employed a r e segments of frequency to 103 Gc. ^88^ The diode was produced in
coaxial and strips lines'- 3 1 ' 7 3 ' 7 9 -', waveguides of narrow a 3.1 x 0.25 mm waveguide. Fundamental oscillations
cross section ^ 8 7 ' 8 8 ^, H-shaped waveguides'-79-', toroidal starting with frequencies close to waveguide cut-off
and conical cavities '-87-' and ring cavities ^79-'. In all up to frequencies more than three times this value
cases, the design of the oscillating system involves were observed in one and in the same system, depend-
neutralization of the reactance (principally capacitive) ing on the diode and on the position of the tuning
of the tunnel diode. The neutralization methods also plunger.
vary (inductive short-circuited or open-circuited Certain interest attaches to the production of the
loops, inductance of a toroidal-cavity turn, etc). SS104 and SS107 experimental tunnel-diode oscillators
The coupling with the load can be capacitive, induc- announced by RCA. C89.9°J The SS104 oscillator has a
tive, or conductive; most frequently the tunnel diode is 5% electric tuning range relative to a selected fre-
connected directly in the waveguide'- 79 ' 87 ' 88 -'. The cus- quency in the 800—1400 Me band. The oscillator draws
tomarily used method of applying the bias consists of 30 mA at 0.2 V and has a maximum output power of
using a blocking capacitor E73^. 0.3 mW. The output power of the SS 107 oscillator exceeds
Let us examine certain practical constructions of 1 mW at a fixed frequency in the 0.5—2 kMcs band.
tunnel-diode generators and the experimental results This oscillator draws 160 mA at 0.4 V.
obtained. The highest frequency obtained with a germanium
An overall view of a coaxial-type generator with tunnel diode is 108 Gc. [ 6 6 ^ In this experiment the
blocking capacitor for the bias and with coupling to the diode parameters were L s = 0.25 x 10" 9 H, С = 0.784
cavity through a diaphragm is shown in Fig. 39. Oscil- pF, R s = 6 ohms, R = 55 ohms, and the oscillation
lations were produced in such a construction E73^ at frequency corresponds to the value given by Eq. (9.8).
frequencies up to 8 Gc; the same device can be used According to [ 1 3 o : l , the D4168-D p-type germa-
as an amplifier. A certain practical inconvenience in nium tunnel diode can also generate at frequencies
such a construction is the difficulty of regulating the above 10 Gc.
coupling to the load and the need for producing an a r - The reported experimental data confirm that in
tificial return circuit for the dc bias of the tunnel diode. principle there is no upper frequency limit in the
tunnel-effect mechanism and justify the bold p r e -
dictions made in earlier papers that tunnel diodes
can be used in the millimeter band.
FIG. 39. Coaxial oscillator with blocking
capacitor. TD — tunnel diode; a — diaphragm to
couple the cavity with the line; b-blocking 10. TUNNEL-DIODE AMPLIFIERS
Tunnel-diode amplifiers are of the regenerative
type. Amplification corresponds to the region char-
450 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
acterized by a stable focus in the diagram in Fig. 28. decrease the noise figure it is best to have rg » r '
10.1. Amplifier with separate input and output (see Sec. 10.6). Neglecting the losses r s and ru we
("straight through" circuit). The gain of a tuned am- obtain the well known approximate formula ^31^
plifier represented by the series or parallel equivalent
1 (10.5)
circuit of Fig. 40, is defined as the ratio of the power 2nRC
delivered to the output load to the maximum power de-
Methods for determining the optimum gain-bandwidth
livered by the signal source.
product and for the synthesis of amplifiers, not lim-
ited to the foregoing system with a single resonant
circuit, are given in L92-94]_ T ] i e g a i n _bandwidth prod-
FIG. 40. Equivalent cir- uct can be increased appreciably for similar amplifiers
e a cuits of "straight through" constructed in the form of multi-element filters. The
resonant amplifier, a) Series results of the calculations for such an optimal ampli-
circuit, b) parallel circuit. fier, for the case of a "straight through" circuit, are
shown in Fig. 41 together with a generalized circuit of
this amplifier. ^

The gain expressed in terms of the parameters of

both circuits has the form
k= — (Ю.1)
In these equations r s , r[, r g , rj, g s , gg, g", gg, and gf
are the loss resistances and conductances of the diode, FIG. 41. Dependence to
of the bandwidth on the 1 gas
the tank circuit, the oscillator, and the load in the gain for an optimal ampli- 4 \
series and parallel circuits, respectively. In the lat- 4
fier (b) in a "straight )*/
ter circuit the conductances are referred to the t e r m i - through" circuit (a), 4 s
nals of the signal generator (gg) and the load (g£). n —number of poles of the 2
filter AUJ = 2n-Af. 0,0/ \
Taking into account the increase in the effective Q ^—
6 s
of the tank circuit resulting from the regeneration, and
the relationships between the real and transformed г \
diode parameters, we obtain for the product of the OMOt \
voltage gain V~k by the amplifier bandwidth Af 6<7 /0 2O 3O 4ff SO 6O 70

R' (10.2)
We note that unlike simple tuned amplifiers, the
-y gain-bandwidth product in optimal amplifiers is no
longer invariant. '-34-'
In the derivation of (10.2) it is assumed that the gain
10.2. Amplifier with circulator in "reflection"
is large. The equation can be rewritten in a form
circuit. The use of a "reflection" circuit with a cir-
more'suitable for practical use
culator offers appreciable advantages from the point
of view of expanding the bandwidth, improving the sta-
bility, and reducing the noise figure. This connection
is consequently most widely used for microwave am-
f . CO2 (10.3) plification. In the circuit of Fig. 42, gloss a n d go a r e
x ( 1 r- яСЙ the loss conductance and the conductance of the input
( / J line, respectively, transformed to the terminals of - G
where and B, where В is the susceptance of the amplifier
(the primed values G" and g i ' o s s = gs + g"> encoun-
(10.4) tered in the text, correspond to conductances t r a n s -
formed to the terminals of a signal generator with
is the efficiency of the cavity. conductance gj').
In this form the equation is a particular case of a The gain у is defined as the square of the modulus
more complete solution E91J, which takes into account of the voltage reflection coefficient | Г | 2 ^ :
the finite nature of the gain and the effect of the dis-
tributed inductance of the cavity. I1 Г I2
The optimum relation between the load and gener- !
ator resistances, from the point of view of increasing T h e g a i n e x c e e d s u n i t y if G i s l a r g e r t h a n g l o s s »
the product Vk" Af, occurs when rg = r j . However, to and reaches infinity at resonance (В = 0) if G = go
by load noise entering the amplifier without resorting
to ferrite circulators, have led to the development of
In Out
a balanced amplifier circuit. Such 85a circuit, first pro-
posed for paramagnetic amplifiers'- -', was subse- 96
quently realized also for tunnel-diode amplifiers. ^ ^
FIG. 42. Amplifier with circulator in a (A balanced amplifier is sometimes also called
'reflection" circuit.
"hybrid.") The power reflected from two identical
amplifiers located in the arms of a hybrid junction
(Fig. 44) is summed in arm 4, and the amplified re-
ceiver noise is summed in arm 3. The gain of the
balanced circuit when the input to the hybrid junction
is matched is given by Eq. (10.6). The relationships
+ g i o s s . Oscillation takes place when G > g 0 + gloss- between the gain and the bandwidth shown in Fig. 43
As in other regenerative amplifiers, the gain- for the "reflection" amplifier with circular also hold
bandwidth product remains approximately constant at for the balanced amplifier.
large gains, when g 0 « G-gloss- ш t n i s c a s e

V Y2(^G
-.r- ~ —7^£lossl (Ю.7)
л; J go + ffloss (• (10.8) Ampfiler
FIG. 44. Schematic
G — glo
diagram of balanced am- Rec/eiver -l+e-
(10.9) plifier. 2
If the losses are small, the product Ту At is

Twn i-T
Thus, the "reflection" amplifier circuit with circu- r \ Antenna
lator has twice the gain-bandwidth product of the
With the input and output impedances matched and
"straight through" amplifier circuit.
with opposite a r m s of the hybrid junction ideally d e -
The results of calculation of an optimum amplifier
coupled, a balanced amplifier r e p r e s e n t s a matched
for a "reflection" circuit with circulator are shown in
load to the signal g e n e r a t o r . In the c a s e of a m i s -
Fig. 43. E92^ A comparison of the curves in this figure
m a t c h , the stability conditions a r e given by the e x -
with those of Fig. 41 shows the advantages of the " r e -
pression^ 9 6 -'
flection" circuit in the case when complicated r e s o -
nant circuits are used. Y l r i l | Г 2 | < 1, (10.11)
10.3. Balanced tunnel-diode amplifier. Efforts to
where 11\ | and ] Г 2 1 are the moduli of the voltage
prevent the noise figure from being adversely affected
coefficient of reflection from the signal source and
from the amplifier load, respectively. Over a wide
frequency band it is difficult to obtain good matching
at all points of the band and the limitations imposed
by (10.11) becomes significant. The limitations im-
/ff posed on the balanced amplifier by its noise proper-
ЛыС в ties will be discussed later.
~T~" V
z \ 10.4. Traveling-wave amplifiers. Interest in trav-
7,0 s H eling-wave amplifiers is due to their broadband char-
I \ ^— ^ _ acteristics. The most promising type of traveling-
2 \ wave amplifier is one with a "very narrow strip diode"
(see Fig. 38) located along the axis of a strip line and
\ with two absorbing loads at a certain distance from
г \
ao/ Y the strip line'- 73 -'. The difficulty in realizing such a
s system lies in the fact that it amplifies in both direc-
4 IS
2 tions. Slight mismatches in the line serve as sources
ч of standing waves, and oscillation sets in if the gain is
^o £o so ?0 large. By virtue of the fact that the negative resistance
;o г о Jff
PfdB acts at all frequencies, matching at the input and the
FIG. 43. Dependence of the bandwidth on the gain for an "opti- output over a wide frequency band is hardly attainable.
mal" amplifier (b) in a "reflection" circuit with circulator (a), To eliminate oscillation in the distributed amplifier,
n —number of poles of the filter Дш = 2JTA(. a combined system was proposed, consisting of a dis-
452 V. I. F I S T U L ' and N. Z. SHVARTS
tributed tunnel diode and a non-reciprocal ferrite at- plifier is loaded by a negative resistance with absolute
tenuator СТЗ,97Ц _ value R = Ro, and negative and positive resistances
Such a system amplifies signals passing in one di- -R/2 and R/2 are connected in alternating sequence
rection and attenuates them in the other. The proposed at each junction between sections. Each section is
device'- -' (similar to that shown in Fig. 38) contains therefore loaded by a characteristic resistance amount-
thin ferrite plates on both sides of a narrow strip diode, ing to either R or —R, the sign reversing in each sec-
located along the axis of a strip line. The permanent tion. The circuit has a theoretical bandwidth from zero
magnet on which this device is mounted produces in to the limiting frequency of the tunnel diodes, and has
the ferrite an inhomogeneous field, which is stronger a power gain equal to 2N, where N is the number of
near the axis and weaker towards the edges of the elements.
strip line. The frequency of the ferromagnetic reso- 10.5. Stability of tunnel-diode amplifiers. Like all
nance therefore decreases with increasing distance other regenerative amplifiers, the gain of tunnel-diode
from the axis, maintaining the properties of the ferrite amplifiers exhibits a strong dependence on the load and
medium non-reciprocal over a very wide frequency generator impedances. This dependence is particularly
band. large if the gain is large and can lead to self excitation
The difficulties connected with manufacturing dis- in the limit. When the amplifier has a separate input
tributed structures with negative resistance have not and output, the sensitivity of the amplifier to a change
yet been overcome, and this has led to the development in the input impedance is determined by the derivative
of a lumped-constant equivalent of a traveling-wave of the gain with respect to the conductance, and amounts
amplifier. In such a system the lumped tunnel diodes, to £ ]
discretely placed along the axis of a strip line, are
separated by a ferrite medium, which absorbs the
waves propagating in the undesired direction ^ .
where k0 is the nominal gain, determined by Eq. (10.2).
Another type of traveling-wave amplifier'-"-' (Fig.
If the gain is made equal to Gf/4Gg, it will not be
45a) contains segments of transmission lines with
sensitive to changes in the external load. Unfortunately,
lumped parameters, all having the same cutoff fre-
the requirement G'j » Gg leads to an intolerable in-
quency. The junction capacitance and inductance of
crease in the noise figure. The use of isolators and
the tunnel diodes can be parts of such an artificial
circulators greatly improves the stability of the am-
line. Each succeeding line segment (in the direction
plifiers against changes in the external load. A change
away from the generator) has a characteristic admit-
in the bias voltage can also lead to gain instability. The
tance larger than the preceding one. The negative ad-
more linear the chosen working portion of the volt-
mittances of the tunnel diodes connected at the termi-
ampere characteristic, the smaller the instability.
nals joining these lines provide the matching.
The temperature dependence of the negative conduc-
tance should also be taken into consideration in deter-
mining the stable gain of the amplifier.
The temperature coefficient of negative conductance
is a nonlinear function of the bias voltage; definite por-
tions on the negative branch have a weak temperature
dependence E45'76^. However, a low noise figure is
more likely to be the decisive factor in the choice of
the bias voltage; consequently, if the amplifier is to
be used in practice, gain stabilization may be neces-
FIG. 45. Two types of traveling-wave amplifiers. sary.
10.6. Noise in tunnel-diode amplifiers. The noise
In the presence of N identical diodes with negative figure F is defined, as usual (see, for example, E102^),
conductance -G, the conductance of the terminal load as the ratio of the total noise at the output terminals
%l should be of the device (N s ) to that part of the noise, at the
same terminals, which is due to the noise on a matched
resistance external to the device at a temperature To
where g 01 is the characteristic conductance of the line = 290°K (N o s ):
segment closest to the generator.
Such an amplifier has theoretically a large gain TV, (10.14)
over a wide frequency band, the power gain being equal
to the conductance ratio gj/goi- The main source of noise in a tunnel diode is shot
In a somewhat different type of traveling wave am- noise. Shot noise is connected with currents flowing
plifier C100^ (Fig. 45b), all sections have the same char- through the p-n junction in both directions. Assuming
acteristic resistance Ro. The last section of this am- that these currents are completely "uncorrelated,"
the equivalent saturation current I e q (so named in -R' X r
analogy with the ordinary diode) is the sum of the
aforementioned currents. When working on the de-
scending portion of the volt-ampere characteristic,
the current flowing through the junction in the opposite
direction can be neglected as compared with the for-
ward current. Consequently shot noise in a frequency
interval Af can be represented by a noise generator
with mean square current ^ ^
FIG. 47. Equivalent noise circuits of an amplifier tuned to reso-
2eIAf, (10.15) nance with separate input and output, a) Series circuit e"2 = 4kT
-Afre where r'e = R'ge/G; b) tunnel circuit i" 2 = 4kTAfge , where
w h e r e I is the m e a s u r e d diode c u r r e n t from the bias Й = G"ge/G.
To analyze the noise p r o p e r t i e s , r e a l noise s o u r c e s
a r e frequently r e p l a c e d by equivalent noise g e n e r a t o r s 1
0 Гд ' • fg J
0 Гд 1

and ideal ( i . e . , non-noisy) r e s i s t a n c e s , as is done in

Fig. 46, which shows the noise equivalent c i r c u i t of a (10.19)
т0 а"я та g"g т„ g"g • т0
tunnel diode ^ 1 0 3 ~ 1 0 7 ] . In Fig. 46 the t h e r m a l noise of
the r e s i s t a n c e of the diode is replaced by an equiva- If t h e gain is l a r g e and T s = T t = Td = T o , this
lent noise s o u r c e e s , with a m e a n - s q u a r e d voltage equation a s s u m e s the convenient f o r m - ^
~e\ = /ikTBAfrB, (10.16)
Л 1—~—-
and the shot noise is r e p r e s e n t e d by a c u r r e n t g e n e r - F=\
ator 1 ii 1—
i = AkTdAfge, (10.17)
0.02 IRA-
w h e r e T s and Td a r e the absolute values of the t e m - (10.20)
p e r a t u r e s of t h e l o s s r e s i s t a n c e and of the p - n j u n c - 1
tion, and g e = el/2kT(j is the equivalent noise conduc-
tance of the tunnel diode, defined by (10.15) and (10.17). where I is in mA and R is in ohms.
The noise figure of a "reflection" amplifier with
ideal circulator can be readily shown to be
FIG. 46. Equivalent
noise circuit of tunnel 1 + 0.02 IR (10.21)

In the derivation of (10.21) it was assumed that the

If Td = T o = 290°K, then g e (mho) = 0.02 I (mA). gain is large and all the losses are lumped in r s . This
The s e r i e s and p a r a l l e l equivalent noise c i r c u i t s of equation determines the maximum noise figure attained
an amplifier tuned to r e s o n a n c e , with s e p a r a t e input at an operating frequency w for specified diode param-
and output, a r e shown in Fig. 47. eters. We note that (10.21) is similar to the relations
In t h e s e c i r c u i t s , the r e c a l c u l a t e d diode p a r a m e t e r s obtained in C 1 0 3 " 1 0 6 ]. Thus, (10.21) can be represented
a r e d e t e r m i n e d with the aid of e x p r e s s i o n s (5.3) —(5.5), as a function of three ratios of the tunnel diode param-
and the p a r a m e t e r s of the equivalent g e n e r a t o r s e ' and eters g e / G , r s / R , and
i" a r e d e t e r m i n e d by equating t h e " e x c h a n g e a b l e "
powers - ^
— G~ -R' — G"
The concept of "exchangeable" power defined as the If we neglect the losses in the resonant circuit and
stationary value of the output power of the generator as in the diode, then the noise figure away from the limit-
a function of its output current or voltage, has the ad- ing frequency шцщ is determined by the simple rela-
vantage over the customary value of "available" power tion
in that it retains its meaning at both positive and nega-
F = 1 + 0.02/Д, (10.23)
tive values of the internal source resistance r s (in the
latter case the exchangeable power P = | E | 2 / 4 r s is which is t h e limiting c a s e of (10.21) and (10.22) (the
the power absorbed by the source from the external s a m e limit is r e a c h e d for an amplifier with s e p a r a t e d
circuit). input and output if in addition r g » r'i).
The noise figure in an amplifier with separated input The noise figure of a balanced amplifier (Fig. 44)
and output is is d e t e r m i n e d by [ 1 0 9 : l
454 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
where T = Tt = T s = Td- The n e e d for e l i m i n a t i n g t h e
г* ,
n o i s e in t h e s u c c e e d i n g s t a g e s s h o u l d , h o w e v e r , l e a d
t o t h e u s e of s e v e r a l s e r i e s - c o n n e c t e d a m p l i f i e r s . It
c a n b e s h o w n ' - 1 0 7 - ' t h a t t h e o v e r a l l n o i s e f i g u r e of s u c h
(10.24) a n n - s t a g e a m p l i f i e r of t h e " r e f l e c t i n g " t y p e w i t h
l a r g e overall gain (yn —• » ) , in which e a c h s t a g e h a s
where r | is the square of the modulus of the coeffi- a low gain у and is "decoupled" from the others, is
cient of voltage reflection from the input terminals of
the balanced amplifier and у is the reflection coeffi-
\\2kTG (10.28)
cient of each of the two identical amplifiers in the arms
of the hybrid junction. G"
In this equation the second term is determined by and can be made equal to the noise figure of a high-
the load noise entering the amplifier from the output gain stage. (This entails only an increase in the band-
side, while the third and fourth terms are due to the width of the system.)
diode noise with account of the mismatch at the input. These equations show that in a correctly designed
Under ideal conditions there is no reflection at the in- amplifier the main contribution to the noise factor is
put and no losses in the tune circuit or in the diodes, made by the shot noise. To reduce the noise figure it
so that the noise figure is is essential to decrease the losses in the diode and in
the resonant circuit of the amplifier and to operate
away from the limiting frequency. If the latter condi-
tion is not satisfied the noise from the series resistor
where y 12 = у is the gain of the balanced amplifier in
will adversely affect the noise properties of the ampli-
the absence of reflection at the input.
fier. Strong coupling with the generator and weak
This equation shows that the noise figure of an ideal
coupling with the load are furthermore necessary con-
balanced amplifier increases with increasing gain and
ditions for a reduction in the noise figure of an ampli-
reaches in the limit the value 0.02 IR, which charac-
fier with separated input and output. The limiting
terizes a single amplifier of the "reflecting" type.
value of the noise figure for all three types of ampli-
The presence of a mismatch at the input, as can be
fiers considered above is given by (10.23), so that the
seen from (10.24), increases the noise figure of the
product IR can be taken as a measure of the noise
balanced amplifier. Finally, the overall noise figure
performance of tunnel diodes. A typical IR vs. bias
of the system will be appreciably increased, in pro-
voltage curve is shown in Fig. 48 together with the
portion to the mismatch at the input and to the gain of
volt-ampere characteristic.
the amplifier, by noise from the succeeding stages.
The rise in the effective noise temperature Tb a i of
the balanced amplifier above to the minimum effective
noise temperature T m m of the component amplifiers,
resulting from all these factors, can be expressed by FIG. 48. Typical dependence of
the product IR of a tunnel diode on
the approximate relation E110^ the bias voltage.
Here T e 2 —noise temperature at the input to the sec-
ond stage. It is seen from Fig. 48 that excessive current leads
It is easy to see that mismatching greatly deterio- to an increase in the modulus of the negative resist-
rates the performance of a balanced amplifier. The ance; in this connection, the minimum value of IR is
use of circulators negates the entire idea of this cir- usually in the central portion of the descending part
cuit, for then one can make a single reflecting ampli- of the volt-ampere characteristic.
fier do. The applications of balanced amplifiers are No theoretical limits have yet been established for
therefore quite limited. ( I R ) m i n . We can note only that the possibility of de-
The noise figure can be reduced by decreasing the creasing (IR)min is connected with the use of diodes
gain and increasing gp. For a reflecting amplifier having narrow forbidden bands and low effective
with a circulator* we have masses [ 1 0 4 : i . Thus, ( I R ) m i n is 0.12 V for gallium
arsenide and 0.06 V for germanium. Worthy of atten-
el i gloss tion is the use of gallium antimonide, for which
2/cTC"1" G"
F=\ +7Fgfi" —— (10.27) ( I R ) m i n = 0.043 V ; * [ m : i the noise figures correspond-
ing to the three indicated values of IR are 5.3, 3.4,
*The authors of О 6 - 1 0 7 ' 1 0 9 ] do not investigate the frequency varia- and 2.7 dB.
tion of the noise figure and consequently the expressions analogous
to (10.24), (10.27), and (10.28) do not contain the transformed values •Oscillations with fundamental frequency up to 62.5 Gc were
of the conductances. produced with GaSb diodes.t "]

10.7. E x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s . The technology used to Thus, t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s confirm t h e t h e o -

p r o d u c e t u n n e l - d i o d e a m p l i f i e r s for t h e m i c r o w a v e r e t i c a l feasibility of amplification with t h e aid of t u n -
band is s i m i l a r in many r e s p e c t s to t h e a b o v e - nel diodes in t h e c e n t i m e t e r and m i l l i m e t e r b a n d s .
d e s c r i b e d m e t h o d s for t h e d e s i g n of o s c i l l a t o r s . This Reduction of t h e n o i s e figure to values governed by
p e r t a i n s to the c o n s t r u c t i o n of c a v i t i e s , connecting the shot n o i s e is a p p a r e n t l y t h e p r o b l e m of t h e n e a r
l i n e s , and b i a s c i r c u i t s . At t h e l o w e r m i c r o w a v e f r e - future. F u r t h e r l o w e r i n g of t h e shot n o i s e is c o n -
q u e n c i e s coaxial and s t r i p lines a r e used for t h e m o s t nected with t h e p r o b l e m of r e d u c i n g t h e e x c e s s c u r -
p a r t , while at h i g h e r frequencies waveguides and c a v i - rent.
t i e s a r e employed. But even in the p r e s e n t form the u s e of tunnel-diode
The f i r s t d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e tunnel-diode a m p l i f i e r a m p l i f i e r s is i n c r e a s i n g , s i n c e t h e r e a r e many a p p l i -
was published in 1959 by Chang E ^ who c o n s t r u c t e d cations w h e r e t h e i r exceeding s i m p l i c i t y i s m o r e than
an a m p l i f i e r for 30—80 Me with a n o i s e figure 4.5 d B . sufficient c o m p e n s a t i o n for t h e s o m e w h a t higher n o i s e
Another a m p l i f i e r with s e p a r a t e input and output a s c o m p a r e d with p a r a m e t r i c a m p l i f i e r s .
o p e r a t i n g a t 405—465 M e , with a gain 15 d B and a
bandwidth Af = 12 Me, had a n o i s e figure of 4.2 d B . 11. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF TUNNEL DIODES
The a m p l i f i e r c o n s i s t e d of a s h o r t - c i r c u i t e d s t r i p
Microwave applications of tunnel diodes a r e not
cavity, one end connected to a ZJ56 diode ( m a d e by
confined to a m p l i f i e r s and o s c i l l a t o r s . They c a n be
G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c ; G = 0.01 m h o , С = 7 p F , L s = 6
9 used for frequency c o n v e r s i o n ( m i x i n g ) , detection,
x 1 0 " H , Rg Й 1 Й ) s t r o n g l y coupled t o t h e g e n e r a t o r
and a p p l i c a t i o n in t h e s u p e r r e g e n e r a t i v e m o d e . T h e s e
and weakly coupled t o t h e load. The gain changed by
a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e b a s e d on t h e u s e of t h e negative r e -
3 d B a s t h e SWR changed from 1 to 1.2 without a n o s -
101 s i s t a n c e in t h e n o n l i n e a r i t y of the v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r -
c i l l a t o r and from 1 to 1.8 with an o s c i l l a t o r . ^ ^
a c t e r i s t i c of t h e tunnel diode.
An a m p l i f i e r of t h e " r e f l e c t i n g " type with c i r c u -
11.1. Tunnel-diode c o n v e r t e r ( m i x e r ) . The equiv-
l a t o r o p e r a t e d a t 4500 M c s with yfy Ai = 275 Me,
alent c i r c u i t shown in Fig. 49 c o n s i s t s of t h r e e tuned
у = 23 d B , and M = 20 M c s . The n o i s e figure of t h e
c i r c u i t s coupled by the tunnel diode ^ 1 1 7 ^ . The c i r c u i t
a m p l i f i e r w a s 7 d B (-fy M = 360 M e , F = 8.6 d B in
can o p e r a t e with an e x t e r n a l h e t e r o d y n e ( a t frequency
a different v e r s i o n ) С Ш ,П4]_ The coupling with the
o>3) a s a m i x e r , c o n v e r t i n g t h e signal frequency ш1
cavity containing t h e diode w a s by m e a n s of a s h o r t
into an i n t e r m e d i a t e frequency w 2 . К t h e s e l f - e x c i t a -
s e c t i o n of waveguide o p e r a t i n g beyond cutoff. The
tion conditions a r e satisfied at t h e frequency w 3 , the
p r o d u c t v y Af w a s c o n s t a n t a s t h e gain v a r i e d from
c i r c u i t o p e r a t e s a s a c o n v e r t e r without an e x t e r n a l
17 to 25 d B . C o m p a r i s o n of t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l and c a l -
culated v a l u e s of yfy Af helped d e t e r m i n e t h e cavity
and diode l o s s e s and c a l c u l a t e t h e a m p l i f i e r noise fig-
u r e . The n o i s e figure s o c a l c u l a t e d w a s c l o s e to t h e
experimental values.
A s t a b l e reflecting type a m p l i f i e r with c i r c u l a t o r
was designed for a gain of 36—38 d B a t 6.8, 10.8, and
25.8 G c ^ 1 1 5 ^ . The a m p l i f i e r r e s o n a n t c i r c u i t w a s a
conical cavity shunted by a welded tunnel diode m a d e
of GaAs. The n o i s e figure w a s 7.5, 10.7, and 11.5 d B
a t 6.8, 10.7, and 11.5 Gc, r e s p e c t i v e l y .
Amplification a t even h i g h e r frequencies from 55
to 85 Gc, w a s obtained t 1 1 1 ^ with welded diodes of n -
type GaAs ^ 8 5 ^ built into a t a p e r e d 3.1 x 0.25 m m w a v e -
guide, in analogy with ^ 8 8 ^. The a m p l i f i e r w a s of t h e
reflecting type with c i r c u l a t o r and i t s p a r a m e t e r s a t • FIG. 49. Equivalent circuit of tunnel-diode converter. TD —
tunnel diode.
55 Gc w e r e у = 35 d B , -Jy M = 400 (y = 20 d B ) , and
F = 16—18 d B . The n o i s e figure exceeded t h e v a l u e s The o p e r a t i n g point i s c h o s e n on t h e r i s i n g b r a n c h
given by (10.23) (6—7 d B for t h e diode e m p l o y e d ) b e - of t h e v o l t - a m p e r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c n e a r the c u r r e n t
c a u s e of t h e l a r g e l o s s e s in t h e r e s o n a n t c i r c u i t of the m a x i m u m . The working p o r t i o n of t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c
amplifier. is a p p r o x i m a t e d by t h e q u a d r a t i c equation
The RCA type SS500 a m p l i f i e r h a s a m i n i m u m gain
= U-AU*. (11.1)
of 15 d B in t h e 1275—1325 Me band and a n o i s e figure go

of 6 d B . T h e input s a t u r a t i o n p o w e r of t h e a m p l i f i e r w h e r e g 0 i s t h e conductance a t t h e o p e r a t i n g point and

is 30 m i c r o w a t t s , and t h e o p e r a t i n g d r a i n is 10 m A a t A is a p r o p o r t i o n a l i t y coefficient.
0.lV.[89] By analyzing t h e equations for t h e loop c u r r e n t s at
The m i n i m u m attained n o i s e figure a t 400 Me w a s the t h r e e f r e q u e n c i e s (wj, w 2 , o>3), Chang^ 1 1 7 1 h a s
2.7 d B ( T e f f = 2 5 0 ° K ) [ 1 1 6 ] . shown t h a t a c o n v e r s i o n coefficient g r e a t e r than unity
456 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
is obtained if the amplitude of the voltage U3 at the Theor.
heterodyne frequency is sufficient to satisfy the con- Exptl.
dition AU 3 /g 0 > 1. By conversion coefficient is meant 10
the ratio of the output power of the intermediate fre- 7.Л
quency to the maximum power delivered by the signal
Relations for the conversion coefficient, bandwidth, \
and noise figure of the mixer were derived E ^ by as-
suming that (11.1) holds. The experimental mixer de-
scribed in that paper converted 210 Me signals into 30 7O

Me if signals. The heterodyne frequency was 240 Me.
Using a large-current germanium tunnel diode ( I p
0.38 /M /J2
= 35 mA, g0 = 0.21 mho), a conversion coefficient of
6.0 dB was obtained with a bandwidth 0.9 Me and a
noise figure 5.2 dB. The corresponding values for a FIG. 50. Dependence of the short-circuit current sensitivity on
gallium-arsenide diode were 22.7 dB, 0.15 Me and
the frequency in a regenerative detector.
2.8 dB. These experimental data agreed with the cal- source). The bandwidth near the oscillation point,
culation L 1 1 7 3 . however, was small and the stability insufficient. A
Promising results were obtained at a signal fre- high stable sensitivity, 5 x 102 A/W, corresponding
quency of 1200 Mcs (fhet = H70 Mcs, fjf = 30 Mcs ) .
to a detected power of 120 dB/W, occurred at a band-
Unlike the mixer described above, the operating point width up to 2%. The amplitude characteristic was
was chosen on the descending branch of the character- quadratic up to 60 dB-mW. The dynamic range was
istic, and the peak current was much smaller (Ip = 1 limited on the high-power side by the occurrence of
mA). It was therefore not at all difficult to satisfy the oscillation.
dc stability conditions. The authors obtained a high The authors of E123^ recommend the use of a so-
conversion coefficient in a 4 Me band and a 4.5 dB called "backward" tunnel diode as a detector. Such
noise figure which is close to theoretical (with exact a tunnel diode is characterized by the fact that a de-
tuning the results were even better but the conversion generate semiconductor is located only on one side of
was unstable). the p-n junction. Consequently the forward branch of
Breitzer ^ 119 ^ analyzed the operation of the mixer its volt-ampere characteristic is similar to that of an
using an analytic expression similar to (3.3) for the ordinary diode. The currentflowingthrough the p-n
volt-ampere characteristic, with account of the cur- junction in the backward direction is due to the tunnel
rent flowing in both directions through the p-n junction. effect. The volt-ampere characteristic of the back-
Assuming these currents to be amplitude-modulated by ward diode has a weak temperature dependence and
the heterodyne and assuming inverse conversion, he a sharply pronounced inflection near the origin. At
arrived at conclusions that differed somewhat from the point of inflection such a diode can have a large
those of Chang. His report does not contain experi- ratio I"/P of the second derivative of the current
mental data, but the results of Green and Sard ^120^ with respect to the voltage to the first derivative.
are closer to Breitzer's calculations than to Chang's Thus, for example, a value Г / Г = 1.23 e/kT was
conclusions. The available data indicate that tunnel obtained for gallium arsenide diodes at a bias of 5 mV,
diodes offer certain promise for use in frequency and 2.17 e/kT at a bias of 1 m V [ 1 2 3 ] ("ordinary" crys-
conversion. tal detectors cannot have I"/I' larger than 0.5 e/kT.)
11.2. Tunnel diode detector. A detector of very high 11.3. Superregenerator using a tunnel diode. As is
sensitivity can be realized with the aid of a tunnel diode well known, the superregenerative amplifier offers
in a circuit that combines regeneration and detection. very high sensitivity with sufficient stability, whereas
A sensitive detector of this type was briefy described the stability of the regenerative decreases at the lim-
by Montgomery E121^. The equivalent circuit of Fig. 26 iting values of the gain.
can be used. The maximum sensitivity was observed The operating point of a tunnel diode used as a
with the operating point located near the oscillation superregenerator E124^ is biased into the negative-
point. The frequency dependence of the sensitivity for resistance region, and the oscillation conditions are
several values of the negative resistance —R is shown satisfied in the resonant circuit. The amplitude of
in Fig. 50, where R is normalized relative to Щ, the the auxiliary source should be sufficient for periodic
negative resistance corresponding to a start of oscilla- interruption of these oscillations. It is possible to
tion. The best short-circuit current sensitivity of the combine in a single circuit a superregenerative am-
unit amounted to 10 5 A/W and the minimum detected plifier and the auxiliary-oscillation generator, and
signal level was 140 dB below 1 watt. (By current also a superregenerative amplifier and detector. The
sensitivity is meant the ratio of the rectified short- equivalent circuit of a superregenerative detector for
circuit current to the maximum power of the signal 6.25 Me is shown in Fig. 51 (auxiliary-source fre-
s \
f 1\
FIG. 51. Equivalent circuit of superregenerative detector.
/ A 1\ >
TD-tunnel diode. /1— I/
quency 0.1 Me). ^ ^ Report of regeneration at a fre- -«— Л
quency 980 Me confirms the feasibility of circuits of
this type in the microwave band. ^ ^ FIG. 53. Curves illustrating the participation of phonons in the
tunnel effect.
RESEARCH not steeply, but asymptotically.
This phenomenon is
interpreted in '- -' as a consequence of the smearing
The quantum-mechanical nature of the tunnel diode of the lower boundary of the conduction band inside
affords experimenters an opportunity to investigate the forbidden band of the semiconductor.
directly the interaction between electrons and phonons. Low-temperature investigations of the tunnel cur-
rent of diodes made of semiconductor compounds (of
The first such interactions were observed in '- -',
where characteristic kinks in the forward branch of the type A^B^, etc.) have made it possible to observe
the volt-ampere characteristic of tunnel diodes were interactions between electrons and polarons. ^
observed at helium temperatures (Fig. 52). The volt- Investigations of the volt-ampere characteristic of
ages at which these kinks occur corresponded exactly the tunnel diode in strong magnetic field L125- have
to the energies of the phonons existing in the semi- yielded the effective mass of the charged carriers.
conductor. In germanium doped with antimony, all four Such a determination is based on the well known
acoustic phonons were observed, two longitudinal and de Haas—van Alphen effect. In tunnel diodes this effect
two transverse. manifests itself in oscillations of59 the current flowing
through the diode. Chynoweth E ^, in a study of tunnel
diodes made of PbTe in fields exceeding 40,000 G,
registered nine such oscillations and more. By meas-
FIG. 52. Experimental curves dis- uring their period, he was able to find the value of the
closing the participation of the phonons Bohr magneton, namely
1 in the tunnel effect.
J _ eh
/ ' m*c
s а ю*ю~'
and consequently the effective mass m*. An investiga-
u, v tion of the behavior of tunnel diodes in a magnetic field
In germanium doped with phosphorus and arsenic, is apparently also of practical interest, in view of the
no kinks were observed on the characteristic. This decrease in Ip/I у with increasing field intensity'- 125 ' 128 -'.
indicates either direct tunneling in such crystals, or The measurement of forward and backward currents
indirect tunneling with scattering on impurities. The in the tunnel diode enables us to estimate the probability
latter is the more probable. This result is confirmed of the tunneling, and consequently, to estimate all the
also by the form of the temperature dependence of the quantities contained in the expressions defining this
tunnel current (see Sec. 5.2) and measurements of probability, (2.3) and (2.4).
the backward branch of the volt-ampere character-
To this end, the width of the forbidden band Eg was
measured in C52>1263 as a function of the hydrostatic
Electron-phonon interactions
were observed also pressure acting on the diode.
in silicon tunnel diodes E ^. Investigations of this type Finally, in Sec. 5.3 we already mentioned tunnel
are beginning to assume a quantitative character. Hall spectroscopy, which makes possible a study of deep
has shown ^5Э^ that a volt-ampere characteristic with traps in the forbidden band of the crystal.
kinks can be resolved into a sum of several similar The possibilities of tunnel diode applications are
curves (see dashed curves in Fig. 53a). The curves far from exhausted by the cited examples. The vigo-
are shifted along the voltage axis by amounts propor- rous study of these diodes, now in progress, will un-
tional to KWJ corresponding to the phonons. Their doubtedly yield in the nearest future valuable informa-
amplitudes differ because of the different degree of tion on the physical phenomena in solids.
phonon-electron interaction. A clearer picture is ob-
tained by plotting the second derivative of the tunnel- 1
J . I. Frenkel and A. F. Ioffe, Physik. Z. Sowjet-
ing current with respect to the voltage (Fig. 53b) '-53-'. union 1, 60 (1932).
A careful study has shown that each of the dashed 2
W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconduc-
curves of Fig. 53a falls off towards the voltage axis tors, N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1950.
458 V. I. F I S T U L ' a n d N. Z . SHVARTS
B . M. Vul, FTT 2, 2961 (1960), Soviet Phys. Solid 37
C o l l e c t i o n of T r a n s l a t i o n s , " G e r m a n i u m , " ed. by
State 2, 2631 (1962). D. A. P e t r o v , IL, 1955, pp. 218-230.
A. G. Chynoweth, Progress in Semiconductors 4, 38
H . S. S o m m e r s et al., IRE Wescon Conv. R e c o r d .
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