Outcome Reflection 7

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Rafael Flores

ENC 1101
November 30th 2023

Outcome Reflection 7

1. How did you marshal/leverage multiple literacies (e.g. speaking, listening, reading,
multilingual writing, translating, multimodality, etc.) to support your writing processes of
this particular work?
2. Did you use multiple modes (Gagich) here? Did you use or work with multilingual
literacy practices? Did you reflect on your reading, writing or literacy practices?

1) I leveraged multiple Literacies in MA3, I used speaking to support my writing process. I

made a short podcast describing my mistakes and how I adjusted to them. Doing this
helps the reader hear what mistake I have made and easier to locate on my paper.
2) I did not use multilingual literacy practice, but I could have to make it easier for Spanish
readers. I did reflect on my paper. I had my peers feedback on this assignment, and I also
had my professor look over the assignment.

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