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Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy



1. It is used to maintain the highest level of nutrition in patients who do not have special needs
related to illness.
2. Diet includes complex carbohydrates found in cell walls of all plant-based foods.
3. It absorbs water and turns into a soft gel that protects the gastrointestinal muscles around the
4. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and is necessary for promoting digestion.
5. It is the technical name for prebiotic soluble fiber.
6. Diet that is focused on plants for food.
7. Type of diet that eliminates meat fish and poultry but allows eggs and dairy products.
8. Type of diet that eliminates meat and poultry but allows fish eggs and dairy products
9. Type of diet that eliminates meat fish, poultry and dairy products but allows eggs.
10. Type of diet that eliminates meat fish and poultry but allows eggs but allows dairy products
11. It is called Low fat, Low Cholesterol Diet and is used for patients who have elevated cholesterol.
12. This diet is designed to keep blood glucose level under control.
13. This diet is prescribed for patients who have high blood pressure, pneumonia, kidney disease
and edema.
14. Diet that is typically between 100-1500 calories and is used for weight loss.
15. Diet that is calorie dense and is prescribed for patients who are underweight.
16. Diet that is prescribed for patients with kidney or renal disease.
17. Diet that is prescribed for patients manifesting growth delay in children and pregnant.
18. Foods that have 30 % of their calories or less from fats.
19. A recipe for better heart health.
20. This diet lowers high blood pressure and improves levels of cholesterol.
21. This diet limits carbohydrates and is generally used for losing weight.
22. This diet may reduce blood pressure.
23. Safe level of potassium in the blood.
24. Dangerous level of potassium in the blood
25. Best type of diet if one is diagnosed with gout or arthritis.
26. Diet used when waste material in the colon is kept at the minimum
27. Diet that includes mostly liquids and some food with small amounts of fiber.
28. Also termed as TONSIL diet, food preparation includes serving cold or iced liquids.
29. Diet that allows foods that must be blended, pureed , ground or finely chopped.
30. Diet consisting of foods that are generally soft, low in dietary fiber, cooked rather than raw, and
not spicy.
31. It is recommended to follow this diet for about 2-3 weeks after your colon/rectal surgery
32. Diet contains foods that are easily digested and absorbed.
33. Best for babies up to 2 years of age.
34. Also known as nursing bottle caries, nursing bottle mouth and nursing bottle syndrome
35. Is an autosomal recessive disorder and is most common genetic disorder among white
36. Is defined as fall of two standard deviations in weight gain over an interval of 2 months or longer
for infants younger than 6 months of age or over an interval of 3 months or longer for infants
older than 6 months of age.
37. is an inborn error of metabolism that results in decreased metabolism of the amino acid
38. Is another rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by enzyme deficiency and is part of the
newborn screening panel.
39. Food guide using food plate model to show the recommended proportion of food groups in
every meal.
40. Emphasizing the importance of families coming together to share meals , In accordance with
Presidential Memorandum No. 32, Series of 2023.

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