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2023 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom)

2023 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom) | 979-8-3503-3333-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MetaCom57706.2023.00081

An Implementation and Analysis of Zero

Knowledge Based E-Voting Solution With Proof of
Vote on Public Ethereum Blockchain
Roshan Singh, Sukumar Nandi and Sunit Kumar Nandi
Department of CSE, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India,,

Abstract—Transparent e-voting is one of the applications that II. R ELATED W ORKS

the turing complete public blockchain aspires to deliver by as-
suring verifiable votes. Public blockchains are much transparent,
secure and have better auditing. In Blockchain based e-voting a E-voting is well studied in the literature[4][3][1]. However,
voter identity is established with his account, whereas one account as because of the issues associated with a centralised solution,
can cast a vote which leaves scope for user identity binding based interests has been growing towards decentralised approaches.
on other activities on the blockchain. In this work we propose
a privacy preserving and anonymous e-voting approach on the There exists a number of works which proposes to use decen-
public blockchain. We introduce the concept of Proof of Vote. tralised technologies for e-voting[10][8][6]. Kiayias and Yung
proposed a novel dispute-free, self-tallying, and fault tolerant
voting scheme which supported perfect ballot secrecy[7]. The
I. I NTRODUCTION scheme was for a boardroom election. A boardroom election
is a small scale election where the scheme is usually run by
Till date we see a significant number of voters failing to the voters themselves. In the proposed scheme the voter does
turnout to vote, thus affecting the election results sometimes. not select the randomness to be used in the ballot instead
There remains several reasons for failing to turnout, one of the random value is calculated in a distributed manner in a
the prominent reason is the need to travel to the polling booth pre-processing step. The scheme used a bulletin board for
to cast the vote [1]. E-voting is a technological advancement communication purposes among the entities in the election.
that offers the facility to an individual to cast the vote online The bulletin board authority was responsible for administering
across distances. One of the reasons for hesitance for the use the election, namely, it performed actions such as starting and
of e-voting on large scale is due to the cyber threats. With, in- terminating the election, and maintaining a registry of the
troduction of decentralised technologies such as blockchain we eligible voters and so on.
can design and develop e-voting solutions that can eliminate Open Vote Network[5] is a two round anonymous election
risks associated with the existing traditional e-voting solutions. that requires no trusted third parties neither voter-to-voter
The transparent, censorship resistance, highly available nature communications. It preserves anonymity of the users until
of the public blockchain makes it an ideal choice as an all the voters are compromised. In the first phase the voters
underlying platform for e-voting. Keeping the votes on the registers themselves and in the next phase vote casting is
public blockchain would allow anyone to verify the votes performed. McCorry et. al[9] were the first to provide an
and also the count of votes in the election. However, a voter implementation of a decentralised self tallying voting protocol.
would not like to reveal his identity because of various known The protocol was implemented on the Ethereum blockchain.
reasons, such as public judgement. Again a voter might need to The protocol runs through five stages namely
prove to a third party that he has participated in an election, if
the address of the voter gets revealed then the trusted third 1) SETUP : It involves enrollmenent of the voters and the
party may know to whom the voter has voted. In certain parties through the election administrator. The election
scenarios it may be required to identify the voter. Thus we adminstrator also sets up different timers such as start
introduce the concept of conditional privacy. Whereas, the time of the election and the time when the voting will
identity of the voter can be only reveled by the Election be closed.
Commission. In this work we consider the above mentioned 2) SIGNUP : The eligible voters can choose to register for
challenges and propose a zero knowledge blockchain based the vote after reviewing the voting question and other
solution for e-voting. The major contributions of this paper parameters set by the election administrator.
can be threefold:- 3) COMMIT (optional) : All voters publish a hash of their
vote on the blockchain.
1) Propose an anonymous e-voting approach. 4) VOTE : All voters publish their encrypted vote and one
2) Self tallying of votes. out of two zero knowledge proof that the vote is either
3) Zero knowledge proof of voting with group signatures. zero or one.

979-8-3503-3333-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 423

DOI 10.1109/MetaCom57706.2023.00081
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5) TALLY : The election administrator notifies Ethereum the registration of the political parties going to contest
to compute the tally. in the election. Like the voters political parties are also
In the line of research we in this work propose a blockchain allocated a blockchain address.
and smart contract enabled self-tallying scheme for e-voting. 3) Secret Proposal and Secret Selection - A voter provides a
The scheme allows a voter to cast a vote to his/her desired set of secrets n to the election commission. The election
party without revealing his/her identity. In real world democ- commission picks up one of the secret from the set of
racies under certain circumstances explanations are seeked for proposed secrets by a voter. The election commission
certain events from government and non-government organ- ensures that a picked secret is unique and is not used
isations. Keeping this in mind we introduce the notion of for other voters in the election. The channel between the
conditional privacy, in order to reveal the real identity of the voter and the election commission used for sharing the
voter as and when required. In our proposed scheme the voter secret is considered to be secure. The communication is
will be allowed to prove to yet another entity in the system made off the chain so no trace of the communication is
be it an another organisation that he has participated in an available on the blockchain.
election. 4) Contract Deployment - The election commission deploys
the Election contract which will be used to collect the
III. S YSTEM M ODEL votes. The election smart contract maintains the state
We identify the following four entities in our system. count for the votes casted for each political parties. The
election commission also deploys the Secret Verifica-
tion and Redeem smart contract for each voter. A secret
redeem contract for a voter contains a large multiplicand
which is a product of two large prime numbers. The
voter needs to provide a zero knowledge proof that
he knows the two primes which when multiplied with
each other gives the multiplicand encoded in the smart
contract. A voter uses the redeem smart contract to
redeem the token issued by the election commission.
Once, a voter redeems the token the secret verification
smart contract gets deactivated so that a voter cannot
generate duplicate tokens.
5) Proof Verification and Token Redeeming - A eligible
Fig. 1. Proposed System Framework voter provide a zero knowledge proof of knowing the
secret parameters. Upon successful submission of the
1) Voter - A person who is eligible and authorised to vote zero knowledge proof the token gets redeemed, which
for a political party in an election. the voter use to cast a vote. A voter generates a fresh
2) Election Commission - The trusted entity responsible address to redeem the token in order to break the link
for voter and political parties registration, deployment ability. The fresh address can be funded by the voter
of smart contracts for the election. using the mixing services.
3) Political Parties - The entities contending in the election. 6) Vote Casting - A voter uses its newly generated address
4) Stakeholders - Other government and private entities to which the token is redeemed to cast the vote, the voter
interested to learn that a person has voted for an election provides the address of the political party to which it
or not. Such as Ministry of Labor Reforms might wish wish to cast a vote. Upon a successful cast of vote the
to learn that a person has voted for an election inorder total vote count for the political party is incremented by
to give some incentives to the person thus further 1.
motivating eligible voter population to increase turnout. 7) Proof of Vote - The concept of group signature is utilised
to prove that a voter has voted in an election. The voters,
IV. S TEPS IN THE APPROACH political parties and the stakeholders form a group.
1) Registration - The election commission is responsible
for registration of the voters and the political parties. A V. P ROOF OF VOTE
voter approaches the election commission with requisite
details for the registration. In our use case scenario, the Election Commission acts
2) Permanent Address Allocation - The election commis- as the group manager. Election Commission generates and
sion verifies the details and issues a key pair along provides each voter participating in the election a secret key.
with the blockchain address. The mapping of the voter Only a valid voter can sign on behalf of the group, the
real identity to the blockchain address is only known signature can be verified with the group public key. In case of
to the election commission and is securely stored off any conflicts in the proof provided against a vote, the Election
the chain. The election commission is also entrusted for commission can disclose the real identity of the claimer who


Authorized licensed use limited to: Australian National University. Downloaded on November 15,2023 at 23:23:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
has provided the fake proof of vote and can initiate further d) p and q must be greater than the total number of
investigations. The group signature scheme works as follows:- voters. Thus ensuring token space is greater than
1) Setup: The election commission computes a signa- the voter space.
ture key pair KSP ub , KSP ri and encryption key pair A voter proposes a set of n denoted by N, whereas the
P ub P ri
KE , KE and publishes the two public keys as set N can have values :-
the group public key. A voter computes a membership
key z = f (s) where s is a random secret. The voter n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nk
signs z and sends it to the election commission. The
election commission returns the voter v = KSP ri (z) if . Considering the election commission to be a trusted
the voter has casted a vote in the election. The election entity it will pick up a n such that the n is unique and
commission can find out the information regarding a has not been allocated to any other voter. The election
voter who has voted or not from the token redeem commission will pick up an n from the set in a random
transaction made by the voter. fashion. If there arises a collision on the value of an n
2) Sign: The voter encrypts m its address with his mem- picked, the election commission will randomly pick up
P ub
bership key z by using KE and computes a proof p. next n from the remaining proposed value of n.
The voter proof consists of voter address.
3) Verification: If KSP ub (v) = f (s) then the signature is 2) Argue that a voter can mint one and atmost one token
proved to be valid. to vote
4) Disclose : The election commission decrypts the cipher Argument - A voter can generate a token if and only if
P ri
text E(m) by using KE to obtain the membership key he can provide a zero knowledge proof of possesing
thus disclosing the identity. a p and a q such that it produces an n when p*q.
Once, an election is over a voter might need to prove that Whereas p and q are secret parameters which a voter
he has participated in the election. Proof of Vote can be is responsible to keep undisclosed. Once a voter mints a
seeked by the government bodies inorder to provide certain token by providing a valid p and q, the zero knowledge
incentives and subsidies to a voter thus motivating the general proof contract gets deactivated such that no one even
eligible voter public to participate in the elections. Under such the election commission cannot call the contract to
circumstances a voter need to provide a proof of vote without generate new token from the same verification contract.
disclosing the party to whom it has voted. At the same time as the token generation functionality
is implemented on the blockchain it will be always
available to a valid voter for generating one and only
one token for an election. So, it is the sole responsibility
of the voter to keep its generated p and q private.
3) Argue that once a valid token is issued to a valid voter.
The voter cannot be denied to cast vote.
Argument - Upon successful generation of a token the
one time vote permission for the address associated
with token is unlocked. The voter can cast a vote by
passing the address of the party of his choice. The
voter cannot be denied to cast a vote as the cast vote
functionality is implemented on the blockchain and is
publicly verifiable.
Fig. 2. Sequence Diagram for Proof of Vote 4) Argue that token generation procedure does not leak
private parameters, i.e. p and q
Argument - The private parameters i.e. p and q are
VI. S OUNDNESS OF THE P ROPOSED A PPROACH not passed on to the verification function as a function
1) Argue that no duplicate token can be generated. parameter instead a zero knowledge proof representation
Argument - The generation of a token depends on the is passed on which does not disclose any information
fact that n should be unique, and should not be derivable about the private parameters p and q.
from any other previously generated value of n. Given 5) Argue that a voter can vote only once with a minted
that n is generated as; n = p * q, whereas p and q are token. Or a minted token should not be used to cast
large prime numbers. multiple votes.
a) Miller-Rabin primarility test to check whether the Argument - As soon as a vote is recorded against a token,
proposed number is a prime. the minted token gets expired and can no longer be used
b) Will ensure p is not equal to q. to cast a vote further. The cast vote and token expiry
c) The prime numbers p and q are chosen indepen- functionality is implemented in a deterministic way. So,
dently and sufficiently far apart. that as a vote is casted the token is bound to expire.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Australian National University. Downloaded on November 15,2023 at 23:23:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
6) Argue that voter profiling cannot be done by observing there n1 ,n2 such that p,q be the prime factors of n1
and analysing vote transactions on the blockchain. and p,r be the prime factor of n2 and q = r. If this is
Argument - As a voter casts a new vote from a newly the scenario, the one can easily find q and r. By the
generated address which does not have any trace on the prime number theorem, the number of n-bit prime is
blockchain except for the transaction that it has minted approximately 2n / (nlog2 ). If M people choose 2M
the vote token, it ensures that a voter casting votes for primes each n bits long, the probability of two of these
different election cannot be linked. primes being the same is roughly.
7) Argue that the fresh account will obtain the minimum
ETH required to perform the mandatory 2 transactions 22−n M nlog2
without breaking the unlinkability propoerty
Argument - A voter can transfer the minimum ETH value which has extremely negligible probability. Also, each
required for performing both the transactions:- voter generates their prime on their own device, we are
a) Token generation transaction thus able to eliminate the issue of faulty hardware.
b) Cast vote transaction 12) Argue that an ineligible voter cannot obtain a vote
token to redeem/vote .
via a zk coin mixing service which breaks the linkability
Argument - A set of vote tokens N is proposed by
between the sender and the receiver address.
a voter to the election commission through a secure
8) Argue that the political party be sure that the election
channel. The election commission picks up one vote
was fair.
token from N and deploys a verification smart contract.
Argument - For each vote casted the transaction is
Before deploying the verification smart contract for a
publicly verifiable by all the election parties, anonymous
voter, the election commission checks for the credibility
voters, election commission as well as by the general
of the voter for the election, if the voter address matches
public. As the vote counting procedure is also in pub-
in the list of eligible voter for the election then only the
lic domain and instantaneous the election commission
verification smart contract is deployed else the request
cannot be blamed for any discrepancies. Also, before
the election anyone is free to audit the code for any
13) Argue that a voter can prove that he has voted for the
election without revealing his identity.
9) Argue that Total number of votes ≤ Total number of
Argument - For a democracy participation in an elec-
token = Number of voters
tion is a high requirement for a better governance. A
Argument - The total number of votes casted in an
voter might need to prove that he has participated in
election can be at maximum equal to the total number of
an election in order to receive some incentives from
eligible voters, as each voter gets a single token to cast a
either the government or from any other bodies. All the
single vote. However, some voters may wish not to cast
stakeholders form a group for the purpose of verifying
a vote to any contesting parties by either not redeeming
that a voter has actually voted in an election. A voter
the vote token or by not casting the vote after redeeming
will sign on behalf of the group and the verifier body
the the vote token.
will be able to know that the signature is a part of the
10) Argue that a duplicate token cannot be generated
group proving that the person has really voted in the
Argument -
We prove this by proof of contradiction:-
14) Argue that if an attacker is able to obtain a p and a q
Let d and d’ be two tokens, such that d is a duplicate
equating to n when p * q, at a later stage post election
of d’ i.e. d=d’ where d = p*q and d’ = p’*q’, which
or after a valid voter has casted a vote, the election
implies either
will still remain safe and user privacy is not going to
a) p=p’ and q=q’ Equation 1 or be violated.
b) p=q’ and q=p’ Equation 2 Argument - Even if such a scenario happens the attacker
However, from Argument 1 the election commission cannot hamper anything as the knowledge of p and q
ensures that for any two tokens d and d’, where d=p*q can only allow to obtain the vote token,once a vote has
and d’=p’*q’, been casted neither a new token be issued based on the
neither knowledge of p and q, nor any changes in the vote can
a) p=p’ and q=q’ Equation 3 be made.
b) p=q’ and q=p’ Equation 4 VII. ATTACK S CENARIOS
Which is a contradiction, to our assumption in Eq. 1 and 1) Transaction Starving Attack - An attacker, be it a
Eq. 2. Hence, our system assure that a duplicate token single entity or a group can arbitrarily delay a valid
cannot be generated. vote transaction or a token generation transaction by
11) Argue that a valid token cannot be derived from known flooding the blockchain with excessive transaction at the
valid token Argument - Suppose, that two voters chooses same time, thus increasing the processing workload of


Authorized licensed use limited to: Australian National University. Downloaded on November 15,2023 at 23:23:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
the network. However, such type of attack cannot go
for an infinite time as each transaction will have a cost
associated, and the attack will be over as and when the
attacker runs out of balance.
2) DoS Attack - A voter will be connected to a full node,
to get information from the blockchain as well as inorder
to generate a token or cast a vote. The full node that the
voter is associated with, may play foul by intentionally
delaying the transaction propagation, and if the node is
also a miner further it may ignore the transaction and Fig. 4. Cost for Vote transactions
may not put in any of the blocks that it is mining. Such
a kind of DoS attack may go on for an infinite amount
of time. The resolve for such a kind of attack is to either IX. C ONCLUSION
switch the full node after a threshold period of time or In this work we proposed and implemented a prototype
it setup a fully independent node for itself. of zero knowledge based e-voting on a public blockchain.
3) Voter Profiling by full node/miner - A full node or We considered the underlying hardness of prime factorisation
a miner node can attempt profiling a user to which of a large number to serve as the problem, to which zero
the voter is associated with. Such an attack is possible knowledge solution is to be produced. In short we summarise
as the node can find out the IP address from which a the contributions of our paper as follows:-
transaction is coming, other information that an attacker 1) Self-Tallying Voting - Our proposed system allows for
can get is the timezone from which the transaction self tallying of the votes and thus provide the result
is coming. Such a kind of attack can be mitigated outcome instantly after the election period is over.
by switching a full node each time before sending a 2) ZK proof for a valid voter - A valid voter who has
transaction, or switching the peers before sending a voted in an election can prove that he has actually voted
transaction in case the voter has setup its own full node. without revealing his information.
4) Replay Attack - An non eligible voter may replay the 3) Conditional Disclosure of Proof-of-Vote: The election
same zero knowledge proof of possessing the secret commission being the group manager can disclose the
parameters which he has obtained from other valid voter. identity of a voter in case of any conflicts.
We invalidate this type of attack by destroying a token 4) Anonymous Voting - A vote casted by a voter leaks no
redeem smart contract by destroying it as soon as a token information about the real life identity of a voter.
is redeemed so that the same token redeeming contract
cannot be used to redeem more than one token. R EFERENCES
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