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Computer Architecture

Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah

Associate Professor, CSE, DUET
Today’s Topic

Arithmetic and logical processing unit


Ch-9 Stallings
Ch-3 Hennessy-Petterson
Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET 2
• Complex
• Work out partial product for each digit
• Take care with place value (column)
• Add partial products

Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET

Multiplication Example
1011  Multiplicand (11; decimal)
x 1101  Multiplier (13; decimal)
1011  Partial products
0000x Note: if multiplier bit is 1 then
1011xx copy multiplicand (place value)
1011xxx otherwise zero
10001111  Product (143 dec)

1. Need double length for storing result
2. Add and shift to achieve multiplication
Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET
Unsigned Binary Multiplication

FIGURE 3.3: First version of the multiplication hardware. (Source: Patterson- Pg-184)
Flowchart for
Unsigned Binary

FIGURE 3.4 : The first multiplication algorithm

Execution of Example
Refined hardware of multiplication


FIGURE 3.5 : Refined version of the multiplication hardware.

Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET

Multiplying Negative Numbers
• This does not work!
• Solution 1
– Convert to positive if required
– Multiply as above
– If signs were different, negate answer
• Solution 2
– Booth’s algorithm

Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET


Figure 9.12 Booth’s

Algorithm for Twos Result = A Q
Complement Multiplication
[Stallings pg-321]
Example of Booth’s Algorithm-1
M (Multiplicand) X Q(Multiplier) = AQ (Product)
(+ 7 ) X ( + 3 ) = ( + 21 )

Result = ( + 21 )
Example of Booth’s Algorithm-2
Multiplicand = M = +7 = 0111
Multiplier = Q = -3 = 1101
A Q Q-1 M Comments
0000 1101 0 0111 Initial Values
1001 1101 0 0111 Q0Q-1 = 10; A <= A-M
1100 1110 1 0111 Right-Shift AQQ-1 preserve sign bit
0011 1110 1 0111 Q0Q-1 = 01; A <= A+M
0001 1111 0 0111 Right-Shift AQQ-1 preserve sign bit
1010 1111 0 0111 Q0Q-1 = 10; A <= A-M
1101 0111 1 0111 Right-Shift AQQ-1 preserve sign bit
1101 0111 1 0111 Q0Q-1 = 11; A <= A (no change)
1110 1011 1 0111 Right-Shift AQQ-1 preserve sign bit
Result = ( - 21 )
Product = AQ = 11101011 = -21
Faster Multiplication

FIGURE 3.7 Fast multiplication hardware. Rather than use a single 32-bit adder 31 times,
this hardware “unrolls the loop” to use 31 adders and then organizes them to minimize

Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET

[1] Patterson, D. A., & Hennessy, J. L. (2014). Computer
organization and design: The hardware/software
interface (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann
[2] William Stallings, (2010), Computer Organization and
Architecture,(8th Ed), Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ
[3] Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, Naraig
Manjikian, (2012), Computer Organization and
Embedded Systems (6th Ed), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY
[4] M. Morris Mano (1993), Computer System Architecture
(3rd Ed), Prentice-Hall Inc. USA. (Ch-10-Comp Arith)

Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman Miah Dept of CSE, DUET 14

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