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Contoh Penulisan Rujukan Mengikut Format APA

1. Buku

Natarajan, R., & Chaturvedi, R. (2003). Geology of the Indian Ocean Floor. Hartford, CT:
Merganser University Press.

2. Buku yang melibatkan editor

Stanton, D. C., & Farbman, E. (Eds.). (2003). The female autograph: Theory and practice of
autobiography. Middletown, CT: Ibis Bookstore Press.

3. Artikel dalam buku yang melibatkan editor

Pepin, R. E. (2002). Uses of time in the political novels of Joseph Conrad. In C. W. Darling, Jr.,
J. Shields, & E. C. Farbman (Eds.), Chronological looping in political novels (pp. 99-135).
Hartford: Capital Press.

4. Jurnal

Chinn, C. A. & Brewer, W. F. (1993). The role of anomalous data in knowledge

acquisition: A theoritical framework and implication for science instruction.
Review of Educational Research. 63 (1), 1-49

5. Akhbar

New exam for doctor of future. (1989, March 15). The New York Times, p. B-10.

6. Thesis

Mohd Shukri, Abdul Wahab (2006) Peranan Konsultasi Perkhidmatan dan Latihan (PL) Dalam
Meningkatkan Prestasi di Jabatan Kastam: Satu Kajian Kes di Cawangan Pengurusan
Korporat Kastam Diraja Malaysia Pulau Pinang. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia
7. Rujukan Internet

Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate
engineering students’ misconceptions. Diperolehi pada 20 Jan 2010 daripada

8. Kamus

Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.
7. Rujukan Internet

Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate
engineering students’ misconceptions. Diperolehi pada 20 Jan 2010 daripada

8. Kamus

Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.
7. Rujukan Internet

Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate
engineering students’ misconceptions. Diperolehi pada 20 Jan 2010 daripada

8. Kamus

Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.
7. Rujukan Internet

Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate
engineering students’ misconceptions. Diperolehi pada 20 Jan 2010 daripada

8. Kamus

Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.

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