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Mass, moles and gas equations

Key definitions you need to remember for your exam calculations

Standard temperature Avogadro’s law

Ideal gas equation and pressure (stp)
Equal volumes of any gases at the
Pressure (Pa) Temperature = 0°C (273 K) same temperature and pressure
Temperature (K) Pressure = 1 atmosphere contain an equal number of

pV = nRT
(101.3 kPa) molecules.
0°C = 273 K

Relative atomic mass (Ar)

Gas constant
Mass of one atom of an element
Volume (m3) 8.31 J K mol
–1 –1 Ar =
1 mass of one atom of 12C
Amount of substance (mol)
n= m Relative molecular mass (Mr)
Mass (g) The mole Mass of one molecule of a compound
Amount of substance (mol) = Mr =
Molar mass (g mol–1) Amount of substance is 1 mass of one atom of 12C
measured in moles (mol) 12
One mole of a substance
Molar mass (M) contains as many formula units Molar volume
(atoms, molecules etc.) as there
The mass of 1 mole of any entity At standard temperature and
are atoms in 12 g of 12C
Units: g mol–1 pressure (stp) the volume occupied
Avogadro constant (NA or L)
by 1 mole of a gas is 22.4 dm3
= 6.022 × 1023 mol–1

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16 Chemistry Review February 2017 17

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