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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4

© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India
Professor, Department of Mathematics, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India
E-mail: , , , *


Election is a fair decision making process by an authorized group of individuals to elect a person or a party
to provide them power to take further decisions for the welfare of the voted people. Traditionally, elections
were conducted using Ballot-paper system which is less efficient with a threat of confusion, tampering of
votes and more time-consuming. In the digital world, Electronic Voting Systems (EVS) are introduced
which are less time-consuming, efficient and prevent tampering of votes. Several research works have
invaded different EVS such as Mix-net Based e-voting, Homomorphic e-voting, Blockchain e-voting etc
using cryptographic tools. This paper draws attention towards developing an Electronic voting model
applying a modified classical cipher and RSA cryptosystem. The developed method is implemented using a
C++ program. The performance of the developed E-Voting System is analyzed in terms of the security
provided, time and memory requirements.
Keywords: Cryptology; Electronic Voting; Affine-Hill Cipher; Quadratic residues; RSA

1. INTRODUCTION derived from Cryptology which is the study of

developing encrypting and decrypting techniques
The security of information is the vitality of the for exchanging information between two parties
present digital world. Several algorithms are robustly and securely. It is a combination of
invented and implemented to communicate data cryptography and cryptanalysis.
quickly, safely, and securely. These algorithms are

Figure 1: Cryptology

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

This field uses several concepts from developing an E-Voting System is conveyed in
mathematical subjects such as number theory, linear [5][4].
algebra, etc., to develop ciphers that are not
Several research works are carried out
vulnerable to attacks. In the ancient period, classical
concerning the advancement and analysis of
ciphers such as Caesar, Affine, Hill, Playfair etc
classical ciphers for applications[6][7]. Affine-Hill
were developed for carrying out communication.
Cipher is applied in cryptosystem for securing
With the rise in technology, modern cryptosystems
digital images [8]. Many research works are carried
such as AES and DES were designed to meet the
out to upgrade the security of the Classical Ciphers.
memory and security requirements. Different types
In [9], a more robust version of Hill Cipher is
of cryptanalytic attacks can be carried out on a
designed, making use of a combination of keys
developed cryptosystem to trace the information.
along with a permutation. In [10], an enhanced
Designing cryptosystems and dishonest attacks to
Classical cipher is designed resistant to the Known-
hack the information go hand in hand. Thus, the
plaintext attack (KPA), which is time-saving. In
development of compatible ciphers is still a
[11], a technique based on the said cipher is
welcoming task.
developed for image encryption using a self-
invertible key matrix making the algorithm
computationally less complex. In [12], a public key
Cryptology experiences a lot of real-time
cryptosystem with reduced time and space
applications. The secure cryptosystems are
complexity is developed using the Affine-Hill
responsible for the smooth functioning of safe
cipher and Fibonacci matrix.
money transfers in the Banking sector, Electronic
Voting Machines to conduct fair elections, ATMs to
dispense and deposit cash, secret message transfers
In [13], a block cipher is developed by altering
in Defense and many more. This paper focuses on
the classical Hill cipher. The so developed cipher
developing efficient Electronic Voting System
creates confusion making it resistant to KPA and
applying mathematical and cryptographic tools.
retains Avalanche effect. In [14], a secure variant of
the Hill cipher is developed by using Affine-Hill
Cipher where the Affine-Hill Cipher does not
An Electronic Voting System helps to cast and
undergo the conventional computations. This
count the votes casted in the favor of a nominee
variant is resistant to KPA, Cipher Text Only
electronically. It ensures that the elections are
Attack, Chosen Plaintext Attack and Chosen Cipher
conducted in a fair manner by allowing only the
text Attack. In [15], an upgraded version of the
authorized voters to cast their vote anonymously
Affine-Hill Cipher is developed which applies the
preserving privacy. The main security aspects taken
mathematical concept of Fibonacci matrix and its
into consideration for developing a strong
eigen values ensuring the security of the cipher.
Electronic Voting Model are Privacy, Anonymity
and Verifiability. Privacy guarantees the secrecy of The algorithm applied in designing the E-Voting
vote from others. Anonymity assures that secrecy of System in this paper employs an RSA cryptosystem
the voter. Verifiability includes individual, and an upgraded Affine-Hill Cipher using the
Universal and eligibility. Individual verifiability mathematical concept of Quadratic Residues.
permits a voter to verify whether his/her vote is
considered in the final election results. Universal
Verifiability permits the voters or the election 1.1 RSA Cryptosystem
organizers to verify whether the final election
RSA is an asymmetric cryptosystem whose
results correspond to the votes casted. Eligibility
Verifiability permits the voters and the election security relies on the Integer Factorization Problem
organizers to verify the authenticity and the non- [16][17]. The algorithm to encrypt data using RSA
duplication of a vote. Cryptographic algorithms are
established to conduct fair elections by retaining the Select two large primes 𝑝 and 𝑝 .
verifiability, privacy and anonymity of the casted
votes. Several E-Voting models are proposed Calculate 𝑚 = 𝑝 ∗ 𝑝 .
balancing the security and efficiency aspects Select an integer 𝑘 ∋1<𝑘 <
[1][2][3]. In [4], various Electronic Voting models 𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 gcd 𝑘 , ∅(𝑚) = 1.
are compared and their analysis is carried out. The
requirements for future research direction in Calculate 𝑘 ∋ 𝑘 ∗ 𝑘 ≡ 1 𝑚𝑜𝑑 ∅(𝑚) .

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Public Key: (𝑘 , 𝑚) 2. PROPOSED CIPHER

Private Key: (𝑘 , 𝑚) A mathematical model constituting an
Affine-Hill Cipher over Quadratic Residues, a
Encryption: For a plain text 𝑃 < 𝑚, cipher text pseudo-random stream generator and an RSA
. cryptosystem is proposed for implementing in an
Electronic Voting System. The methodological
Decryption:𝑃 ≡ 𝐶 (𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑚) approach of the proposed model is:
1.2 Affine-Hill Cipher
The parameters used in the method:
Affine-Hill Cipher is a combination of two
classical ciphers Affine and Hill. In an Affine-Hill
Cipher, two key matrices are used for encryption
The cipher text matrix is obtained as:
[𝐶] = [𝐾 ] ∗ [𝑃] + [𝐾 ](𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛) (1)
2.1 Key generation
where [𝐶] × is the cipher text matrix, [𝑃] × is
the plain text matrix, [𝐾 ] × and [𝐾 ] × are the 2.1.1 Pseudo-code to generate the Pseudo-
key matrices. Random Key Stream (PRKS):
The decryption is performed as:
[𝑃] = [𝐾 ] ∗ ([𝐶] − [𝐾 ]) 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛 (2)
where det(𝐾 ) ∗ [𝐾 ] ≡ 1(𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛).
1.3 Quadratic Residues
Quadratic residues, a concept in Number Theory
is of great use in Cryptography [18][19]. An IBES
is developed using Quadratic Residues [20].
Research in Cryptography is also carried out using
the Quadratic residuosity problem. One of the major
applications of the Quadratic Residuosity
Assumptions is the Blum-Blum Shub generator
whose basis relies on the concept of Quadratic
Residues [21].
For an integer n > 1 and 𝑎 ∈ Z ∗ , is a
Quadratic Residue modulo if x ≡ a(mod n) for 2.1.2 Pseudo-code to generate the key matrices:
some x ∈ Z ; Otherwise, is Quadratic non-residue The key stream is arranged in the form of a square
modulo . The Quadratic Congruence x ≡ matrix of order 3 × 3. The matrix so obtained is
a(mod p) where gcd(a, p) = 1 has a solution if and [K ] × .
only if is a Quadratic Residue modulo p. If one
solution is x then the other solution is (p − x ).
For an odd prime p, there are quadratic
residues (counting zero) and quadratic non- is derived from as:

In this paper, we work on Quadratic Residues 2.2 Encryption and Decryption process
modulo a prime to develop an upgraded version of
the Affine-Hill Cipher that is applied in the E-
Step 1: Select a prime number such that the total
Voting System to achieve efficiency, privacy,
anonymity and universal verifiability. number of quadratic residues modulo is greater
than i.e. .

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Step 2: Establish a one-one correspondence: 12 16

13 18
14 19
Step 3: Select to generate the key matrices 15 20
and by using the key generation algorithm. 16 24
17 25
Step 4: 18 27
Encryption: 19 29
For the plain text [𝑃], 20 30
[𝐶] = [𝐾 ] ∗ [𝑃] + [𝐾 ](𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛). 21 32
22 36
Map the obtained values in [𝐶 ] to the 23 37
corresponding quadratic residues to obtain [𝐶 ]. 24 38
25 40
The values in the final cipher text matrix [𝐶] are the 26 43
solutions to the quadratic congruence 𝑥 ≡ 27 45
𝑐 (𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑝). Since there are two solutions to the 28 48
Quadratic congruence therefore the character at 29 49
even position is mapped to the solution 𝑥 and the
one at the odd position is mapped to (𝑝 − 𝑥 ). 1
For s = 5 and the plain text matrix 1 , the
Step 5: 1
Decryption: key matrices and the corresponding cipher text
7 0 5 12 31
From the cipher text [𝐶], the values in [𝐶 ] are
are 7 23 9 , 10 and 39 respectively.
retrieved from [𝐶] by computing:
15 7 18 11 6
From [𝐶 ] and the one-one correspondence, [𝐶 ] is 2.4 Security Analysis of the proposed Cipher
obtained. The proposed cipher is resistant to the
The original plain text is obtained as: following attacks:

[𝑃] = [𝐾 ] ∗ ([𝐶 ] − [𝐾 ]) (𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛) 2.4.1 Brute-force Attack

The attack carried out to hack the original
2.3 Example plaintext by trying all the possible keys is Brute-
The proposed cipher is illustrated through force attack. In the proposed cipher, the number of
an example for n = 29 and p = 71. The numbers possible key matrices is dependent upon the seed
from 1 to 29 and the quadratic residues modulo 71 value which is dependent on . The total number
are mapped as: of possible key matrices is . Thus by selecting
large primes and , the cipher’s resistance against
Table 1: One-One correspondence between numbers and
the quadratic residues
Brute-force attack can be increased.
Numerical equivalent Quadratic residues
(modulo 29) modulo 71 2.4.2 Known-Plain text attack
In KPA, a part of the plain text and its
1 0
corresponding cipher text is known to the intruder
2 1
which is used to reveal the key used for encrypting
3 2 the data.
4 3 In the proposed model, suppose that the intruder
5 4 19
6 5 has the following data: 𝑛 = 29, plain text: 5 and
7 6 1
8 9 10
9 10 its corresponding cipher text: 49 . Then the matrix
10 12 28
11 15 representation of the data is:

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

𝑎 𝑎 𝑎 19 (𝑎 + 𝑎 + 𝑎 )𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛 19
𝑏 𝑏 𝑏 ∗ 5 + (𝑏 + 𝑏 + 𝑏 )𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛 For 𝑛 = 29, 𝑝 = 71, plain text: 5 and key
𝑐 𝑐 𝑐 1 (𝑐 + 𝑐 + 𝑐 )𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑛 1
17 1 26 15
10 matrices, 𝐾 = 23 19 24 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾 = 8 , the
= 49
5 4 3 12
28 23
obtained cipher text is 36 . On replacing the 3rd
From the above matrix representation, 3 27
equations in 3 variables are obtained which cannot character ‘A’ of the plain text by ‘E’, the obtained
be solved to obtain the key values because the 9
cipher text values are mapped to quadratic residues cipher text is 65 which differs from the previous
modulo where the value of is unknown. Also, 16
both the solutions of a Quadratic congruence lead cipher text in all the three bits. Hence, the
to the mapped Quadratic residue thus creating developed method retains Avalanche effect.
confusion. Hence, the proposed model is resistant
to the Known Plain text attack. 3. PROPOSED ELECTRONIC VOTING
Also, the proposed method is resistant to SYSTEM
the Zero Plaintext attack (ZPA) because the zero
plaintext is mapped to the quadratic residues An Electronic Voting System is a
development made in the field of science to
modulo which provide no clue to trace the key
conduct fair elections in an organization or a nation
from any location over Internet. It must be efficient
enough to preserve privacy to vote, anonymity of
2.4.3 Frequency Analysis
the voter and security of the system. The proposed
Frequency analysis is a study of number of
architecture for E-Voting includes three major
times a character has occurred in a cipher text. This
steps−Registration, Voting, Results.
analysis helps to guess the corresponding plain text
depending upon the most occurring and rare
3.1 Registration
occurring characters in a character set. But this
The initial step in the process of
attack is possible only when same plain text
conducting elections is to register the candidates to
characters are mapped to the same cipher text
provide them the authorization to vote. This step
characters post encryption. In the proposed cipher,
sets a unique identification to every voter which
the encrypted values of the same plain text digits
ensures the authorization of the voter and the
differ making the cipher resistant to attack by
authenticity of the vote casted. Depending upon the
means of frequency analysis.
total number of registrations, different booths are
For example: For 𝑛 = 29, 𝑝 = 59, plain text =
19 17 1 26 15 organized.
5 , 𝐾 = 23 19 24 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾 = 8 ,
3.2 Voting
5 5 4 3 12
9 In this step, each authorized voter is
the obtained cipher text is 65 . allowed to cast their vote against their respective
16 nominee. The encrypted version of the casted vote
is collected for counting the votes.
2.4.4 Avalanche effect
Avalanche effect is an important property
of a cryptographic algorithm which states that 3.3 Results
significant change is reflected in the cipher text The declaration of results include the
whenever the plain text undergoes a minute change. display of total number of registered voters, total
In the proposed method, change in a single number of voters who voted and the individual
character of the plain text results in the change of votes obtained by each nominee.
more than one character in the cipher text.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Figure 2: Registration

Figure 3: Voting

Figure 4: Results

The cipher developed in the section 2 is

applied in the Voting and Result steps of the
An eminent E-Voting Model is proposed to meet proposed model. The implementation of the cipher
the following security goals: in the EVS is discussed in section 4.
 Authenticated and Authorized Voting:
Only the registered candidates are allowed 4. IMPLEMENTATION
to vote provided their identity is verified.
The developed cipher is incorporated in
 Double-Voting Prevention: Single Voter the stages 2 and 3 of the proposed E-Voting Model
can cast only a single vote. along with the RSA cryptosystem to meet the
 No Votes replaced: Alteration of a casted security aspects. The model is implemented for an
vote by a voter is not possible. election where a maximum of nominations can
 Privacy to Vote: The vote casted remains compete against each other. The nominations are
private to the voter. mapped to the following matrices
 Anonymous Voting: The identity of the
voter is not disclosed. .
 Immune to Modification: The votes casted
cannot be altered in favor of a single party.
 Unlinkability: Post-Voting the voters and
their votes cannot be linked.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

The example discussed below considers three 4.2 Pseudo-code to count the votes and declare
nominations and the

chosen values of and .

4.1 Pseudo-code to cast Vote

// Values
// is a
private to the EC
function to count the number of votes casted in the
// Booth
favor of a nominee
Head generates the keys to encrypt the seed
//Input by
The security of the proposed architecture
the Voter
is concerned in three major hands Official
Authority, Booth Heads and Counting Officer. The
// is exchange of keys among them occurs over a secure
a function to generate key matrices as in () channel. The Distribution of keys for conducting a
// Encrypted fair Electronic Voting is depicted through the
Vote Figure 5.

Figure 5: Keys Distribution in the proposed E-Voting model

conduct voting. The Official authority sets the

values of and shares them with the Booth heads
4.3 Example
The illustrated example is discussed below for 3
nominations A, B and C. These nominations are
assigned a unique matrix. Depending upon the and the Counting officer over a secure channel. The
number of registered candidates, different booths votes are casted by the voters which are encrypted
are organized which have their own private keys to using the private keys of the individual booths. The

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

encrypted votes and the Decryption key are result of the election by decrypting the casted votes
communicated to the counting officer over a secure with the help of the keys.
channel. The counting officer calculates the final

Figure 6: Initiation of Elections by the official Authority

Figure 7: Voting Process at different Booths

Figure 8: Declaration of Results by the Counting Officer

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

In the implemented model, the different inputs by 4.4 Time and Memory Analysis
the voters and the organizing committee are: The proposed mathematical model is implemented
Input by Official authority: using a DEV C++ compiler on an Intel CORE i3
Input by Booth Head: processor with a speed of 1.70 GHz and 4.00 GB
Input by the voters: RAM using Windows 8.1 64-bit Operating System.
The input by the official authority is responsible for The performance of the developed cryptosystem is
the establishment of the one-one correspondence measured in terms of its time and memory
between the numbers from to and the quadratic requirements. The time and memory requirements
residues modulo . The input by the booth heads is are tabulated considering a maximum of
used to generate an encryption and decryption key nominations participating in an election for the
for vote casting. The encryption key encrypts the values of and the value is chosen
seed value input by the user. The seed value between 59 and 100. The general relation stating
generates the key matrices for encrypting the votes the time and memory requirements for the proposed
casted by the voters. The encryption and decryption cipher is tabulated in the table where
key is generated by the Booth heads using RSA denote the Encryption
algorithm while the votes are encrypted applying time, Decryption time, Memory requirements while
the developed cipher in section 2. Encryption and Decryption respectively.

Table 2: Relation determining the time and memory requirements of the algorithm

Encryption Decryption


4.5 Comparative Analysis developed model against the existing models [22],
The proposed Electronic Voting Model applies the [23], [24] and [25] is tabulated in Table 3.
upgraded Classical Cipher and RSA algorithm for
encrypting votes. The comparative analysis of the

Table 3: Comparative Analysis of the developed model

E-voting Scheme Cryptosystem Distinctive Features Security properties Weakness

Elliptic Curve Digital
Anonymity, Unicity,
Signature, Identity Based Multi-candidate e- High time complexity of
Liao [22] Completeness,
Fully Homomorphic voting asymmetric encryption
Universal Verifiability
Hide the actual votes
Cohen and Fischer Do not satisfy vote
Public Key Encryption value instead of Privacy, Correctness
[23] secrecy
hiding the voters
Suitable to be used in Do not achieve receipt-
Furukawa et al. ElGamal Encryption, a private organisation freeness and do not
Universal Verifiability
[24] Elliptic Curve with over 20,000 guarantee the privacy of
voters abstaining voters
RSA-based Public Key Universally trusted Efficiency relies on the
Chaum[25] Anonymity, Privacy
Encryption authority not required length of the cipher text
Supports Anonymous
The security is
Upgraded Affine-Hill Voting, Immune to
Less Complex and guaranteed if the official
Cipher over Quadratic Modification,
Proposed Model applies upgraded authority, Booth Heads
Residues and RSA Preserves Privacy to
classical ciphers and the Counting officer
Cryptosystem Vote, Universal
are honest.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2023. Vol.101. No 4
© 2023 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

5. CONCLUSIONS Chin, “A Review of Cryptographic Electronic

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The cryptographic tool applied for vote casting
in the E-Voting model proposed is an Upgraded
Afiine-Hill Cipher over Quadratic Residues
resistant to the cryptanalytic attacks. The proposed
E-Voting System retains authenticity and
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