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The printing press

the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, the Father of the Printing Press. In the
beginning he worked as a goldsmith and shortly after he would move to Strasbourg where he set
up a wood engraving company in an old fabric factory

1832. The telegraph

The most famous prototype was designed by Samuel Morse, which consisted of a code that
assigned to each letter of the alphabet a number of dots and dashes.

1854. The telephone

The first prototype was built by Antonio Meucci, although he did not formalize his patent due to
financial difficulties.

1867. The typewriter

The typewriter was invented in 1872 by Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soulé.

1894. The radio

Nikola Tesla is considered by many to be the true inventor of the radio, although the patent was
filed by Guglielmo Marconi in 1904

1926. Television

the transmission of moving objects by television was achieved by John Logie Baird, the first
scientist in history

1941. The computer

In 1941 the first digital computer was presented by the German engineer Konrad Zuse

13. Refrigeration.

In 1756, William Cullen unveiled the first chilling machine, and almost 150 years later, the first
home refrigerators were made by General Electric
2. The can.

In 1809, the food sealed in glass jars had been ordered by Nicolas François Appert, the French

11. The paper.

The paper, is a Chinese heritage and was created by the eunuch Cai Lun, in the year 105 AD.

14. The plastic.

Formally, the first plastic was created by Alexander Parkes, who demonstrated this material —
which he called parkesine— at the Great London Exhibition of 1862.

16. The car.

the first car with three wheels and that worked by burning gasoline was conceived by The German
engineer Karl Benz

17. The plane.

The first manned flight in a device that we could describe as an "airplane" was made by Clément
Ader on October 9, 1890.

9. Internet.

In 1962, the web is the efficient method with which researchers could transmit information,
content and data in a quick and orderly manner, it was also invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee

20. The compact disc.

the first compact disc came together after a year of work and was created by Sony and Philips in

the first liquid-fueled rocket.

The first liquid fuel rocket was made by Robert Goddard on March 16, 1926.
33. Pasteurization in 1863

Pasteurization was the result of the germ theory practices carried out by Louis Pasteur.


The first backpack was carried and carried by Ötzi, it was a copper age explorer mummy who died
around 3255 BC. C.

11. Nitrogen fixation, 1918

the Nobel Prize for the development of the ammonia synthesis process was won by the German
chemist Fritz.

smallpox vaccine.

the smallpox vaccine was discovered by Edward Jenner the "father of vaccines," was a great
medical researcher


In 1928, the penicillin was discovered at St. Mary's Hospital in London by Alexander Fleming. This
discovery made possible the introduction of antibiotics that greatly reduced the number of
deaths from infection. Howard W.

hypodermic needle

the hypodermic needle was invented by Alexander Wood -physician in 1853 to inject morphine
into his wife who was suffering from cancer.


Since the end of the 19th century, isolating insulin from the pancreas of mammals had been tried
by several researchers but it was Frederick Banting and Charles Best who succeeded, in the
summer of 1921.


This is one of the most important discoveries in the medical and dental world, the discovery of
anesthesia was made by an American dentist named Horace Wells in 1844.
6 X-rays

A medical procedure as common as X-rays was discovered by accident. Its inventor was Wilhelm
Conrad Röntge, who in 1895 discovered that his cathode ray tube could produce some unusual

germ theory

The actual cause of the disease – germs – was discovered by several scientists, but the most
important breakthrough came in 1854, when John Snow linked an outbreak of cholera to a baby's
diapers containing the germ.


The task has been illuminated for the first time by Roberto Nevilis, an Italian educator in the year
1095, who assigned the task as a punishment to his students.

"Chromoscopic Adapter for Television Sets"

the "Chromoscopic Adapter for Television Sets was invented by González Camarena In 1938, this
was the first color transmission system for television.

Clocks with one hand

Clocks with one hand to mark the hours were invented in the 15th century by Peter Henlein in
1505, the German blacksmith managed to build mechanical clocks so small that they could be
carried in a pocket.

polyethylene bag

1965 - The one-piece polyethylene bag was patented by the Swedish company Celloplast.
Designed by engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin, the plastic bag is rapidly beginning to replace cloth and
plastic in Europe.

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