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De Leon, Joshuel Henrios A.


Unveiling the Beauty in the City Beautiful Movement

The City Beautiful Movement emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a
response to the rapid urbanization and industrialization that characterized their period. As
streets, building, neighborhood and cities became increasingly dirty they want to counter the
chaotic and unsightly aspects of urban development by introducing the idea that cities should
not only be functional but also aesthetically pleasing. City Beautiful Movement is rooted in
the challenges faced by rapid growing cities. As industrialization and immigration led to
overcrowding and deteriorating living conditions, urban reformers began to advocate for a
more full approach to urban planning. They believed that a well-designed urban environment
could enhance the lives of city dwellers, improve social unity, and uplift the human spirit.
Several events that influenced the City Beautiful Movement. One influential figure was
Frederick Law Olmsted, a landscape architect known for designing Central Park in New York
City. His ideas about the importance of green spaces and the integration of nature into urban
environments laid the foundation for the movement. Another is the 1893 World's Columbian
Exposition held in Chicago was a pivotal event that showcased the City Beautiful movement
on a grand scale. The exposition's White City, designed by Daniel Burnham and Frederick
Law Olmsted, showcased monumental neoclassical buildings surrounded by beautifully
landscaped gardens and water features. This exposition captured the imagination of many
urban planners and architects, becoming a catalyst for the City Beautiful Movement.

The City Beautiful Movement revolutionized urban planning and architecture during
its time by introducing new methods on how to approach traditional practices. The movement
placed a strong emphasis on aesthetics, seeking to create visually captivating and inspiring
cities. This departure from the utilitarian focus of previous urban planning approaches
transformed the physical appearance of cities, with the introduction of grand, monumental
architecture in neoclassical styles. The movement brought a shift in urban design, promoting
symmetrical layouts and carefully planned vistas. The use of wide boulevards, plazas, and
organized street grids introduced a sense of order and harmony in contrast to the chaotic and
irregular layouts of older cities. The symmetrical design approach not only enhanced the
visual coherence of cities but also improved traffic flow and accessibility. The City Beautiful
Movement recognized the importance of incorporating green spaces into urban environments.
The movement saw the integration of parks, gardens, and tree-lined streets as essential
elements in creating livable cities. These green spaces provided areas for recreation,
relaxation, and connection with nature, improving the physical and mental well-being of the

The City Beautiful Movement also highlighted the importance of humanitarian design
and in the creation of livable spaces. Emphasis on improving the quality of life for residents
through the integration of green spaces, parks, and gardens continues to shape urban
development today. the movement's focus on symmetrical layouts and organized urban design
has influenced urban planning practices. While the architectural styles may have evolved, the
principles of creating a well-connected, pedestrian-friendly streets and thoughtful urban
layouts remain guiding principles in contemporary urban development.

References :

Scribd. (n.d.). Wilson - The Glory, destruction, and meaning of the city beautiful. Scribd.

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.-b). City beautiful movement. Encyclopædia Britannica.

City beautiful movement. NYPAP. (n.d.).


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