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Insights from the 21st Century Talent Sessions at Ashokas Changemakers Campus: Paris 2011

August 2011

In collaboration with

On June 21-22, 2011, Ashoka brought together an unprecedented number of changemakers from across Europe and the globe to work together to tackle some of the biggest challenges our society faces. One of the most critical and yet highly solvable issues is how to prepare our global workforce to thrive in the turbulent and rapidly changing 21st century. The rate of change in the information economy is accelerating so rapidly that many types of jobs and knowledge become obsolete every few years. Workers need to reinvent themselves and continually adapt to the new societal patterns that are being set as quickly as they are being disrupted. Employers must continually advance their human capital strategy and culture in order to stay ahead of all the change around them.

A new X factor for success in the workforce of the 21 st century is the skill of being a changemaker. Changemakers see problems as opportunities and thrive on change. But for an organization to identify, source, attract, retain and deploy such talent, it has to understand who changemakers are and what makes them tick.
Accenture recognizes that skills like being a changemaker are a driver of economic empowerment for individuals and communities alike, and today, the need is even greater than ever to have the right skills to build confidence and capabilities that will open doors to employment and independence. Accenture has set a goal for its corporate citizenship focus, Skills to Succeed by 2015, we will equip 250,000 people around the world with the skills to get a job or build a business Skill to Succeed reflects Accentures commitment to make a sustainable difference to the long-term resilience of individuals, families and communities around the world.

What are changemakers looking for? What drives them? What skills and mindset do they bring to their work? What does this mean for the culture and mission of the organization?...This Insights document attempts to answer these and other questions by summarizing perspectives that some of the leaders in talent management shared at the June 2011 Ashoka gathering. We are starting this conversation on the topic of changemaker talent but look forward to continuing the dialogue with you by opening up other threads to round out the picture of how to evolve human capital strategies to embrace changemakers exploring topics such as leadership, organizational structure, and culture 2

We live in a global economy characterized by risk and volatility, that is returning to growth
From Risk and Volatility to Growth

Economic Growth>

Short & Medium Term

Horizons 1 & 2 > Managing through the recovery

Long Term
Horizon 3 > Riding the waves of growth

Risk and volatility

Trend 1

Global war for talent

Trend 2 Emerging market capital Trend 2 Trend 2 Trend 2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Resource squeeze Emerging consumers

Multi-technology future
10 11 12 13 14 15

Time (years) >

Source: New Waves of Growth, Accenture Institute for High Performance, 2011

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Harnessing the multi-speed recovery led by emerging markets Managing in an era of trade tensions and currency wars Facing post-crisis headwinds Adapting to new customers and changed customers Coping with higher inflation and facing new resource economy Riding the waves of information communication technology and multidisciplinary science

High Performing Organizations recognize that Talent is critical for strategic advantage in this economy
Examples for addressing macro economic trends in the market
Building new skills faster and with new techniques - IT savvy talent at all levels of the organization - Digital literacy of silver workforces
Multi-technology Future

- Analytical, technical and green skills

Use of crowd sourcing and mobile technology to extend reach for talent
Emerging Consumers

Growing talent pools in future Growth areas, e.g. nursing, residential care, etc.

Widen labor pools and productivity among older generations

Resource Squeeze

Adjusting talent strategies and programs to longer working lives

Retaining older workforces in customer facing roles to match increasing silver economy

Enforcing a shift in leadership focus and behaviors - Leading in a networked organization

Emerging Market capital

- Reducing time managing businesses, focusing on developing distinctive business capabilities

So they build and implement a Human Capital Strategy to define a clear vision on how to build and enable distinctive capabilities and talent

Key human capital levers for responding to trends and jumping the Talent and Capabilities S curve


Improving leadership diversity, developing leadership at all levels within the organization and a common values-based framework that aligns across culture, talent and organization


Recognizing and integrating the power of social media, cloud technology and the norms of how work will get done in the future


Attracting, developing and deploying top talent at the right location - matching supply and demand on a global scale; having a clear view of the workforce of the future Finding the right global operating model to balance varied growth needs in different regions; building organization agility to adapt and respond and serve
Understanding what the high-performance organization looks like and a Human Capital Strategy required to enable it

Operating Model

Talent management has become more complex and turbulent than ever before
The pace of change at workplace level causes emergence of new skill requirements, obsolescence of qualifications, alteration of skills and competencies composition of occupations, multitasking and emergence of new and hybrid occupations, incidence of skill shortages and gaps. Global abundance but local scarcity of talent Fewer young workers and more older workers Rising demand for new skills with growing deficits in basic skills More diverse workforces and more distributed workforces New work arrangements and career expectations.
HR faces challenges of managing resources in a dynamic and changing environment, where skills are changing on an ongoing basis, resulting in a shortage of employable basic skills, with employees who place emphasis on work-life balance and career development, rather than lifetime engagement with one organization. Proactive talent management initiatives & framework are required and HR practices would need to support it.

New demands on talent require new thinking on talent management

Different Skill Set Required
Employers seek: Critical thinking and asking the right questions Initiative and entrepreneurialism Leading work through influence Adaptability and learning skills Imaginative, engaged employees
Jobs that exist today will not exist in the near future. Jobs that will be prevalent in the near future do not exist yet today "I can guarantee the job I hire someone to do will change or may not exist in the future, so this is why adaptability and learning skills are more important than technical skills." - Clay Parker, BOC Edwards

Knowledge and Jobs Obsolescence

Shrinking Pool of Sought-after Talent

Employers in some countries are having a though time filling jobs in spite of higher unemployment in the global recession: e.g. in Germany, 35% of employers are having difficulties filling jobs in 2009 vs. 27% in 20073 Shrinking skills market. Capacity levels of technical staff is close to 100% with less than 5% spare capacity in the industry as a whole 4 Increasingly, talent is open to careers in all sectors and will frequently switch not only jobs but also sectors as the proliferation of citizen sector and government jobs continues e.g. 18% of graduates from Harvard University applied for jobs at Teach for America 5 Top-rated engineering & science graduates receive offers from a wider variety of employers today (e.g. large consulting or technology firms, ...)

More Options for Potential Employees

Different Values of Younger Workers

"We are willing and not afraid to challenge the status quo. An environment where creativity and independent thinking are looked upon as a positive is appealing to people my age. We're very independent and tech savvy." - Generation Y* Employee 6 In 2009, only 45% of US employees were happy in their jobs, down from 61% in 19877

Sources: 1; 2 StatSA; 3Manpower, 4 South African Assoc of Consulting Engineers Dec 2006; 5Teach for America. 6 USA Today. 7Conference Board.

Changemaker talent now exists in every type of organization

I saw a problem in our stores with how we were unnecessarily creating waste by giving customers plastic shopping bags whether they needed them or not. So I formed a team with store managers, customer relations heads and other colleagues to develop a better approach. We came up with a new protocol for cashiers of asking Would you like a bag with your purchase? After convincing our managers of our idea, weve now rolled it out in all our stores; were better stewarding the environment and also saving money.
I saw a need in our community for at-risk youth to have the opportunity to learn onthe-job skills while also having real-world work experience that can help them in their education and careers. So I got together with my colleagues in the catalogue department and we created a new program to recruit and support at-risk youth in catalogue sales. I worked with the HR team to design a learning/development program specially for these young people while at the same time giving them a voice and a role in starting their own initiatives in the organization. Were developing quality employees while also having impact in the low-income communities.

A changemaker is an individual who, through his/her own ideas, initiatives and efforts, creates positive change
Changemakers are driven both by a desire to address a need in their workplace or community and by a desire to make meaningful contributions for the greater good. They are problem solvers, have creative ideas, take initiatives, lead and/or engage others in their initiative, care about making a positive difference, have empathy, and view problems as an opportunity for creating positive change. Resilience Entrepreneurship Leadership

Team work

Creative thinking

Social-emotional intelligence Ethical fiber


Leaders have to have the sensitivity, openness and skills to cope with new demands, and to build it in to their business thinking and their own role...this is quite a dramatic shift. (Paul Bulcke, Nestle)

Future capabilities will be very different, and will put a premium on lateral thinking and cross-functional, collaborative problem solving(Jeffrey Swartz, Timberland) 10

Changemakers will require the organization to rethink their talent management strategy
Talent Management is an organization's ability to create and continuously optimize the talent resources needed to execute on business strategies

Business/ Workforce Alignment


Workforce Talent Strategy

Workforce Performance Results

Attract Attract and and source talent source talent

Talent potential

Business Strategy

Talent needs

Talent right place right time

Workforce Innovation
* Source: Peter Cheese, Robert J. Thomas, & Elizabeth Craig.. The Talent Powered Organization: Strategies for Globalization, Talent Management and High Performance. London: Kogan Page Limited.


Business Results



1. View problems as opportunities

Deploy Talent right place right time

Changemakers look at problems and see opportunities. Rather than shying away, they take on problems and enjoy both the journey and the end in problem-solving. changemakers know their opportunity comes from finding the solution.

2. Write their own job description

Changemakers want to set their own path in life. This means they figure out the jobs they need to do and they write their own job description. This does not mean that they ignore others (bosses, co-workers) and just do what they want. It means is they have a plan and a vision of where they want to go. The best changemakers get others around them play from the same score.

3. Challenge their fears

Going after big problems often means going where others have never ventured. This is scary. But changemakers keep focused on a bigger vision: the results will make the journey worthwhile. They build a team of allies and mentors to share in that vision and help them through the tough times.

4. Tend toward action

Changemakers dare to put their ideas into action, and continue to work through challenges and refine the plan until they reach success.

5. Leverage for maximum impact

Changemakers are able to shoot for big opportunities because they use their creativity and persuasiveness to get others to help. Changemakers figure out what they want to do first and then find the jujitsu the lever they can pull to turn a small action into big impact.

6. Driven by impact for the greater good

Changemakers are motivated mostly by their attempt to answer the question: How will the world be different because I am here.? 12

Develop Talent potential

Define Talent needs

Changemakers have characteristics that set them apart

Discover Attract Attract and and source talent source talent

Changemaker Skills Entrepreneurship


Deploy Talent right place right time

Have led change in society or in the institutions where they work. Have innovative and disruptive ideas that they see through to impact.


Have the ability to inspire people and bring them along with their idea. Know how to drive a team, how to build performance and achieve their plans by motivating and inspiring people.
Have the capacity to put themselves into anothers shoes to better understand their life, expectations and feelings so that they make the relationship work.



Able to engage and work well with team members, and contribute successfully to making the whole greater than the sum of its parts.
Smart and open in how they work with people; able to understand and connect with others. .

Social-emotional intelligence

Creative thinking

Can think forward and imagine. Can extend their minds and push forward from where they have been. Are very comfortable in working with a blank sheet of paper.
Have the capacity to cope with difficult moments or failure, and despite the adversity will make the best out of challenges in their life and their work experiences.


Ethical fiber

Are driving by ethics to do their work. They take ethics as a key criterion in how they set and meet their goals.

* More than 70% of 524 leaders surveyed by Accenture report that resilience is a key factor in determining who to retain in their company. Source: Accenture Global Research 2010 Women Leaders and Resilience: Perspectives from the C-Suite


Develop Talent potential

Define Talent needs

and have skills that are important in any line of work

Discover Attract Attract and and source talent source talent

Attracting changemaker talent

Talent in particular changemaker talent is seeking meaning and purpose in their day-to-day job, and the space and support to take initiative. As talent across the board moves from sector to sector, considering all employer options, it creates greater competition for all talent.

Over the last 20 years, there has been a gradual shift in power from employer to employee and from employees being the highest cost to the greatest asset who can afford to be more discerning and to shop around for the best value proposition. As a result of the perfect talent storm where demand outstrips supply of critical skills and leaders, there is a greater necessity for organizations to become more attractive to talented individuals and to build a culture of high performance, engagement and growth. Organizations can only compete for the best if they join the Employer of Choice band wagon and create a work environment that people really want to work and interact in. The rationale goes that the more attractive the organization is to potential and actual employees, the higher level of skill and talent they will be able to attract and keep and the better the performance and results will be. The explosive growth in access to information across the globe, the internet, job search sites and social networking and blogging sites, allows for talent to search and compare jobs and salary packages on a daily basis.
Organizations would need to become more competitive with their range of employment offerings, flexible remuneration and benefits packages as well as the less tangible, softer factors such as the quality of leadership, communication, reputation, development opportunities, a great culture, health, safety and environment philosophies, and, very importantly, the mission and vision that drives the organization accompanied by the space and opportunity for their staff to take initiative and be changemakers. .


Sourcing Changemaker Talent

Sourcing talent is the process of proactively seeking out candidates to fill current or future positions within an organization. It is a way to identify and attract not only those job candidates who are actively looking for new opportunities but also passive candidates, qualified individuals who are not seeking a new job opportunity. While technology is changing the game of sourcing talent, ultimate success requires new recruiting and sourcing strategies, better ways to utilize the latest technologies, and more highly skilled recruiters that are partners in the process. New methods for sourcing talent include leveraging social media for recruiting. Organizational leadership can actively encourage their current employees to connect internally and externally using social media while monitoring their reputation as an employer.

At the far end of talent sourcing are the phenomena of open sourcing and crowd sourcing which enable organizations to source free brainpower via the internet. Some companies use these new sourcing methods: Procter & Gamble posts problems on a website called InnoCentive, offering cash rewards to more than 90,000 solvers. Cambrian House applies a crowdsourcing model to identify and develop profitable software ideas using a simple voting model. A Swarm of Angels uses a swarm of subscribers to help fund, make, contribute, and distribute a 1 million feature film using the internet and all digital technologies.


Employers can both source and build the pool of changemakers by upstreaming
ILLUSTRATIVE Organization Initiative
Youth Venture is building a pipeline of changemaker talent and the bridge between this new breed of talent and the employers that need them. YV inspires and supports teams of young people to launch and lead their own civic-minded organizations and businesses. Through the experience of social entrepreneurship young people learn the critical skills of leadership, teamwork, empathy and entrepreneurship, which will be critical to their success now and in the future. YVs talent placement and employer engagement programs allow employers to mentor and engage with the next generation of talent, thereby generating both relationships and new insights into their future talent prospects.

The Renault Foundation actively participates in educating and developing young talent. In collaboration with top university engineering programs they have created specific M.B.A. and Master courses around mobility, electric vehicles and sustainable transport. Sekem have just set up their own University Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development. It will open in Autum 2010 with bachelor courses focused around organic agriculture, pharmacy, sustainable economics and engineering (renewable energies, water management, mechatronics). It will help develop future generations with the appropriate skills and mindsets to innovative and bring unique approaches for solving pressing community problems

PPR SolidarCit, PPR foundation founded in 2001, support social and citizen initiatives and is mobilized around entrepreneurial initiatives focused on education and integration. SolidarCit offers scholarships to award winners (a 50 000 financial support) with a human & professional mentorship ensured personally by leaders of the Group. Award winners selection is based on 3 criteria: the entrepreneurial qualities of the candidate, the project economic viability and its social value added.


Meanwhile, social entrepreneurs are redefining standards of how people present their skills and how employers find and vet talent
ILLUSTRATIVE Organization Initiative
IQ Consult is developing both a new standard for how job applicants present their changemaker skills and other qualifications for a job but also a pathway for how they can attain these skills.

Mozaik builds the bridge between traditionally overlooked talent from low-income/immigrant communities and employers that would benefit from the changemaker skill sets and mindsets of many of these talented individuals. Employers find that when they hire frequently overlooked changemaker talent their new hires are generally highly motivated to have impact and also to prove that they merited the risk of hiring them

Living Transcript is a new initiative to capture systematically and present the changemaking experience, skills and accomplishments of any individual over time. The Living Transcript will be a living document that would replace the CV/resume.


Organization may rethink the notions of work, hierarchy, accountability, work location, recognition, performance, etc.

The way of living & working of the new generation (generation Y) disturb and put a stop to old managerial practices yet well set.

In order to attract and retain changemaker profiles, enterprises have to make organization & management style evolving.
Leader function/role: The leader function/role has to be redefined Management style: Managers have to take into account not only the culture but also the motivation, personality and values of people with who they work. Employee empowerment: The scope of employees autonomy should be enlarged and enterprises must give the opportunity to let people contribute to key business decisions

Professional and personal growth opportunities. They value lifelong learning.Employers should provide them with an internal or external Mentor/Coach and offer them the possibility to impart themselves their knowledge.. Employers can retain workers longer -while leveraging that entrepreneurial sprit -- by developing incubator and intrapreneurship programs and opportunities.
Promotion system: Promotion has to be based on skills, emotional intelligence (capacity to help others and make them grow) and not on seniority. For managers, personal work must come a distant second to developing employees both personally and professionally.


A key factor in attracting & sourcing changemaker talent is having a well-articulated employee value proposition :
An improvement of the employees engagement A management system more efficient and more adapted to the individual employees expectations A frame of reference to adapt and modify the HR policy
2. People
Management style
Number of meetings per department and by week Way of supervisory control (participative/directive) Degree of autonomy

1. Work content
Jobs type in the organization
Jobs with strong added value Jobs implying innovation

3. Reward & Compensation

Level of salary of young recruits Level of training of young people Career management system Performance management Equitable reward & recognition system (collective/ individual) Motivational incentive schemes for stretch results Differentiated rewards for superior performance and value Team-based rewards and incentives flexible work arrangements,

Nature of tasks to be carried out Associated status Degree of autonomy of young people
Number of executives aged between 25 et 35 years old Number of 25-35 years old managing projects

Flexibility in the organization Ways of working Relationship with other employees Nature of interactions with clients Nature of social climate

4. Work environment
Means of transport / access
Average time of trip

5. Opportunities
Opportunities to evolve horizontally, vertically and at national / international scale Transversal project opportunities Training offer Flexible jobs depth & breadth Qualifications, in-house bursary schemes, graduate programs, apprenticeships, On-the-job Variety of career paths

6. Culture
Company values Employer image Temps de travail
Number of hours worked per week

Location Premises Respect of private life/professional life balance Type of services offered at work

Vacation subsidies discount gym memberships, child care center, Homeworking

Ways of collaboration Social & societal engagements Diversity / Handicap / Sustainable development Conducive environment for interacting, learning and having fun

Proposed technological tools


Each organization will have a unique employee value proposition based on its culture and core competencies
Organization Initiative ILLUSTRATIVE
Ashoka realized that if it wanted to continue to reinvent itself and tackle new ambitious goals it needed its staff to reflect qualities of the social entrepreneurs as well as the historic opportunity it served. To attract social entrepreneurs to work for Ashoka instead of running their own venture, Ashoka has had to present itself as a challenge and a platform for entrepreneurs to start and run their system-change initiatives, rather than to fill a defined position. Ashoka is increasingly known as a platform and incubator of talent that other organizations seek to learn from (and even recruit from).

Deloitte has created a 2-year placement program for Deloitte hires to work with a social entrepreneur after 1-2 years at Deloitte, with a soft commitment to come back afterwards. Employees have the opportunity to develop their changemaker skills while working on a cause they are passionate about.

Thrivent Financial has a unique opportunity for entry-level employees that allows them to do a tour around the world to work on specific finance-related social impact projects while developing skills in problemsolving, communications, teamwork, leadership, etc.


Retaining changemaker talent through entrepreneurial growth inside the organization

As job security continues to decline and organizations are continually reinventing themselves and the jobs they hire for in order to keep pace with accelerating change, employment will become increasingly the equivalent of entrepreneurship. Each individual worker will become a start up who will invent, adapt and reinvent their job regularly. Becoming a staff of entrepreneurs means not only innovation, rapid adapting, and change, but it also means that employees are far less likely to sit still when it comes to staying with their employer. If an employer wants to retain its changemaker talent then it now has to figure out how to feed the entrepreneurial fire by giving the space and support for its employees to do what they love taking initiative, mobilizing others and creating change for the greater good.
A common refrain from changemaker employees is I felt stifled in my job. Or, I didnt feel like I was having any impact. How can employers harness the innovation and entrepreneurship of its employees without stifling them or their quest for meaning and purpose in their work?


Will likely catalyze organizational redesign

The new generation will demand a shift away from "command and control" reporting lines to more cooperative-based leadership models that provide greater autonomy and freedom of choice in the way work is performed. Now temporary, purpose-based worker groupings emerge and flatter reporting structures are the upshot. Having a flat structure where everyone can talk to everyone encourages innovation. In addition, the organization will have to promote work in projects and on teams (not hierarchical). Project duration must be quite short. The pyramid management structure will have to be slowly be replaced by a networked organizational design which stands for the next evolutionary step for today's "matrixed" organization.
In a network structure work will be organized into projects, and, in turn, projects are grouped into portfolios (i.e., node in the network) of like kind. Execution of the projects within a portfolio will be performed by workers who are assigned to the portfolio, in a "Just-In-Time" fashion.

Key knowledge workers may be permanently assigned to a portfolio (so to allow for needed deep intimacy and understanding of a portfolio's particular subject matter), while others may be temporarily assigned to play a particular project role for a specified duration. This allows an organization to better leverage its subject matter expertise across all of its portfolios.


Organizations of changemakers will have a unique path for each employee, who will work in teams rather than in a box.

In managing talent, most firms still use one-size-fits-all HR and management practices. With today's diverse workforces, this approach is preventing organizations from attracting, retaining, and leveraging top talent especially highly entrepreneurial changemaker talent..
Employees desire for individuality, personal growth, and self-realization require crafting tailored practices to bring out their best in a systematic, manageable, and thoughtful way The organizations have to develop & propose an offer tailored to employees needs and desire to have the space and support to take initiative (in terms of training, recognition, compensation, decision-making, performance appraisals, etc.) for different types of employees, which has to be attractive and consistent with employees wishes in terms of professional and personal development, and impact.

Organizations will move from HR-driven customization (e.g. workforce segmentation) toward employee-driven customization (e.g. peer-to-peer management and learning) The hierarchy of organizations will evolve from top-down to a team of teams structure, in which employees will join teams that achieve different organizational priorities, which intersect and work together in pursuing cross cutting organizational goals.


The unique employee path will evolve from segmentation to employee-defined personalization

If companies can figure out a way to acknowledge and respect the uniqueness of each person and then figure out how to do that in a reliable and scalable way we will make an enormous impact on individual employees success and on our 24 companies collective success. The paradox is that we need to establish a norm that is itself abnormal. Joe Kalkman, Leader of HR Centers of Excellence, Best Buy


Organizations can foster a unique employee path in each aspect of HR management

Individual users define and often drive highly personalized practices like peer-to-peer learning through wikis, coaching and informal feedback that are woven into the fabric of business. HR encourages and supports them, rather than strictly defines them. HR supports individuals in defining their own personalized people practices Ways to foster employee-defined personalization
Time Learning and innovation Recruiting Shift trading, Paid time off donations P2P learning, knowledge markets, social networks, experience-based learning, simulated games Employee referrals, social networks, relationship recruiting

Compensation Performance feedback & recognition Workplace Mentoring & coaching Jobs & careers

Job auctions Informal feedback/praise from manager or P2P

Workers define their environment Traditional and self-coaching technology

Bottom-up career path profiling Employee-defined job titles Open talent market and horizontal social networks Job swapping and rotations


Retaining changemaker talent

Selected strategies

Experience-Based or Peer-to-Peer Learning


Employees work in a completely open environment so that novice employees can observe and shadow experienced employees.

Uses wikis, blogs, communities of practice and other peer-generated content, like short videos that capture what experienced employees are doing.

Fluid & Customized Career Movement

Allows employees and external people wanting to work at Intel to post their ideal job and see if someone inside the company can create it.

Anyone with a new project idea can propose it to a board of senior managers; approved projects are then posted on an internal network and anyone interested in the project is encouraged to volunteer to work on it. Project leaders build their teams from among these volunteers. Also has well-established open global electronic job-posting system that allows individual hiring employees and prospective job candidates to find one another

The way to become a manager is by finding people that want to work for you. 26

Retaining changemaker talent

Selected strategies (cont.)
Organization ILLUSTRATIVE Initiative
An employee can identify another employee and offer to swap jobs they train one another and trade when ready. Lets new recruits roam through the company for a year, searching for the place that best suits their individual strengths and interests. Line managers get together at least twice a year to discuss many employees personal strengths, weaknesses and interests, as well as what new opportunities in other parts of the organization, or under the supervision of other managers, might best suit their employees. Instead of creating pre-defined career paths, Taleos software lets you use transfer and promotion histories captured by the system to identify the actual career paths taken by others with similar skills, preferences and roles within the organization. Then employees can network with those employees, using trading card like profiles in a social network that identify peoples personal characteristics.


Informal feedback
To support frequent informal feedback, provides information systems that permit managers and employees to record informal feedback confidentially

Creating networks for fluid job movement & knowledge sharing

Heavily used sports activities and networks are the primary way people communicate across boundaries to fluidly change jobs and share knowledge.

Analyzes e-mail to determine what employees are doing and what they know. The system will then list people associated with certain topics in their knowledge data base so that others can find an expert on a particular area. If you are looking to connect with this expert, the system will then help you facilitate an introduction by telling you how many degrees of separation there are between you and the other person.

Retaining changemaker talent

Selected strategies

Organization Social intrapreneurship


Staples and Ashoka have piloted a new program for managers to mentor young changemakers from the Ashoka network, with the idea that mentoring leads to changemaker skill development in both the mentee and the Staples manager. By offering greater exposure to changemakers Staples and Ashoka hope to better equip managers to help changemaker talent thrive. Though time-intensive to manage, the mentoring relationships have been valued by both mentor and mentee.

Ben & Jerrys created a Scoopers Making Change program to support the store employees (scoopers) to develop changemaker skills while creating community impact by designing, launching and leading their own social ventures. The scoopers were mentored by store managers and other staff and even engaged the companys founders. Ben & Jerrys gained greater loyalty from their scoopers while also benefiting from the problem-solving, leadership, communication, and other skills the scoopers developed.

Best Buy makes an Inspired Workforce central to its corporate and social change strategy. It encourages employees social change efforts by investing money in the employees projects, by encouraging employees to start their own internal initiatives (e.g. Geek Squad), by including social impact in employees performance reviews, and by giving room to each store team to be entrepreneurial.


Key elements to foster a changemaker culture in an organization

Define the elements of your culture Companies need to focus innovation-related activities around the three principal elements of corporate culture: core values, beliefs, and norms.
Redefine the role of leaders An important role of a companys leaders is to communicate and reinforce the core values, beliefs, and norms of corporate culture. Company leaders also serve as role models to the employees who look to them to provide inspiration, support for their ideas, and the guidance required to excel.

Foster collaboration Innovative ideas, by definition, rarely confine themselves to a single group, but instead require support throughout the company. For instance : Create a regular schedule of mini-conferences where internal groups present their ideas to one another. Have structured brainstorming sessions opened to all employees and between different business units.
Encourage employees and create recognition & reward programs A truly innovative culture must make employees aware that the failure of a new idea or initiative will not affect their position within the firm Individuals are generally driven by the excitement of seeing their ideas transformed into something of value: individuals incentives should include both financial and intrinsic incentives.

Create a change management team The change management teams primary responsibility is to obtain companywide support for the change effort. The change management team should also be given the authority to allocate resources to specific strategic areas and to terminate projects that are deemed unnecessary 29

Fostering a changemaker culture in an organization

Selected strategies
3M has implemented with success an organizational culture that fosters innovation. Here are some of the recipes 3M used:

1.Recruiting and Retaining Talent 3M recruits people who are creative and have broad range of interests. It is thought that people with broad range of interests are willing to learn and explore new ideas. 3M codified six traits of innovative people in its recruitment brochure: Creativity, Broad interests, Selfmotivated, Resourceful, Hard working, Problem solvers. 2. Creating a Challenging Environment New business units were spun off. These newly established divisions had to develop new products and find new markets independently. This Renewal process increased the diversification of 3M. 3.Knowledge Sharing 3M encourages staffs to network, interact and share their knowledge and problem. 4.Rewarding Innovation 3M rewards its staff for being innovative. The dual career ladder paths allow technical staffs to be promoted to the role of vicepresident level without taking administrative or managerial responsibilities. 5.Mentors, Sponsors and Champions 3M has a mentor, sponsor and champion program. Champions have strong credibility and are persuasive lobbyists for new ideas and products. They are willing to take risks and those successfully mentored often later successfully mentor others. 6.Give people room they need. Staffs are given time, incentives, job security and room to experiment. This is illustrated in the 15 Percent Rule where technical staffs spend up to 15% of their time on projects of their own choosing or initiatives.

Fostering a changemaker culture in an organization

Selected strategies (cont.)


Google too has implemented with success an organizational culture which foster innovation. Here are some of the recipes Google used:
1. Free Thinking Time Google gives all engineers one day a week to develop their pet projects. Such free days can be accumulated if work gets in the way. 20% of a Google employees work week is spent on something that interests them. It gives them a chance to try new things, and explore different possibilities, and be innovative. The results have been spectacular. Gmail, Google News, Google Maps, Orkut, and Google Earth, are all pet projects of employees during their 20% time. Pet projects do not have to be aligned with Googles central mission. GoogleNews was produced in this process. The Idea as List An idea list is available company-wide for the inputting and vetting of thoughts on technology and business ideas. Open Office Hours Managers open their office for discussions with staffs two to three times a week. The Google personalized homepage was produced in this process. Big Brain Storms Brainstorming sessions consisting of about 100 engineers are conducted eight times yearly. In these sessions, six concepts are pitched and discussed for ten minutes each. The goal is to build an initial idea with at least one complimentary idea per minute. Idea Acquisition Companies with interesting initiatives are acquired by Google. The company Keyhole that it bought in 2004 allowed Google to offer maps with satellite imagery in Google Earth





Fostering a changemaker culture

Selected strategies (cont.)
Organization Initiative
A 100-year old bank in Spain, Banca Civica has completely reinvented itself as a driving force for social change by co-creating with its customers a civic engagement strategy that involves each customer contributing 30% of the banks earnings from the customers accounts toward the social change initiative of the customers choosing. Employees take on a wide range of social change initiatives often in collaboration with the customers. The mentality and day-to-day work of Banca Civica employees is as much about leading initiatives to foster social impact as it is about providing financial services, which leads to a highly engaged, changemaker culture and a strong sense of mission and purpose


Ashoka created a Fail Fair to celebrate and learn from each others failures. Ashoka staff members are given the opportunity to present and discuss their failures with the group and to draw lessons and new approaches from the experience. Ashoka employees are likely to fear failure and thus more likely to take risks and start new initiatives with the support and encouragement of coworkers.

Boerhinger Ingelheim changed its performance evaluation from focusing almost entirely on sales/market share to now include 50% weight to innovation and sharing in the organization. Evaluations are done by both the manager and the peer group to encourage collegiality and sharing. Complementing this with new approaches to help employees develop their spark for changemaking. BI is making progress in reorienting leadership development, talent management and diversity. Through a new partnership with Ashoka, BI will enhance its efforts by leveraging the Ashoka changemaker network


Appendix: Tools for changemaker organizations

Tools Description

1. List of hiring criteria Ashoka Lays out the criteria for Ashoka hires

2. Candidate interview scorecard Ashoka

Provides a template for how interviewers assess the qualities of the candidate, based on Ashokas changemaker hiring criteria
Contains all the questions Ashoka asks prospective hires to answer and other information when they apply

3. Employment application Ashoka

4. Reference check questionnaire Ashoka 5. Selection Process Ashoka 6. Balance scorecard Ashoka

Lists the typical questions that Ashoka would ask a candidates references a key part of Ashokas hiring Describes the steps of the Ashoka hiring process for a candidate Evaluates and progresses staff based on their changemaking experience and impact Template performance review document for staff annual reviews and new performance agreement for the folloing year

7. Performance review and agreement Ashoka

8. The Living Transcript Social entrepreneur Laura White

Changes the standard for how individuals present their experience, skills and qualifications in light of their changemaker skills, experience and impact


1. List of hiring criteria Ashoka


2. Candidate interview scorecard Ashoka


3. Employment application Ashoka (1/4)


3. Employment application Ashoka (2/4)


3. Employment application Ashoka (3/4)


3. Employment application Ashoka (4/4)


4. Reference check questionnaire Ashoka (1/2)


4. Reference check questionnaire Ashoka (2/2)


5. Selection process Ashoka


6. Balanced scorecard Ashoka (1/3)


6. Balanced scorecard Ashoka (2/3)


6. Balanced scorecard Ashoka (3/3)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (1/7)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (2/7)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (3/7)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (4/7)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (5/7)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (6/7)


7. Performance review & agreement Ashoka (7/7)


8. The Living Transcript (1/5)


8. The Living Transcript (2/5)


8. The Living Transcript (3/5)


8. The Living Transcript (4/5)


8. The Living Transcript (5/5)


Contributors (1/2)
Gretchen Zucker Executive Director, Ashokas Youth Venture Gretchen Zucker is the Executive Director of Ashokas Youth Venture, a global organization that cultivates the entrepreneurial, changemaker talent needed for the success of all parts of society corporate, civil and government. She began her career focusing on development in Africa, first at USAID, then in the Ethiopian embassy in Washington, and later in the Ethiopian Investment Authority in Addis Ababa. Gretchen helped launch the US arm of Tigray Development Association, headquartered in Tigray, Ethiopia. She was co-founder of Her House, which designed, financed and built houses by women for single mothers and raised awareness of issues involving women and housing. She was also a management consultant with McKinsey & Co. And she led the Innovative Learning Initiative at Ashoka. Gretchen received a BA from Ohio State University, a Masters of Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and an MBA from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Armelle Carminati-Rabasse Human Capital & Diversity, global managing director After 20 years of Consulting practice, coming from the position of Managing Director for Accentures European Retail, Armelle has been appointed in 2006 Human Capital & Diversity Global Managing Director for Accenture worldwide. From Nov. 2005 she joined the Executive Committee of Accenture France, as Vice-President for Engagement & Diversity, together with keeping leadership on the France women initiative of Accenture Accent sur Elles. She is the Chair(wo)man of the Accenture Foundation in France and the President of the Diversity Committee of the MEDEF (the French CEOs union). She holds a Master of Engineering (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France and Cornell University, USA) and has been honored as Chevalier de la Lgion dHonneur. She is married and has three children


Contributors (2/2)
Lisa H. Neuberger-Fernandez Director of Corporate Citizenship Programs, Accenture

As Director of Corporate Citizenship Programs, Lisa is responsible for defining and driving measurable results of Accentures corporate citizenship strategy in the areas of Skills to Succeed, environmental stewardship, and transparency on non-financial performance. She has worked in sustainability since 2007 when she led a seventy-five person team of Accenture volunteers to win first place in the Net Impact Green Challenge competition. She subsequently became the companys first US Eco Lead and a Sustainability Business Development lead driving top and bottom-line value for Accentures Communications & High Tech (CHT) clients through green data centers, sustainable supply chains, green product innovation and cleantech strategies.Prior to that, she spent ten years as a strategy consultant with Accenture, developing and implementing business strategies and performance management frameworks with clients in diverse sectors including government, nonprofit, communications & high tech, and financial services. She also played social intrapreneurial roles managing teams that launched a nonprofit consulting organization (, the US Eco Program, and a patented Public Service Value ROI model and consulting practice area. She lives in Washington, DC, with her husband and daughter. . Ericka Cogne Corporate citizenship manager, Accenture
As Corporate Citizenship Manager for France & Benelux , Ericka is responsible for defining and driving Corporate citizenship programs in alignment with the Skills to Succeed & environmental stewardship strategy. She has joined the Corporate Citizenship team in last March, after 4 years of consulting within the Talent & Organization Performance practice with consulting missions mainly for product industry clients. She holds a Master of Business with a specialization in Human Performance management. She lives in Paris and is single.


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