739ARI2004CSDA Calculations of Cellular Microdosimetry Parameters For Alpha Particles and Electrons - CSLiu

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Applied Radiation and Isotopes 61 (2004) 739–743

Calculations of cellular microdosimetry parameters

for alpha particles and electrons
C.J. Tunga,*, C.S. Liua,b, J.P. Wangc, S.L. Changa
Department of Nuclear Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei 112, Taiwan
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan


The cellular microdosimetry parameters including the cellular S-value and the single-event specific energy
distribution for alpha particles and electrons are important in radiation dosimetry and biology. These parameters
may be used to determine the relative biological effectiveness of radiations in the boron neutron capture therapy. In the
present work, such parameters were calculated for different source to target region combinations, i.e. cell surface,
cytoplasm, nucleus and cell. Calculations were made using a semi-analytical model that simulated the emission of alpha
particles or electrons by the Monte Carlo method and calculated the energy imparted to the target volume by the
analytical method. Delta particle equilibrium and partial delta particle equilibrium were applied to alpha particles and
electrons, respectively. Range–energy relations were employed to determine the incident and emerging energies of the
primary particles. For electrons, the fraction in the energy loss resulting from the generation of bremsstrahlung and
high-energy secondary electrons was estimated. The energy loss straggling of electrons entering and leaving a target
volume was also estimated. Calculated cellular S-values were compared to corresponding data of the MIRD
Committee. Calculated single-event specific energy distributions were also compared to results calculated using the
Penelope code.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microdosimetry; Cellular S-value; Specific energy

1. Introduction source and target regions in the cell. The radiation

source is usually assumed to be uniformly distributed in
The dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy one of the regions of the cell: throughout the cell (C),
(BNCT) involves both the high and low linear energy cytoplasm (Cy), cell surface (CS), or cell nucleus (N).
transfer (LET) particles. The relative biological effec- For instance, studies of the use of lipiodol as a drug
tiveness (RBE) of these particles is determined by the carrier to transport boron to hepatoma cells (Chou et al.,
microdosimetric distribution of the energy imparted to 1995) showed that these cells were able to take up
the matter in cellular volumes. Stochastic quantities, lipiodol actively and selectively by endocytosis with
including the lineal energy and the specific energy prolonged cytoplasm retention for as long as the
(ICRU, 1998), and nonstochastic parameters, such as cells lived. The biological target is generally assumed
the cellular S-value (Goddu et al., 1997), are used in as the cell nucleus or the entire cell. In the case of source
cellular microdosimetry. Their values depend on the to target region combination N’Cy, the microdosi-
metric parameters are contributed by crossers and
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-3-5727300; fax: +886-3- stoppers. Whereas, these parameters are contributed
5718649. by starters and insiders for source to target combination
E-mail address: cjtung@mx.nthu.edu.tw (C.J. Tung). N’N.

0969-8043/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
740 C.J. Tung et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 61 (2004) 739–743

The cellular microdosimetric parameters may be

calculated using event-by-event Monte Carlo simula-
tions (Turner et al., 1988; Wilson et al., 1988; Wilson
and Nikjoo, 1999). However, these simulations are
computationally expensive, and cross sections needed
to transport the simulations are quite limited. Therefore,
some analytical and mixed simulation models were
developed. For instance, the Medical Internal Radiation
Dose (MIRD) Committee of the Society of Nuclear Eout,p
Medicine developed an analytical model (Goddu et al., Ein,s
1997) that involved the continuous slowing down
approximation (CSDA) to calculate the cellular S-values
for alpha particles and electrons. The PENELOPE code
(Stewart et al., 2002), on the other hand, applied a mixed
algorithm, i.e. simulations of hard electron collisions by
an event-by event way and soft electron collisions by the
multiple scattering theory, in microdosimetric calcula- Fig. 1. A schematic diagram for a radiation particle emitted
tions. This paper presents a semi-analytical model that from the cell surface (CS), travelled through the cytoplasm (Cy)
simulates the emission of alpha particles or electrons by and penetrated into the nucleus (N). The energy of primary
the Monte Carlo method and calculates the energy particle (arrow) incident on the nucleus, Ein;p ; the energy of
imparted to the target volume by the analytical method. secondary particles (dots) entering the nucleus, Ein;s ; the energy
The present model used the delta particle equilibrium for of primary particle emerging from the nucleus, Eout;p ; the energy
alpha particles and the partial delta particle equilibrium of secondary particles leaving the nucleus, Eout;s ; and the energy
of bremsstrahlung escaped from the nucleus, Eout;b ; are all
for electrons to calculate the energy imparted to a
cellular target volume. Range–energy relations were
employed to determine the incident and emerging
energies of the primary particles. For electrons, the
fraction in the energy loss resulting from the generation the energy of secondary particles leaving the volume,
of bremsstrahlung and high-energy secondary electrons and Eout;b is the energy of bremsstrahlung escaped from
was estimated using data of the restricted collisional the volume.
stopping power and the radiative stopping power. The In the case of alpha particles, the bremsstrahlung may
energy loss straggling of electrons entering and leaving a be disregarded and a delta particle equilibrium (Carls-
target volume was evaluated by applying a Gaussian son, 1985) may be adopted by assuming
distribution with the mean square energy loss data. This
Ein;s ¼ Eout;s : ð2Þ
model was used to calculate the microdosimetric
quantities such as the cellular S-values and the single- Thus the energy imparted to the volume is given by
event specific energy distribution for alpha particles and
e ¼ Ein;p 2Eout;p : ð3Þ
electrons. The application of this model to cellular
microdosimetry of BNCT is feasible. In the case of electrons, the partial delta particle
equilibrium (Carlsson, 1985) may be adopted, i.e.
Ein;soD ¼ Eout;soD ; ð4Þ
2. Theory
where Ein;soD and Eout;soD are, respectively, the incom-
Fig. 1 illustrates the model of a cell consisting of two ing and outgoing secondary electron energies below a
concentric spheres making up the N (dark inner sphere), cutoff value D: Therefore, the energy imparted to the
Cy (concentric shell), and CS (outer surface). Assuming volume is given by
a primary particle (arrow) emits from the CS (the source e ¼ Ein;p 2Eout;p þ Ein;s>D 2Eout;s>D 2Eout;b : ð5Þ
region) and penetrates through the N (the target region),
the energy imparted to the target volume (ICRU, 1998), The radiation source is assumed to be uniformly
e, may be written as distributed in the source region. The particle emitting
point and the particle path are determined by random
e ¼ Ein;p þ Ein;s 2Eout;p 2Eout;s 2Eout;b ; ð1Þ
numbers in the Monte Carlo simulations. If the path is a
where Ein;p is the energy of primary particle incident on crosser, both incident and emerging energies of the
the volume, Ein;s is the energy of secondary particles primary particle, Ein;p and Eout;p ; are calculated using
(dots) entering the volume, Eout;p is the energy of range–energy relations, RðEÞ (Watt, 1996; Berger et al.,
primary particle emerging from the volume, Eout;s is 2000; ICRU, 1993; ICRU, 1989). Let din and dout be,
C.J. Tung et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 61 (2004) 739–743 741

Table 1
Cellular S-values for alpha particles (RC=10 mm and RN=5 mm)

Alpha S(C’C) (Gy/Bq s) S(C’CS) (Gy/Bq s) S(N’N) (Gy/Bq s) S(N’Cy) (Gy/Bq s) S(N’CS) (Gy/Bq s)
energy (MeV)
MIRD Present MIRD Present MIRD Present MIRD Present MIRD Present

1 — 3.14E02 — 1.68E02 — 2.01E01 — 1.48E02 — 2.57E04

1.47 — 4.17E02 — 2.31E02 — 2.31E01 — 2.97E02 — 4.54E03
1.78 — 4.56E02 — 2.63E02 — 2.26E01 — 3.97E02 — 1.11E02
2 — 4.76E02 — 2.82E02 — 2.15E01 — 4.50E02 — 1.68E02
3 4.40E02 4.41E02 3.02E02 3.02E02 1.57E01 1.57E01 4.06E02 4.07E02 2.51E02 2.51E02
4 3.34E02 3.36E02 2.33E02 2.33E02 1.25E01 1.25E01 2.99E02 2.99E02 1.74E02 1.73E02
5 2.74E02 2.75E02 1.87E02 1.87E02 1.05E01 1.05E01 2.44E02 2.44E02 1.37E02 1.37E02

respectively, the distances between the particle source 3. Results and discussion
and its intersecting points to the volume. The CSDA
incident and emerging energies are given by Table 1 lists the cellular S-values for alpha particles
calculated in the present work and compares them with
RðEin;p Þ ¼ RðE0 Þ2din ð6Þ data of the MIRD (Goddu et al., 1997). Tabulations are
and for different source to target regions, i.e. cell to cell
(C’C), cell surface to cell (C’CS), nucleus to nucleus
RðEout;p Þ ¼ RðE0 Þ2dout ; ð7Þ (N’N), cytoplasm to nucleus (N’Cy), and cell surface
to nucleus (N’CS). The radii of the cell and cell
where E0 is the emitted energy of the primary particle. If nucleus are 10 and 5 mm, respectively. Because of the
the path is a starter or stopper, Ein;p ¼ E0 or Eout;p ¼ 0: short range of alpha particles, cellular S-values are large
If the path is an insider, Ein;p ¼ E0 and Eout;p ¼ 0: In the for (N’N) and small for (N’CS) at low energies. In
case of electrons, the exclusion of bremsstrahlung and all cases the difference between present work and MIRD
high-energy secondary electrons from the energy im- is negligibly small. To apply the cellular S-values to
parted, i.e. Ein;s>D  Eout;s>D  Eout;b in Eq. (5), is esti- BNCT, results for alpha particles of 1.47 (94%) and
mated using data on the restricted collisional stopping 1.78 MeV (6%) (Hsu et al., 2003) are included in the
power and the radiative stopping power (Watt, 1996; table. It is noted that the units, Gy Bq1 s1, are for
Berger et al., 2000; ICRU, 1993; ICRU, 1989). Due to radionuclides. In BNCT, Bq s should be interpreted as
the randomness of inelastic interactions and energy nuclear reaction rather than nuclear decay.
losses, the incident and emerging energies of particles Table 2 gives a similar comparison of the cellular S-
may deviate from their average values. To the first-order values for electrons calculated in the present work and
approximation, this energy loss straggling (Tung et al., by the MIRD. Here the radii of the cell and cell nucleus
1986; Tung and Kwei, 1991) is a Gaussian distribution are also 10 and 5 mm, respectively. For electron energies
with its standard deviation determined by the mean of 1 and 10 keV, cellular S-values for (N’CS) are zero
square energy loss. To consider the energy loss strag- since electron ranges are smaller than the shortest
gling, the indent and emerging energies are characterized source–target distance. Again, the difference between
by Ein;p 7DEin;p and Eout;p 7DEout;p ; respectively. For an present work and MIRD is negligibly small. However,
alpha particle of crossers, for instance, its contribution the standard deviation associated with the cellular S-
to the cellular S-value of source region rh and target value was not evaluated by the MIRD. This deviation,
region rk, i.e. Sðrk ’rh Þ; is given by resulting from the energy loss straggling, was calculated
Ein;p  Eout;p in the present work and included in Table 2 (values in
Sðrk ’rh Þ ¼ ; ð8Þ parentheses). The energy loss straggling made significant
contribution to the cellular S-values for electrons at,
where mk is the mass of the target region. The standard especially, high energies. It is noted that the S-values for
deviation of the cellular S-value is given by electrons are two to three orders of magnitude smaller
 1=2 than the S-values for alpha particles. This indicates that
2 2
Ein;p þ Eout;p alpha particles are more effective than electrons in
DS ðrk ’rh Þ ¼ : ð9Þ imparting energies to the target volume of micrometer
size and thus resulting higher RBEs than electrons.
Similar expressions for electrons are apparent. Similarly, Fig. 2 shows a plot of the single-event distribution,
equations for the lineal energy, y, and the single-event f1 ðzÞ; on the specific energy, z, for a 100 keV electron
specific energy, z, can be derived. source located on the cell surface of a 10 mm-diameter
742 C.J. Tung et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 61 (2004) 739–743

Table 2
Cellular S-values for electrons (RC=10 mm and RN=5 mm)

Electron S(C’C) (Gy/Bq s) S(C’CS) (Gy/Bq s) S(N’N) (Gy/Bq s) S(N’Cy) (Gy/Bq s) S(N’CS) (Gy/Bq s)
MIRD Presenta MIRD Presenta MIRD Presenta MIRD Presenta MIRD Presenta

1 3.82E05 3.81E05 1.91E05 1.91E05 3.04E04 3.04E04 2.55E07 2.43E07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
(7.73E7) (4.38E7) (8.69E6) (3.31E6) (0.00E+0)
10 3.35E04 3.34E04 1.76E04 1.75E04 2.30E03 2.29E03 1.10E04 1.09E04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
(2.84E5) (1.65E5) (3.17E4) (1.24E4) (0.00E+0)
100 1.20E04 1.20E04 8.01E05 8.04E05 4.75E04 4.78E04 1.05E04 1.05E04 5.71E05 5.66E05
(1.54E4) (1.26E4) (8.71E4) (5.70E4) (5.03E4)
1000 4.96E05 4.98E05 3.31E05 3.32E05 1.98E04 1.99E04 4.35E05 4.35E05 2.34E05 2.32E05
(1.54E4) (1.26E4) (8.73E4) (5.72E4) (5.05E4)
Values in parentheses are the standard deviations of the cellular S-values resulting from the energy loss straggling.

1000 distribution of the present approach may be comparable

to that of the purely analog Monte Carlo simulations.
The difference between curves D and A is due to the
C effects of elastic scatterings. The single, large-angle
scattering (Chen et al., 1995) causes electrons that move
f1(z) (Gy-1)

600 B away from the target site changing their directions and
A D passing through the site. The multiple, small-angle
400 scatterings (Chen et al., 1992) cause electrons to travel
tortuous paths rather than straight paths inside the
target. These effects make the single-event distribution
200 C
D even broader and shifting to small specific energies.
Despite of these effects, the application of the present
0 approach to the calculations of the single-event dis-
10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 tribution, frequency-mean specific energy per event and
z (Gy) hit probability in cellular microdosimetry is feasible.
Fig. 2. A plot of the single-event distribution, f1 ðzÞ; as a
function of specific energy, z, for 100 keV electrons emitted
from the CS (cell diameter=10 mm) and imparted energy to the 4. Conclusions
N (nucleus diameter=7.5 mm). Curves B,C and D are results
calculated in the present work using, respectively, Eq. (3), (5) A semi-analytic approach was developed to calculate
and the energy loss straggling. The corresponding data the microdosimetric quantities such as the cellular S-
calculated using the Penelope code are also plotted (curve A)
values and the single-event specific energy distribution
for comparison.
for alpha particles and electrons. This approach applied
the delta particle equilibrium for alpha particles and the
partial delta particle equilibrium for electrons to
cell. The cell nucleus of 7.5 mm-diameter is the target site. calculate the energy imparted to a cellular target volume.
Curves B,C and D are results calculated in the present Range–energy relations were used to determine the
work using, Eq. (3), (5) and the energy loss straggling. incident and emerging energies of the primary particles.
Curve A is the corresponding data calculated using the The fraction in energy loss resulting from the generation
Penelope code (Stewart et al., 2002). A comparison of bremsstrahlung and high-energy secondary electrons
between curves B and C shows that the exclusion of was estimated using data of the restricted collisional
bremsstrahlung and high-energy secondary electrons stopping power and the radiative stopping power. The
from the energy imparted makes the single-event energy loss straggling of electrons entering and leaving a
distribution shifting toward small specific energies. A target volume was evaluated by applying a Gaussian
comparison between curves C and D indicates that the distribution with the mean square energy loss data.
inclusion of the energy loss straggling makes the single- Cellular S-values for alpha particles calculated in the
event distribution broader. Further, a comparison present work are in excellent agreement with those by
between curves D and A reveals that the single-event the MIRD. Cellular S-values for electrons of the present
C.J. Tung et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 61 (2004) 739–743 743

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