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Model : SR-S2026C(D) SR-S2226C(D) SR-S2027C(D) SR-S2227C(D) SR-S2028C(D) SR-S2228C(D) ‘$R-S2029C(D) SR-S2229C(D) SR-S20NTC(D) SR-S22NTC(D) SR-S20BTC(D) SR-S22BTC(D) SR-S20DTC(D) SR-S22DTC(D) SR-S20FTC(D) SR-S22FTC(D) SERVIC, Manual BESS Eo Pena 2 Scent ue Com rent a acne Rete pen Pep Rear EAMER it ‘sR-S20280(0) |SRSEI0TC(D) Dispenser Na ert W XH) ad Freqeny and Feeney at Rata Creapton Pow | ‘Seca ad Oral | ‘72 ‘Oar Sin we ep x Fad Fequonay ard Feqeay | rated Caesuarton Power ‘aches aGrarcnhow ind of Retigerer ~ Ratigoant pit Anout | L $8 $2029010) SRSAOTCID) Dispense 8 HB PEGA NGS ‘Reed all istration before sing thi prot an ee to the instructions In oder to prevent dager or property damage CAUTIONNARNING STHBOLS DISPLAYED SYMBOLS i Indicates hata | | ©) metns “Prohibition” L\raring ef | means “Do not dsaseuble” one mens “No contac 1) mene Tre mings 0 Inds tara st] Que Kon {Peat inury thems “Pager cond shoal LX casion or material damage | | tnplgged from the consent” i | tangs art to preven Electric —__} SS _ shock’ Z\warning Donotinst te poner rogs Dotnet, Do ot ban power od emaypemebane’™ cparceaer Eerie Some Toop oe ens sim ame rinat_—_SYta peta ofa © os GASGOO Prohibition Donotinstaltheretigertor Make sof theca __Pallthe power pag out to Inthe wetpace oto pace Schengen Which water splashes aantigtmtdmeietonse Stina reer rion feta ft + yams, nya he ee) i 19 cart venta Tae aa PSII ‘Specification 5R.S20, SRS i) RSCR Defrost Related Components Detrost Cyl j Oicrage FaeoL «18 TE ST caw [For SPUTEN TE 7 Faortor Sour ANTE Condens Facer ne = —_ Cwiay te Ganson S5KgeF Fett ost [epi : } ze 3 sem [ac 780 210 i “88 iso aly one) ore) BB ewe | 00 20 5 = | (Rsesor) a 40 20 e|* il Te 80 Cy Ted ton ir acorn eerie ued) ery acorn he codons uses) 102m Detrest Sensor THERWISTOR S02AT, 50m ase TTHERMISTOR 084) ‘AG TOA mee Electie Components [raya aang (Gry ARs eae [raya Daa ra [cy ost DPS ew rw CO HOME Congaree or (Package ype) Staring Relay Door Sven HOVE SAR) Maoh OBE Disperser Sch Teac Power cord 71k Ea oer SBIR SC He OS _For Basi With Home Bar Mods SS, 7, Ss SaNSANT SBE SBT) MAIN PCS. oa AS a cs es referents WODEL l= a scams, eC, SARTO) | 50 Ss Py es serosa ® * 7 ae s s someones | 700 s » |» $5.2) Praduet Dimension (2 S22, St, Sz24S20OT SHFT.S20TS22F0) MODEL e 7 Sear ommacamon | Te o = = sssumsmnsemncemn | 714 0 0 “ sisomc somcsemeserop|| 754 85 ss 6 sam swoops | 749 6s 2 2 (© LAMPANCANDESCENT © COVER.GUARD @ suet © LawP.iNcANDESCENT @ GUARD @ SHELF @ TRAVICER ICE @ TRAY-CHILLED ROOM © CASEBASKET @ tanec. @COVERLEG.FRONT —@ aUARD 8 CASE-VEGETABLE 5:4) Part Name (SR-S2027, $2227'S208C S2257O) ‘DLAMP-NCANDESCENT COVER-GUARD i @sneLr ® LawPANCANDESCENT | @®cuaro @ SHELF | @ TRAVACE SIGE @ TRAY-CHILLED ROOM © CASE-BASKET oTRAvESS BCOVERLEG, FRONT © GUARD ® CASE-VEGETABLE @ HOME-BAR —_ 54) Part Namo ($A-S2028, $222482007C S220TC) oicemaKeR ® cover.cuaro @ weoHyTE © sHELF-wne | @LANPANCANDESCENT @ LAMP.NCANDESCENT @ SHELF ( TRAY-CHILLED ROOM @ ouano @ SHELF | @ CASE-BASKET @ TRAVEGG, | @COVERALEG, FRONT © @ GUARD @ CASE-VEGETABLE | $6) Part Nama (SR S2028, 2228/520FTC,S22FTC) @cECHUTE © SHELF-WINE | @DLANP:NCANDESCENT @ LAMPANCANDESCENT | @sueLe TRAY-CHILLED ROOM @GuaRo © SHELF @CASE-BASKET @ TRAVESS i @COVERLEG, FRONT —_@ GUARD © CASE-VEGETABLE © HOME-BAR, | DICEMAKER © COVER-GUARD | 6:1) Froszing Oye | COMPRESSOR - WIRE-COND ~ SIE CLUSTER PIE HOT PIPE — DRYER ~ CAPILLARY TUBE-~ REFIGERATOR EVAPORATOR FREEZER EVAPORKTOR | = acoumutaror sucTowPRE-- COMPRESSOR | | soccusten pre £2) Cod ir Circulation Course in Retigrtor (Col Ar Passage Circulation Cours) REFRGERATOR Function perating Instruct aa 2) Temperature Control Function 1) Base and wih Home Ba Noses Saal 7.2) Temperature Control Futon (0 Temperature selocing function of 1) Alial Power On, 20°C is sotctod automaticaly 2) Selact one bution for 1 eves of 14°C ~-26°C. ar ‘tops per each pressing of temparature selection butlon of freeze, own Fer aol epoy yao tee the change i jez 3) © Temperature selecting fneton of Ratgerator 1) Alisa Power On, °C elected automaticaly, 2) Select one button for levels of C16 3) 1'C ops per each pressing of trnper yaluro salecton buton of Releigerator. [ovsion [aid tt foe tes] [ties Pros] Staten] =» | snare | oemay | 864 FE Fe ere Grange “ Raterence (terms explanation) 1)F Room: reezer 2) Room: Retigorator 3) LEAN: fan motor in freezor 4) -FAN: fan rotor in Retigeratr 5) COMP: compressor ++ Reterance “Tempereture of table on previous page i temperature of center arto {ia height of RetigoratotFreczar compartments tis temperature data at Unload state, Viner actualy used, temperature may der according fo surrounding condon and use frequency. The able splays general character of temperature 173) Fretion of Quick Frosze Va ee ‘© Select evra Quick Freeze & Vacation burton, ‘© Whenaver Quick Fronze 8 Vacation button is pressod, saosin’ cancelation (corresponding lamp OnOf is repeated ‘¢ Wen Quick Froeze & Vacation is selected, temperature setup of oezer and Fetigertordoos not change. 12 At state of solecing Quick Freeze & Vacation, change of emperatre set fe and Rtigeratoris possible @duiek Freeze Function 1) When Quick Fraae function e selected, COMP and F-FAN operates continuously for@ and hal hous. 2) While Quick Freeze turcton is working, Ratigerator operates under rosent setup conton. 3) When Quick Freeze functions completed (ater continuous cperation of (COMP, F-FAN for2 and hat! nour}, Quick Freeze lam lights out ‘automaticaly and oprales according to satup temperature of freezer. > Vacation Function 1) When Vacations selected, Retigerair fan is tuned of 2) Though Vacton function i elected, Religeraor fan does nat tuned off but tue on foal S minutes, '3) When Vacation function is selectod and Ice Timers set, Vacation funcion complates automaticaly wnen Ice Maker wors by le Timer function, “Then Refigeratorfan operates according to emparature sua of Rotrigrator. (explained etl at ice Timer tneton) 4) Vacation functon is select! canceled by Vacation button can be canceled by lomperatue conto baton of Retigrator while Vacation function is selected 5) While Vacation faction i working, Vacation lamp is ON, and temperature splay of Retigerator is OFF “ Roteronce I Qu Freez function is salacte when freezer temperatures ove 10°C ‘nd Refogratr temperature is over +10°C ike tho contin ata Power ON, Retigerator Fen becomes OFF unl freezer temperature ‘tops undor cova omporatur. When eezer temperate becomes ‘under coainerperatre, Retigerator Fan operates. 74) Alarm Function co {© Button Touch Sound (ing-Dong” Sound) 1) Input corfemation sound of “ing-Dong” sounds when each button of Conte Panel i pressed 2)"Ding-Dang? doesnt sound i more than two keys are pressed atthe ‘same tine or buttons are wronly operated, © Door-Open Alarm Sound (Ding Dang” Sound) 1) I door of roezer or Retigertor romaine open over 2 minute, alarm sounds ten times, 2)1f.6oor remains open continually afterward, slam repeats ten mes per one minute ore, {8) Alam stops immecialey when door af freezer or Religeratoris closed. 1 Forced Operation & Forced Detrost Alarm Sound (Beep* Sound) 1) ore operation or fore detest selected, “Beep” eound o0cu. 2) forced operat i slected, lar sound occurs unl autmatc cancelation (attr 24 hours forced operation) or cancelation funcon selected, 2) Aso in caso orcod dros, alarm sound occurs uni frosts completed (ncuting pause) or cancollaton function is salecte, 15) Defrost Function (© Atte o ial Power On, datos uncon wotks fr bath freezer and Regerator at the same tie, whon negating time of Comp On over 4 hous. 12 Aternard dotrest cycles changeable accorSng ose concton or sucunding teovicement rom 6h, 38 rs. 1 Alter completing the intial dest, PRE-COOL faneton works fr 20 min to minimize ‘emperatureincease by ders: werk. However, PRE-COOL. uncon le determined _2ccotcing to tomperaturein Rtigerate at te pint of detos n, {© 1 100m temperature is over 21°C, PRE-COOL funtion works or Fteem. fF room temperature is Botow 20, PRE-COOL tuneton does not work, 14) Test Function ‘Test tuncton is for tet, process inspection and SYC of PCB and product After selecting eat S/W anc confirming function of produ. tum ch power swich ‘again to opera sfnspactontunetion, ‘¢Ihjau proge GuickFreezor Kay on Daplay Panel and temperature contol Key ie room for more than 8 soconés, al leplays wilbe tums of and eorinus speaing in Ysa. Aldea momar any hoy presses among Frecte temperature contol ke, etigeator temperature cotrlKoy, Quick roeze way oF ‘acaton Ky. operates as ws tat bution ‘= Frroom :Froezor Broom Retigerator ofp og tn SECRETE, cats omnes i tt oen hen cet cour ts es eles SI aaa econ echt Ga nome roy ets eee aes ater Atal et ee a mm tee istics tame cia eee eee Peete asia nto, santo Ragen ie as oR ca xa at tans ot See eee a Ee a SBEE econ cena cer Semen Soo Bececean rina stan o Bb ern ec cn areal ieeeeeryamertiia.t hones ond o ina ie ce Sam ana cin ncs Be Sta oat ASST © Forced Detost Function 1) Inthe slate of ered operation, spay panel is convotod ino tst mode ard ross the es ution once more lotced Gporaon i cancelled inmost, fc evaporatr fos tinct tiara cpeaes 2) At this te, Boop alarm sounds fo" Seee tthe point of dtost, an O\7azec, ONIO tesco sound occurs durng forces Sfrst unton Gf Retngorator wees 3) above datos function of Retigrator is maintained i operates prmally ‘ter ders! scomsaies 4 While foreed detest function of Retigeator operates, pressing the test ution once moro enabiee smuttaneaus datroat or ool resent ana Rotrgeratr, 5) Atta time, beep alarm eo sounds for 2800. the point of datos. and 0.75800. ON’ 02ssec. of sound occurs continually url simultaneous Setrost oF and As complet, @ Test Cancol Moge {Vin the tae! siritaneous defrost of freezer anc Retrigeratr inlay pane Sconvertd hi test move, and et tution Ia pressed once more, Svar ‘ot both reezor and Riera ¢cancoledimmodatey and resumes normal operation + Releronce Irwork stop by sop in tat function it does not change from 1 step (frcod operation to 4 stp (st cancel mode) dacty. operates ‘corresponding function ony ser itgoes through the previous step. We {est function Woks, is most desirable to tum of maln power and hen rn ta. 17 Sel agnosis Function 1 Settctagnoss Furcton atthe time of itil powers on 1) When the intial powers apo to Reigate, i lamps ight an concect saltalagnoes tunebon inser, 2) result snows no faut, splay wil go it te nia normal ighing tt, 5) resus shows any ful, coresponding led is turned on and of an alarm sounds 4) Error sign of set-dagnosis continues unt al detects of parts are repaed ‘of secheckupfuncion fs cancaleg 5) fal coresponcing parts are repaired completly, capay wil go int he arma! modo state 6) After roping Rofégeator, tun on eich again ater tuning ito to ‘make t'sureif Retigaraoee property repaired 7) Therefore, incase open & shot elated problem of sensor needs to be contmed cusng AS, um of te power of Regerator and tumed & on ‘gan te eperate sa apres uncto. Then srsor cto canbe 18) When any detec cours, coresponcing splay sions ao shown as inthe Tolowing char [il iw | emerato on] com ‘Be aos, Be feSveneneraste Roce | oo y el ee seers | Swen] “RE [eeeceecae, [sceremwweae S| G6 Ses os cs | 76 Sas late aoa aaa ed {° 8 feetereoaeenan Le | prveresoias my ee ‘Nie Tis seas won co hen te per wad aps nse bad Main ‘ese tanga lore rejegedas lo oe el hl eo orpere ‘sr deciboin Rone so fa sed ara 1 Sor-Diagnosis Function in Noomal Operation +) Under normal operation of Retigerator, f you press "Quick oeze" and “Vacation” buton athe same time for 6509, toperaure setup display wil roceed OnvO bin af al for 2560. 0.8580. Intoval you peess “Quick teeze" and “Vacation” buten continuously at he same line for about soe. including 2580 of repettion of LED's On/08, sel-Diagnosis fonction Is selected. _2)At tis: moment, goes ilo Sa-Diagnoss function wlth ing-cong” iourzer sound. 5) When Ener occur, tie restored o normal late rogarcess of celoct repating aor signal ass fr 30sec. ("Ding dong” buzzer sound). 4) While tis operating seit Oiagnesistuncton, i dees not aosept input of baton, 7.4) Load Conston iesting Function ‘Din nownal operation, # you ress “Quick teeze'and “Vacaton* button atthe same tine fr 6 seo. all setup spay of reszer and Retigerato: fare tuned on. Ifyou hana of rom the buton at this moment, temperature ‘Setup display of lreezee and Retrigeratoe wl proceed OnOM bink ofa for 2500, at. Se00 interval. While On/OM Bink ie processing, # you poss the temperature selup buton, ft goes it load cana inciesbng function (tn ding-dong buzzes sound). 12 Load conaitoninscating mose shows rom which foad Micom signal ‘outputs at present However, tony shows that micem signals ouputed land does not conf whater lad is actually operating or nat. Tht, even oad is ceplayed es tis operating, loed may not operste because actual dec of lad or detec of relay on PCB. During A/S, you can se this funtion by applying the main function. ‘@ Time requred{o inate 6 $0 sec. After SOaoc, tis automaticaly ‘estore to the setup slate bere i functon, @ Corresponding pia indeation about lad condtion & shown asin the folowing able 4 Load Mode Chack ust i) GO [Raa hh rpc nia “Acti tive pres tut [Sinem ——rotenseares ——~— 4 —— a areata | O one $ © oe [If] ate: @ tH {e Oo &) n 3 « Feel ote opty 2 9a is __78) Function of Water Dispenser when they ae equipped. ‘This function oly apps toa mode! equpped with ice-maker 1 This functions lined toa model fom which cand water canbe taken out trom outside without opening door. (© Cube toe Crushed ee Stop (0%) Function 1) Atthe time of nial power on, when inside temperature of teezors mre than 8 Cube ice LED igntoncsplay ist on, and Crushed los LED light kes light stale. But when powers tumed on, inside temperate of roeze is as han SC "Micom recas form o ice which was st up bere power a so that it dpe he ‘momoize ce fom 2) “Cube” — “Crushed” —+ “lee OFF te selected in tum by ee selecting ey. 3)in case of selecting “Crushed mode, i operates Gear Motor to secterusne ee to outside whence lever operates as ice Is made inthe bow ot ice machine. 4)In case of selecting "Cube" modo, Gear Motor and ice soleneld operat o eject ‘cube ie 1 the ouside when le ever operates cae mad inthe vessel of ice machine. 5) "ee Offs selected, stops ony ee-making uncon of e-makereo ‘hatioa isnot mae, ‘¢ Atthe moment of selecting “Ice OF, ice-making function stops. But, isn te process of icodscating, returning fo hontontal state and suppving alr i mainains stoppage sate ater water eupply is competed ‘¢ Even when “ce-OfF function is operating, ce eject lover operates nowy. ‘This isnot a defect. Therefore, remained een the ice container canbe wea (© oo Timer Function 11 you presse tier button its automaticaly st to lee-Ot mode regio of resent setup conten of ce mode (Cube / Crushed ee OF}, and arp is ‘umed on. And tim is sot 03 days on tomporature control ply of fazer atest. ‘And each time you press the ce button the number increases one by coo. And it reaches 30 days, resumes fom 3 days, £2) Among ce timer function, it you press ce selecting key, ive timer funcion Iscancete. 43) f reservation is made by ce mer buton, Setup temparatre of eezerrtums to temporature spay of feezer ater Ssec. At this momen ie time ton is Pressed again, splays the proviousreservad date again. 1-2 days bufore the reserved date is complete, lee maker stants operating, And when the seed date 's completed, more than half of ce bucket filed 4) fice ter is reserved and vacation tuncton operates, vacation function ‘ends at the same tie when ia me function ends. £5) The folowing ae examples for use. ‘incase of solecting vacation function only TFyou press “vacation” button, Feigerator will not operate anc freezer vill operate ‘only. n case you select hs funebon ako out al ood oth Retigeator. Ans “ce (is automatically selected armang ce modes, £09 buckol should be empty and water supply valve shouldbe tured of ‘¢lncaseof selecting ice timer function only you press Ice Timer bution to select data as explained above, and not Selecting Vacston”funcion 30 tat Refigeratar continues to operate, ice mac is focted a3 lee OF" and emis stored in the bucket when you retum.Thertar, do not ock te water supply vale ‘sin caze of salting Both vacation and ice tier function In ease you press lee Timer" button and Teo Tie" ut to select ate to select ate as explained above, or if you pros “Ic Timer bution to select cate and press “Vacaton’ butonatlorra', Roigratordoos not operato but reczer operates cry, and ice mode is automaticaly colocted as "ce Of So you must ake out all foods in Fetgerte, empty tw the fon bucket, check water leakage on valves, ther hoses land conecon parts without locking war supply valve. When Vacation functon is ‘canceled, Retagorater resumes is operation. (© le Dispenser Function (Cover ce Route Solencid Vahe) 1) Alter 8920. rom inal power on, solenoid ice ext operates once. This is he {uneien te prevent iterupion of electric service when ie ext ls open. Sos snot ‘a doo. 2) With turning the espenser SW from on to of and ie ejecting is ‘compote, 50. afer turing of SA ie exits Closed because cover co Toute soln of ie sponsor operates, @ Water Dispanser Function 1) Ths function i. system of act connection with wat supply. When war ever pressed, water soled valve which is equipped at the right side of machine 2m ‘pens so ast operate slect wale. However, thas o function to contol ov NMicom PCB. Therefore, there happens any delect at water eject function, cack And repair solenoid so, wre connecing connector, connecting ube and sire of ‘water supe (© Water iter Inicator Function 1) Afri intial power cn, ndestion amp is splayed in geen ight. Aer S months passed, i displayed orange ight and 1 moeth afer ths, tis clsplayed light Ths ie memonzes by EEPROM in Micom PCB, 80 i counts the passed me ‘ontnuay ough the powers turned on agan afer it was tuned of, 2) you press ie selecting baton and ice-making slop button athe same ime -or| ‘25sec. continuously. inceaton lamp igh in green color. Ard itbocomes orange ‘ter 5 month rm hs moment And ft splays red afer 1 month from the 2) you press ie electing button and ice-making stop bution atthe same time or 5 280, ideation lamp fumed of and water titar ndicator uncon stops. At ths ‘moment, passed tme is nt counted _ atthe siato wher he function i stopped, you press ie selecting button ance making stop baton a the same ime lor 23800. continuous, “Greer lights ened ‘on and water iter Igeatortneton wil resume, And’ becemes orange ight ter 5 ‘months om tis moment. And i deplays ed ight ater t month fom the manent 710) Restoring Function of Operation State in case of Power Stoppage , 118 case pow sapped o prevent customer fram naneanse call about Inllalzaon ot reazer and aigeator at -20° and 3 respectively when ‘2 momentary power stoppage (a long-term power seppage) cccure ‘while Retrigratos is operating, operates in two ways. The rst ne is Iniaizaton by judging tha ampere of nie a teazer, and he second ‘one is fesorton of operation state 2) At the inital power on, incase temperature of the inside of foszoris Judged as about less than +5, #18 regarded as momentary power ‘Stoppage during operaton. Theta, unctons related wih panol lay gunn as Quick Freeze, Vacation, Freezer setup, etigrator eel, le Aimer, Form atice, ee 6 rstored. {3} At he inital power on in caso tomporatue ofthe inside of roszeris about ‘more than 45°, itis regarded as long-term power stoppage n tis case, ‘ane display is ntaizod (Quick of, Vacation of, Freezers sat 020°, Fetegoratoris sotto 3c, lo tmer of, Cube selecting). 4) leo timer fencion and water fia necatin function ae not itaized ‘case of power stoppage. But during power stoppage, ime count does rot regress because com In PCB does not eperale Because power sauce i ot suppiog n Principe of Circuit 1) Power Source Part of! ea ‘non omer upp, elect wav sate ough 80' to gnarate wotage of stout Bo S00V-Tap SW is automaticaly swiched tthe opium zondion aczoting 1 ‘ito eletety flows Dotwoen 9 and So he tp SM, alot re a thetrang and wnen he power oetwoen Band Sis trea of, sey whch a ‘Te process epost fo mara he fad vonage of $2V by C102 ote soxnd par Ts power dupes elects a power sours Sry snd dpi, and Siowe operation of rain PCS posse £2) Oseiation Crit Part vee | ae n | “avis oa fon ccut for synchronism clock generation and time calelation on Information senaingrecivng of nemel element. I does nt cary out fs normal {uneton because timing gystom of MICOM ators in case the specication of exarator changes. 3) Rest Ceuit Postion by tazing several pars such as RAM insige of MICOM when poworis Applied to MICOM. Wen. powers supple. the esol torminal voltage becomes ‘Several tons m= "LOW" state compared wih Vee vtiage (DC 5¥) of MICOM, and it rmainains "HIGH" (Vee votago) stain normal operation condo, £4) Door St Sensing Cut reresy low Faw Fr door open sensing of F room, @ af GNSO is connected tothe ground For ©, VeewOC 5) is supplied through resistance RA04(4.721), and “LOW (OVI HIGH(SY) fe applied to [MICO by openiciose of he F oom door so att can sence openiloee fhe From ‘dor, For door open sensing ot room, @ of CNGDis connected to the greund. For, ‘Vex(DC 5V) is supped through resistance ReO3(s7I8), and LOW” (OV)FHIGH(SY) _appliod to MICOM by openicose ofthe F room door so that t can sense open tho F room doer this time, i thee is any defect at the door S/W, the coresponding {an inside the Refgerator does not work or alaing function werk, Theor he door 'SIW musi be checked in case of A'S. Tha i, door opens, the coresponding fan inside ‘he Refrigerator stops wihout fal. When connection point et SW has detect, MICOM Judges that doors open so tat stops the fan though the dori closed £85) Temperature Sansing Circuit Part “wcowemeet | vane 060) T con TOFD | ‘ns vate amine —_(aam arse [wm ‘Sensor uses theriscr which Fas lomperatorecoatciant of negative resistance. When temperature rises, esctance valu got smaller. and wien emperature fal resistance ‘valve ges lager. R306~-Ft0, C301~C30S are pats for nose prevention, whic are not ‘elated io temperature sensing characteristic, leat ol F-SENSOR, T sei voltage inputted o MIGOM Fotorted fo as VI, Vix (Veo) A20R4Fth), Her, Fh Fesistance valve of themistor corresponding to temperature, Soo conversion table ot “Refer 6 ofthis manual on resistance and vatage af censor about temperature for, Reference. As terminal vltage of MICOM covesponding ta temparature also designated Retr tot a1 VS ime, 15) Key Sean & Dspay Circuit Pat (© Key Scan and Dupiay Operation {As is seen on each wave form ofthe folowing, sand "HIGH" output in an ‘order of MICOM PIN NO #3-~t4-x45-=#6--87--#8 for 2meeoina cycle ‘of tameec using sx terminals of ICOM NO #3, 8, 56,7. & This signal appears ono ououttorminaltreugh input terminal of ICOS{UDN296" oF KIDE5789A°). Al this tina, peakci-peak voltage of te sphercal wave about 11V(06 RMS), and fxm of ouput waveform ike the seawing v noes ¥ cn Dkey Sean \inen tne wave frm of GRIDF2 i ouputed this signal is provided to SW bution ‘trough the resistance o 101. When SW is proseed at th ima, signal gets smaller by F501(12i), and abou 4.5V of peak-to-peak voltage is applied to MICOM, [MICOM judges alte wave orm of GRID Is inputted, and changes functor ‘comesponting to SWS KEY. In his way, each wave form of GRID is recognized, \wnen “HIGH signals applied to INPUT terminal a C03(KIDE5003AP) ron MICOM PIN NO #16(P07),ICis tured on. At this time, V12(0C12V) which s applies to the one terminal of col of COMP relay flows o round through ouput of 03, Then core ‘generates magnet ald totum onthe connection pot and it applies wetage of 220 {© COMP load to tun on COMP. When MICOM PIN NO #16 changes to “LOW” sate, ltt cannot ow to COMP relay col bocause IC tumed al. So celay connection point becomes to OFF state and stops COMP. (© COMP & FA Detost Heater es Explanation | gga Gees I ie Like te above block csgram, operation of FF defrost heater is determined accowdng tothe operation of eay for COMP. When COMP clay connected to NO terminal ‘COMP operates. However, in cas a FR dest heater, elactrcty oes not pass ‘trough the heater hough relay works. But f COMP celay is connocted to MC trina, ‘COMP does net operate and heater ges locily according to operation of F, otrost ly. ' Purpose of application of above cicut: I alms to interupt elec passage through Fores hatar oven though F, FE dtrost rity is bad while COMP is operating. £8) BLOC Motor Operation Cru Pat ‘= In case Fan Motori locked, therefore, when Fan Motor is constrained to less than _sbout 600 in err to prevent overcurrent To the power source group, PIN #30, £838 and #37 sance Iso al they can slop Fan Motor operation, Fan Motor operation is stopped by tis function, t becomes to re-perate every 10 ‘second. I Motor Connector is separated under the state where the power source Is ‘sppliod during service, Micom recognizes as Fan Motor is constrained c0 that Micom can slop Molo. Than Netor resumes to operate afer 10 seconds However thee are a pat of products which r-operate every about 5 minulé among ‘he preducts which were manufactured in February and March. Therefore, when the products completely repaired cont the rapid stale wih power-ON again ater power OFF i possible. £49) Various Option Function ‘= When pressing the tomperature contol ew of eezar and vacation sw for 12sec ‘contnuouy a the sare mo, play converted to option soup mod, ‘sViton'diplay i convened ito option setup mose, every delay excep for morature splay of Feezer and Reingaratrtuns of Yue te Yolo. aN Aan PRT ios os | "On csplay ike te above, temperature play of Retigeratorincicates tems of ‘option, an temperature dspay of zor neatea eatup value foreach itom.For the temperature cpl of Rargerator, when temperature contol sis pressed, option ems increase, and when vacaton vis pressed, opten tems Secrease. For the temperature ceplay of oazer, whan temerature contol 's pressed, option setup valu Increases, and when vacation ais presied, ‘option selup value docreases. i waling for 208ee, ater changing onton by ‘controling sn, opto setup value is saved to EEPROM, and ation satip made is canceled automaticaly and restoree normal ésplay. For example, f you want to shift iemperatue of Ferigerater by “3 by controling option, follow the processes of belo. 1) Press temperature cota sw and vacation sw of freezer fr more than 12 ec. simutansovsiy all plays became off excep temperate splay of eezer and Refrigerator 2) Preseng tomporatre cont sl of Refrigerator for onetime, “1” is \ncicatod on Refigratrcepay: indication “1” is splayed on Fotrigeraier aispay, shows lomperature stun of fetgerator, and Current temperatuo clip value of Regerato is ndeated on ‘omperaure spay of ree 3) temperature dspay of teezer Iceates “W"this time, check value whieh et present om the table in the nest page, in ns case. youcan see hat orperature is changed o 1.0% compared tothe Standard trmperatura accorang he tab Heo, in oder to change by-a0e, (e10c) + (3) = 20% iealcuated. 4) Now Resto the table onthe next page fo change temperature to 2c. Press temporatuo tiv and quck Weoze aol rosso or {temperature contol aaplay to ndeate “a Wang for dene, aor Setup, MICOM caves satup value fo EEPROM and returns fo the own display ana cancel opton setup mode, Caution Wen producti delivered, open tuncton i et 9 EEPROM rom the pat, therefore, Refrain rom itentonal change excopt fr special casa, Opten function Setup s completo ony aftr ts etumod tothe normal deplay ater 20sec. So donot tum power of Belorecsplay elums tothe normal te, £10) Option Related to Temperature 1 Freezer Temperature Change Table seampie ~ Sain [Rar pay_] “Ye gE mrowenensee Freezer temper charge noe [me —| 5a) Terpecte tage | Frexerdigiey | Tenperte change | Fezardspiy * : occas we 1 (eee 1 Retrigerator Temperature Change Table(@: corresponding lamp is on, "©: corresponding amp is of) esanpe nesta <5, congaretn Salen | Raignanrdipay ] San trpeatie of ator egal eT Gomieh | ite i Temperate change | Freezerdsplay | Temperate change | Freeer dsphy . aererasc = + 1st +20 2st 306 Hg #350. ers rage aiseeee 8:11) Option Related with ce Maker * Fotoning options are applied only ormadels which ae emippad wih ce maker. 1 fis wae syply tne opin a operates when the fw Sense ere ara ‘uncon of water suppl force maker iout ford encal wth OP sw of extent 1 isthe empoateoflco making sensor Which hacks whether ho lee ceoake of ‘epee chengeofce making sensor Pe) ‘races compl Sattom | elitr dtay Sain | Ragwtor slay Tamara | “a cama toate | —__- a Vitor spine | Frenr day] [Terme ange ] ee = Te = a et Se a eae or a Tae a wat ee 75 re = [ee 6 ‘et a [ese 7 ca ca aoe =e ~ soe a" core Tiss oF on ming ess sate [ee ar ore eee (0 7 ma = = i =a (ae 7 ‘ten Aiton eyes 7 he tle an rome ey ihe bneonwen setsechn Msmose soma *Earoe sora adel essay, hens ne set. st tpertr mower Spey 8 lcd = ao ‘more then °° during opin uncon is seting among = i 3 ios wichatesmeoe wih csp ace 6 a ‘bay pace man PCB assem Not tigate tperau cones anéaaon var eed, cee te pons cel he ator ncn ase Howeve tee ports ecm ecu ey ae o receoy pa ae [NS ie asthe res ted win tiger exe con On st open ser en he ‘hove WS man ett) + pm cr lal serio cnt oe ets gree Bie patel ea A Gotdiencaea! Bessecon Y led cal cer omnest NE UP pat 1. Check whether power cords normaty connected Detar reais, 2 Prato checkup onthe basis of Retrence inthe nex page. aa FUSE [Ramon] ey Semvouscan | mm seta + rad ens 5, Spent eo te — Began a>—__ —t- i pa a 0 nae pan Fos eon Chek comcin t oie ae |Win period ih COMP ers eer 3 se, Howes wen COMP urs ing Isepaon, COMP doer workers, 2. COMP coe nor ng des 51 tee sensors roesrneced, ts ser iow onprtreand COMP dos twa 2) When COWP doesnt work (Gazmameas) pices emcee Ts ay << Ve en ae SS a aaa [ pecs ra ant ear Y Cr Fatowond) iret + Rtas ° [Ram icpoane ] tease iuneme 9 > 7 1 ‘ort Reset =a] {2 Vnenabromatty on dost sensor of Relies occu. Ser Tareas ties | + erent << Gms : * —— eS is ae = (Seo: Rohe cove cose { tose @ hen abreast on tampa cnso et eeze occurs a a) no 7 ~ so “Tareoraeamesee | ‘Soncets)rc i a seston —_ So a een enpesre se| ee — eS 1 contre —F tei an atten a a ato] No detect on PCB and pee] Ue arse Rose ce ot fi 3 When anomaly on dts sensor of Keer ots Sat ) Paps trpwaise so | 95) When alarm i continuously ringing ‘© When Ding Dang sound corinvushy oor ae Enon > cama . esas OOOH Sw [paragETT | [ “terre ncn: wtp rn wage rar ae ee earn (© Wan "BeepBeep" sous conta crus ea

Sa 1 as TARPS oma Sturt "oop Be" ous oo xa abreast opeaton det or | sett area. | + Incastot adap area, i any check beet ints np pty, 1 BeepBou” soured cartes tg Bough pa Sey roma cose ‘eeedeperten of ote, Incase PANEL OISPLAY i rot Pre cert] 1 Replace PANEL-OISPLAY | @ When key soko of PANEL DISPLAY at vale ’ + heck apg AD saps en REL PCS Sion spe potter Bats t vs (ie 94) When FAN does not work __ (2 When FA tren) does cnr hen COMP epi omy by tenpaie) Gouda. —— a iG ow ocd operatic, j __—T en oer + Chskcy ttacortion noe eee on Ronis soso, PE FAN ned [ Cormeen ania i S008 Ree S ne Gudea ear econ [amare | he noon stir hae er on tee cor dos rotcome ‘i Pes ree rb Fane (Se |} 8-1) hen solenoid hich is cover ceoute delay device does not work 1. Chek whee send aunty putes fre regu of pan of caver ‘roe nae nso’ on 2 Chace Hoge cmos otto ee ‘eewauren nae > a cou crtpa Scr a et yo Pee meres bet | =e sive Pa 10:1) Operation rincpieof ICEMIAKER Fair) (eae P| [We soar] Pofamarcs toton ton haze climate eral owas ot ‘eso fo sppage of eect cet Paromane ice separson aces ot wa Spang ey eal 1 oe. ter eaing' rise, moon clit sopeatin fom eo ohio sage ‘ore ba separten i pera by ‘heck herald oral hangs al imnepecion ate aged fine They sha be checked gern pars Ate cakng ike ota spc mang war coca ig wae va “Tis sop means ihe pd tom whe wer spp etnetottowhon tied ta ae ‘ure a ame, Tse ty patel cp operat and. Fut cass wich are nado fad pera re pp of open es. AS, ‘eating eesputon mote walt ‘Uppy meun ae cords ray rt is step shot av pty an any oer cporios. 102} loemaker Test Function ) 5. Test Function ‘tis function for ne case which needs forces motion forthe purpose of leaning and 50 ona the time of operation test and AVS. Ths uncon Is potormed when the test ‘i which s equipped wi the body of automat ice maker tot e presse or ‘move than 1.5 80 1) Test buton does not go ints test tuneton during ie-soc. leveling for horizontal poston and water supply operates in te horizontal sat. H'does nol operate at the stata where ie i uly fled. Only afta ice ful modes canceled and cecheck ‘wif, test function operates. 2) Wnen tet button is pressed inthe hodzona slate for more than 1.Sse2, eect ‘motion starts inmecaaly regardless of conditions of oe-msking Containes. Therefor, test function operates in he slate whore water does not freeze yet, water may be poured. So, cara shoul be taken. Aer ieee mato, ‘oycle of water supply is carted eut in horzonal leveling movement. Terstore, tbe problems of ie-eoet movement, nzontallevesing movement. and weer supply canbe checked by he test button. At hs time, when the tat function eporates ormaly. euzzer sound "Ding-Dong”eccure and tat wate supply lancom, Hence, i buzzer sound "Ding Dong? doesn't occur, may be corsisred that tere ome ‘normality 80 that check ad rept are indispensable, ‘3)When water sup tished, it operates in normal cyie ot ice-making-+ Joe-elec= horizontal restoration + water supply n odor, - OF 6. Function accorcing to F-Reom Door Open ‘¢ This function o miniize noise occurrence by stopping operation basically ‘when doce From opens 1) IF F-0m door opens while io-eoct or hozentalevling fe working, te fencon ‘stops immedialey at hi pint of time, When the doors closed functoy opsrates somal 2) In case watoris bing suppted, oral function is pelomed regardless of door ‘open of com {8 Accordingly, when F-room doors opened to check if tray lean ots angle deviates trom horzontal poston considered that stops during eeeect or hnzonal leveling movement. tdoesnt mater o judge as @ dat # te not Marcon poston ater mors han SOsec,pasees hen Foor dooris closed to Keep horizontal state ae water supply case stops by F-roam door open we itis ‘operating, Test functon doesnt work because tis actualy workng Soar Iiishing water supa}, test uncon operates, 103) CE-MAKER Cut Part (Lite o equipped model) TMP87CK40 ‘Above ce-maker cuits one about a kt which is equipped al he treezer. Wator ‘supply to ice-making container I performed by operating AC elendid which ia locate te mactune room tough relay 20 that water is supped by openi.oee time of valve. This creut is HW for ambodment of functions suchas eect of e- ‘making container, Poise! leveling, ce-meking temperate sensing and ule sensing, Temperture sensing part serial to rat of the main HM, ard hotzontaHor/ny) SY, ee-check{Lover) SW and sensing eeu ae denial thee ofthe main WW. So, explanation about tise omited ere, and only ce-sect ‘moter diving ore pan expsied, ‘nen relating mota inthe counter cockwies drecton(CCW),Ksgnal ot ‘Micom Port No #10 ouputed to High. When pressure of 1C05 is appod, ‘the vollage& applied of +12V by ouput of 1005 17, andthe curentssupiied 1004 of © tmough motor At hs time, @ termina of 1008 is connected wih COW Prt ogotner so that ouput por of the coresponding 1004 is trned on, “Thorelow,curen lons othe ground and rater otates vers. ‘When it moves to clockwise diection(CW), CW Port #9 is ouputed by "HIGHT. The functons of ce-sject and horizontal leveling ae performed bythe operation of Post bough right erection rotation movement. Fer the poms elated wih operation of above cult, reterto the oxpanaton of ee ‘maker function of our SVE Manual 1049 Designation of major components of oe Makor | 105) Operation of ee Makar 1. Connect the water-suppy ine tothe supplying valve ofthe reigerator » ‘supply wator(Soe ho watrtube eannaction procedure) 2. Push bucket othe ene so that guide of le-maker i notin contact wih he ‘end of buck (he end of buck In contact wih the guid ce of thelos make, ‘he ice-maker wil determine ha there is enough ica and does net make ce ‘herester) 8. With a new installed eigeratr, allow about 6 ours forth retigeatr to ‘make ice normally and discard tho made ice several mes to remove Imus. 4. To get enough ce stored in he storage bin use the ioe spencer nomly ater operating the lee mak for about 24 ure 10-6) Disassembly of ee Maker b 1. Pullout the bucket om the feezee 2.Disascombia the SUPTCE MAKER, which faa the ce-maker, andthe wie housing inthe rear af tha maker 2. Disassemble by ting the SUPT.ICE and FIXER-CASE inthe ont ofthe maker up {( alecton ar puling the ICE-MAKER KIT out ote rot (@ direction} (Do not ‘lsassemble each component fhe ICE-MAKER KIT. Cherise, th sting valve may be changed) 107 Assembly of edakar 1. ithe rear fog ofthe ICE-MAKER KIT ta the front stot ofthe TRAY ICE. 2 Lit FIKER-CASE athe front ofthe SUPTCE MAKER up, (D secon) 2, Placa he top ising of the ICE-MAKER KIT ote slot of SUPTICE MAKER for 4. Push oa ont ln CE MAKER AT whl aang be poston. (Be care: I you overush the ICE MAKER Kl, te hed tang ofthe SUPT- ICE MAKER my be damaged) ‘5, Whan the roto he IOE-MAKER KIT ls sagging, means the assombly isnot ight ‘that caso porfom the assombiy again don 1 hcl ie Asn nt oe oncen reg pode 1 pa 2 ge wart os ee reg ‘ato: ecole. dng er 8 erly eae aan ico coe ve ee Carte erate ae Tania ieeg “aetna ecetanene iemsoetimsactmaotiana fiery nae cesetat are Ecol [Go ane Tigger Two Terminal Voiage] Two Terinal ‘Contact Pint i co mnaier tm d|SE to come] oeetosini aia end ony demeany paetaao|= od {Slop Contin) 04 Norma ere oe) ‘ | 2c a ee ee eRe Gr [tion | 9 toma "Toi SS Sas Sia i Cains Pr Ec Type PH ey Aetrence No.9) Load Delect Checkup Aer sparting power cord tom power source plu socket, separate ornetors (ON10, 70,7471 athe main PCB, and heck to flowrg tems. {Mesure lad terminal an restr ae between termina ke the oowing check hater thre mayest eles fd and let wire cnnacion Fault tem Foie hvac ia aioe ae is ciaa ea. a e i es fret uid ae Eoerore = ro esfaladwesuicak Cs refalacveauioad _— hes Tanestst wen Ferns, esifsieewn nent Ong aes otstwe sect = Fae Reeslaioemaviond WUE Reesdatatwaiuicad Ltoroa "Ren tween HOWE BAA Ress dhsz educa exe Reeds ede Nt) COME pats cant ged by Capac PTC and OerLand Pel The, bey sre Seiad by exseroscl meron. Reference No.4) Fault Check Method of Various Sensors = tr spratg crocor toma WA P23, “2 7 Sconmsracon onan =e rene 0 ee nes De |e 6 seca een > Sion segmented (vue aaron "ran. nue eho neo skin teenaoge 008, ck srt Reference No.5) Check Door SW Fault & cs Lever SW Check Method Check n stat that power apple. Door SW is 2 contact pol cre ‘one contact point senses coor ‘openiclose wits DC SV on PCB, and the othr contact point ets refigerstor Inside lamp Nuerescent O90, (R-Reom Lamp Part) 1. Wnen rafgerato deoris opened, check whethor lamp i it up o& nok. itis normal check whethar lamp lights out or nat when presing OOOR SW nthe state hat ‘BOO Is ope. any faults are found, check DOOR S/W of F-ROOM der (WAIN-PCB Sonsing Part for BROOM Deer Opn) |L.Gheck votage by apalyng “+ terminal to CNSO and" teinal 2. When F-ROOM doors opened, aout OC BV le measured, ks normal 53. When R-ROOM doors teed, it about OC OV ie meatured, ie normal. ¥ any fauts are found, check DOOR SW and wire connection system, (Room Lamp Pan) 1. When freezer dori opened, check whethet amp i it up or no. itis normal, check whether lamp ights oor not when presting door S/W in the state that F DOOR Ws ‘open, any faut ae found, check doer SW of F-ROOM door (Watn-PoB Sensing Part fr F-ROOM D00¢ Open ) |.Check voltage by applying "+ terminal te CN&O and ~"torminal 10 2. When F-FOOM coor fs opened, about DC SV Is measured, ts roma 53. When F-ROOM coor i closed, about DC OV Is measured, tis normal. any fauts 116 feund, check DOOR SiW and wie connection system, (lo Eject Lover) 1 In caso ia tected though ie eect ever which i installed at the fant pat ot ‘roazar, check tke the towing, 2. Fst, check taut existence of ROOM DOOR SMW. Ht no defects found, separate ‘GNI connector on he MAIN-PCB. Appy "+" teminalo and” termnalto, and check. ‘esistaneo. Check becomes 0@ when ICE LEVER SIW was preseee. hon is ‘aivays = regardless of ONO of SM, check wire system and connection sytem, Reference No.6) Resistance of Sensor sbout Temp, & Voltage Conversion Table tage inputted to Mlcom Pot ifers according to HW structure. This spectiallon fs standardized one by votage which s applied a the time when ‘010 grade of partial pressure resistance i used. Corresponding Mlcam Por Votage Specticatons whon Sensor is Open: OC about ‘Ver Leve)}Cortespondng MlcomPort Vatage Specticatons when Sensor Shot 1DC about OV(Ground Level) maa vote (GR eae voto 1] [Ef emp voce =| aoe | ae wae] [| eos | eae xe] eon | as] anil (teil vem em aw ase | am | az | [wl me | en 2] sa | ome wm | [w| r4e | ene av) se | ec wa | [ws | re | 2m a| em | 2 ame [6 [eno | ana | aa | ae war] [| ease | a | a7 | aa am_| [w | cao | ve a[ «a7 | am wes | [wo] owe | on | ere | acer am_| [>| so | va | om | 00 zea) [a [enw [ear a | seo | am am_| [| ser |e za sams | sm 2 | [w| se | 78, | oes | oem an] [x] sm | vm 2 | sx [ses ana_| [as | so | vee @[ am | ae | fo ver | em | [wo] om | ie ‘| nao | am am | ese | [a | eos | 90 ialKaaml eeu] |e |e) a) ow a] ase | ace | [oa | owe | ose | [m= | amr | sr ao| men | ae | [or| ame | 20a | | at | as| moo | ass | [| sae | 2ae | [or a6 | va awe [ass | [wo [one [er | [@| som [ae | a| zee | oa | [of om [em | [| sso [im | Reference No.7 Forced Operation and Datos input Method (Farce Operation) ‘tis fcton to opate COMP an Fennel rpacoe cf feez tpt |. Wen pes Quick Fret Sv an odo Tempe Cons So ta Partagetermoetn ‘rc, apy: become OA romper carespondng SW|Outk Fez, Vaso Foe “Temper Coto, tigers Terps Cano) ep bun. 2Inthabow sy, wien posing any en amar corel SM ene, ce op tts, (Forces Ost) Rise fieono make Rebs. Rand F data tne regan of tet tw. ‘. Insta foe, en psig ie Wane, Room snes dete. An, psig Ronee ore, sian dos ol ards prorea: Buze er one teed eo. 2 Arig Powe Of stb On age crclin ase, elernce No.8 CroultPa Service Matra List Etat Chee Check Mad Moor when EJECT MOTOR does tcp oon 1, Dsconst CN fom MAN PB. 2.Gheck be rossnce vue atoeen ae (Ge CNa0 conocer on Tei ‘fe vestancn ve lsbeten 1 ard 220, anor «ifs aue 00,28 SHORT iat, Check sWinevaueloa-18OPEN you cad “TEST Operation metho “Ts ochec heer he Mtr operates sents sod wheter wero pt 1.hen Sn the KT Freer pushes, TEST operon wlan More ead nsrcion of Test corn, ert ‘Ro secten of heICE MAKER TEST hors Reference No. 9) Circult Part Service Material List (O]- cooeno | ——Femaiens [Scan Gora Eonar HP Ponta 7 Tie ie 2 | paar cone7a Cia = 1 [ewes Tee] | ota [te T | paai cones PAELPCRASSY 1 Tex Wass ge 3: [oun | —zaoontecoe —|~sommay| 7 — ee [oes | ta sete] — 1 — ma [ore | —— Fen sagan ‘tsa —t—| Gea [buen | new saison —| sont] pram | aceon i 1 sans] rnc Bese | 1} See

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