My Plan Result

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What are the most important spiritual truths the Lord has taught you?

Repentance is always available every every single time and we can begin now.
Everyone has a chance to be forgiven and can change, and still feel belong. It was
the most successful thing to do, the most sweetest victory, the most wonderful
experience. It gives feelings of peace, love, comfort, and it helps us become
motivated and truly find joy. This because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
No matter what we went through and what we have become because of our
experiences, no matter how different we act, think, respond and view things we are
God's children.
Perfection is not here in this world but in the world to come. Knowing this
truth helps us focus on the things we can do step by step, not all at once. It
helps us let go negative feelings and thoughts about the things that we expect to
be. To me personally it helps me understood the gift of agency and repentance.

What Christlike attributes has the Lord helped you develop?

Maintaining highest standard of thoughts and behavior. Virtue, having clean

thoughts, removes any fear and doubt, helps us focus, invites the Spirit, helps us
yearn for the best things to come. It protects us from the worldly things, though
we are in this fallen world, practicing virtue helps us feel inner peace and
increase faith.
Without charity and love, I would'nt be able to see other's concern, get
interested to other's lives, and help them through sharing the gospel and declaring
truth. In reality it wasn't easy. Charity and love needs to give time,
understanding , effort, sincerely pray for others hoping they'll understand and
choose to accept God's plan, the gospel.
Patience on things I cannot control, on things that is yet to come, the
choices of others, and my growth.


My one-year vision:

I desire to have a strong family relationship together with my parents and
my future family ▪︎
I desire to have a peaceful home. A gospel centered home. ▪︎I
desire to have a career that will help me fulfill my deepest desire which is to
serve others in the area of psychology. I want to help those who struggle mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. ▪︎I desire to become a loving wife and a good mother
to my children. In one year, I vision myself studying in BYU online taking the
course of pyschology while helping my parents in their livelihood and waiting for
the due time to found the right priesthood holder to be my eternal partner and be
worthy of temple marriage.
📍I will help my parents in their business. I will help them strengthen their
relationship by continually applying what I learned from my experience in the
mission field, and together we will help each other improve spiritually. I will ask
guidance from them about my education, the career that I will take, and about
having my own future family.
📍I will attend insititute class. I will ask guidance from my bishop and other
church leaders.
📍I need to take counsel from Heavenly Father. I will continue the habit of
daily scripture study. I need personal revelation.


How will you continue your scripture study habits after your mission?
What will I study?

4 standard works ▪︎
Preach My Gospel ▪︎
General Conference ▪︎

When will I study?

I need to study the Book of Mormon daily if possible ▪︎
I need to continue
study the PMG, 3 times a week. ▪︎General conference every sunday

How long will I study?

Same as how long I study in the mission. Yet, I need to maximize if I needed.

After your mission, what kinds of activities will you participate in to help you
keep the Sabbath day holy?

I need to continue what I usually do in the mission. Yet, I need a calling or

some classes to join

Where do you plan to attend Church meetings after your mission?

In my own home ward

What are your goals for participating in temple and family history work?

I need to ask assistance in our family history consultant fi

How will you continue to give service after your mission?

I will ask them as to how can I help strengthen the ward. Minister to other
families and friends, help the missionaries assigned in our ward. Participate and
assist in the linking arms and my covenan

My plans to attend institute

Class name:

•The Divine Gift of Forgiveness •The Gospel and the Productive Life


Davao Philippines Stake

Start date:

August 31


My Plans for Education

I will enroll in BYU-Pathway online, taking the course of Psychology.

My Plans for Employment

I want to be a guidance counselor in any institutions especially in school or

any organization where I can help others emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. At
the same time, I'd like to continually study for those I will serve in my work or
profession. I still want to fulfill my desire and purpose to serve others. I'd like
to apply soon in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


What are my goals for dating after my mission?

I just need to engage in missionary work

•Worthy priesthood holder •Responsible; magnifying calling •Covenant keeper
•Striving to acquire christlike attributes •Always want to have the Spirit with him
•Decent •Soft-hearted •Love and honor the Lord than himself
I have a plan on getting to know someone in our homeward, I just have to
continue engage myself in missionary work.
Missionary work and stay active and be and cheerfully engage in well doing.


My Life's Vision

•Recite the Young Women Theme •Consistenly read The Family A Proclamation to
the World •Read patriarchal Blessing My purpose is to become a loving wife, a good
mother to my children, establish a harmonious home.

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