Ready For Jesus

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Ready For Jesus, Part 1

II Peter 3:1-11
o John 14:1-6: Take His
followers home
o I Cor. 11:26: Lord’s
Supper until He returns
o I Thess. 4:13-18: Saints
meet Him in the clouds
o II Thess. 1:7-9: Return
for judgment
o Heb. 9:27-28: Return for
o Rev. 1:7: Every eye will
Ready For Jesus, Part 1 see Him
o Matthew 25:1-13:
Parable of the Ten
virgins, 5 wise, 5 unwise
o Revelation 19:7-8:
“Let us rejoice and be glad and
give the glory to Him, for the
marriage of the Lamb has
come and His bride has made
herself ready. It was given to
her to clothe herself in fine
linen, bright and clean; for the
fine linen is the righteous acts
of the saints.”
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
o II Peter 3:9: The Lord is
not slow about His
promises (from 3:4).
o II Peter 3:10: The day of
the Lord will come as a
“thief in the night.”
o II Peter 3:10-11: The
earth and its works will
be “burned up.”
o II Peter 3:11: “What sort
of people ought you to
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
➢ Men live in sin because of
selfish or impure minds
o I Tim. 6:3-5; Eph.
➢ Saints must have
“sincere” (pure) minds
o Mt. 22:37-38; Phil. 4:8;
Heb. 10:19-22; Col. 3:9
(Eph. 4:15, 25)
➢ Saints are to have the
“mind” of Christ
o Phil. 2:5, 15-16
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
➢ Saints should be
reminded so that they
don’t forget certain
o Psalm 1:2: word of
o II Peter 3:2: Prophets,
o II Peter 1:9:
Purification from sin

Ready For Jesus, Part 1

Ready For Jesus, Part 1
➢ Saints are to be informed
- - not to forget:
o Danger of false
teachers – II Peter
o Temporal nature of
material things –
II Peter 3:10-12
o 2nd Coming of Christ –
II Peter 3:8-10
o Judgment and eternal
separation – II Peter
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
3:7; Matthew 25
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
➢ Saints are to be holy in
the way we live
o I Peter 2:9
o Holiness: Sacred, set
➢ Saints are:
o “Set apart” to God,
separated from the
world – Rom. 12:1-2;
II Cor. 6:14-18
o A “people for His own
possession” – Titus
Ready For Jesus, Part 1 2:14
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
➢ “Godliness” is the
opposite of doing what is
right in our own eyes
o II Peter 1:4; 2:5-6
➢ “Godliness” is based on
God’s word:
o II Peter 1:3; Titus 1:1;
I Timothy 6:6, 11
➢ “Godliness” leads to the
life to come
o I Timothy 4:7-8
o Titus 2:12-13
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
Jesus will
come again!
(II Peter 3:8-10)

Ready For Jesus, Part 1

In light of the Lord’s 2nd
Coming, what sort of
people ought we to be?
✓ Sincere
✓ Mindful
✓ Informed
✓ Holy
✓ Godly

Ready For Jesus, Part 1


❖ If Jesus were to come now, would He find us

❖ Let us pursue these things that will lead to an
eternal life with Jesus Christ our Lord!
Ready For Jesus, Part 1
Hear The Gospel (Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:17)
Believe In Christ (Jn. 3:16-18; Jn. 8:24)
Repent Of Sins (Lk. 13:3-5; Acts 2:38)
Confess Christ (Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:10)
Be Baptized (Mk. 16:16; Acts 22:16)
Remain Faithful (Jn. 8:31; Rev. 2:10)


Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9),
Pray (Acts 8:22)

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