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Lushon Wilburgh 1033088

MEC4103: Machine Design

Machine Design Methodology

Outline the design methodology for the design of a typical petroleum well offshore Guyana. Identify and
interrogate the main design variables in the listed design processes.

The petroleum industry in Guyana has experienced substantial growth due to the discovery of significant
offshore oil reserves. To exploit these reserves effectively, it is essential to establish a well-designed
offshore well system. There are two parts to well design, first, the functional needs of the well are stated,
and then the well construction features that will enable the well to meet those criteria may be determined.
According to Mr.Micheal Hector, Senior Principal Completions Engineer Exxon Mobil, the science based
approach to well designs is to:

Drill: Construction of well

- Preliminary Investigation
- Well design considerations (Material, pressure, safety etc)
- Well trajectory design
- Casing design
- Integrity test

Complete: Connect well to reservoir

Produce: Relentlessly remove resistance to flow

Mr Rich Molloy, Principle Sand Control, Exxon Mobil explained that before starting the design process a
preliminary assessment of the site is reviewed. The objective of this is to identify the types of rocks in
which oil and gas may have accumulated. Seismic surveys provide valuable information about the
structure and composition of the subsurface, helping to identify potential hydrocarbon-bearing formations.
Exploratory wells provide direct information about the reservoir, such as its depth, thickness, porosity,
permeability, pressure, and temperature. They also provide samples of reservoir fluids (oil, gas, and
water) for laboratory analysis. Once the geological and geophysical data has been collected and reviewed
thoroughly, the location or site is approved. The information is then handed over to the engineers who
layout a design based on the constraints given.

Mr.Micheal Hector, Senior Principal Completions Engineer Exxon Mobil, outlined the Well design
considerations, where he stated that the material selection is a critical part of the design aspect. According
to Budynas and Nisbett (2010), the selection of a material for a machine part or a structural member is
one of the most important decisions the designer is called on to make. The decision is usually made before
the dimensions of the part are established. The petroleum deep wells will inevitably encounter high
pressures and temperatures and often encounter high concentrations of Acid (Corrosive) Gases,
hydrogen-sulfide, H2S, and carbon-dioxide, CO2. In addition to being a very corrosive gas, H2S, is highly
toxic. The high pressures and temperatures require all downhole equipment be certified for those

conditions. All well tubulars in highly corrosive environments require special CRA (Corrosive Resistant
Alloys) steel. These materials include 13Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel, 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel,
22Cr Duplex Stainless Steel and 28 Alloys. Along with their corrosion resistant properties the mechanical
properties of these materials and machines such as strength, stiffness, malleability, shear strength,
hardness and temperature effect, are also considered to accommodate loads at foreseeable temperatures
and pressures. From previous knowledge in Strength of Material and current in Machine Design we know
that failure can be catastrophic, hence the failure theories are implemented to prevent and mitigate such.
The improper selection and processing of materials and improper component design or misuse of such
material can lead to failure. In the context of petroleum well design, these theories are used to ensure that
the materials used in the well can withstand the stresses they will be subjected to. Mohr’s circle is used to
determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress at a point. This information can be used to
determine the strength of the material required to withstand the stresses at that point. Similarly, the
distortion energy theory and the maximum strain energy theory are used to predict the failure of ductile
materials. The maximum shear stress theory is also used to predict the failure of ductile materials, while
the principle stresses theory is used to predict the failure of brittle materials.

Well trajectory design is an essential part of the well planning process in Guyana. It involves determining
the optimal path for the wellbore to reach the target reservoir. The well trajectory design is influenced by
several factors, including the geological structure of the reservoir, the location of the well, and the drilling
technology used.

The casing design of petroleum wells is also another crucial aspect.Casing is the steel pipe that lines the
borehole and protects it from collapse, fluid loss, and contamination. Choosing the right casing design
involves several factors, such as well depth, pressure, temperature, formation characteristics, and drilling
objectives. Clearly defined well objectives, such as the target depth, reservoir properties, production
potential, and completion requirements. These objectives will determine the number, size, and type of
casing strings needed for the well. Evaluating the wellbore conditions, such as the pore pressure, fracture
gradient, temperature, and formation strength. These conditions will affect the casing load, burst, collapse,
and tensile ratings, as well as the casing material, grade, and connection. After all correct steps are
followed a casing analysis is performed. These are the stress analysis, cementing analysis, and buckling

Integrity test is a critical procedure conducted to determine the strength or fracture pressure of the open
formation, typically right after drilling below a new casing shoe. This test, also known as a pressure
integrity test or leak off test, ensures the well’s ability to maintain full control of fluids at all times,
preventing unintended fluid movement or loss of containment to the environment. Well integrity is a
multidisciplinary approach, requiring constant interaction between well integrity engineers and different
disciplines to assess the status of well barriers and well barrier envelopes. Various standards and
guidelines, such as the ISO 16530-1 is applicable to all wells that are operated by the petroleum and
natural gas industry, influence practices, equipment selection, and equipment specification related to
maintaining well control and well integrity.


Budynas, R., & Nisbett, K. (2010). Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering design. McGraw-Hill


Cao, J., Wiktorski, E., & Sui, D. (2022). Well trajectory optimization with an emphasis on

anticollision design. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 144(4).

Engineering, D. (2023, November 1). How do you select the right casing design?


ISO 16530-1:2017. (n.d.). ISO.

Offshore well construction - university of Texas at Austin. (n.d.).

7.3: Well design Considerations | PNG 301: Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas engineering.



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