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Keyword Transformations ENG VII

Complete the second so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change
the word given. You must use between two and eight words, including the word given.

1 Get in touch with me as soon as possible if you change your mind about the trip.
SHOULD You changed your mind about the
______________ trip, get in touch with me as soon as possible.

2 Suppose you found yourself painless and stranded in a foreign city, what would be your first course of action?
WERE You painless and stranded
_________________in a foreign city, what would your first course of action be?

3 In the event of losing your passport, contact your Embassy immediately.

Losing your passport
_________________________, contact your Embassy immediately.

4 Due to our tight schedule, we didn't have enough time to explore the old quarter of the city.
For the tight schedule we could
_______________________ had more time to explore the old quarter of the city.

5 You'll have a great time at the Village Carnival as long as you don't let the local wine go to your head.
________________________ go to your head, you'll have a great time at the Village Carnival.

6 Because of your insistence on taking the scenic route, we are hopelessly lost now.
____________________ taking the scenic route, we wouldn't be hopelessly lost now.

7 Being able to understand the guidebook might have spared those the embarrassment of finding ourselves on a nudist
___________________, we might have been spared the embarrassment of finding ourselves in the nudist beach.

8 Owing to the hospitality of the local people, our stay on the island wasn't such a nightmare.
BUT For the hospitality of the locals
______________, our stay on the island would have been a nightmare.

9 I didn't know it was a private event, so I decided to come.

I known it’s was a private event
__________________________, I wouldn't have come.

10 Local people will take kindly to you on condition you show consideration for their customs.
UNLESS You take consideration on their costumes

_____________________, local people won't take kindly to you.

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