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Sl. Frequen
SOR No Description Unit Qntty Rate (Rs)
No cy
1 10.17 Clearing road side vegetation, brush wood
mooli bamboos, overgrown grass
including removal etc. along existing road
side, and disposal of the cut bushes down
hill side of the road formation. (This
jungle clearance should includes
minimum height of Clearance of 3.00m
from top of pavement on uphill side of
the road including road shoulder and all
the bushes on the shoulder and down hill
side of the road.)

B) Medium Truck Road Km 2 2 ₹ 5,143.00

2 10.3 Maintenance of Earth Shoulder (stripping
excess soil & Filling)
Stripping excess soil/Filling depression
from the shoulder surface to achieve the
approved level and compacting with plate
compactor Sqm 150.00 ₹ 63.00
3 10.11 Hill Side Drain Clearance (Removal of
earth from the choked hill side drain and
dispositing it on the valley side manually)
Rm 250.00 ₹ 62.00
4 10.14 Land Slide Clearance in soil (Clearance of
land slides in soil and ordinary rock by a
Excavator / Back Hoe and disposal of the
same on the valley side)
For Petty Slip Cum 30.00 ₹ 78.00
5 White washing of Parapets, B/Walls,etc Once in a year (min) LS
6 Maintenance of Culverts As and when necessary LS
7 Filling of pot-holes with WBM materials
As and when necessary LS
8 Repair of Retaining Walls, Parapets &
As and when necessary LS
Breast Wall
9 KM Stones re-painting and re-printing
As and when necessary LS
Analysed by:- Checked by:-
Executive Engineer, PWD Chief Executive Officer, PWD
Mizoram Road Fund Board Secretariat Mizoram Road Fund Board Secretariat
Aizawl : Mizoram Aizawl : Mizoram

Mizoram Road Fund Board
Mizoram : Aizawl
Mizoram : Aizawl
Amount (Rs)

₹ 10,286.00

₹ 9,450.00

₹ 15,500.00

₹ 2,340.00 ₹ 37,576.00
₹ 500.00
₹ 800.00

₹ 2,000.00

₹ 400.00

₹ 300.00

₹ 41,576.00
₹ 41,500.00

Officer, PWD
Board Secretariat

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